Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1918, p. 3

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mm I J 1 J N 1 JUNE jLftlB OUR Dominion Day Vex I Monday being the Confederation is a public holiday AH places of will be closed Aurora celebration but Newmarket quiet has a will Sale Starts Saturday The Stock of Duncan New market has been sold to extremely low rate the dollar A great Clearing Marls on Saturday June it will pay wc lo no matter bow far you live from Newmarket We are as sured that most positive and con vincing bargains will be the or der the day Pauls Church Services Sunday June Is a Special Day Humiliation and Prayer in connec tion the present crisis will he celebrations of the Holy at a at which special intercessions will be offered p the War Tablet in memory men of St- Pauls Church who the cause of be unveiled and an of given their lives in and justice will address given by Charles Archdeacon of j hoped that recognition of the jjirtiiness of the present situation will large numb prayers for Victory at llia day On Friday ink I Methodist Sunday School Dont forget ani next Sun day I Carry Your Registration A business man wanted to go to Toronto on Wednesday morning was unable to procure a ticket at the Metropolian Station because he had his Certificate at home Moral Always carry your Certificate with you to unite all service in on evening June at Christian Endeavor Those made an effort to be at the meeting last Tuesday evening did riot regret it The paper given by Miss Lulu Collins on How to have a good time was splendidly given Mr Charlie Cumber- bad charge of the meet ing The Endeavor has closed down for the summer months Next Monday July 1st the Endeavor are holding their An nual Picnic lo Bond Lake Let everyone come and have a good time Com We were without our Toronto papers by mail on Tuesday until noon A mail bag was carried on to Sutton by mistake ami re turned on the oclock car WWtchurph Council meets at to-morrow- King Council meets at Kinz City on Saturday Some of the High School stu dents are writing- on exams this week for Entrance to Faculty of 8TUDENT8 AT HIGH SCHOOL The following list contains the names of the pupils who have quali fied for advancement in Newmarket High School Students have been ad- milted higher forms First Without Examinations when obtained Honour standing at the term Examinations at Christmas Easier Second By Farm Employment when they have obtained at Easter pass standing in each subject with per cent of the total marks and have given a written statement from their guardians that they are required help in farm work Third By Examination when they have obtained Hie required standing the June Examinations Names are in order of Merit Admitted Form A or I Without Examination Belle Davidson John Lister Evelyn Wed del The ration was carried out quietly in Newmarkets last Saturday There was no rush at the school- houses possibly on account of so many people registering before the day appointed Mr P Anderson Town Clerk registered which is the largest number recorded by any assistant registrar in District Number North York The Registrar and his assistant are busy summing up the results So far as cornpleted the number registered in the several municipalities is as fol lows Newmarket 3048 Aurora 751 Sutton Following is- a list of the assistants who volunteered their services for the Registering in North York Aurora John McDonald Miss MallougH AGENTS BUTTERICK PATTERNS ALL GOOD BRUNTONt BAKING POWDER m This our advice Is BUY EARLY mariy Lines cannot repeated at any Price and many other Lines on future delivery will be advanc ed Price from to Many Lines of 8hoes at Old Prices- Lines of Up- to- Date we are showing are not seen outside of the Best Toronto Stores The Workmanship of Every Pair is Guaranteed Be i Dont get worried about shortage of Tho beat ft Information we can get Is that there will be