AGENT MOUNT ALB Etc Si Mount Albert PRESBYTERIAN The Presbyterians have lo hold their Sunday School in the forenoon and church immediate ly after instead of holding the Sunday School in the afternoon change will go the first Sunday in July and continue through J and Augu PICNIC The Mount Albert and Sunday Schools will bold their Annual Picnic to Jackson Point on Thursday July A pro gram of games and sports is be ing arranged Business places in town will Tie closed on that day but will be open all day on Wed nesday July 3rd instead of the usual half holiday Queensviile Mr and Mrs took tea with Mr Sunday Mr is very poorly Nest Sunday has been set aside by the Government for humilia tion and prayer We are have a speaker from Toronto and the Choir are preparing special mu sic We hope that every able citizen i in the neighborhood will gather in our little church for an hour of special prayer for he Allies Private Alfred Morris has ar rived in Toronto from the Front His nerves are badly shattered but we hope that rest and quiet will restore them Privates Ever ton and Stewart have returned to Niagara after a brief holiday Mr and Mrs Palmateer were out Sunday from Newmarket Baldwin Breezes Decoration Day of the Mount Albert Cemetery will be held on Sunday July at pm The directors request those are planting flowers kindly have same planted before that the shove the ladies are having for the refu gee children in Trance Any thing in childrens clothing ac ceptable also good second hand Clothing Last Saturday the ladies served cream and cake in Mr Kight- leys ice cream parlor which he kindly placed at their disposal Thirty dollars were realized which will go towards purchasing flowers fo Cemetery The Slock of I New market has been sold to M at an extremely low rate on dollar A great Clearing Sale starts on Saturday June It will pay you well to attend this Sale no mailer how far you live from Newmarket We are as sured that most positive and con- wincing bargains will be or der the day There will be a special otic Service in the Presbyterian ht Russell Qllroy Church on Sunday morning at oclock The subject In We have much pleasure this vice for God our Country and week in presenting to our readers our The children photo of an Orchard Beadh boy are taking part in recitations PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Samuel J Arnold of Mich called on their uncle Mr Robert Johnson last week also his daughter Mrs Shaw Miss Nellie Ross of the Domin ion Bank Toronto is spending her holidays at her home here Miss Harvey of Toronto spent Sunday with Miss Moore Mr and Mrs Pearson of visited his uncle Mr Frank Pearson over the week end Miss of was visiting Miss Mary Kightley this week Mr Lome Stokes is borne hav ing finished his course at Toron to Normal School Mr Herb Brooks and Mr Burns of Toronto were at the home of Mr Val Brooks over Sun day PRESENTATION A very pleasant event look place at the home of Mr II Monday evening when pupils both present and former bade farewell their teacher Mr M He was presented with a wrist watch anil an address read by Allan Cup- pies a former pupil The even ing was spent with games etc Short speeches from members of the School Board were given and refreshments were served Mr has been Principal of the Continuation School for past three years during which lime the school has been ably conducted The system of management has been almost perfect and the mor al tone has been good Mr hoes life has been an example and an inspiration to the youth of the Own his influence not be ing confined lo the school room It is with the deepest regret on the part of all concerned that he has been summoned under he S A short addresses and Flag Exer cises A very line order of ser vice has been prepared Come ami participate in ibis service Dont forget the Union Picnic to Bond Lake on Tuesday 2nd Arrangements the same as last year There will be a good turn out The Presbyterian Annual Gar den Party and Strawberry Festi val will be held on Friday July on Mrs Lawn when the usual line quality and quantity of berries will be served A good program is being prepared Ad dresses by Rev Thomas of New market Rev McLean of Bradford and local ministers Watch for lusters and remember the date orchestra will be in at tendance The Stock of Duncan New market has been sold to S M at an extremely low rate on the dollar A great Clearing Sale starts on Saturday June It will pay you well to attend this Sale no matter how- far you live from Newmarket We are as sured that most positive and con vincing bargains will be the or der of the day Haying has commenced The crop is turning out pretty good It was so cold last Saturday and Sunday that kitchen felt very comfortable Rev Covering delivered a very line sermon last Sunday morning Those who did not hear it missed a treat Mrs OBrien of and little Jean anj visiting her sister Miss Beatrice Williams Mr and Mrs Wiggins of Win nipeg motored here from Manito ba and visited her brother Mr Geo Thompson