Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1918, p. 1

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J E5g r i rt ii igv jlHga v it- t IfeiaWH o 9ffHQ i TV a 1 A New ASSORTMENT OF SILVERWARE Suitable Gifts fop the BRIDE Watsons Jewelry I I i- The Leading County Paper aswell as he Oldosl No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in a I BE TERMS per annum in advance when not so to United States in advance only paid pain of Your Eyes Tlmo to have them ex- Watson Optician i a j G- JACKSON Editor and Proprietor A NT RIDAY JUNK- I l VOL No 22 Single Copies eaoh DETROIT A LETTER THAT WON A PRIZE Dear Sir I dont know much about advertising but I do know about the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Before we were Introduced I had been handicapped in my kit chen work by defective cooking appliances This placed me In a state of fear and anxiety as I was never sure of satisfactory results But one day someone suggested the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove After my first actual handling of the stove I was surprised at Its case of operation Its simplicity and Its wonderful efficiency It has been my experience and the experience of all housewives I have met that one naturally expects ease of operation simplicity and efficiency of their cooking appliances and that It Is a bitter dis appointment If the above are lacking I therefore can truthfully say that a longfelt want has been successfully met by the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove There Is no delay no waste no wicks no smoke no odor If you take pride as every body should In a nicelycooked meal a perfect baking of bread cake or cookies the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove will place that pride on a firm foundation THE BINNS HARDWAR THE PAINT STORE Sapper L C Bogart This is another hoy who has won a Military Modal heroic on the Held of ac tion Ho is a son of Mr Martin who removed from SI North out West a few years ago His name appears in the Army Orders issued April 1018 signed by MajorGeneral Ilolmnn of Fourth Army In fdlure years he will wear the Medal which indicates his gal lantry with much pride and satis faction FOOD CONTROLLER SAYS CORN FLOUR 18 AVAILABLE Corn meal and corn flour arc now available in most parts of and increased use should be made of them Id private households as well as by hotels reslauranls and olhcr public eating places Arrangements have recently been completed by the Canada Fond Board with Ihe milling compan ies now thai corn is moving more freely into this country which are ex pected provide for the milling of bushels of corn daily At present a very considerable quantity is being milled ami the product offers a wheatsaving substitute It should be used lo as large an extent as practicable by bakers and house wives WheatSaving Campaign Has Met With Splendid Success The Farmers Should Not Hold Back In view of the graveneed for wheat overseas every Canadian farmer should deliver ail surplus wheat to the market once Most Canadian farmers have so but in some cases I here arc considerable All the wheat that can be spared is needed overseas and even then our Allies will be dangerously short until the coming harvest brings relief Selfishly to hold wheat Is un patriotic and Ifvdone on a large scale would imperil the whole Allied cause Hoarding or re fusing to market wheat Is equivalent lo giving aid to the en emy because It means withholding support from our soldiers and Allies which they should have and which they must have if the war is to be won WinterKilling of Wheat The winterkilling of fall wheat in Ontario is officially estimated to amount to per cent Which reduces the acreage under this crop in Ontario from acres as sown last fall to acres the area to he PHONE 28 ESTABLISHED OVER Remittances to soldiers in England Belgium France or Eastern Countries may be made through the Bank of Montreal either by cable if haste is essential or by Draft or Bank Money Order if to be sent by letter post THE MARK OF CAIN From the Liverpool Journal of Commerce GRoss Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD A 8PEC1AL RESAWED LUM FEET THIN PINE The German papers which un doubtedly reflect the German mind gloat over crimes of their Uboats much as a foul murderer gloats over his victim They lake a of diseased pride in their work But the feeling of all neutral seamen is against them Norway since outbreak of the war has lost vessels and sailors through the German butchers it may bo taken for granted that the re sult has boon a legacy of eternal hate Spain Brazil Uruguay every nation oh earth has suffer- at hands of the Teuton pi- rales and the seamen of every nation will make them pay the hill i large meeting held in Co penhagen some weeks back where hundreds of officers of Dan ish merchant marine were pres ent it was agreed unanimously that in view of that the German nation had approved of he outrages committed by their l boats against neutral seamen all association with it was impos sible and if was decided that all intercourse with German seamen be broken off for a long time to conic As far as this country is con cerned the punishment of Gor man seamen may safely he left lo as possible wheat saved seamen They know W PEARSON Cor Church and Giles John