Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1918, p. 2

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3sv flip 111 j J FEATHER BOA FOUH9 On Main St- on Tuesday aflerno6n Owner may have same by calling at thjs Of fice STRAYED- Two Red Yearling Heifer Calves one a Dark Red the oilier a Lighter Red from acids Pine Orchard Phone No 3202 2w22 uflimer Cottage TO RENT On Sandy Point Lake furnished Fine shady spot right on waters edge c Watson Newmarket Editorial Notes WORK WANTED for fur- Having secured a Tractor use on the Farm I am prepared to contract for plowing two rows with skimmers ill plow between four and live acres a day Contracts hooked for eith er summer or fall plowing- Terras reasonable Newmarket College Farm Phono 3m22 NOTICE Please lake notice that the gal practice of the late T J Rob ertson taken over by me at the beginning of the year will he amalgamated with the Toronto practice of and Co who have opened an office at Building Adelaide and Sis Toronto Main The office at Newmarket will he discontinued during Hie war and all papers and documents belong ing to clients will be transferred Toronto The two new Ministers appointed by the Provincial Government arc not going to have easy sailing into office Dr Cody Minister of Education is being opposed Varley a labor man ana returned soldier while Hon Geo S Henry Minister of Agriculture has John a patentmedicine manufacture as his opponent As he fight will last for eight weeks the time set by last ses sion of the Legislature people will be tired of the contest before the day of polling The Toronto papers seem to think that the opposition candidates will not have a ghost of a chance but will have the opportunity of letting the electorate know a thing or two rule Dr Steele Unionist P for South Perth has been petitioned by people of his constituency to use his vote and influence to revoke the cancelling I he lions of young men between the ages of and inclusive inasmuch as they believe it would result in a ser ious diminution in the production of food on the Failing in this he is asked to resign in order that the petitioners may be permitted to elect a successor who will properly rep resent their views in Parliament The electors these day are thinking for themselves and to all appearances great changes will take place at next election Red The last meeting the Red Cross Society was in the on Tuesday- with a fair at tendance The was members are kindly sked t take notice that there will be no meetings during and Aug but anyone willing to help can get supplies from Miss Dont forget French Flag Day July Proceeds wounded and disabled French York County Council lWi Fall Wheat Seed ANNOUNCEMENT hi view of tin partial failure of the Fall Wheat crop ill this Province year it will lie ne cessary for farmers make early arrangements for the supply of heed which they will need for fall sowing Under these cir cumstances farmers who have on hand quantities for fall seeding are urged con serve them for this purpose If there is no demand locally tin information should he supplied thin Department or to the Local Office of this Department in your County so that every effort may be made to have an equitable and satisfactory distribution flip need for foodstuff justifies a acreage of Fall Wheat in tin- Wits year aild cooperation of Ki farmers in the mobilization and lion Of the available seed supplies is invited Gen OF Henry Minister Parliament Toronto I J Newmarket Out FOOD SAYS doctrines have brought Russia down from one of the food producing countries on the globe condition of starvation Drunk with liberty which they did not understand filleil with idealistic no tions about hi equality of man and laeking individual initiative produc tion in Russia has practically ceased according the evidences reaching the outside world Transportation and distribution Is so disorganized Hint even were the peasants of the land producing usual amount of foodstuffs the people in the manu facturing population would still be without the necessary food supplies lo sustain in safety and coin- fort he people of Russia steady down and organize themselves or allow authorities to organ- then there is the possibility of one of the most stupendous disasters to a nation and a great people that every occurred in history Without authority for whom they Have fear and respect the Russian peasant seems he without motive or initiative We read of peasants in their anger against the property holding of the late aristocrat regime destroying not only he personal effects of the nobility ami the owning but the very crops which they had themselves under the former social organization produced for he nation at large Without the old motive of to cultivate the Moid for the landowner now land has revetted the peasants themselves are the owners they have neglected to work and to produce the necessaries of life To Such a pass is the nation drifting that recent dispatches have reported hat he soraHed day Russia despised In justice lo yonrsidf hear he Brunswick with your own ears before you buy any talking machine or phono graph BECAUSE only buy one instrument like this and you cannot afford to make a mistake All sing for the owner The U run wick comes to your home equipped to play all makes of records BURNET Main St Newmarket BIBLE Sunday School Extends an invitation the to spend one hour with them on Hun- day