Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1918, p. 3

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s T i OUR LOCAL NEWS Off- afternoon addition to the Stores Wed- In Office will close on afternoon from to look for the next four months District Meeting The annual district meeting of York Womens in Wesley Hall on Tuesday June Rebekah Lodge will meet on Wednes day June 2lh All mem- Degree practice held are urgently requested to be lit same evening I prayer service in Pres byterian Church last night he Hanks have agreed to am and close at in future the metling of the Circle next Tuesday ev- in the Methodist Church Presentation Trie Endeavor menu Hie meeting on Tues day went in a body to Ihe I- Mr- Donne bid J In his son Alfred who has a of the Society for a Hew A on tin Endeavor members Alfred with a Self Fill- pi tun tain Pen as a token of anil good wishes having been Vailed colors Farmers Club Be sure you hear Prof at the Town Hall next Saturday night Treat your friends to Candy PopCorn and Ice Cream Cones at the meeting Proceeds for Patri otic purposes Methodist W The regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Hewitt Niagara St on Wed nesday June at pm Re ports from the Branch Meeting held in Toronto will be given by delegates A full attendance is requested Fsh We are now receiving supplies of Government and Trout The price of these is set at and per lb Let us have your order for one of these nice fish and help in the nation wide campaign to save exportable food J Johnston Central Grocery Christian Endeavor meeting on Tuesday even ing was in charge of Miss Mae Storks The paper was splen did a Christian Duty and in Church and Community was taken by Miss Flo Verity Wxt Tuesday evening the will he in charge of Miss Ruth Kelley Mrs Haines is to give paper The members of the Society and Others are now enjoying the ten nis court Ep worth League The meeting last Monday night was a success It was a study on Abraham Lincoln Miss Widdifleld and giving very inter esting papers Everyone wel come at the meeting next Monday night Epwortli League Picnic on July Gill Reserve the date Com For the Era TO THE COYS WHO JOINED THE COLORS Boys of Keswick and Belhaven And fromall this broad domain Dont forget your mothers teach ings Do not let her prayers be vain Therell be trials and temptations You will meet them everywhere But be Christians do not falter Take them to your Lord in prater There are parents old and feeble Some who gave their only son To their countrys call for sol diers May God comfort every one- There are sisters there are brothers There are sweethearts by the score Who will pray to Christ our Sa viour That this war will soon be oer Au revoir but not goodbye boys God he with you one and all Comfort guide you and protect you Keep you safe whaleer befall Gertrude Draper Keswick TORONTO MAN MAY DIE RESULT OF ACCIDENT just The Corporation is fortunate in securing a car of oil for lh streets and getting it on when badly needed There is still opportunity to gel cucumber seed free of charge for those who wish to sign con tracts- See Mr Bums about the from small areas Garden Party The Community Club will hold a Garden Parly on Wed nesday evening June 1 on the premises of Mr Freeman St Slop Metropolitan Aurora Band in attendance Good program Excellent re freshments Proceeds for Boxes for Boys Overseas Everybody come congregations last Church morning and evening also exceptionally good sermons by the pastor The morning was The Fathers Love atjl the evening topic Walking wild God what is required to tp in slop with the Divine The special musical feature in the nncuing was a duct by Mr and Mr- Walter Stephens and in the evening a duet Mr and Mrs Williams Sunday while the pastor attending Conference the will be occupied in the morn- by and in the ev ening by Mr Single of Toronto representative of the Dominion emperanci Alliance Military Tribunal Following is a list of Exemptions Granted Cameron Aurora David Quecnsville January K Newmarket July Harry Jackson on- Mount Albert Work Found for Him A selfstyled son of a German Prince calling himself John vey was arrested on Monday by Curtis as he appeared to have nothing to do The next day lie was brought before Police Magistrate under the new Act as a loafer and sent to jail for three months at hard labor This is the second con viction here under this Act Blenheim Juni Bland of Toronto linotype machines Herbert traveller for was so badly till till tilt till till till Lloyd town Lloyd own till until Hill Aurora till months Newmarket IM i January Jam- Mr Kay January bum hi January 1st Roy I J v Harry January Sharon Craham Holland