on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Geo accompanied by Cadet Earl Rus sell of the Flying Corps Mr Jas Russell his brother and Mr were visitors at Mr J Lewis on Sunday having mo tored from the city Miss Flossie Lewis of Toronto was home for the weekend Mr is decorating his residence with a new coat of paint Mr and Mrs Dunham of Toron to spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Mr ami Mrs Palsier of are visiting at Mrs Geo Mrs is visiting friends in this week Sharon who lias made good Russell is eldest son of Mr and Mrs Arthur and is well known to all the cottagers the Beach being born on the farm from whence the Beach gels its name When the war broke out be qualified for a Lieutenant and enlisted in Toronto He became impatient because of the delays and cancellation of orders and finally enlisted with Flying Corps at Camp Borden He weni overseas about a year ago and was retained in England as an Airplane Instructor When wrote on May he had just returned to Hill Hants after attend ing a School of Special Flying and in his letter lo his father he says This morning when I wenl down to the Aerodrome the Com mander was there and he came up me with a big smile on his face and congratulated me on my success at the Special School Of Flying He said Well you have the finest report have ever read You have pass ed as a firstclass Instructor on Scout machines and I want congratulate you because out pilots took tho course only got your standing and only one had as good a report of the pilots all have had over hours flying where yon had hours fly ling so you can consider yourself second to none Mr and Mrs have rea son to be proud of their son On account of his ability as a flier he has been given the use of the lat est and most powerful machine yet constructed II is calculated to make miles in one hour Russell jntends lo fly from his Aberdeen some of these days a distance of over miles and be expects to make a world record He has had two or three accidents but we sin cerely hope he may escape any more while doing his dangerous Judging from the correspondent of Ihe the Sharon Red Cross workers have all gone sleep and forgotten lhat there is a war on or any call for Hospital supplies In different issues or paper he has made statement after being informed to the contrary although be knows perfectly well here is much work being done by a few of women Since our last report paper Ihe following list of work done speaks for itself Pairs Socks Trench Shirts Sets Pyjamas doz Jackets Head Bandages Pair Pantaloon Face Clothes Belgian Dresses Belgian The annual picnic of the Sharon and and Presbyter ian Sabbath Schools will be held at Lake Park on Tuesday July 2nd Special cars leave Crossing calling at and Sharon Leaving at Sports will he held in the afternoon A special feature will be he wanning of the Banner present held by Methodist Come and spend an enjoyable day ooo ROACHS POINT What promises- lo bo an in tensely interesting bo Egypt schoolhouse some day this week before Esq it is based on a schoolboys row in Murray was pretty roughly hand led The defendants endeavor to show that the boy brought it up on himself by aggravation I feel perfectly assured that from my long acquaintance with Squire Brunton Ihe boys will have a fair and square trial without fear or favor I imagine the trial will be a dismissal with costs on the I must compliment our young ladies Misses and kids on the ability hey display in wrestling wilh ice cream A dish is only a mere bagatelle The box social and play held by the Baldwin Auxil iary was a most prodigious suc cess Seventy dollars and bel ter were realized The sale of boxes by J Auct was productive of much fun Ivan the lucky boy captured the sCuOOlnuVnfs box and her along with guess he must have given him the wink Lucky Ivan Herman the hero became posses sor of box of the of the play and of course Mistress went along with the bargain Within his arms he caught her close And won them all together kiss ah yes and his own true love For now and now forever Holland Landing Orchard Beach Those who missed the Womens Institute last Wednesday will re gret it when Ihey learn that the Mrs Watts was one of best that has ever spoken here under this auspices Mrs hovering favored us with a solo and Miss Lewis an excellent pi ano selection FALL PAIRS 1918 Waste and want are twin and neither Is beautiful June The town or Warner of here almost completely wiped Oil by a tin did damage at night Barrio Bolton Col ling wood Cookslown Sept Sept 30Oct 1 Sept Oct Lindsay Sept London Fair Sept Oct 35 Newmarket Sept Ottawa Central Sept Oct Toronto Aug Oct Decoration Day CEMETERY Saturday June 20th Meet at pm on the grounds JOHN A WRIGHT A MACKENZIE Secy Strayed from Lot in the Con of East on the 10th of June a White Sow medi um size Information leading to recovery will be suitably reward ed Arthur Knights TWO FOR SALE STRAYED From Lot Con about May a Black Steer years old right horn broken off two pig rings in right ear In formation leading to recovery