Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1918, p. 6

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i J J i JI rf lift I v- H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE June meeting of the lute will be held on Monday in the Church at pm The speaker for the sum mer series of meetings Mrs Watt of Toronto will be pres ent and address the meeting PRESBYTERIAN Dr Gray will speak espe cially to the young people in the Presbyterian Church Sunday evening next His subject will be How to Make the Best of is hoped as many as possible of the young people he present Keswick MA AKIN CONTAINS WO MADE Queensville Holland Landing Mr Everett Glover spent a few Red Envelopes for days with his mother the month of May amounted id On June 1st at the Methodist and anyone wanting to the Red Cross will the The Post Office contribu- to which are always thank fully received Remember the date of Hie Janey Canuck Club Concert is Wednesday June in the Meth odist Church The League of ine Church met as usual on Monday evening The at tendance was fair and the pro ceedings as interesting as usual SUCCESSFUL CONCERT The entertainment given by Pauls Dramatic Club On Wed nesday evening was very highly appreciated by all who at tended The rain spoiled the attendance to some extent but the after deducting expenses amounted which of course goes swell the funds of the Red Cross Society The ladies feel indebted to St Pauls Drama tic Club and appreciate very high Ay the good work these young peo are doing in such a good They have the best wish- s all who had the pleasure of Shearing in Mount Albert I The bridge on what used to be vailed the old factory dam col lapsed last week while Mr Old ham and Mr Brooks were crossing it with their threshing outfit the engine falling about Roth men jumped and mir aculously escaped without injury The damage to the engine is esti mated at about Quite an interesting history is attached to this same bridge About forty years ago when the late Newton Graham of Scott township owned the mill a heavy rain storm car ried the bridge away Me made a bee which was customary in those days and rebuilt a tempor ary bridge John Swift Current and brother of Wrn Burns of when a boy was driving his fathers team over this when it gave away and let life horses through the tongue catching the other side banging the horses by the harness which held them until they wen rut loose They with only a scratch or two to say people were afraid of thai bridge some time Parsonage Mr Blair and Miss Dunn were united in marriage by Rev Mrs and Miss Mover wore representatives at the Toronto W M Branch meeting Miss Glover gave a very inspiring address the Ed ucational work in Japan Miss Minnie is home vis iting her parents Miss to go overseas Mr Scott and Mrs made a short visit at the Par sonage Orchard Beach Nearly a dozen College girls on the invitation of Miss Irene Bal four are spending a week or two at Rev Balfours- cottage and having an enjoyable time Mr and Mrs C of Toronto are occupying The Cedars for the season Mr Jackson of Newmarket and his two daughters Mrs of Hamilton and Mrs Belfry f are spending two or Hire days at Zephyr Villa A number of people were here from Toronto for the weekend PERGONAL Mr Howe California spent Eos Angeles i week in town Mr Eugene J Cook a have visit With his broth Mr and Mrs to Owen Sound with friends Mr and Mrs and fam ily of 1nion were visitors at the koine of Mr Jos Hogg on Sunday Mary Dike of Toronto spent two weekH at her home in town Mrs has re turned from a visit with her parents in Toronto Mr Mrs ay a spent the weekend with friends In and Mar per and friend were at Mr R Harpers over Sun day Mrs Rarnsden and Miss Spent a few days with friends in Toronto and Mr spent the holiday In town Mrs has gone to Hew on account of the illness of Mr father GunnerFrank Coon paid a vis If- to friends in town on Sunday lit expects to leave for overseas very shortly Mrs John MooVe 1b spending a couple of weeks I In Toronto School Reports I of for the Month of May Class IV Draper Draper Alice Terry Class III Mary Terry Violet Miller Robert Archie Class Peters Pern Veda Pollock Miller Class Aubrey Harry ftedore Hazel Sedore Hurst Karl Peters Primer Sedore Hod gins Jr Primer Stella Miller Km Har old Miller Sheppard Teacher HOLT Farewell Party A very enjoyable evening May was spent at the home of Mrs Joseph Coates of Holt when about a hundred friends and neighbors gathered to bid fare well to three of our boys Joseph Stanley and John Thompson who have joined the colors The following address was read by Rev Luck Dear Hoys We your friends and neigh bors on this the eve of your de parture from our midst have met here and desire to ex press our appreciation of your service as friends anil neighbors You have always lived among us and your kindly greetings have always