January Jell McLean Sharon Jan 1st A A King until he JfW Ifurn Kin- until until Oct Big S S Picnic The Picnic or the Methodist Sunday School is to be one of the big events of the season A band is to be engaged for the occasion A procession is to form at Ihe church headed by the band and Boy Scouts Cradle Roll and Be ginners Primary scholars to be carried in automobiles A full afternoon of sports and games is being arranged It is hoped to have the sports for the teen age boys run off under the Canadian Standard of Efficiency program in competition with Au rora and Bradford Sunday Schools This is just a hint of the good things In store Be sure to re serve the date June and remember place the Fair Grounds Further week Albert Mount Albert King Miliary Patrick a farrnrr i ore until he further Aurora till r 1st Exemptions Refused Newmarket Womens Institute An unusually interesting annu al meeting of the W was held at tin home of Mrs When the following officers were elected PresidentsMrs It A Starr Mrs A and Mrs Evans Sec yTreas Mrs Lewis Dilators Mrs Mrs Mrs Stephens and Mrs Janes Dial Mrs Mrs Lewis Mrs Mrs L Mrs Janes AuditorsMrs Meek Mrs Smith Dial Director Mrs A Starr Annual District Meeting will be held in the Farmers Club Room on Tuesday June at pm where representatives will be expected from the Branch Institutes All are welcome hurt this afternoon near Govern ment Park in South Harwich when his auto turned turtle that little hope is held out for his recovery J of The Chatham News and Con Shea a Chatham printer were badly hurl but will recover The men were driving at high speed and in making a sharp turn in the road a wheel broke and the car was overturned anil carried many yards by its momentum Bland was rushed to Chatham Hospital Another member of the party was Lou Jackson of the Linotype Company Toronto He was cut about the head and badly shaken up Bland is Ihe son of Thomas Bland of 32 Markham man ager for Linotype Company and is wellknown in Toronto His father is every newspaper publisher in Canada THRILLING WELCOME TO SURVIVORS Atlaniic City No J June i Worn lo a complete state of ex haustion survivors of the steamship Carolina sunk by a submarine about miles off Cape on Sunday night were ashore here this af ternoon to he music of the Star Spangled Banner played by the hand Of the Lu Temple of Philadelphia Nothing more dra matic has ever been witnessed on Atlantic Citys gleaming beach For weary hours lens of thous ands deeply stirred by tragedy of the steamship brought right to their doors by the arrival Of the crew last midnight had Watched he sea for signs of other small boats which might contain survivors recent raid A patrol man detected a ships boat in the offing shortly before oclock Thousands were drawn to the vicinity of South Carolina Ave where the hoal landed and as it drew nearer throngs gave way to frenzieij enthusiasm Bench guards launched their boats and went to meet the craft ers in full regalia with gorgeous uniforms ami hundreds of men women and boys fully clothed rushed waistdeep into the tide to drag he boat into the beach The Lu Lu Band header by Po tentate w Kendrick was parading down the Board Walk from the Imperial Meeting Mall and joined the crowd and as the boat swept in the band struck up the patriotic air The crowds cheered and many women wept with emotion The sur vivors wore eight of them women and one a laughing child of seven years who kept the men heroic and the women courageous during the o hours in the battle for life Report of Union 8 No 3 King and Whitchurch Mrs and daughter Al ma spent a the for mers daughter Mrs Geo Leon ard in the A Miss Bell of Toronto spent the past week calling on relatives and acquaintances Mr A Kirkwood of ston is spending his holidays with his wife and daughter at his fatherinlaws Mr J tons Mr Stanley ton of To ronto spent over the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs P J Miss Mary of Bells Lake spent the past week with Mr and Mrs F Mrs Mitchell of King City is staying with her daughter Mrs Jos Kitchen who is sick Wo hope for a speedy recovery Miss L McDonald of Toronto spent over the Kings Birthday with her- parents Mr and Mrs Neil McDonald Mrs Kerr of is visit ing her sister Mrs this week Mrs H H Coffey spent a cou ple of days last week in Toronto Mrs it K spent a few days last week in Toronto Mr spent Tuesday in the Queen City A meeting of the Womens In stitute will be held on Juno 1 3th at pm at Mrs Fred of Bond Head All members are requested to attend A Patriotic Tea will be served a This Season our advice 13 BUY as many Lines be- repeated at any Price and many other Lines on Future delivery will be