Frank DunMAi AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Dr H DENTIST Main and w Newmarket CHA8 A TERRY Dentist in Bank of Toronto NEWMARKET Crown and Bridge Work Care Given to Plato Work Appoint I Fire Insurance FRED Dr J Boyd in Medicine of Toronto also Licentiate Physicians College Surgeon flag- clinical SonMi Eye Hospital and London England Eves Tested Glasses Telephone and member of OUR LOCAL Young Men Carry Papers The amendment to the Military SELH1EF DEFEAT BACKACHE AND KIDNEY TROUBLE WITH ANUR1C Many people in hare differed from rheumatism and kidney trouble and hare found to be most roe- Service Act providing pen- the for men who fail to carry papers is to be strictly en forced The penally for failing to carry the papers is a fine of or imprisonment for one month or both fine and imprisonment S C MATCHMAKER AND I Park Avenue Adjoining Post Office May Extend the Holidays By an amendment to the School Act passed at the recent session of the Legislature the holidays may be extended until Sept 30 If adopted by local hoards it will leave the hoys on the farms for an additional month at a time of the year when they are greatly needed A Soldiers Bequest In the event of my death I give the whole properly ami ef forts to my wife Kathleen M Dunn Box Newmarket reads he will written on a page of his pay hook July by Pie Thomas Dunn No 141447 killed in action June 1917 The estate consists of a veterans claim to a lot in Sudbury district valued at and dangerous ailment The lucky people axe those who hare heeded Natures warning signal In time to correct their trouble with that new dis covery of Dr Kereea called Yon should promptly heed warning some of which are spells backache irregularity of the urine or the painful of rheumatism sciatica or To delay may make possible the dangerous forms of disease such as diabetes or stone in the bladder To overcome distressing condi tions you should take plenty of in open sir roid a heavy meat diet drink freely of water and at each meal take Dr Pierces Anorlc Tablets double strength You will in a short time find that you are one of the firm of as are many of your neighbors Bend Dr Pierce Buffalo or Oct 10c for trial St Catharines Ont For several years I with Fine Weather Necessary When They Are Taken From Cellar PAINFUL DISEASE CURED i BERT GREEN FAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd bouse Queen St Newmarket Phone of A Newmarket of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Tunlna Agent for Columbia and Records complete Stock I Prompt I GEO LLB Barrister Solicitor Notary AND Toronto Office Dominion Bank Building Telephone Mam 3920 Newmarket Office Over Billiard Parlors Will be there on Saturdays until fin money to loan Safe Investment of Funds from upwards Presentation Mid Carter one of the lady clerks at the Office Specialty Works has been transferred to tin Toronto office and left for the city on Saturday During hep slay in Newmarket Miss Car ter has endeared herself to a number friends hut none will regret her leaving more than the oilier girls in the office who gave Miss Carter a surprise last Friday when they requested her to ac cept a lovely Gold Pin set with a precious stone as a remembrance Interesting Information for Dairy men Regarding In New Treatments for Inflammation of Udder Late Spring Suggestions For the Farmer Contributed by Ontnrlu Department of Agriculture Toronto HE arrival of spring brings up question When and how shall I set my bees out of tbe Cellar to minds of all farmer beekeepers Tbe an swer calls for Judgment on the part of each beekeeper The factors whicu must take a part in forming correct judgment are the cellar the bees and the season The ideal cellar will permit the beekeeper to keep his bees confined v Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence if desired The stores closed on Wednes day afternoon Hie first half- holiday for the present season The schools and Banks took ad vantage of the Kings Birthday last Monday by observing it as a holiday Methodist Sunday School Pic nic a week from Saturday Alderman has in stalled a dandy- electric grate in his residence Watch out for the eclipse of the next Saturday evening and dont think he end of the world has come causing a i Nothing ever helped me until I commenced to take and the first thing I noticed that the gravel had dis appeared and has never made a reappearance My general health has improved and have a better nerve condition and my eyesight seems better too I used to have such dizzy spells at times I thought I would faint but these no longer trouble me My only regret is that I did not know of before Albert St A Day of Prayer The Government at Ottawa has fixed Sunday June 30th as a day of National Prayer humilia tion for the success of the Allies It is hoped that not only every church will make a special pro vision for its observance hut that every citizen will make a special effort to attend church services that day Sr much longer than will uufavoraoie cellar This is desirable A fairly dark easily regulated and Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Sen the Bathroom Outfit at Shop Pearson Wounded Henry Pearson is believe to have been one of the Toronto men in the Hun air raid on the British Hospitals He is attached to the Army Medical Corps His injuries were not very serious however A cable stales that he was shot in the right forearm and that he was able to report back to duly Pearson overseas nearly lire year- with the Second Canadian Divisional Train His son J Pearson is also in the service present in raining at oxford wiih the Royal Air Force II Pearson as staled is a son of arson of Au rora lie received his commis sion on the Of August in the Mounted Rifles and was transferred soon THE TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO SMITH GROCERY I PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS I Get Them at If The Photographer In Your Town boor West of the Office EVENING SITTING BY APPOINTMENT Phone QREENHOU8E8 NEWMARKET Electric Cooking Mr Bennett informs that al ready this season he ha- installed eleven electric ranges and every giving perfect satisfaction I he rale of current In Vewrnarkel make- use for cooking cheaper than coal or coal oil The was the first Office in the of for nietal for lypecasfing and it has proved mi a- well as economical thai every new installed in i he for i or more has heen provided an electric melting The editor of the is a great admirer of eject power anion- the adapi its use lo household purposes An erjfc sweeper has hoen in use for three years The second electric ranee in New majkel was Into his residniicf ayear the make couple of month- after a electric washer and is one of the 1 alls far lory invest men Is yet made This week Hi editor is going on more and is having Mr National leelrir water healer Minns I he and it give promise of js predecessors in use fulness ecoimrnv A Capital Recital The entire program at the Town Hall last Friday night was most satisfactory all hut one thing and that was the halfhour wait in a healed atmosphere the performance to The donation loo fans by lons Drug Store for the use of the ladies was greatly appreciat ed first of all the children played their parts wall in Hie Folk Games and I he Scene from The The costumes were attractive lite music by Mrs bright and the movements grace fully uniform reflecting much credit on Ihcin- and also their instructor Miss Another surprise was the cap tivating elocutionary numbers of little Miss Helen Kennedy whose patriotic readings were received great applause Hon J Davis explained that owing i he of the times some of the performers ad vertised were unable he pres ent hut heir places were very capably tilled Mr Moris the cele brated did not dis appoint he however and his was greatly en joyed Miss Fveiyn in her on the pi ano Tin- readings by Mr Claude Parker had a large decree of originality and carried consider able dignified humor The ac companiments by Mrs liead on the piano were also very effective Mrs Walker of Toronto fairly captivated the audience by her luted cellar the can maintained at degrees is ideal very few Ontario farm cellars will meet these require ments however so that the weather conditions play a more prominent part in deci sion a rule the will do well to carefully select op portune weather and to give the col ony some protection alter setting out Watch the forecasts closely when the gets around lo the south and with a prospect on the morrow slart in the evening and move out all if possible Contract entrances to suit size colony giving colonies ap proximately in by and ar range a cushion to is inches thick at lean oyer the brood chamber It pays to pack the sides as well especiaiij in the northern sections of untariu Special packing cases of in are made for this purpose giving to Inches packing room iae shock to brood rearing is very much reduced by packing and colonics therefore build up more rapidly A weir On tario Agricultural College Ontario 1315 To Treat Inflamed Udder of Cows or of the udder is a common disease in cow J it is caused by irregular milk ing exposure to cold and dampness wounds bruises or careless Handling dur minting etc and in many casts appears cause Symptoms One or more quarters Town Council Regular meeting last Monday evening Members all present hut Mr Doyle Following bills passed- A cinders Insurance Town Hall charity Treasurers Bonds Express 15 York Radial frt Freight on car of oil Can Express meter Frank cutting wood 7500 Hydro Electric Co lamps Insurance on wood Cane Sons cedar 2800 Pay Sheet No 7 ExpressHerald Tax Sale ref lo Clerk Era Office adv Tax Sale to Clerk Application of J Patterson for electric current for stove granted Application of Watson for electric current and water on Main St granted Mr Fred lundy enquired if il was not possible to check auto speeders on the town roots The Mayor replied thai a Con stable was employed for three days last year- hut was unable lo make any convictions Mr McCaffrey thought there were oilier mailers which require the services of a constable on du ty Mr said the racket down