as much Sugar this year as last but It may be a little later In Delivery rt f preparation here will he a special service Education Mathematics Etc Mr presiding ex aminer The Faculty exam- con tinue iiqxS week Wedding i gulden wedding of Mr and Mrs Thornton was happily celebrated eivning the residence of their soninlaw and daughter Rev pastor of Dan forth and president of the To ronto and Mrs gimpon avenue The and bridegroom of fifty years mi re married by A Campbell minister of Church on June Mr m their marriage was seven six of whom are living Mrs It J I Simp son Mr A Wallace Mrs Henry dive Alberta and Mis- Mary of Toronto and two J- Edmonton Alberta J of Thornton are nine grandchildren Mr and Mr- lived at Downs- rfeW one year after their marriage have since lived Thornton Ihe guests were Mrs Rachel trnL bridesmaid and William brother of James who were present at the marriage Rev Simpson was formerly pastor of Church No Parcels For A notification Turkey lias received from British Authorities to the ef fect that Parcel Post Service for Prisoners of War in Turkey or Bul garia is at present suspended Until Service is resumed no parcels can he forwarded to Prisoners of War in Turkey or Bulgaria and persons de siring to help Prisoners of War in these countries are advised to forward remittances to them These can be sent by means of Post Office Money Orders which are issued free of com mission Particulars as to how to proceed may be obtained from Post masters of Accounting Offices Any parcels for Prisoners of War in these countries which may be intercepted in the course of transmission will be re turned the senders providing the name of the sender is given on the parcel A Bare Opportunity The Bed Cross Society of Point holding a Harden Party on Beautiful Lawn of Mr Kllgour on Fri day July and besides a splendid program of Music and Headings by To ronto and Local Talent the special is Ihe address by Rev Dr McNeil of Road Baptist Church Toronto on Experiences at McNeil is- one of the best plat form speakers in Ihe city of Toronto and on more than one occasion he was electrified an Immense audience In flail lie is an exceptionally and entrancing orator and sojourn of three years on duty Bailie Front will make his ad- exceedingly interesting at prent lime In order that people of North lor have an opportunity hear distinguished speaker the Red Society Roachs Point has se cured Special Metropolitan Car Newmarket fi colling tops arriving at the Point Iluffel refreshments on ar- The Dr is to speak Hint people from the North on lie regular car at the special car will leave for that Newmarket people can he home by oclock It hoped people of this vicinity Will Ihelr appreciation by car Womens institute The Summer Meeting of the Womens Institute was held in the Friends School Room New market oh Thursday June Mrs Walts of the Department gave a valuable talk on Helps lo Mothers and Daughters starling with the companionship from in fancy to maturity and laying much stress on the value of children in the home The bed time talk and confidence just be fore retiring was compared to the sowing of good seed in fertile soil which must bring forth good fruit Mrs and Mrs Stephens very ably assisted by rendering appropriate solos The next meeting will be on our reg ular meeting day arid will be a demonstration of Cooker and Steam Pressure Can- Outfit Man Killed A bad accident occurred at mi Monday resulting in the of Mr Nelson Starr eldest Of Mr Starr of the ton church driving Aurora and picked returned soldier about a mile and natron Town he neared south train was Just coming An Starr Whipped up the trv- make the crossing the 4ir of ihe wagon and thus ijf he collision killed homes smashed 1 wagon and Mr Starr upon alfKbllng on his head He was lip unconscious tit bales Williams arid Webb were ft hand in a few moments and after first aid ordered man to a Toronto hospital lie was