CHINA HALL SEED SPECIAL Seed all pkgs to cleared at each Clover No Quality at a Special Price to clear Timothy Seed Classed No 2 but fa No in Quality and Ger mination carters English Turnip Seed In bags Quality Very Best English Garden Seed In the of hearing OUR LOCAL NEWS Brltfleto Union prayer service at the Friends Church last night The Public Library will be closed Monday evening Readers may change their books on Tues day if they wish Mr Stark is making a fine improvement in the appearance his residence on St 5 and papers bulk GARDEN SEEDS Put up by us are Good A a Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China Good Success The Euchre which was held in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Young Ladies Sodality of St Johns CI Church was a splen did success Proceeds of expenses The winner of the Ladys Prize was Mrs Doyle and the Gents Prize w to Mr OConn Whos Got a Record to Spare An appeal is made to those who have gramophones to spare some the records that they are tired ing for the Soldiers Homes and Hospitals The lo cal branch of he Red Cross will receive them at their rooms over the Post Office at any of their sewing lernoons meetings on Tuesday 2 4 Selected Selected COW AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK I all of a i spread- The but victims of the cornrner- lack of have cut birds for r lore than sick list other The a nary are tek rolls ties have their Childrens Day The annual Childrens Day Services in the Christian Church are to be observed this year on Sunday June l one week from next Sunday Reserve the day and plan to be present The Sun day School is preparing an line program and another big day- is expected The Girls Choir will practise this week both Thursday and Friday even ings at oclock sharp Will all he members please he on hand Com SOME WAR SAVIN GS Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE We all Cm ilr- Parties with Soft Drinks Cones and Soda Fountain Always Open wax Market Paris to I ten sa od lend SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE WE AUK TURKEYS COLD CROWN VEGETABLES AND PLANTS Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CAULIFLOWER AND CABBAGE ASTERS BALSAMS COSMOS PETUNIAS SALVIA ETC ETC SEED CORN H Successor to A Howard Delivery Phone GO TERMS A S I worth League The program last Monday ev ening was on National Songs and their Origin Papers were giv en by Wood I A and ri There was also a solo by Mr Barker and an instrumental duel by the Misses Mr Brook acted as chairman The program next Monday ev ening is under the direction of the Citizenship Department and an interesting evening is assured By Pupils Trained In Physical Culture and Folk Games by Dorothy A assisted by Mrs Helen Kennedy Leonard J Boris and Claude Parker In Town Half Newmarket on Friday Evening May At Oclock -PROGRAM- GOD SAVE THE KING I English Folk A Fine Companion Cecil Sharp B Jennie Pluck Pears Cecil Sharp Class Helen Kennedy Vocal Solo Leonard Reading Some Little Bug Claude Parker Humoreske Dance Interpretation Dorothy Celo Solo B Spanish Boris Vocal Solo A Loves Lullaby My Love a Muleteer Mrs Proctor Scotch Folk Games A Keel Row Highland Class Reading Helen Kennedy Vocal Solo A Mother Grey Days Selected Leonard Reading I Forget Claude Parker Vocal Solo A As long as the world rolls on The Waters Of Minnetnnka- Cello Obligato by Boris Mrs Proctor Cello Solo ft Chopin Olazounov Morse i THE MENS STORE I 10 NBali Burleigh Ernest Ball 13 Sheridan A To a Wild Rose Boris 14 Sceno from The Rivals Cast Pupils of the Class 15 Gavotte Class GOD SAVE THE KING At the Piano Evelyn ChelewKemp and Mrs Hollingshead Sudden Death The death occurred last Fri day afternoon of Mr Randolph Rannin Murray son Of Mr Eli Murray in his I year He was taken sick on the Sunday previ ous Appendicitis having devel oped he was removed to the Western Hospital Toronto on Tuesday where an operation was performed Deceased worked for I lie for the past three or four years and was an exemplary young man attentive business and well liked by his companions death is greatly regrelled Christian Endeavor Topics for June Christian Duly and Privilege Service in Church and Mark Conse cration Meeting Flo Verily and Mae Storks Progressive Christians Pet llii Mrs Haines and Ruth IS Cooperation with the Sunday School I Cor Mrs Hoy Watson and Jessie Milts now to Have a Good Time 1 Lulu Collins and Charlie