i v A OF SUFFERING by Wonderful Fruit Medicine Life Around the Hub I Si Hull In my opinion no other medicine so good as for Indigestion and Constipation For years I suffered with these dreaded diseases trying all kinds of treatments until I was told I was Incurable One day a friend told me to try To my surprise I found this medicine gave immediate in a short time I was all a box for trial 25c At all dealers or from Limited Ottawa I a i Ul To Alt M a A I J pi I i i HOUSE TO Lydia Near Office Specialty Works Seven Rooms Town Water Possession May Rent SCOTT Main St Newmarket Eightroomed House on Pros pect Ave All conveniences nice garden good locality Apply to J MeHale or T P Doyle FARM NEAR NEWMARKET FOR SALE That part of The Robert Pear son farm lying north of side Toad and adjoining Newmarket being the easterly part of Lot No Con Whitchurch contain ing acres more or less will be sold at once There is a good frame barn with under stabling supplied with water and a good frame on the premises purchasers will ap- at once to Ed Richardson or to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Too Late for Last Week Mr and Mrs Kennedy of To ronto spent Sunday with mother Mr Win attended Dis trict Meeting at Markham on Tuesday Mrs Jos Grose is spending a few days with her mother Mrs of Richmond Hill J J Matheson and wife of Toronto spent a day last week with Mrs Marion Ward of Newmarket was in this week We are sorry to lose Mr and Mrs Moses Hill from our midst Mr Hill has sold his farm and removed to They will be missed in church and in the Ladies Aid where Mrs Hill was a willing worker Mr Herb has purchased a new automobile EGYPT The death occurred on the Con of Scott on Friday May at the home of his daughter Mrs John Taylor of Robert aged years months The deceased formerly lived in the Tp of Georgiua having acted as merchant postmaster at for over years He was Reeve of the Township for a number of years and was always interested in municipal affairs In religion he was a Presbyterian and a very active worker in the old home church Knox hi politics he was a Conservative His sterling qualities made for him many lifelong friends He was laid to rest in briar Hill Cem Sutton West by the side of his wife Mary Jones who pre deceased him years- ago and an only son John sixteen years ago There are left to mourn the loss of a loving father four daughters Mrs Taylor of he Con of Scott with whom he has- made his home for the past five years Mrs Carl Anderson Of Sutton Mrs Freeman Pollock of Abbey Sask and Miss Ada j HANGEIK I Mm Goddeu Tells How May be Pawed in Safety and Comfort ColUffiB TO A CHRISTIAN HERO Killed in 1st Jul Was this Fremont passing through the critical period of life being years of age and had all tb symp toms incident to change heat flash es nervousness and was in a general ran down condition e- it was hard for me to do my work PmJthami Vegetable Com pound recom mended to me as the best remedy for raj trouble which ft surely proved to he I feel better and stronger in every way since taking it and the annoying symptoms have disap peared Mrs M Na poleon St Fremont Ohio Such annoying heat flashes backache head- ache irritability and the blues may be speedily overcome and the system restored to normal conditions by this famous root and herb remedy Lydia Vegetable Compound If any complications write the Pink ham Medicine Co Lynn Mass for suggestions how to overcome them remit of forty years experience Is at jour service aw your letter held in strict confidence July then all he wrought marched away So stalwart young and To win six feet by two of foreign For an uDtiroely grave Like them of old who of a noble deed Did ask in purblind haste So we from faithless lips the question speed To what purpose this waste Ah- faithless hearts who speak of sacrifice As waste have not ye read Of him who gave Hi3 ownlife as price To bring us from thedead the Who saves his life shall lose it was was His word Who life shall find And she who poured the spikenard on the Lord Received His Irlhutc kind Nay more her deed aroused His chivalry To guard her gift from blame And on the record of Eternity To write her deathless fame mm MAKE Is The SB TC a i J a R I it God MAKE PEAT FUEL WITHIN TWO MONTHS workings know not waste no life is lost That treads in dutys way let not faith doubting wail cost Which He will yet repay the all To SNOWBALL QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Chemical CWlMecbaOCt Eleclrical HOME STUDY by correspondence- with one years or four in Summer School Navigation School DscamWto April CHOWN around at MOTlCat OF FOR DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that Jane Lyons of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario mar ried woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Di vorce from her husband James Lyons formerly of the City of Toronto now said to be of the City of Grand Rapids in the State of Michigan on the ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto in the Prov ince of Ontario this 25th day of February A IRWIN HALES IRWIN Yong St Toronto JUNK WANTED HIGHEST PRICE8 PAID from to per lb Rubbers from to per lb Iron from to per Copper and Brass from to per lb Good Prices Paid for Live Fowl Good Prices Paid for Wool Telephone No at my expense will give you prompt atten tion E South of George Hotel P O Box Newmarket Large number from here attended the Fair Hill on the Miss Grace of spent over the with Miss Florence Casey Mr Fred Storey and lady friend visited at Mr Arthur and