been an index of your friendship You have been call ed to serve your king and country and we have every reason to be lieve that you will perform your duties in this new sphere of ser vice as faithfully and loyally as you have performed your duties here among us We trust that although we may be separated by distance your thoughts inay often revert to US as ours will to you We also trust that you may have many friends to love and respect you as those who now address you We ask you to accept this small token of our esteem and may you be long spared to use of Signed on behalf of the Com mittee by A T Goodwin Another Farewell Party A very enjoyable evening June Jrd was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs David Couch when about a hundred and thirty friends and neighbors of Holt and Hope gathered to bid farewell to one of our boys Arthur Couch The evening was spent in music and singing after which the fol lowing address was read by H Luck of Holt and Mr presented him with a beautiful GoldFilled Wrist Watch Dear Arthur We your friends and neigh bors On this the eve of your de parture from our midst have met here lOnlghl and desire to ex press our appreciation of your service as friends and neighbors You have always lived among us and your kindly greetings always been an index of your friendship You have been call ed to serve your king and country and we have every reason to be lieve that you will perform your duties in this new sphere of ser vice as faithfully and loyally as you have performed your duties here among us We trust that although ye may be separated by distance your Mr and Mrs A Dyke and fam ily of Albert spent Sunday with relatives here Mr and Mrs Fairbarn of our town spent a day with Mr and Mrs on the Base Line Mr and Mrs Morley and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C in ville Mrs Win spent the week end with relatives in Mt Albert Pte Irwin Winch Pte Percy Carson spent Monday afternoon here Five Keswick ladies namely Mrs Cooper Mrs J Connell Mrs J Mrs S Morion and Mrs A attended the Red Cross meeting at Roachs Point last Thursday and report a good time Mrs and son Horace also Mrs Geo Hamilton motored to Broome for over the weekend Mr and Mrs Angus King and family also Rev Richard Morton motored to last Sat urday and brought Miss Hazel Morton back with them for a few days Mrs Norman Smith Mrs Smith and daughter Gertie spent Tues day at Cedar View the guests of Mr Steven Draper and family Mr and Mrs Steven Draper Mr and Mrs J Draper motor ed to Vivian Sunday We are glad to see Mr Isaac King out once more Those who didnt hear Rev P Addison in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening missed a good treat Mr Gladstone spent Sunday with his parents here Say Wes you answered our call good only hope you answer as good next time Its a good thing Eva lias her voice back again so that the Choir can give some splendid selections again What attraction is there around the lake shore Ralph lee cream is good but it is rather a long way to walk to get it You want to tie your car to the post next time before you go into I he bouse Ross Merry Sunshine A Slight Mistake HOPE We had a few excessively warm days last week followed by some very windy ones Quite a good crowd out on Sunday That duet was simply grand ball game at Mr Slick- woods Saturday night After was over Mr very kindly treated the crowd to ice cream Mr A Gibson bad the for tune to lose bis house by fire Thursday afternoon The lire started on the roof and the fam ily knew nothing of il till Ada An saw it and phoned them We believe most of the furnish ings were saved Fortunately Mr Gibson had another house to move inlo A new bridge is being put in just south of Albert road on Die fifth Mr Frank Andrews horse became frightened and dumped him over inlo the creek Frank wasnt hurt and very little damage was done the buggy At lirne of writing Mr is lying very low with pneumonia His niece Mrs Andrews is also confined to her bed with a heavy cold but is im proving Spring crops are looking- splen did just now The Sunday Schools of North York will hold their Annual Co Council in Newmarket this Thursday We hope our will be represented Hope Gleaners Class the home of Miss Ada Andrews on Wednesday night They report the amount made on their quill as with more come in yet The Red Cross Society of the Presbyterian Church will serve ice cream for the season in the Corner Store and will open up on Saturday evening delegation from the Presbyterian Church attended the Sectional Meeting at Au rora on Wednesday They re port a very large attendance and an excellent program The committee to arrange the Union S Picnic will meet in the basement of the Methodist Church on Saturday evening at 8 oclock A full attendance is most desirable The Dominion Alliance are having a Field Day in York Coun ty on