advene- from to Many Lines of 8hoes at Old Prices Some Lines of Date we are showing are not seen outside of the Best Toronto Stores The Workmanship of Every Pair Is Guaranteed Dont get worried aboutitho shortage of Sugar Information we can get Is thai there will be as much 8iigar this year as last but It be a little later in Delivery Wood Aurora H E Wcllwood Holland Landing Lovcring Tem- peranceville Scott berg Fred A J Fox King Frank J I ENTIRE GERMAN BATTALION WIPED OUT ON THE Armies on the An battalion of KINO CITY After a lingering illness Mr Thos Gray died his late resi dence King City on Tues day evening Deceased was born in East York near Grays Mills and was a son of Ihe late John Gray one of the early pioneers of the county in 1839 In earlier life he was in active business in Toronto but later was for many years at He was a Presbyterian in religion and a Liberal in politics One daugh ter Mrs John Edwards of King City survives him also throe sis ters and one brother Mrs Jane Wells and Mrs J of King and Mrs J and John Gray of Toronto LADIES AND GENTS Wrist Watches In Gold Sliver Nickel yjHhay Aurora J Sharon Newmarket Oak Ridges a A Arthur Reynolds Aurora J- Aurora Osborne aft WW Aurora Withdrawn niMIWI Newmarket A I Newmarket fif A CLOCKS MANTEL FRENCH CLOCKS CLOCKS CUT GLASS ELEVEN CRAFT SUNK BY GERMAN SUBS A On Atlantic Coast Washington June Enemy submarines still were operating off the American coast today A French lank steamer the first transAtlantic craft to be attacked by the raiders and which later arrived at an Atlan tic port was saved from destruc tion at oclock this morning by aw American destroyer miles off the Maryland coast ThV same destroyer found the Coasting schooner P Jr sinking after having- been in the same vicinity making seven schooners and four steamers known officially to have been sunk by the raiders Announcement by he navy parlmenl of these facts laic to night disclosed that the raid in America waters had not ended with yesterdays talc of destruc tion Upset I theory hat the raiders probably were speeding homeward Coast patrol vessels had not acted on theory They now are closing in from all di rections on the scene of the raid ers lasl exploit scouring the sea for further trace of enemy as come Reports from survivors who were aboard the vessels estab lished the fad during day thai at least two submarines have been at work in American waters They are the and the and a report to the navy department shows that one of at least had stores to last her three mouths Willi Maine June was wiped out French and American troops In the attack at a French official note stated today The members of the battalion were shot captured or drowned when the bridge over the was blown up San 1 1 Ste Marie Ont Tunc damage was done at Canyon on the Algonia Central by a cloudburst which the district for a distance of fifteen miles and carried away the track Iwo bridges anil considerable quantity of piled for shipment to the Lake Superior Paper Company Through train service has been can celled and will be two weeks before it is resumed OF LIFE The best things arc nearest breath in your nostrils light in your eyes flowers at your fftel duties at your hand the path of Cod Just before you Then do not grasp at the stars but do lifes plain common as It comes certain that daily duties and dally bread are sweetest things of life NEWMARKET SCRIMS AND CHINTZES 36inch Cream Notts suitable for Dining Rooms or Living Room Special Price yd Cream or White suitable for any room In Reg for yd 3 Pieces only French Filet Net In Cream White or Ecru Reg for 1 Piece Only Blue Bird Scrim fine weave 39 In wide yd Chintz in Shades of Blue Yellow Mauve Brown and Pink 36 Inches wide a I t HEN PECKED 30000 GERMAN DEAD IN ONE ATTACK WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS 8UPPLIE8 Atkinson Co MftrHie I For die month of May Sr Class Emily Haines Bruce Nellie Buckle Laura Alice Jr Class Dorothy III Class Lewis Welnfitoin Ernest Cook carl Clarence Walter Baldwin Jr III class Harry Owens Ruth Walker Wood A tela Brown Dorothy Class Eleanor Hill Ida- Newton Marshall Viola Brown Jr II ClassEvelyn Class Marjory Douglas Beckett Cordon I Class Frances KltchlnK Mildred Walker Clifford Walker Leonard Owens Primer Bank Newton MacMain Primer Charlie Cook Phyllis equal Primer A Harold Hilton Carl Myrtle Newton Anna Lewis Beckett J I Fletcher Teacher Paris June One of greatest battles of history alar ted eight days ago by the German Crown Princes army is slowly hut surely drawing to on end as far as the advance the enemy Is concerned One of the early reports to reach Paris this morning was that during Mondays fighting