Murphy and Leslie THE WM CANE SONS CO LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND I KALE US IN ROUGH AND DRE88ED LUMBER NG Mooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in A3h arid Stair Material ail well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash and Window Frames Door In Pine Fir Ash or Oak Sold at that you Kindly give a trial te INCORPORATED 7 Farmers given careful attention Sab Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parlies livery convenience Is afforded to Savings Depositors- Small or large sums may be deposited and Interest paid on balan ce j the brutes have done They know bat over ish civilian men women and children have been foully mur dered by I be submarines and they will accordingly For generations pome no will be heard when it emanates from a German ship En distress For the I wo to three hun dred years German seamen will be known as the of sea and something of the treat ment accorded Id captured sharks by fishermen in pertain parts of the world will he heirs whenever opportunity affords In every foreign port Germans will be marked men Every band will he against them and they will never see the welcome smile of a friend In the drinking dens they will drink audibly and showily as is their custom hut they will drink alone No friend ly glass or pot will clink or knock merrily against theirs In all the worlds great will be known as butchers and murder ers men branded through their very souls with the mark of Gain Such is the punishment for their dreadful and wicked crimes and it has been given by the even justice of the whole of the civil ized world Let lake heed of this and tremble for its sons for in the days to come they will cry out for mercy Hut there will be no mercy seamen never forget and seamen never forgive and they have looked Upon their dead not once but a hundred times A M LI8TER Manager campaign conducted by Canada Food Hoard fur increased con sumption of order to save wheal ami other essential foods for export has already met with splen did success No I only has general consumption Increased but the correspondence llinl has resulted from the campaign has led to belter dis tribution The Food Hoard has done much lo assist in facilitating such distribution Willi continued on the pari of dealers and the public to save wheat by substituting vege tables is expected thai waste of the remaining supplies of vegetables will be avoided New vegetables are now coming on the market and should be consumed as bushel of normal consumption of this continent will provide bread for least one soldier in until the next har vest Canada Has Helped The following cable has been re ceived by the Canada Food Board from the British Ministry of Pood Thanks to the splendid response from Canada and the United Slates shortage which has threatened in beef and bacon is now no longer as serious as il has during weeks and the meal ration which was reduced from the workingmans point of view almost to the vanishing point has now been restored to the normal amount under the compulsory ration ing system Tie willingness With which population as a whole has accepted compulsory rationing and tin- success of the rationing arrange ments have produced a marked de crease in and Ihis also naturally eases food situation Supplies butter and cheese however are still inadequate lo meet the requirements but it is hoped that Imports from Canada will remove anxiety as regards our position in these commodities The fart that is now feasible I maintain scale of compulsory ra tioning musl not he taken mean thai there is any surplus of food in the country Under conditions of war such as Is would obviously hi an precaution build up as large a reserve of food as possible in an which is menaced by blockade No such reserve Is yet in sight ami there should be no slackening in Canadian pro vide foodstuffs fir the Moiher Coun try Table Much Roduced Mr Wilson street Com missioner of Toronto writes Department makes present what is known as a mixed collection of wastes able waste and- rubbish are collected in III sarin- vehicle and at the same lime We have therefore no method of determining absolutely the quantities of table waste which we ire collecting I may say for Information however that since Cm outbreak of the war the quantity Of table waste collected from dwellings has I should judge from observation been reduced by from JO per cent to per cent The Department is about to pro vide for separation of table waste from private dwellings with a view to utilizing same for the feeding of at the Municipal Farm distant from Toronto about miles This we anticipate will be profitable and prevent absolutely loss of food stuffs from the tables of our citizens table waste from hotels restaur ants hospitals ami Is at present sold by slltutlons lo the owners of private piggeries of which there are some In vlrons so that there waste so far as such concerned This is the largest propor tion of fail wheal winterkilling in Ontario and the lowest acreage left for since the records of Census and Statistics office were begun in A a produce dealer was fined under the anti- waste order for allowing eggs to go bad Situation in Britain Ihe British Ministry of Food Today as was the case a century ago before wheat was imported there are no cereals