Sunday June and Rev Geo Waugh will preach in the Presbyterian Church at 11 am and in Mt Pleasant Church at pm in connection with the work gO Council Above Council mel at on Thursday May at Mem bers all present After the necessary oath revision of the Assessment Roll was taken up The Clerk reported that there were no appeals but that one or two charges were asked for C Elliot of Toronto was assessed as owner of lot plan in place of J Meyers Thomas Skinner tenant for late Irene Ellison Skinners lot and tenant for the T Rut tic lots Dogs sfruck off as follows One each assessment of George Arnold Davis and Corner and one bitch off the assessment of Kay with these charges Roll for was finally adopted In Council a number of accounts were taken up and dealt with A petition was received signed by Corner and others asking Council pass Bylaw compelling merchants to close their places of business at oclock on Mondays Wednesdays ami Fridays A Bylaw of nature was passed and Clerk ordered to get 20 copies printed to post up The Clerk was appointed to wait on Judge Denton in reference to settle ment of roadways Port Bolster Council adjourned to meet at on Saturday July at p East GwttUmbury Councft was assessed as Harveys prop- as tenant for Charles Rattle as must i go I ex- worth The automobile must claims a rural exchange Sure brother It Isnt much if It doesnt HOUSEKEEPER WANTED For Farm House no milking or other outside work Highest paid to competent person Apply to HARRISON Centre Road Mount Albert thoughts may often revert lo us aa ours will to you Wo also trust lhat you may have many friends to love and respect you as those who now address you We ask you to accept this token of our esteem and may you be lon spared to make use of It Signed on behalf of the Com mittee by Graves P and Cun ningham The brewery Is our greatest na tional garbage barrel and into from year to year millions of bushels grain have gone The Tourist Sleeping Gars mean Comfort to the Traveller The meet modut la the standard or car Of iU1 tod with Canadian li to Id with match rl cork comwrtlUon to dcadto room and Col- lata wita appliances for light water etc ate greatly appreciated berths two per soot desired are Just oathalf the rate ticket holder may also occupy cars and the Car always available at meal time Trains leave Toronto Unlca pm Mondays and Friday poind and information apply to New market or King Toronto The Municipal Council of of mot on the as a of Revision all present The statuary declaration being sub scribed to court proceeded with appeals Mrs assessed loo high Dismissed Assessed tool high I missed Fred Lane assessed too high Lowered Un ion ARscssed SI Mrs Dog off Selby Dog off Wm Church Dog off Joseph Williamson Dog off Win Johnson off The Assessment Roll as corrected was confirmed Court adjourned The then met for general business Communications rend from the Township of Pickering reorganization of Townships That the sum of lie granted lo place gravel on side- road lots ton Arthur Arnold commissioner Carried ColeProctor That the sum of he granted place gravel on eon Tlios commissioner Carried Following hills passed 1 disinfecting Copland house Canadian adv for ten ders for Bridge William Rums work con cordon Mainprise work on Bridge Stokes work on Bridge work on Bridge 00 Fred work on Bridge Castor work on Harry Allen Snow shovelling 300 William Harrison Snow shovel ling 800 John Snow shovel ling Mrs Snow shovelling John snow shovelling Case days grading man and team honus on wire fence Fred Case days grading man and team Joseph Hogg days grading man and team Henry days grading man and team Arnold Dunn work Albert Dike operating Grader S J Harper bonus wlrcfence A Mitchell work on 350 William A salary as assessor William A Postage A Stationary Council adjourned to meet at the Township Hall Sharon on Friday July the 5th at oclock In the after noon A Mackenzie Clerk I raaiwKA v Windsor Juno A Freddie Nel son 8yearold son of Frederick Parent Ave was killed this morning when ho pushed a live wire which his fouryearold brother at tempted lo The had fallon down across the sidewalk from a light system pole There was grave questioning In the Walton family over letter that had come In the mornings mall Cyrus Waltons brother John who hart gone west years before had on his death bed commended his only child to the care of his relatives I know It has been a long time the dying man wrote since we have heard from each other- i neglected the home folks when J first went away and so almost lost track of you all but now that the doctor tells me I have but a few hours to live my mind goes back to my own people and j shall send my little girl to you I trust Lerthe sake of our childhood days you will receive her and kind to her The letter had been addressed to Cyrus or David Walton but the post master well knew that