suitably rewarded Mount Albert HEIFER Strayed from lot 10 in the Con of East about the middle of May a Heifer very much spoiled In formation to her recovery will be rewarded is Sharon P GO acres North quarter of Lot in Con Kant all cleared and vell fenced Well with plenty of vater Or chard and largo Barn Land in good cultivation three fields Heeded down acres South Half of Lot in Con East all cleared and fenced House and Barn Basement fitted with clasy stabling Corn 30 by feet two wells and Orchard Will sell both together or sep arate on easy terms Apply to undersigned on the premises JOHN iv21 Out Little Miss Mildred Cherry gave a birthday party lo her play- males on the shore on Tuesday afternoon Mr John Yokes and family opened their cottage last week Dr Crawford of Toronto was a weekend guest and Mrs Mat thews and daughter of Toronto arc visiting for week or so The Union Church will open next Sunday morning at o clock for he season Itev Or Hyde win he ihe preacher on the Beach should make a special effort attend il being the Day National Prayer for Allied Victory service at oclock It ex pected that Dr Hyde will also preach at this service Mrs Garvin of Toronto edit ress of the Womens Page in the Mail ik Empire and known to the public as Catharine Hah- has rented Mr Manns cabin on tho Lake Shore and it is being fitted op for her Her presence will lend a literary tone lo the Beach Mrs and daughter of Toronto are summering at the cottage of her mother Mrs Fish er A public meeting of all col- lagers on the Lake Shore lload is called 845 at Willoughbys Hall Island Grove Saturday ev ening at which mat ters of importance will be discussed Lei Orchard Beach be well represented Mlaa Miss Marrow have decided to sell their cottago at the south end of the Beach and return to California where they spent last winter They aro enamored with the Southern Fred of Toronto Police Force is spending two or three days on the Reach A number of boats have been fishing but no reports yet of being caught The Bed Cross Society met on Saturday afternoon and decided hold their annual Garden Par ty on the beautiful and spacious lawn of Mr Robt Kilgour on Fri day afternoon and evening of July 5th Preparations will bo made for people and it Will no doubt be largest gather ing of the kind in the Northern part Of the counlry this summer Refreshments will be served on the buffet plan from to pm during which time a splendid pro gram of music and readings will be rendered by Toronto and lo cal talent The chair will be occupied by Mr the popular treasurer of the City of Toronto who will introduce Dr McNeil of Walmer lload Baptist Church Toronto who will speak an hour on his Ex periences at the Seat of War The Dr spent three years at the front and being a magnetic and entertaining speaker a great treat is in store for the people who seldom have an opportunity to hear such a distinguished ora tor No pains will bo spared to make Ihe Garden Party the great est success since the war began and as the proceeds are for the work of the Bed Cross it appeals to the patriotism of everybody to make the occasion a great suc cess The Slock of F Duncan New market has been sold to at an extremely low rale on the dollar A great Clearing Sale stalls On Saturday June will pay you WO lo attend this Sale no matter- how far you live The play was a domestic dra ma a designing mother schem ing to pick a wife for her boy She failed the boy for himself and won a millionaire It so happened once in Bald wins history lhat society was picking out a love for one of our popularjst most popular boys Mamma said So on and so on young ladies shouldnt have her boy When aforesaid ladies heard of it you can depend upon there was a snorting and snarl ing When you want more funds ladies remember the box social stands preeminent as a drawing card in our town The only possible objection I saw ii the show was that it was held in the church the house Miss spent the weekend with her mother Miss Smith of Toron to is spending a few days Mrs Mr and Mrs Piper have re turned to residence Mrs J Mulvaney who has been dangerously ill past week with pneumonia is slowly recovering Mrs Stanley spent a few days last week with Mrs Morning Miss Ida of Toronto who has been visiting at the parsonage lefl for Muskoka on Tuesday The Holland Landing Red Cross will hold their Annual Garden Party on July 1st The Ladies will be in at tendance all day serving icecream and refreshments A good program will he rendered during the evening Come and enjoy a good time Black Chairman of Bradford District preaced a very inspiring ser mon last Sunday evening in Meth odist Church Mrs Piper arrived on Tuesday and will bo in town for the summer Next Sunday will he specially known as Patriotic Sunday have been made for a special service in the Methodist Church Mr Tay lor of Toronto is expected to give an address Special music Every per son welcome- The St Union ami L Methodist purpose holding a in Park next Saturday after noon person interested will