Cumber Social Remarkable Values in the i I Immense i Spring Display of Clothing For Men And this season as usual In spite of conditions variety in styles patterns colors and weaves Is a most notable feature of the display and Is suoh a va riety that provides the good fit desired the smooth or rough weaves that strike the fancy and also the patterns and colors that are so Important in the choice of a Suit The Spring display Is now ar ranged and wo Invite all men whether they want to buy or not to come and see the values hat are offered THE JAMES WHIMSTER The Gents CO NEWMARKET Furnishers TRANSPORT SUNK IN MEDITERRANEAN liip J Ii n ml Jo iii jj u mi ii Vrs nml of iiM rnjMiiy v Jlitorn I ill I la ijiii- Christian Endeavor The Christian held a union meeting with the Jun iors and it was very well tend ed The topic on Foreign Mis sions was very well brought out by a program by the The is to meet at pm next Tuesday evening weeks IS lion and active members are urged to respond with a verse of scrip I me commencing With the fir leiij it is to be in charge of Misses Flo Ver ily and Mae Storks Everybody welcome Recital ToNight Head over Program days issue for I he in Town iliis evening in aid of Field forts ami Patter sons Drug and reserve your eal if you rxpeel to in- llie Hall The following press notice re- i DESERTERS HOLDING LAUREnlTIAN FASTNESS in of the arliN appear- e- New Vopfc Tribune p Mr an of Mifnlaiiis well grounded in the and twenty young hi instrument who play- lasle Ho gives yreat an district received hi at ij Military 1 with the and liv Going to China radices year had been nilirrViirv by Missionary dw l Church of in I w mi- lit ft end ii ajqi v front by ASTORIA TO and Childicu are of in lo Deaconess Work in St parish Mi IiniH has been appoint ed by the A the io on June and alxi at on July 2nd The fa riving out going missionaries also those who are here on furlough and returning to their posts a fare well evening on Monday June Mrs David Hamilton of New market has fllSo received an in- from he The missionaries Aug 1st and will from Vancouver Aug Era A THE LOST THIMBLE withdrew her head from under the SO fa brushed a bit of lint from her eyelashes sneezed scrambled to her knees and glanced at the clock Twenty minutes She came lo her feet ami rapped firmly on the tabic with her thimbled forefinger The others some tiptoeing some crawling some pawing over the piles of completed work some shaking out their skirls for the dozenth time turned expectant faces Oh have you found it cried Louise Bowls No sorry to say Hut girls this wont were losing loo much lime this a special meeting called express ly because we were notified that this months consignment must he ready earlier than we expect ed if it is to go by the ship Thai means Using every minute and shall only make good skin of at that Now gold thimble is here in this room safe if its where it cant he slopped on It isnt on the floor Ive crawled over every inch inter up led Louise Well I propose we slop hunting and go back to work Ill hunt again alone after our Job is finished and youre all gone and simply keep on I find Of course youre all eager to help but Im sure shell understand if dont let you wont you Oh of course assented stiffly Im sorry to have made trouble- very sorry IS was a present pet with tur quoise hand and my initial in di amonds or Id never have men tioned it but of course its of no Irues heart sank was very plainly il lie ii her l work linn- more ami Mm com fori pillow was iViumpbantly In III invited III remain hut Allele declined and departed abruptly to keep on Irue you are fine and you did exactly right declared jse her whu had linger ed a pig of anyway and doesnt mat ter what Ihinks Oh yes it docs Im afraid when sii was the loser and my guest sighed Hut llie work came first and then we were all and hindering one another and waiting precious minutes and all of a sudden I re- mcmhcrcd one of Aunt Prudences maxims its the lime I ever did remember a maxim at the right time- and I acted on it Hut all llie same Im frighten ed Suppose we shouldnt find the thimble It have been valuable I suppose so- it was fairly lumpy with ornaments I dont drawing her hand from exploring behind a shelf of books and dain tily flipping the dust from her lingers with her handkerchief As she pulled the handkerchief from her apron pocket the lost thimble came with it and rolled clinking and