he would incur the anger of Cyrus if he presumed to put It in Davids box for the former was a man of prominence in his own eyes at least and wished due defer ence shown him So the letter was read first in the family of Cyrus Wal ton discussed and though it began My Dear Brothers it was not tilt next day that David was told of it It is a perfect nuisance to be asked to lake a child into ones family said Gyrus daughter Arabella am sure we get half the new things we want now because papa is always grumbling over the expense I do not sec what sense there would be in adding to his burdens I cannot bear child always about she Is probably half savage anyway Papa take the letter over to Uncle David and try to persuade him lhat he can receive her His house is full of children and one more will not make much difference What do you mother ask ed Cyrus looking depreoatlngly al his wife What do I think Well my own children are able to take care of them selves Ive brought thorn up and no thanks to anybody and I will not be bothered with those of other people Besides as the girls say we cant af ford it Im afraid David cant either he said meekly Well no one will force him to take her but I think he will He is a soft headed softhearted Idiot and his wife is Just as bad They need not have been in the trouble they are now if David had used common sense and not signed those notes of Uncle Dan iels Yes but it was to keep the old man from ruin ho thought and if Uncle Daniel had It would have Won alright You know when David was a hoy tic was more than kind to him sent him to school after father died and helped him to farm David insists now that he was only paid what ho owed uncle in spite of the turn af fairs have taken I will do my best to urge David to lake her Hut persuasion was not necessary David Walton had a heart of flesh and when he road the letter of his dead brother and learned that his child was east to her relatives he looked Cyrus eyes in which the tears glistened and reaching out his hand said We will do our- host for the little stranger eh brother Well you see David said Cyril my wife dont think she can bo bothered with her and the girls seem to fancy we cant afford it and so he stammered they thought perhaps your folks would not mind one extra child where there were so many I cannot do for her what you might said David hut I shall share what I have with my lit tie or phan niece The brothers did not move In the same social set While the wife of Cyrus moved heaven and earth to get admitted to the highest stratum of fashionable society Davids wife who lived on a farm Just outside the village apparently cared very little for any such distinction She strained every nerve lo give her children the beat legacy they could have At present the family was under a cloud David having had to mortgage pretty heavily to meet Borne obligations which he had never ex pected to be called upon to pay The oldest daughter had been obliged to leave school and teach a before completing the course and the eldest son had gone Into Judge Carrolls of fice while the younger members of the household did their best to help the mother so that no expense need be Incurred for servants Walton had not anxious thought as to what Ihclr verdict would be when he told them of their uncles request Poor little thing said mother kindly She will be very lonely We must try to comfort her I wish John had written before It would not seem to her so like going among strangers If we had been In communication for years How old Is she mamma asked Mabels the second girl As old as I really cannot tell you my dear I have been muoh In Ignorance of her existence as yourself up to the present We only know she Is your cousin arid alono In the world I trust you will all do your best to make her happy David looked at Harry and the eldest who were home for the holidays They answered his look neally father said Harry I am sorry that this burden should be laid upon you Cyrus Is far better able to bear It and I think ho should do so But If we all scrimp a Utile I guess we can manage Soon two letters went to the far west to the address given and Mr Williams looked comically at that of Cyrus Walton for he read between the Every woman should know the comfort and expert the relief of a reliable remedy that can be de pended upon to right conditions which cause head ache dizziness languor nausea and constipation At such times nothing is so safe so sure and speedy as During Iho past sixty years millions of women have found them most In toning and strengthening the and for stomach liver and bowels These famous pills are entirely vegetable and contain no harmful or habitforming drugs Use them with entire for they cause no unpleasant and a Guinea a Box Sold and Us3 Amsri Inboiti Just Owing to the Illhealth of Mr Hulse we are going to offer you A REAL BARGAIN