Men there on the train which struck waggon He vas about lo be the hospital door when he away The body was taken Aurora where Coroner J opened an In- t ceased was In Ids year and wife to he was a year ftgo and one child a peculiar coincidence thai two Mr were killed under Mount Albert ago funeral took pine yesterday family rcaldencc to and was very The bereaved bra of he entire WJ in their sorrow Methodist Church Order of Service Prayer Sunday Morning Organ Rubinsteins Melody in Choir Morning Prayer Gounod Hymn Anthem The Nations Prayer listen Solo and God be With You Hymn Sermon- Prayer Duet My Faith Looks up to Thee Hymn Organ Dubois Evening Organ Hymn Anthem Give Ear Quartette Mothers Prayers have followed Me Hymn Sermon The Lost Christ Hymn J Wood Pastor Mrs Mason Organist and Choir Conductor By Farm Employment Edith Williams Alice Hamilton Miller Evelyn Hamilton a By Examination Moris Cane Grace Wood Percy Kennedy Cecilia William Crawford William Hall Marguerite Olive Williamson Wilbur Pearl Fletcher Iris Elliot I Lilly Hart Violet Lulu Moulds Vern Fred Knights Charles Jennie Glover Muriel Mabel Mimshaw Agnes Todd Alzina Owens Muriel Jacks Emma Earle Burrows Maurice Pcrrault Edith Allan Squire Ad milled to Form III 1 without Examination Boss Hugh son By Farm Employment Gordon Hunter Frank J By Examination Victor Stpuffer Honors Kathleen Moore Cecil Lundy King El wood Johns Oliver Thompson The admission of a number of other students to Form III Is conllgenl passing the Lower School Normal En trance Examinations set by the partinent of Admitted to Senior Commercial Class Without Examination Arthur West By Examination Harry Honors Waller Terry Honors Vera Mears Louise Morning Albert Richards Frank Evans Bain llarlaiid Arthur Pollock Laura Boss The following have passed Ex aminations by Committee of Commercial Masters of Ontario and are entitled to a Graduation diploma from Miss Williams Miss Baldwin Miss Jenkins Miss Soanes Miss Pratt Miss Mrs Dicker Mrs Murray Fred Underbill Clarence Dicker J T Klnley Large Geo Johnson Ewers Rev J A Rev P M Scott Miss Miss Lemon Miss Fetch Mrs H F Allen Mrs Gertrude MuIIoy East Miss Hilda Best A M Cody W Mrs Fred Dawson White Miss Clara Proctor Harry Barker Kemp Thompson Miss Miss Salter Thos Miss Irene Wayling Miss Hall Merlon Shaw Watson Miss A Mackenzie Miss Miss Smith Work Miss A Lundy Harvey Manning Miss B Hunter Miss Miss Jar J no Hopkins ino w Finder Geo Miss Doris Stephens Mrs Pearl White Miss M Vanderburg Rev Miss A W Cameron MISS Agnes Marshall Miss Mary Brown Miss 1 McLaughlin Miss Isabel Anderson Qeorglna Evans Miss Miss Arnold Miss Ego Miss Arnold Miss Miss A- Stiles Anderson Miss Miss Miss Hansford Kehbe Miss Daisy Watts Miss Miss Miss Wilson Geo Miss Slarr Miss Brooks Caldwell Annie Miss Robertson J Woodcock P J Anderson Munshaw Win Miss V Howard Dr A Dr Stevenson Miss Tighe Miss M Mrs Miss Morton Miss Miss Holliday Miss Clarke Miss Stewart Mrs N Robertson Miss M Kennedy J North A Miss M ShcppardxWm Bird Miss P Draper H A Winch Miss Nelson Miss Anderson MISS Ardill A i r Miss K Mahoney Miss A Miss Terry Peter McMillan Miss P Stiles A Hamilton Miss A Stiles Miss J Miss Robinson Miss Hamilton E A Jno Sprague W Pollard Miss Miss V Sheppard Tillelt A Till Fred J Miss V Barker Jas Anderson Anderson Miss K Anderson M Miss M Thos Miss A Hamilton Miss Morton Miss Flora Elizabeth Graham Hie rial Newmarket Class Bessie Brown Edith High School Com me r- Honors Philip Shier Miss Stevenson Miss A A King Mrs 7 Peers Miss Mrs A V Mrs W If Taylor Miss A Miss Anderson Taylor Miss M Anderson W Johnson Miss J Moore Miss Miss lillie Miss Miss Morris Henry Hart Harrington Miss Anderson Mrs Gertrude Bailey Miss Bessie Ramsay Mrs J Miss Weir Miss Margaret Johnson Clarence Bodley Island Jno Carolyn Carson Holland Landing Goodwin Miss M j Parsons J Mis May Morning Mrs Marjorlc King Home Silas Arruitage He La Salic CollegeBrother