glittering on the floor The girls both uttered a cry of delight It musl have dropped off into my lap when leaned over to walcli how I turned that fussy corner Of my bag said Louise and then it slipped down into my pocket We might have hunted whole af ternoon and never have found it Lucky you slopped us what was hat maxim you were talking about How did it hap pen to lit the circumstances When was a heedless young ster visiting my Quaker annl Prudence was forever los ing my toys and ihen upsetting everything and everyone hunting for hem immediately insistently and frantically looking half a dozen times in the same place you know how an impatient Child does hunt and Aunt Prudence used sit hack calm and give me good advice Child child if thee has lost one article remember thee does not improve matters losing three others which are generally more important thy head thy temper and lime Good for Aunt Prudence said Louise with a laugh Like wise good for Niece Prue Lei Us telephone Adele weve found her thimble tf HA PERSONS KILLED IN MUNITIONS FIRE Moscow May Forty per sons were killed or injured and damage amounting to rubles was done through an ex plosion and lire on a munition train at Kazan station in the Volga region recently The train filled with munitions for the south front blew up with a series of detonations after it had caught lire The flames spread lo near by houses Seven warehouses and rail way cars many of them loaded with merchandise were Ontario motorists may now drive in twentysix Stales in the American Union without paying any extra license fee Porcupine May The ger Consolidated is producing I gold at the rate of approximately six million dollars annually cording to official figures just at hand This indicates profits at be rate of perhaps three million dollar annually and approxi mately sufficient to carry a one per cent dividend every four- weeks Would you like to have TERniFVINQ TIMES vim knew here urn limes when- is positively terrifying enler liidy hi lie Bish op dinner parly That cannot he returned the pray explain Why said lllfi lady it is when there is i canon He reading dk a hit gun in bishop is charging his Clergy choir murdering anthem and He organ ist drown the choir May Indications at llie summer school of the Ontario this year are Hie will break all records It is expected hat at least persons will take the course which for five weeks Paris May Severe losses have heeii inflicted upon the in the district by ihe Italians according to spe cial despatches from Home Among the prisoners Liken by the Kalians are I officers Twelve cannon and machine remained In Ilia hands of Ihe Italians London May 27 A tor rential rain that poured contin uously for more Ibnn an hour and a half this afternoon swept away a dozen small bridges on the main roads of the Township of West minster while a heavy play Of lightning is reported also to have Caused more or less severe pro perly loss The rural telephone lines were demoralized by be storm OPENED WITH PRAYER My dear called a wife to husband who was in next room what arc you opening that can wilh Why he said wilh a can- opener at did you suppose Well replied his wife I thought by your remarks you see she could sew with the open it with Clumsy thing said Louise with- prayer The New Edison Phono In your home If you will let us know at once we will try to arrange for same SPECIAL TERMS OF PAYMENT ARRANGED TO PURCHASER i BROUGHTONS DRUG STORE To get fitted up for Summer Just arrived 3 cases of Straw Hats and Panamas that we could not cancel They will all have to be sold this week Genuine Panamas Mens Umbrellas In Fedora and Telescope Stylo with andi In a Large Assortment of Handles Reg without Fancy Bands Reg Clearing at Clearing at 39 I Another Better Grade Shoes rtCO Patent and Styles Reg and South Panama In Fedora Stylo Clearing at Clearing at Mens Straw Sailors Mens Suits Young Mens First Longs with Belts and In the Newest Shapes Reg S250 carina l j Slash Pockets Reg 1 Clearing at Mens Split Straw Outing Shirts Just thing for everyday wear Reg With Sport and Lay Down Collars Reg Clearing at Clearing at White Duck Trousers Reg Clearing at Mens 100 Ties In the Latest Styles Clearing at Every Item in this advertisement is a Genuine Bargain and Every Article is Guaranteed so be on hand Early DUNCAN MENS OUTFITTER IS It f Ii f i I Ml I i J B I I I I I I J a fi i ftfV bring retuiu Try one l