town on Saturday night was dis graceful The Mayor said lhal he was called up by phone and I oclock on Saturday night con cerning the matter and he au thorized a constable to see what was the matter The names of some young fellows were taken and they were warned if it occurred again they would he punished Mr Pearson bought the only warning that would he effective would he to make an example of them Last Saturday night his corner which is usually quiet was disturbed by howling and oth er noises Mr Fred also hoys congregating in front 1 L Entire of MOMENT CO of the Fruit Store on Saturday night and on the steps of the King George Hotel also Mar shalls corner on Sunday night and at Hamiltons at the North End and he thought something of the udder become swollen hard should bo done Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER NASTURTIUM ETC Nov Ready In Quantity Mo Order than Delivered PHONE 1 is greatly favored in power hut eftlxens are lie use j solo Her voice was in form and never sang well in before Tin by Mr was also excellent Miss Cliiholt Toronto gave a dance interpretation received and to which kindly responded Mrs of Iorohlo-an- on the piano by husband also three or four beautiful soprano solos which were enthusiastically re ceived close of ihe program Mr Howard Cane behalf of Ihe Field Comforts expressed hanks lo the com pany gratuitous services especially frrill who their own expenses and Mi- Aubrey Davis who was in and lender The becomes dull appetite lessened and temuer- quality of WO milk is more or less altered In cases curdled milk and a thin resembling whey when ibd teals are in some cases a milk lodged in the duel and is some what lo remove In some casee cloned also appears consists in keeping the as as possible a roomy wellbedded box stall A brisk purg ative of to lbs salt Via o 1 dram of and lo ox ginger according to sue of patient in a quart of warm water suould he given and followed up with to drams of nitrate of potas sium iwice daily for three days patient should fed food not parti cularly inclined lo cause pro duction until is allayed Local consists In apply ing lo the udder either by keep ing hot poultices 10 it or by long continued and frequently repealed hot water can be applied by using a piece cloth or canvas hole cut for protrusion ol the teats and fas tening It by strings or snaps the lops and loins The application of poultices of the proprietory pre paration known as gives good results The should drawn from each quarter or times daily and each mil tan the should well massaged rubbed witn camphorated oil Where this oil cannot rendily ob tained Us substitution by goose- grease gives good results J It Ontario Agricultural College iiisf performance I was lV very tfcreou leaves Plant ho Cultivated Crop To ensure good crops of mangles sugar heels potatoes hud corn the laud snould be well pre pared and seed fauuuid nu tin quality Under ihe Irish Cobbler variety early potatoes and the Oieen Mountain late potatoes are recom mended for Ontario To secure results with the potato crop It ib always better lo plant them not than the of May This year plant half your seed ten days than you have accustomed to and plant the half at the usual time The experiment Will prove lo your the value of early- planting If the potato planter and sprayer have not already been overhauled a rainy day may be very profitably employed In this work WHITEN WITH LEMON JUICE I of 4 Hie eon- and fo cow fori and convenience of ladle who have Invest in appliances and lighten your Extended Thoso who are cultivating Va cant Lots should not overlook the fact that if desire com pete for Hie Office prize hey must notify Mr Cornell the Public School Principal lime been extended to the 1Mb of June That only leaves two weeks for Judges to make Make a beauty lotion for a to tan frooklos be good competUlon grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents Squeeze the of two fresh lemons into a hot- tie then put in the orchard white and shake well makes a quarter pint of the heal lem on skin and complexion beaut known Massage this fragrant creamy lotion dally in to the face neck arms and hands and Just see how freckles tan Che and rough ness disappear and how smooth soft and clear the skin Yes I It Is and the beautiful results will surprise you Let Stock Reminders A regular and ample supply of salt will always be found helpful In pro moting the lurlftxof live stock When pasture Is provided for plies much less concentrated food is re quired In view oftlie present labor I pasture will he particularly valuable this year Mares worked previous lo foaling will perform a good deal of work and the result will bo stronger foals ban with Idle mares If In to get a good start It will carry more stock than If eaten hare from Ontario Agricultural Kotos TO Having been appointed repre sentative of the Co Toronto I wish to call the at tention of to the op portunity of securing Government and other Municipal Securities especially Victory Bonds as the best investment at prcsont lime Bonds of Federal