Will Storeys on Sunday Visitors at Mrs K Fergu sons over the holiday were Mrs Yates of Detroit Miss Hazel Thompson and Miss Eva of Toronto Mr Geo Butler visited at Mr on Sunday Pie Arthur Morning to Camp is home on a weeks leave Several of ojir B men have been notified to report this week We wish I hern success Miss Ferguson visiting the oily Mr and Mrs Hoy Haines spent Sunday at the home Some of our young ladies Maxwell car is ahead of any other A few our young folks at tended the farewell given Keltleby on Friday evening for the hoys who left to train on Wednesday From Toronto Mail and Empire Within the next two months speciallydevised machinery for manufacturing raw peat in com mercial form will he in operation in Ontario- demonstrating the possibilities of the extensive peat bogs of the province Hon Howard Ferguson Minister of Lands Forests and Mines stated that two machines capable of pro ducing a considerable quantity of marketable peat were noaring completion in the shops at Mont real where the expert commis sioned ay the Federal and Pro vincial Governments has been at work Meanwhile engineers have not been idle and already 17 bogs in Ontario have been inspected and found to contain good pfeat The chief of these and the one which will probably be selected by the Government for demonstra tion purposes is what Is known as the Holland bog north of To ronto though the bog in Perth Go near Stratford also favor ably situated The value of the Holland bo- apart from its ex tent lies in the fact that it is close to the railway and is prac tically dear of brush Not Government Undertaking Hon Mr Ferguson made it clear that the we see and touch and strive to grasp With eager outstretched hands dust will crack and crumble in our clasp Arid as desert sand Bui Love and Duty Valour Faith and Truth Are forces of the soul Springs whence the shall renew its youth While endless ages roll hero thanks to So far the Christian God Count not his labor vain Serving on earth or lying the sod His being is our gain J Freeman in The Christian A LETTER FROM THE BOY WEVE HAD By A Guest in Press Detroit Free ET the Fprd car introduce you to the beauties of Nature and the outside world Let it take you into the country or along the lakes where the air is fresh and sweet A Ford car will open up pew fields of pleasant possibili ties for you and your family and at the same time serve you faithfully in business No doubt you have felt the need of a car your wife has often said I wish we had a car so why not buy one now There is no other car that gives such good value for the money invested a Ford This is why the Ford car is so popular everywhere The Ford is powerful easy to drive economical endur ing It is the car you need Touring Runabout Coupe Sedan Chassis THE UNIVERSAL CAR Oneton Truck 750 O B FORD ONT K N ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET Orchard was Beach lively on the is not tor the present at any rale con templating development of the peat on its own account The when the equipment is ready will likely acre or so and proceed to demonstrate that peat can be pro at a price that will make the industry a paying one for private companies- The new machines it is slated will cut turn and harvest peal thus eliminating the expense of taking it by hand as has be En the past ran nftces- all tor oar ItrvKN- SOSS MAIUON The Beach Besides the numerous auto continually passing about three out of every four of cottages on tin were open Two dozen or more Boy Scouts from Newmarket under Scout Master Hawkins spent three lays at the Cane cottage returning home Sunday evening The hoys greatly enjoyed the outing The Morton Store is open for the season and djd a good ice cream business over the week end Mr has sold his val uable properly to Mr Cohen of Toronto Another property just South of Col Lloyds cottage has changed hands Mr Will Thompson of Toronto is slaying up this week to super intend the construction of a now boat house on cement foundation has it that Mr Morton has sold his line building lot just north of Mr Lumbers and ma terial being delivered on the ground for another new cottage Mr Arthur has added a silo to his barn accommodation since season With Paris May The German longrange bombardment of Paris was resumed at ti25 this morn ing Shells have been falling at intervals of fifteen minutes lhe bombardment began An exchange remarks When a plumber makes a mistake ho charges twice for it wben a doctor makes a mistake be buries whena judge makes a mis take becomes the law of the land when a preacher makes a mistake nobody knows the dif ference but when an editor makes a mistake goodnight I Weve had a letter from the hoy And oh gladness and the Joy It brought to us I We read it oer Id say a dozen times or more We laughed until the tears fell At all the fun he had to tell Hes in the navy wearing blue And everything is all so new That he can in youthful style The funny things to make us smile Hes working hard I Between the lines gather that The brass he shines Without complaining and food He gels to eat is very crude Ami yet he laughs at all his chores He says the maid who scrubs our floors Will have to when he returns Unless a way she learns Ive got it on the fairer sex Says he since I am swabbing deckn A sailors life dear Mom writes he Is not the life you picked for me And yet Im getting fat and strong And learning as I go along That any life that man can find Is apt to to be a grind Unless a fellow has the wit To see tin brighter side of It Dont worry