afternoon in Bible Study Class meets at 230 for Next Sunday The Last Flipper The conviction I Hie leaders of the International Bible Students seditious utterances and their oiiterieo he Federal prison at Atlanta for of yearn and less will nit an end the established Pastor Russell REWARD I he readers of this paper will pleased to learn that there Is at I one dreaded disease than science Has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is catarrh Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Catarrh Cure Ir Internally and acts thro the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying foundation the disease giving the patient strength by building Up the constitution and assisting nature In doing work The proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers of Halls Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease tht It falls to core Kind fr list Address J A CO Toledo Ohio lit Chma I hi and socalled decadent neighbor to the east to make arrangements for pro visions lid over winter is difficult to imagine one of the most densely populated areas in world living largely on rice and very meagre fare having sufficient surplus feed people In starving In view of grave need overseas every Canadian farmer should deliver all surplus wheal to the market at one- The Allies are dangerously until the coming harvest brings relief lias been estimated up lo a recent period that people in have been starved since the lining of he war Unless the I j is is saved si a r vat ion general and he suffering among the civilian populations of our Allies imprecedent- d in history of Hie world I Oti marks stock of swine lias been reduced from 2500000 head at Ihe of Ihe war to at Ihe lime in Denmarks pork wen nearly tons of almost half went to now is her exports from pound- the latest con servative figures for in to any where up lo 1 the total In I he wheal production In France was per cent of normal production or per of her normal requirements After due ling need production only onlhird Frances normal France Is under a ration of urn pound of nival per person per week Includ ing horseflesh France is under a ra tion fit one and pounds of sugar per person per month Thouateb of people throughout Canada have nesn with work this and Local busi ness men organise these vol unteers and gel in touch with farmers and place them where they win do most good extend plan of high- way improvement in North York was passed by the County Council when it resumed its sitting on Tues day On a debenture is sue for 100UOO was passed and same amount was again raised on Feb On June a fur ther was raised by a de benture issue At the time of the first two issues North York was not taxed for any share of Ibis amount but on and Jan North York had to pay its share for highway improvement along with the rest of the County Dr John Brown Charles Bishop and Pie a returned soldier addressed the council on behalf of the organisation work of Hie A in France The grant was left over for further discussion Inspect or James Hughes ap peared before the Council asking that a trustee be named from that body io act wilh the York Pioneers or the board of management of the Sharon Temple recently acquired by the Pioneers and to be looked after by a Joint committee Pearson of Newmarket a member of Die council was named Reeve Keith of Newmarket intro duced a bylaw for the establishment of a York County soldiers relief fund a York County soldiers relief fund The fund is already in existence but minor changes are suggested and the name of J Of was on motion substituted for the late Silver a former member of the board A committee composed of Reeve Cornell of Scarboro Reeve Keith- of Newmarket and the acting solicitor was named lo confer with the pro vincial concerning a more equitable distribution of cost of the TorontoHamilton Highway The Toronto and York Radial Hallway Company came in for its share of criticism at the meeting of the York County Council Wed nesday afternoon when a large deputation of the ratepayers from the northern section of the coun ty protested against the increased rates on the Metropolitan line and further complaint was made against the excessive charges on Hie Kingston Road division of Elgin Mills introduced the delegation to the council explaining that they had come to protest against the increase in the com mutation tickets on the radial gliomas compar ed the prices charged with the railway line prices for equal dis tances To by steam cost cents To Aurora by an equal distance cost ill wa to be increased lo if the com pany could show any just reason for this increase or could show that it was worth the price were going to ask then he was willing to pay it is not in our own interests alone that Of everyone who travels the line said I was talking lo an official of the company lately and I told him that people would have to move into Toronto for they couldnt pay the fares and he said Ihey care thai if I hero were less peo ple used the cars they could lake some As il is the service OUR SOCIETY COLUMN and Mrs A Brunton were visiting Rochester Mrs is having a it with her sister from the States Miss Lulu Collins spent the weekend in Toronto with Mrs A Kent Miss spend ing a weeks vacation with friends in Toronto Hon J Davis has return ed from a business trip to Bos ton and Washington Seven cousins from Little Britain spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Cornell Misses Smith and Mae Storks- spent the weekend in Toronto with Mrs Lome Cole Mr David has been in a critical condition all this week from an attack of peritonitis Mr the capableand obliging assistant at the Post Of fice is taking hi holidays this week Mrs Irving has gone to the West to spend the summer with her son near Lake Sask Mr Harding arid bride ended the funeral of her grand father the late Alfred McCartv on Tuesday Mr Jacob Johnson appears to in Toronto Gen- oral Hospital and hopes of his recovery are Mrs Dr Scott is spending a couple or weeks Villi relatives at Trenton and also a few days with her son in Toronto Mrs Joseph Stephens who was knocked down by a bicycle while crossing Main St a few days ago is recovering from her injuries Mr A West got a card from his son George who is a prisoner in Germany last Mon day which was written in April was well He Mrs A Evans of Toronto were in town on There has been some delay in opening the old Royal Hotel- but it is likely to eventuate before long Mrs of To ronto and her daughterinlaw Mrs of Aurora spent Monday in town with Mrs Geo West who a sister of the for mer Miss Lillian and Miss Mil- passed Iheir Element Piano with llrsi honors af he Academy of Musi j Toronto They are pu pils of Mrs Maurice Bo swell I ho many friends of Mr Jno will learn thai he suffered a relapse last week which him a critical fruition again but last report he was iihprovihg Hospital Mr and Mrs Thomas Morris of Sharon went the city on Monday meet their son Pie Alfred Morris who arrived in To ronto on Sunday He was-ahell- En France and is allowed two weeks leave at home after which is to return to Hospital in Montreal This is the man who wrote a number of interest ing letters which have appeared in the Era His sister Mrs Wilfrid of East was in Toronto to meet hint on his arrival Hon Mackenzie King of Labor who for sev eral years has been director of the has resigned his post His resigna tion is explained by a slntement of the fact thai the war has seri ously interfered with Ihe carrying out of the program of the which was to with social problems partic ularly the problem of bringing and labor closer and sympalluiie Hon Mr Kin entered II the City against special tariff for terminal and switching charges express com panies proposed lo put into effect on July The companies were unable to show Justification for the Increases and the application was withdrawn Tbe importance of complying with the law requiring merit of any stations offered for public service Ontario was monstfated in the York County police Court when McLean of was fined by Magistrate for loaning his unregistered and unexamined stallion to Geo Evans of dci for breeding purposes The fSfct that in the evidence that no charge had been niade for the service of the horse does not free the owner of liability under the Ontario Stallion Act which the owner of every stal lion shall subniit all evidence of vides that for the purposes of en- breeding and ownership of such stallion to the Stallion En rolment Board of Ontario Mr James Simpson the well- known Labor and Temperance leader will visit New Zealand for a six months lecture tour in the interests of temperance during which ho will testify to the bene fits derived in this country through Federal and Provincial temperance legislation While away he will also study the indus trial legislation anil conditions that- maintain in New Zealand The first Canadian aerial mail service was inaugurated on Mon day between Montreal and To ronto the aviator only making one stop at Kingston for gaso line and covering the distance in six hours and minutes includ ing slop The row boat containing ihe bodies of two missing Mimico hoys was picked up by the steam er Maccassa on Monday seven miles from be Niagara shore The body of the third hoy is still y i I CANADA FOOD BOARD NO PR UN that Fruit Is fleltinq scarce there will be more Dried Fruit used- have Prunes at 12 15 and a lb PEA H S Nothing finer In Pea than what we have at ok and per lb nave at ORANGES Nice Juicy at and B AN AN AS at dozen We have a few DUTCH SETS left which we of fer at 15c lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try it PHONE YOUR ORDER IT WILL PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE missing Dr was fined on Tuesday for issuing of illegal prescrip tions for liquor The war excise tax of one cent on a box of matches ami eight cents on a package of playing cards goes into effect July I caused by an explosion in an electric drying oven did three dollars damage to the premises of tin- Hughes floating Company Richmond St Wednesday evening A hundred and fifty machinists and from Russell Motor Co wenl out on strike Wed nesday The trouble is said lo have arisen from the dismissal of an employe for speaking to two girls in another pari of the plant Mr Shaw of Newmarket was taxed for motor speed ing Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Store Phone No 6 House Phono No lie FARMERS I Bargain In Wheat have for sab one car load at fi It station of dam aged wheat at J per hundred Car lo be unloaded Thursday and Friday of this week See sample fas A Store Newmarket is had People have lo stand and I counted iii vestibule the other day for luck of space in the ear Last winter things were very unsatisfactory but we were willing then io bear with the shortcomings of the