IN INSTRUMENTS I Player Piano Mahogany Case new months with Rolls Dominion Piano Walnut Case a lovely instrument Bell Practice Piano Upright in excellent shapo 10000 Dominion Piano Mission Style new 30000 Morris Piano Mahogany Case fine tone Mendelossohn Upright Piano Walnut Case Williams Square Piano a lovely quality Doherty Organ Six Octave Oak Case a lovely Instru ment worth One Hundred Dollars Dominion Organ Piano Case Walnut a real beauty Twenty Other Organs from upwards Any Persons needing a or Phonograph Just re member we will give Off the real Cost Price Easy Terms No Interest Plan Horses or will be considered on any of the above Must be Sold Act Quickly for 38 FARMERS AND STOCKMEN you increase supply Canadian Government asks live Ihe Men a chance slock are thirty million assured market for all Live MAKR less Hogs in Europe than in I01 Slock products at prices KEEP RIGHT An FEED VESCOL STOCK TONIC POULTRY TONIC and CALF MEAL cure POSITIVELY GUARANTEED POSITIVELY Products Distemper Heaves Worms Colic Diarrhoea etc etc COMPOUNDED BY THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO Limited TORONTO and Canada SOLD IN BY Flour Feed NEWMARKET- lines and saw he was afraid to assume support of his brothers child his siiblorfuge of straight circumstances went for it was worth But even stern lawyer was much moved when he raid Davids kind Idler in which he welcomed the child to his home and gave minute directions to how she would travel adding that he would gladly come after her If he could af ford asking If there was sufficient money to defray her travelling if not he might telegraph to a certain bank where ho had deposited enough for that purpose Lawyer Williams took the letters and calling cub went to a beautiful house on one of the finest streets In the city and asked for Miss Walton A lovely girl dressed in deep mourn ing came to greet him My dear Rose I have heard from both your uncles and your Uncle anxious for you to come right away The other one Is afraid of expense anil does not his way clear to the maintenance of a child Maintenance child anked the young lady helplessly Yes In some way have gotten the Idea that you are very young and as poor as the proverbial church mouse Here read for yourself That man has a heart of gold said he as ho handed her Davids letter You had belter read you will need something warm before touching that icicle She read the letters through care fully God bless dear Uncle David Papa always called me his little girl and It Is that which has misled them But I do not see why they thought me poor I sure papa said nothing about money Ho was only anxious for me to go to his and made mo promise to spend my year of mourning with them although I would muoh rather stay in my own home I will go Dont you think that It will be well to lot I am poor for a time Yes answering her own question telegraph for the money and for every dollar ho a hundred If I find am received as as his letter would lead me to expect I shall be Two days later the handsome house was shut up the servants having been previously and Rose ton boarded an eastward hound train She was diminutive in size and two braids of golden bronze nan- Iiik down her back and dress only came to the lops of shoes made her appear about yaw old A very small box Indeed hell baggage brought and the coarse ready made garments wore made her almost doubt her identity Her Uncle David met her at station and the warm welcome he gave her gladdened her heart hut not until she found herself in her arms did she realize the had sustained when her mother died uncle resembled her father so closely that she could hardly l without tears She had not been there a week be fore she saw how matters stood hurt her to see how bravely managed to make her not allow her to think she burden About a month after her arrival Grace home sick with and her lungs remained In a condition that the doctor said ought to go to a warmer climate was considered simply Impossible she should do so and little was though all looked sad for very dear to them Hose thought It was time for an ex and so she breakfast with one of her own on and her hair in a coll and said answer to their wondering loo Ive been masquerading a mi though had no after your letters came and saw had misunderstood papas jffS always called his utile When I found you thought and a very poor one at thai to sec how you would Irea J and I resolved to keep up the For you were deceived toe David am past eighteen and sides my lovely home I mine In Nevada that to out more silver than I do with I have made with Mr Williams who is my though I have full income even during my minority Continued on It llial said Dear I Detroit Be Bu After n ease of It I I and appoint I t no body at or firm fo T PHONE CI sy D at I I A S No i f

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