be very welcome Come early and bring your baskets The little ones are looking forward tins Willi great glee Miss Minnie who now in training at the Military Base Hospital spent last Monday with her invalid mother Miss Amy wriles there is a little bird flies around Sedg wick Alberta singing Hurry Up Hurry Up I Amy look his advice ami plowed the garden Mrs of Toronto Mrs A Hughs sister is very ill at this writing cur is Myrna I Miss Jewell of is her sister Mrs T One of our great workers Bruin is leaving us sorry to lose her A parly in honour of her en Monday the home of Mrs and all report a lime Buz Sutton West Too for Last Week Ihodist Church are hav their Sunday School at to clock during the summer month All the stores in town also the bank are taking Wednesday after- noon as a holiday during the sum Mr and Mrs Alex Burrows were in town on Tuesday On July there will be a Union three churches in town Methodist Anglican and Presbyterian Sorry hear Miss Hail ton has been home sick can agree on on Keswick from Newmarket We are as HOPE FOR FLETCHERS AST The Aid at Mrs Gibsons was ver successful Mrs gave a splendid paper on Per sonal Influence The ladles have decided to give a special pro gram each month and are getting some printed for the year The proceeds were Mr and Mrs Crowdor visited Mr Will Andrews on Sunday sored lhat most positive anil con vincing bargains will be or der of the day The Cross will meet at the home of Mrs Robert Kilgour for the summer A box was shipped Ibis week to the Cross Work Room Toronto containing of Pyjamas and Quilts The Cross Garden Party on July Watch for bills Mrs Ford is visiting Mrs Sherman in Newmarket for a days Mr Frank Sherman and Mr Young motored Newmarket on Monday afternoon We are all pleased to see Mr Young able to be out again The Cross Garden Party on July 5th promises lo be a big event It cant be too big for a good cause We are sorry to hear Mrs Kelloya little boy has the measels and hope he will soon he able to be out again Saturday was a busy day at No Registration Day Mr and Mrs J Hamilton and Mr and Mrs p J Cole motored out to Balsam Lake on Sunday Mr and Mrs Sherman Miss and Mr Seymour Godfrey called on Mrs at Vic toria on their way to Bal sam Lake last Sunday Busy Bee The Ionian Church in Hill was entered Into by a couple of hoys aged fourteen find a and paten part of com munion service was stolen One of hoys was sent to the Industrial School until ho is one and the other was lei off on suspended sen tence on promising Dial hi would dedicated and consecrated to the service of God and not the devil Christ when He found the money changers and gamblers in the temple made a and drove I hem out saying It is written My House shall- be a house of prayer and ye have made it a den of thieves Monday was surprise- day for Uncle I strolled into and there found a of strawberries wailing my pleas ure I did my duly with great alacrity Next I strolled down towards A car came looming along halted and a paw passed out Give hand After finding Ihe occupants were Mr and Mrs Norman Byes ami Mr and Mrs Leslie Miller all of Queen St North I could not ex press my delight Mrs Eves nee Miss Ida Weildel is the daughter Of my schoolmate neighbor and churn Ihe late David Weddel I thought very highly of her par ents She Is a woman worthy Of such parents You have to show your credentials lo show you are a Weddel will catch the Owl Master Norval Poster son Of J J Poster lale Of Baldwin came down to town fish at box social lie caught a box and pretty little Crittenden who made her debut into society lhat evening They make quite a charming lillle couple is one of my favorite good boys boy hat minds his own business and a regular slave to work He can take an able mans place any where Frank and W Thompson tended the Confer ence at Alton a The people there seem very hospitable The old pilgrim Daniel wasnt on Mr Fred of the firm of Bros is laid up with a sore knee He was cranking the motor truck last Friday and the engine backfired on account of something not being set right and he nearly had his leg broken He is obliged to remain perfect ly quiet for a few weeks which is pretty hard to do with the busy season just upon him Prof J Dales spoke in Christ ian Church on Sunday Hulls In the Church across Hie way preached one of his usual large audiences His sermons for next week are to he about How Cod answers Prayer Last Saturday a few young people Mrs to hid farewell lo Misses Bruin and Mary both of whom arc withdrawing from their respective schools to lake up work elsewhere Miss Joy arrived home from school on he Mr and Mrs Morion are leav ing shortly for Toronto They will he greatly missed by I heir many friends and relatives in Keswick We wish them happiness In their new home A gathering was held at Mr Cou ncil Marritts ill honour of Mr and Mrs Murray Davis on Wednesday the The pray or and goad wishes of their friends in Keswick will fol low In their home in China for which intend leave shortly Miss Morton our Keswick farmerette