available for cattle and not even any offals for wheal barley and corn are so milled for bread that there is practically nothing left over for cattle food Russian and Rou manian wheat crops are shut off and although there is plenty of wheat in Australia we have not the ships to fetch our prewar stocks and conse quently our wheat imports are reduced to onethird Because of Ihe lack of shipping we are also unable to import oilcake or other feeding stuffs for cattle so that the only way to feed cattle without encroaching on our human food is to let them graze used he turned into cattle meals goes to Ihe making of our war bread fields Food for humans takes food for the beasts of This Means U He Gave His Life for His Country Particulars have come to hand concerning the heroic of Private Herbert MM Deceased was a well known young man around town who was formerly employed with the Da vis heather Co and attended St Pauls Anglican Church He was also prominently identified with the local lodge of the Sons of England Responding to Call to Arms be enlisted early in in the Rifles and went overseas with this unit in July of thai year In England he was transferred to the He was wounded three times and was awarded Military Medal for conspicuous bravery display ed while assisting in rescuing and bringing in the wounded un der very heavy shell from the enemy receiving wounds in doing so from which he filed on Nov His widowed mother who re sides in received his Military Medal and letters of commendation and sympathy from his company as well as bis Commanding Officers Thus another brave Canadian has giv en his life defense of the cause of liberty and justice against the tyranny of wicked Huns who are endeavoring destroy the and civilization of the world This time ONLY THIRTY Kingston June 23 Da vis President of A Davis Sons Tannery states that only thirty out of nearly one hundred of the employees were out on strike Inst Tuesday because of the dis missal of certain men All de partments of the tannery arc run ning and the company is secur ing new employees every day Mr Davis expects thai everything will be normal within a taw days Children FOR FLETCHERS I understand Torontos en- Is little or no Institutions are Your Home Is A Vital Sector In Food Line There Is conservation In the sowing Of the wheat reaping of the wheat threshing of the wheat its storing In the farmers bins and in Us handling at the elevators There Is conservation in the milling of flour the transportation of the flour and Its sale by wholesalers and retailers There Ik conservation In the baking of bread and Its distribution from the bakery door There la conservation In hundreds of hotels and dining cars In the country Is there In your home Remember ihat it a vital sector In the food line Iood conservation Is necessary In Ibis country as well in where placards on wall proclaim If fast l heal boats If I feast I boats beat Dont be a When we compare our inconven iences willi life hardships and misery endured in iennany Russia mid in lie 1 1 ravaged countries we have good grounds for gratitude Dont on rage with your grum bles defeat It with your loyally and patience Cash and Carry Discount The Cash and Carry plan is stead ily ground in Montreal and in other elites of Dominion Market Montreal has recently announced per cent on cash sales of si and over I who carry their parrels with them Why Italy la Short of Wheat Italy entered the war with an avail able stork of about bush els of wheat That country has had to support population increased by about returned emigrants and refugees ami iiu army of 1000- men The III 17 wheat crop was only bushels as compared with yearly requirements of bushels Why Italy Is Short of Wheat Italy entered the war with an avail able Of bush el of wheat That country has hail to support a population increased by about 1000000 returned and refugees and on army of num The wheal crop was Only iiMOOOOOO bushels aw compared Willi yearly requirements of bushels Profit from City Garbage In Minneapolis between 150000 and 00000 Is saved annually by using swine to consume the garbage of the city instead of burning It Whereas Minneapolis formerly operated Its gar bage disposal a loss the city now receives per ton for its garbage as hog feed Watt of rood by Dogi Many dogs have already been de stroyed In Great Britain because of the necessity of conserving foodstuffs It Is estimated thai there are between four and five million dogs In the United Kingdom and a committee been considering the question of their rationing and the extinction of car- lain percentage Food Situation In Franco Some facts about the Shortage which Is very great at present lime In i production of wheat In France about per cent of normal consumption In- the production was but per cent of the normal production and this remem ber never was enough for her con sumption After deducting the amount necessary for seed the production onethird needs Pood never has been wasted In fru gal France Consequently her nor mal food consumption always has been very close to actual food necessities Great Britain has been lending France large amounts- of food GERMAN BARBARITY IN UBOAT WARFARE YEARS AGO From EraFyle July 3 The Bat ended their days drill in Newmarket by an Of- Dinner at the Forsyth House in the chair