Bernard W H Miss Mrs Morrison Miss Miss M Mitchell Miss Miss A Donovan Mrs Mrs Cuttle Mrs Moxon Miss L Mrs Miss M McDonald Whitchurch Treloar I Pugsley Pugsley Sturtridge A Miss B Joyce T J Miss McBride Miss Petch Miss M Graham Paul Milton Miss Walker Miss Miller W Williams Miss M Foster Mrs A Miss A Fee Miss Miss M Hopper W Miss J Ross Miss L Clarke Miss K S Bark ley Miss Barnes Mrs McKuen Rev IE Payne Everett Barnes Miss A Anderson Miss M McQualo Miss J it Fairies Miss j Patterson W J Grey Grey J Gray J A Beat tie Isaac Aurora Wrist Watches AND QEHT8 In Gold and CLOCKS IVORY KITCHEN CUT GLASS WATERMAN FOUNTAIN KODAKS and Atkinson Co Marriage Lloensoi The following officers from Aurora- Lodge A and A M were installed Monday evening by Past District Representative L P M J Hill M Dr Ford Taylor A J secretary HJ McDonald treasurer After the instalment the members of the lode were invitrxl to sup per at the club by the stalled worshipful master The Aurora Patriotic League of the Womens Institute are hold ing their Annual Patriotic Field pay in the Town Park Aurora on July 1st A full program of sports is being arranged Pro ceeds are to ho used lo continue the work of sending comforts lo the boys overseas The Slock of Duncan New market has been sold to Dun lop at an extremely low rate on the dollar A great Clearing Sale starts on Saturday June 2U It will pay vou well to attend this Sale no matter how far you live from Newmarket We are as sured that positive and con vincing bargains will be or der- of the day HILL Moving picture shows and dime novels to excess are alleged to have caused downfall of three bright- looking hoys of Richmond Hill Fred Burnett Hurry Urine and Robert who appeared in Mai- police court on an ad journed ease of theft Their mothers appeared with them The magistrate gave them a salutary talk about being a disgrace to their respectable parents and gave them three weeks grace in which time were lo find work Era to absent friends Silas Armilage Brother Bernard A Miss Whftson Miss ledge Miss Farmer Miss Brown Miss Amey A Hall Jenkins Watson- Miss Ruth Patten Miss Lynn Douglas MIsb Miss Miss E Dove Tom Proctor Thus Clarke Miss M Thomson Miss j Thomson hartley Davis Harrison Miss Deacon Stewart Miss W Oldham J McTaggarl McMnrchy Miss Splhdler Miss Hill Miss A Miss Lizzie Johns Edmund Hardy w Miss I Miss Olive Ross Miss L I Mrs If Ground Wlddlfleld Stafford P MoArthur Miss Jenkins Miss Forester Miss Miss V Leary Leathers Miss Waterman Mrs A Artostrong Miss Watson Laura J Widilifield Miss M Mitchell Miss Wills Jos Groves Everton w Smith Miss Pipher A Haines I Fletcher Smith Mrs Miss Archibald Miss Edna Wesley Walls Miss a Samuel Jarnleson Miss M Jarnleson Jno A Wllkle Miss Miss Wallace Miss Chapman w Rogers W Rogers Miss Smith Miss V Cose Miss Ferguson MISS Webb MISS P Case Mrs Elmer Edwards Walter Murray Miss MISS Ida Marshall Miss Bertha Wells Miss J Mrs 1 Wells Wm Ferguson Walter Rolling Miss Mary Sturdy Miss Clara Miss Alma Paxton II Coffey Annie M Coffee John It Lukes Merle Kitchen Olive Tlerney Valerie Fry Alfred Burgess J II Thompson Miss Porter T M Blackburn MlBS Hazel Gibson Miss Bond Miss M Elliott A Lloyd W Fox Miss Miss Mary Teasdate Miss J V Lennox Miss Frances Glumes Miss Grace Haitian Mies V Edwards Mrs Maude Taylor J A Armstrong Rev J If John a Davidson A Cornell W L KIdd j Frank Stewart Vale W E Duncan 1 J J Wilson I W Miss E Stark Miss J Miss Wesley Mrs W Mills Mrs Miss Mrs A Mrs Keith MlssF Mis Cane Mrs Hill Sehomberg Mr ami Mrs Forester Mrs Death and Mrs K Skinner of To ronto spent Friday with Mr and Mrs Geo Skinner Mrs of Toron to spent Wednesday with her son Father of Toron to Is spending a few days with Father Coleman Mr and Mrs J A M Armstrong and Mr and Mrs Coffey left Wednesday for a motor trip to New York and othor points Mr Wm and Rimer Terry of Ketlleby called on friends in town Thursday evening Mr Eli of