Metropolitan now We feel they aretrying to put one over oil US and blame it on the war There may be a per cent inerease on lares but I tell you there is no per increase their employees in salary lbipps and Cor nell spoke to the question A resolution was passed ask ing a representation of Ihe coun ty council and a deputation from the- ratepayers lo interview the of ficials of company lo sec if some more favorable rale could be agreed upon A deputation from the Town ship of put the matter of award in the choosing of a school site for school section No before council ratepayers were advised to have a big deputation Mr Jordan and discuss the matter bill Ihe delegates did not think this would he any use as hey had tried before with no results in the end the chairman the edu cational committee was appoint ed to lake mutter up with In spector Jordan as the council fell they had iii IkuI rights in the ease except advisory The tax rale for ynar was struck mills with an addi tional Kt mills for North York The ax rale last year was only but the grants patriotic purposes last year were only as compared with Ihe Oil mauiiale some lime afler his retirement from public life forced upon him by his defeat at I rnriproeJIy Ui in Ill I c returned to Canada for a time following the formation of a Iuion by sir and was one of the most ouUtainliiiK of union in Ontario Mrs or THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can hoy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence J II MILLARD WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER RED AND GLOVER TIMOTHY SEED MANGLE SEED TURNIP SEED OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT i wan born in lon Ohio markel and is a daughter or tin- late in renewing iUI hear- what the people are doinu but mm now during Ibis terrible war had several wounded soldiers in our work i in Hie interests of Ihe War Chel They were received respect ami nobly fill Ih- 1 eplerlilineil hit I the Iykr of of Ihe a am juily proud of ihe bravery of Canadian soldiers and the stories of experi ences al Ihe lumped raisi- during Hie War drive This i- independenl of oilier War assistance God bless our united efforts to lyranl Kaiser The Cradle In Aurora on June Mr and Mrs imer a laughter The Altar Oil June in Trinity Church by Rev It Newton Powell Laurel Viola eldest of Mr ami Mrs Davis of Newmarket Harding son of the A and Mrs The Tomb Starr At Toronto Hos pital Monday June Ron Starr o church in his year On- Sunday June 1018 Alfred in his year J Secure it while you can I IMPROVED LEAMING GIANT WHITE no Order by Phone or from Carters B Manning J Nelson HOUSE CLEANING TIME Is the time for a New Spring and Mattress We have the Goods and the PRICES ARE RIGHT Compare them with your Catalogues FRED SKINNER Our Toronto Letter bring Try for The provincial war ax amounted lo making the amount lo be raited SuVTfll tetules have iXierUnd In Cobalt and alarm Is of that district The firs I shooting contest of the Regiment York took on and was a pronounced ftuccoss Aurora under Lambert made a splendid Pie Stephens of Aurora standing highest in his company while for the city members Major Kirkman and dpi scored highest Afler the members parad ed to the Bell Telephone Building on St where refresh ments were served and a most en joyable social hour held Strong protests were made by the Canadian Manufacturers As sociation and the Toronto Hoard of Trade before the Dominion- At her residence Oak St Newmarket on June Frances widow of Charles in her year Deceased had been an invalid for live years The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at Pino Orchard Stophonson At Aurora Juno loth after great suffering John Wilson Steph enson aged years eldest son of the late Jos Stephenson- of Industrial Home on June 1018Oeo from Vaughn Township aged years S J Furnitures Undertaking North Alt Orders Receive Miss liernice tharles of Aurora pent with relatives in village Mr a Toronlo Mr The bom was mi on at oeloek A Mrs of j Miss Margaret It Thorp spent Sunday Mr united in marriage Mr vtry ev il hi- Hal- old Mai I hews Miss is visiting of and rose- in I L McLean He I I IUV ride yjwas simply owned in while r isrepe and carried I Mis- Joy her home here Mr J Tilson i- oil a while roses mid trip lo Island away by her r of Toronto spent Thorpe of llamiltiui Ilnj bride Sunday Mr Leslie Wilsons was only I lie Tin following have purchased relatives tars recently Mr a a pleaSanl be Ford Mr a Ford Mr for Gear Chevrolet showers of ami Charlie oil the fourth wishes of all present Witness a joy ride on Sunday Mr Brown and lady the for- friend pent Sunday at mers home I IS hereby pivon Silk make good motor Lillian North formerly dont they Alma especial- Thompson of ihe of Iy ones to in the County of York ftl Province of Ontario married on Saturday June We man will apply to the Parliament hope weather man will favor of Canada next session us line day thereof for a Bill of Divorce from There are several cases of meas- her husband frank North Of els in this community City of Toronto in the Several from here Ihe York and Province of Ontario on baseball match on the of grounds of adultery and Juseph al Snowball last J city Bated at Toronto this Wednesday even in Children FAR FLETCHERS CASTORIA of June A Lillian North by her Solicitors Godfrey Adelaide SI Toronto Vr

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