Taxation and Newmarket alone took nearly worth In recent campaign HJJNRV BENNETT The Mayor said thai if if was wish of he he would put a Constable on duly hut no action was taken by Council Mr Keith was of opinion the Constable should lay information against the guilty parlies Mr reported on the progress of woodcutting and a furl her advance to Ihe con tractor was verbally authorized Moved by Mr Pears on second ed by Mr that the ByLaw Committee he Instructed lo in a ByLaw at next meeting if Council amend the Carters Li cense ByLaw so as lo include motor rucks Carried Moved by Mr Keith seconded by Mr thai Clerk he instructed write lo the Grand Trunk Railway Co regarding left standing on Huron St crossing obstructing view of people driving at this very dan gerous crossing Carried Council adjourned jOOO Mr Geo Connor was success ful in carrying two priz es for his driver Hill Fair The entire community extend to Mr and Mrs Iheir deepest sympathy for loss of their little daughter who had been ill only short lime The home or Mr and Mrs Ma- was I hi scene of a pretty wedding when daugh ter Fish Mary became Ihe bride of Gordon eldest son Mr and Mrs John of Vamlorf The bride was given away by her father and wore a handsome dress of ivory and carried a of narcissus and lily of the valley Miss acted as brides maid and won a of sky blue silk mull while Mr Douglas Mc ably supported groom Miss Grace played the wed ding music T Scott con ducted Ihe ceremony During signing of register Miss After a dainty supper was left for a short of con fetti On heir return Mr ami Mrs will reside on the fourth line Some of the guests were Mr and Mrs If McClure Claremont Mr and Mrs John and Miss Merle and Miss Myrtle of Vandorf Miss Jem field of ine Orchard Mrs Mai Lehman Maple Mr Louis Toronto Mr and Mrs der and Miss Ma of Toronto Tin enemy made a powerful attack with tanks northwest and north of lUlCim and succeeded in a progress at do la a counter attack Immediately restored lie line Germans being thrown hack with loss of prison ers and four of their tanks GRAY HAIR Newmarket Dr Natural Hair Reit- used directed Is guaranteed to gray hair to Us natural color or refunded not ft ftnd nonInjurious Prlia postpaid Write Supply Co On sale In ftt J Brag ulJ 1 a ft AT COST The Greatest Event of its Kind Ever Attempted GEO W Main St North en Dont let a leaky roof damage the wall paper carpets or furniture in your home the crops in your barn or the goods in your store Tear off the old shingles or other worn out roofing material and put on a lasting roof of Brentford Asphalt Roofing This roofing is made of a blend of hard and soft asphalts on a longfibred felt base By blending the asphalts a roofing of remarkable elasticity is secured- one that is flexible durable and capable of resisting all kinds of severe climatic extremes Asphalt Roofing is in addition surfaced with sand on both sides which adds to its weight fireresistance and durabilitYou may be offered other sanded roofing but it will not have the quality of material or weight of saturation of Asphalt Roofing Made in three weights lb lb per square Brantford Ruober Roofing is the same quality as Asphalt but has a smooth rubbery id of the sand It is particularly suitable for verandah i surface decks and floor coverings lb per square Three weights lb lb and IN Standard Mohawk Roofing consists of the same grade of materials as Asphalt Roofing hut is lighter in weight a thoroughly reliable roofing at a low Tested for years and has given entire satisfaction Sanded on one side One weight lbs per square Mohawk Rubber Roofing The same quality as Standard Mohawk but with a smooth surface Used for ad classes of temporary work sheds bunk- houses camp sites even dugouts in the trenches 35 lb lb and lb weights Roofing Slightly lower quality than Mohawk Rubber Used for same purposes lb lb and weights Samples of any of these roofings and prices will be furnished by cither the makers or their agents in this locality Limited Head Office and Factory Brantford Canada Branches at Toronto Montreal Halifax FOR SALE BY J A W ALLAN CO ft PA Are You Going to Build or Repair IN your building or repairing problems con sider the roof carefully See to It that It Is built from first class materials that ore known for fitness for quality and endurance Twin Shingles are fit for any home They ore beautiful In Their color tones of natural slate red or green charm the eye Their crushed slate surface gives assurance of endurance against time and wear They are Impregnated with waterproof asphalt so they keep out rain and snow dont affect them They are tough pliable a third In ordinary and require a third less and nailholes They arc the ony twin shingles twoshlngleslnoneandself spacing Neponset Dealer Newmarket W EVES X E i NOW IS WILL YOU NEGLECT IT To securo All Wool Suits at prices that will not bo repeated for years Wo have secured a range of English Cloth Water Proof Overcoats YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED I FWILLIS TAILOR Phono Main NEWMARKET A GALL 80LICITEDI 3 J A- I il I