Speeches followed by Major Reeve Dr Major Peel Postmas ter Roe Jackson Wm Mo- Master Win Trent Boult- Capt Crosby Capl Ensign Hil lary Geo Adj Pee bles Station Master Dudley Master Gamble Ensign Fay- den C Campbell Arm strong Capt Pearson Ta ilor Dudley and Jos Cawthra The Episcopal Methodists held a picnic in Rogers grove on Do minion Day Speeches by Revs Chambers Shaw and Argue and excellent music The semiannual examination of Newmarket Grammar School took place on he afternoon and evening of June Papers on Latin Geometry Algebra and History were prepared by gentle men not in connection with the school and the written answers were highly satisfactory in the evening the pupils were examined in English Grammar English His tory and Geography and the an swers were both prompt and cor reel The Principal Mr Anderson was highly compli mented Newmarket and Holland Land- had a cricket match on Do minion Day Members and friends of the Church met at the residence of Mr A Henderson and presented Mr who has been laboring here for a season with some books and a purse of jo Whitchurch Protection Society President P Wilkin as vice John as treasurer and John Collins as secretary Mr Jones took several- largesized photos of Bat while soldiers were in Newmarket Newmarket May 30 Joss Chnntter aged years A new and flagrant example of Gorman submarine barbarity is reported A first torpedoed with out warning and then shelled a British steamer When the of ficers and of he damaged vessel took to the boats they were ordered alongside submarine and forced go on its deck the captain being taken below as a prisoner As steamer had not yet sank the captain ordered some of Hie British row one of heir two boats back to her with a German prize crew which rifled the steamer systematically and then sank her with three bombs After having boon employed for nearly five hours in this work the British were given some provi sions and east adrift The same was deal Out to the others of crew numbering Of the men in second boat only five survived until she was picked up four days later The occupants of the first boat were picked up in a very critical condition on fifth day by an American si earner 25 body disputes fact are short of food Seventy per cent the British Isles of men of France have been forced to from the farms military service leaving Wdflfion carry on the arduous work of food production In the French home food sup ply WAS kepi up about per cent Of normal This year It has fallen to between GO per cent There is only onethird the normal supply of milk in Franco The ration of the French soldiers bus been reduced twice because of the grave shortage of supplies France is on ft ration of one pound of meat per person per week Includ ing horse flesh For months France has been on ration of pound of sugar per person per month The rough flour Used m Franc Is mixed with wheat substitutes to make the dark French war loaf It should be remembered In this connection that bread has alwayu formed per of the French diet as compared with per cent of Canadian diet Gary Juno Fiftytwo known to be dead and are in hospitals in Gary and Hammond tonight as a result of rearend collision at dawn today between train and a circus train on the Michigan Cen tral Railroad fivo miles west of Gary Virtually all victims members of circus The empty troop train travelling down a straight slrotchof traok demolished throe of tho flimsy circug and badly damag ed a fourth LIKE AN ON I tl From Era Fylo Juno 30 Mr Wood is home from Cali fornia on visii Mrs Frank of Grave nh I is vlsiling her at Royal Mr Fred llogart of Toronto Police staff was home on Sunday Mr P J and two children have gone to Chicago for a month Mis Perkins is spending a few weeks in Messrs J Dickson and J exams in Aurora next week Miss Flo was presented with fiold Medal In Toronto Tuesday evening having won Vocal Com petition at Toronto College of Music The Air around Lakes was a great success last Tues day Nearly ti00 on board There are candidates Writing at tin Model School here for ranee to the School Miss Miller and Miss look part In the Song Service at St Pauls Church on Monday even ing The pupils in Miss Division In the Model School gave a musical and literary program yesterday afternoon At the Christian Church Festival Wednesday evening recitations were given by Miss Basse Miss Fletcher and Miss Jennie Simpson Quite a crowd at the mile bicycle race at Exhibition Park Monday even ing The Altar At Newmarket June by J Mr David Grey of Vancouver to Miss Ellen daughter of Mr Alex Ross of Whit church If tit why a corn painful and thorn grow Press an button and you form contact with a live wire which rings bell When your shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sensltlvo nerve and you get shook of pain Instead of trimming your makes them grow just step Into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of This will cost you very little but Is sufficient to re move every hard or soft or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a lender aching corn slops soreness Instantly and soon the corn shrivels up so it lifts right out root and all without pain This drug Is harmless and never Inflames or even irri tates the surrounding skin to t I ft It V

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