for your sailor son He sleeps well when his work Is done TOBACCO WASTE The papers are now full ways for the conservation of food and fuel and advising to grow more foodstuffs Why not cut out the raising of tobacco If the land used for growing the weed were planted we will say to po tatoes and beans etc in Cana da and the United States there would he no shortage stated that million dollars are spent annually for tobacco 1 send you this much as I have not seen the idea mentioned in any paper heretofore and now leave it for some able writer Port Robinson Feb 1018 to go to the Country on PHONE 68 Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Night Calls on Phone Promptly Attended to Windsor May Denatured alcohol placed near beer as a kicker is believed to bo re sponsible for he death of live men here yesterday and Ray mond years old son of a hotel proprietor is being at police headquarters upon orders from Coroner who believes he may know something of interest in connection with I lie wholesale poisoning a letter from the boy- and the Joy us Twos good to Twos weve had And oh the It brought to know That he Is facing duty so Between the lines that he has penned His mothers bitter fears to end I saw his manhood glowing bright And now I know heart In right behind the laughter I could see My boys man Id hoped hed be IT PAY As Lightning on Miss Windsor May a queer prank Jessie years old as she stood beneath a tree at Bruce Avenue and London Street dur ing a severe electrical storm late this afternoon The current trie light and power he has things S5f pretty complete the young woman held In Wood Saw and other Machinery in Claw order and will be sold of Bank of Toronto i proprietor The first airplanes to be fur nished to the American army from the United States have ar rived in France an are now In use In a training camp Children When the ice gave its parting salute in Cooks Bay it tore away part of the breakwater at Yates boathouse and did other small damage along the shore The Township Council has wid ened the road in various places since last season which is a great improvement but there is still need for further use of the axe and spade Amsterdam May While two big steamers and two de stroyers of the Russian fleet got safely away when the Germans occupied the vessels falling into German hands ac cording to the war correspondent of the Dreadnought class including four launched since two protect ed cruisers of the three modern destroyers and a number of submarines The cor respondent says the ships engines and guns are In good con dition in almost every case her right hand passed through her arm and came out at Jaw fracturing the jaw bone in two places Mm Ming made better can Ik i you pass along lifes Journey And things sometimes go awry Hoes It pay to fret and worry You may mend them If you try What Is gained by getting Does It profit do you find If things arent Just as you like them Does It help to mind Docs It pay to rake your husband Does It pay to blame your wife Does pay to scold your children Does it help you In the strife Does it pay to blame another Whats the profit What Is gained Can you help by speaking further Is It best nave your say Cant you help by being kind Does- it pay Does It pay It may be some heart Is breaking For one little word of love And by better feelings waking You may now helper prove Are you wiser nobler better When a trouble you would add Are you truer purer sweeter When anothers heart Is sad Does it make your burden lighter To add weight to others load Does It make your pathway clearer To place thorns upon Ida road Does it pay to blame another Whats the profit What Is gained Can you help by speaking furUier Is It best to have your say 7 Cant you help by being kind Does it pay Docs It pay 7 A Church Union Is being worked out In the Day of dis trict to close two Methodist and four Presbyterian appointments freeing ministers for work and saving to missionary and aug mentation funds Y NUJOL LABORATORIES STANDARD OIL COMPANY New Jersey NEW JERSEY Dear I take pleasure in you that the relief I have obtained from the use of far more than what ordinarily termed For years before sending you my- order for a trial bottle of I habitually used destructive pink pills due to the fact that through lack of proper exercise I was continually constipated and a sufferer from other ailments known to result only from irregular bowelaction 1 have taken three bottles of and ever since I finished the first bottle my bowel action has been as regular as the rising sun and my general physical condition is now good aa can be wished tor In my opinion Nujol is a scientific cure for constipation and its countless other resultant ailments I earnestly recommend it Sptingfield III January 5 Your Iruly Name on implication Dont dread constipation but dont neglect it Its the poisonous root of scores of serious ailments Do exactly what this man did bring back regular bowelhabits with gives you the quick relief you want without the least griping or reaction Thousands know it is the safest remedy for the body absorb it Quit using harmful pills and salts Nujol makes you regular as clockwork Start using it today ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS are no is only Nujol Sale Fai selve Notes of M such S Manufactured- by STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY If It for pint BAYONNB IN IUUC to CHARLES GYDE SON PO A PATTERSONS Drug Store NEWMARKET Regular as Clockwork constipation I 1 J- E r Carter Janes were ecorcj 1 l i i-