Lloyd town pass ed away at his home on Sunday last Funeral look place Tues day to Magdalene Cemetery Ho a and family to mourn their loss Mr and Mrs Lester Frizzoll of Toronto visited his parents Mon day Mr and Mrs Walter Sloan of Hells Lake Miss Mary Graham end Mrs ana children motored to Midland Sat urday evening to visit relatives returning Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Skinner and Mrs spent Sunday even ing in Aurora Mrs spent couple of days in town this week The Stock of F Duncan New market has been sold to M at extremely low rale on he dollar A great tearing Sale starts on Saturday Juno It will pay you well to attend this Sale no matter how for you from Wo are as sured that most positive and con vincing bargains will the or der Of day Era Ada bring results -l- J1 NEWMARKET w TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladies Black and White Lisle Hose Reg Sale Price 25c- Ribbed Hose Makes a Good School Hose for Boys or Girls Price 38o Ladies Fine Lisle Silk Ankle Hose to 10 Good Value ToDay for Mercury Brand Hose Good Heavy Lisle Thread Special for this 8ale Table of Remnants including Fancy Voiles Muslin Ginghams Prints all at Cost Price Basket of Fancy and Plain Ribbons Narrow and Wide Widths THAN C08T I LI I I OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP RRSBRV8 FOND GREATER PRODUCTION GreUr of fczl la ikm jfta a la order to lotal NEWMARKET BRANCH SMYTH Minger HERE IS SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU 1 1 Dont Miss the Opportunity Ladles Pumps Reg for Ladles HighTopped Boots fop 578 Ladles Mary Jane Low Reg 3 for Childrens Low Shoes In White from to 2 Rog for Childrens Patent Leather Ladles Blouses Reg 450 for Ladles While Skirts On Sale for A Big stock of Running Shoo9 Must bo Sold at Reasonable Prices W J El a of King George Hotol Wwur NEWMARKET Childrens will he observed iho Church here next Sun day Service oclock Songs and recilatlons by children Mr Cornell Principal of Newmarket Pub lic Schools In expected to he present A large congregation of grownups Is requested SNOWBALL Messrs and George Rupert of Toronto spent Sunday with their un cle Mr Norman Messrs Will end Arthur Storey at tended the funeral of heir mother In Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs Logan of Whitchurch visited In Snowball over Hie week end Miss Carrie and lady friend Miss I Moore of Newmarket spent Sunday at the formers home Mr and Mrs John Morning spent Sunday with their son at Several around here attended the of Church on Sunday Wont has been received that Pte Mitchell has been sent to for further treatment Try one Montreal June 2f A wonderful vista of color and festivity was un folded at the foot of the mountain near city when St Jean Day was celebrated by solemn High Mass at which Blue Devils participated A throng esti mated at people took pari and the presence of scores of Canadian and Imperial officers in khaki a few American soldiers and sailors and even two Russian officers In uniform- com bined lo make the occasion one of the most stirring ever held In Montreal Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto tola week were as follows Choice Export Steers Choice Butcher Cuttle Good Butcher Cattle Choice Butcher Cows Choice Feeders Milkers Springers Choice Veals Medium Veals Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep Hogs off cars 81025 ii75 1300 13000 2100 Newmarket Markets Eggs per Butter per lb Wheat bush Oats hush Barley bush Bran ton 3800 oo Toronto Markets Bui lor do 45 Turkeys lh 38 Spring Chickens lb Ducks Kail Wheat bush 2U Wheat bush 212 Oats bush 87 Barley Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton lvo young men Era Ads bring rosulls Try one liS fill H IS I 9 iii i lis Ah were drowned Monday and two com rades when an old punt la which they were sailing filled and sank rti if- yw3f9ee

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