seems be making wee lis In her plot sit tip and lake no- flue Keep up the good work Edith and when sun is very hot remem ber you are doing your bit During past week an enjoyable evening was spent by a group of young people at Kennedys Point a given by Miss Leila Morton in honour of Miss I ant you still have place on lids page for your old friend don think farming wilh her Miss Florence spent a couple of weeks in the city visit ing friends The Red Society pur pose holding a Garden Parly the grounds of St James Hall Thursday July Uh Tea served from lo pm At the meeting of Ihe Hod Cross- Society on Tuesday a box of sup plies was packed for Headquar ters in Toronto containing Pairs Pyjamas Personal Properly Bags Comfort Hags Pillow Cases- Pairs Socks The usual Picnic will he held at Jacksons Point on Dominion Day Baseball and dancing are Ihe chief The Sunday Schools of Sutton hold a Union Picnic at Ihe Point on Wednesday July for which arrangements are being complet ed The Stock of F Duncan New market has been sold to on he dollar A great Clearing at an extremely low rale Sale starts on Saturday II will pay you well to alt end this Sale no matter how far you live from Newmarket We are as sured that inns I positive and con vincing bargains will be Hie or der of the day LIQUOR SMUGGLERS TRIED NEW DODGE deck How so Perhaps The way was long wind was cold The pilgrim was infirm and old I intended serving up Roast Conservative this week but am compelled to lay il by to next Per haps by then your appetite will be good Many many stand byes of the parly are voluntarily declar ing they have cast their last Con volo May I say The Stiles now I would advise Sir Robert ami his colleagues in the Cabinet to feather their nest woll Ibis time for when war Is over they will be hurled from power and wiped out to sea as on a tidal wave and their nest and feathers will bo blown four corners of earth to be seen never more Now round up the One hero is biding in the bush SO eyewitnesses say Dad and mam will bo rounded up loo and the farm will pay tho bill Lennox Picnic I I guess not I Ask Mr Armstrong who was turned down ami pinned down with a by bis Sup porters lately Mr Morton Is spending a few days Ibis week wilh his parents here Home Is the best place for you these limes Mr Arthur King has purchased a new buggy I wonder whos his lady friend Mrs It K Cook and little Dorothy have gone to spend few weeks her mother and in Sorry to hear that Miss Pearl Fletcher has People are beginning to think that new Is a long time corn ing Last Wednesday evening about fortyfive people gathered at the home of Mrs A to welcome Mr Murray Davis a missionary from China and his bride our midst for a few months They played games and afterwards had lunch All re port a good time How Is road work coming on Rob Youre making a good Job alright Miss Cook of Ml Albert is spend ing A few weeks With her brother here to see Miss Joy Marrltt in our midst again Mr Jesse Council Is some sport in his white ducks Mrs Ira Morton and little Ruth are Upending a few days in Keswick if 1 were you 1 would Start a circus Mr mid Mrs Angus King spent a few days in city las week Miss Terry spent a day in Newmarket this week Themomwitraw For Tickets Reservations JJteg and l A new Montreal industry start ed with every promise of success is about to expire When the Ontario License Hoard gels through its investigations the making of plaster pedestals Of a certain type will no longer be popular There is of course no inherent evil in a As a it is dry enough satisfy even commissioners The trouble lies in fact that fault of Iheir own plaster pedes laid get damp ami give forth an odor that is no longer respectable in tin Province It was such a mishap a plas ter pedestal in the railway -la- lion at Timmius that put a damper upon the new industry An official of the board was wandering Ihe station his nose slightly thrust forward as is the habit of liquor inspectors hunting for odors when he noticed moisture coming from a carefully wrapped up pe destal The his curiosity which was not isfled until he had broken open- the bottom of the ornament and extracted a live gallon tin of high wines A further search reveal ed another fivegallons similarly camouflaged Doth parcels were consigned under a name ami were not The board however is leasing Ihe shipment Montreal tet Pic A Harvey was killed id an airplane accident- Wednesday The Hague tun- The latest triumph of in means that princes will be forced to pay postage As a result of criticism by numerous Held is lag members over special privileges of houses during the Federal Council ha decided submit law limiting the franking privilege to members reigning houses flange clearet Red Clover Specla Timothy is No Carters 1lb I Carters 5 and BULK Put AN FRESH Ml We can with etc Restaurant SO FLO fi TOMATO ASTERS Suet Prompt I T THE for and Us- Enter Show War heav this mm una of ponchos as by Prisoners threo ma With ynie r Je Mam norli lr son Sparine JOtotry- I some an i rs a trc liIV3