French troops at tacking furiously Hie Alsnc and the accounted for Gorman dead This action led to the recapture of important mound Everywhere It Is said Ger man losses Monday were In propor tion to those sustained at Another report says that the French high command has also transported much artillery to the battlefield where they am Inking a frightful toll In German lives All night and early this morning the firing of guns has distinctly been heard In the French capital and witnesses who have ar rived here say the fighting is most sanguinary ooo TOHONTO WETHODI8T CON- had worked on Ihe farm for nine years and until his master look- to poultry forming he was quite satis fied with life But this poultry bust was a bit too much He had lo lake the eggs as they were laid and write the date on them with an in- dejiblc pencil And worse than that he had also to write on Hie eggs the breed of hen that laid them So one day he marched up to the farmer Im about fed up sail be and Im going to leave Surely Sam said be youre not going to leave alter all these years Yes but I am retorted Sam Ive done kind of rotten job oil this here farm but Id rallier starve than go on being secretary to your old hens 1 London Answer HOWS THI8 We offer One Hundred Dollars He- ward for any cause of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Malls Catarrh Cure Halls Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for Ihe thir tylive years ami has become known as the most reliable remedy for Ca tarrh Halls Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces ex pelling Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions After you have token Halls Catarrh Cure for a short time you will ace a great improvement in your general health Start taking Halls Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh Send for testimonials freo J CHENEY A CO Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists Live Stock Markets Highest paid In Toronto Ibis week were as follows Choice Export Steers Choice Butcher Cattle Butcher Cattle Choice and Feeders Milkers YOUR VALUE IN MONEY A man at age 35 who earns a salary of per annum has a present value of This amount invested would produce his salary Would your dependents lose In event of your death Use all your Income you can spare to add to your Life In surance SEE THE RESULTS SHOWN BY The Mutual Life of Canada rnis NEWMARKET Telephone DISTRICT AGENT Representing York and Counties OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO FARMERS LOANS Farmers requiring loans should apply to the Manager nearest Branch W I it Springers Choice Veals Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep Hogs off 1GG0 1350 1200 17000 HERE IS SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU ft a Dont Miss the Opportunity Newmarket Markets New York June Two more ves sels a Norwegian and one schooner were added today lo the Hat of known to have been sunk by the German submarine which In American The total now stands at steamers and eight Era bring Try The stationing committee of Toronto conference of the Meth odist Church has made the draft of ministers as follows District J J Coulter Markham Edward Baker A Owen Herbert Leo Lemon- ville Payne Mount Albert D Roy Gray and Alfred and Hugh Brown Sutton West J Ar- be sup- plied Bradford Black Newmarket J Butler per lb Wheat bush Oats bush Barley bush Bran ton ooo ft a 30 85 3800 Ladles Pumps Reg for Qrey HighTopped Boots Reg for Ladles Mary Low shoos Reg for Childrens Low In White from 11 to 2 Reg 175 for 135 Childrens Patent Leather Shoes Ladles Japanese Blouses Reg 450 for 249 Ladles White Repp Reg 3 On for A Big Stock of Running Shoes Must be Sold at Reasonable Prices I IN Toronto Markets Butler- lb Eggs Turkeys lb Spring Chickens lb Fall Wheat bush Goose Wheat bush Oals bush Barley bush Timothy Hay Ion Mixed Hay Ion I I I I 45 50 10 70 30 01 South of Hotel NEWMARKET etc ii Era briny Try no THE TRAOTOR The trader on farm arose Before the dawn at four It drove the cows and washed clothes And finished every chore Then forth It went Into the tho break of dav it reaped and threshed the golden yield And hauled It all away It plowed field that afternoon And when Job was through It hummed a pleasant little And churned the butter too Then pumped the water for the And ground a crib of corn And the baby round the block To still its cries forlorn r r Thus ran the busy hours away By many a labor And yet when fell twilight grey had no rest For while the farmer peacefuleyed Read by the tungstens glow The patient tractor stood outside And ran tho dynamo Mm to T imiiBlTPlllf ARCHIVES OF

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