Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 May 1918, p. 6

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iiL h J J g Mount Albert i LEAGUE The League met as usual on Monday evening May in charge of the Citizenship Miss Edith Smith Vice occu pied the chair Miss Dike the Scripture Lesson arid Mrs Rev D Roy Gray took the topic The resources Canada Therewas a good attendance The meeting next week will be in charge of the Christian Endeavor PERSONAL Mrs J Cook and daughter Marion of were at the home of Mr Cook for the holiday Miss Mildred Ramsden of To ronto was at her home in town for a few days visit Mis Thompson a former teach er in the Continuation School spent a few days at the home of Mr J KighUey Miss Hazel Shaw of Toronto is visiting friends in town i i The Janey Canuck Club have made arrangements for a concert in the Methodist Church on Wed nesday June Watch for particulars Two fraction engines were go ing east on the sideline south of the village one day last week when the bridge gave way and al lowed one of them to fail through Fortunately no one was hurt A frosty night would mean the destruction of a great many to mato plants as a large number have been sot out this week To nearly everyone the rains which have been of daily occur rence since Friday have been most welcome Reasonably warm weather now would give a great growth While press reports say that bay crops will be light this is not true of the lawns require constant attention pros pects too are none loo bright and cherries are a failure in many cases and strawberries killed out meaning small crop Our fruit gardeners have re planted very largely Apple trees are full of As this crop had almost reached vanishing point here the hope of improve ment is cheering Messrs of and of Newmarket made their first deliveries Of plants here last week The for mer has largely given up flower culture going in for vegetables and so housekeepers who lost many or all of their in tin extreme cold and fuel scar city of last winter find it difficult to replace litem The two stores dealing in them were busy hives the market lays of this and last weeks The A look a great many young men in this vicinity A number of outsiders visited Mt Albert for the holiday and weekend The day was quietly spent many going to the Spring Holland Landing Mrs Habishaw and daughter have returned to Toronto for a week Mr Harry West of Toronto spent the holiday at home his mother Mrs West Mr John Stevenson spent the holiday at home Mrs Fred Piper spent a few hours in town on the holiday Mrs Glover has purchased a piano Mr Thompson and fam ily spent the in Everybody is eating honey especially at the meetings Mr West spent the holi day at Hamilton Mr Herb Taylor moved to his new house last week A number of the boys have to report this week Mr and Mrs Smith are slow ly recovering ROACHS POINT IP 8 I n I I All pin Fairs and Richmond Hill members of the Methodist M attended the District Convention at on the and report an excel lent meeting His many friends were shocked and grieved to hear of the tragic death of Col Sam of and many intend to attend his funeral on Wednesday To judge the number of parked along the streets on rmarket days one would suppose thai at least every alternate farm for miles possessed one Mr Watts is the latest to be come a citizen having taken the house owned by Messrs Dike This makes five new families on that street this spring Glad lo that very few vacant houses are left Everyone is glad lo see Mr Cook moving however slowly along the street again For a few days it looked as if he had Jjis last walk Mrs who has been vis iting brother Mr Kennedy here and friends at Zephyr re turned her home in Hamilton last week Hi Taylor town constable of is towel was electrocuted when turning off the power he had been not wishing to bother the engineer Mr and Mrs Spencer Miss Cameron and Mr were the guests of Mrs Tillelt over the holiday Mr J Kaake of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr Frank Sherman Mrs Ash ford is visiting her sister Mrs A Boyd Mrs Latham and children are spending a few days with Mrs J Boyd Mrs of Aurora also Miss Jessie Crocker spent a few days with Mrs Bain Mr Frank Sherman motored to Toronto on Tuesday We are all very iglad to hear Mrs Win who is in the Toronto General Hospital for an operation is doing as well as can be expected Mr Joseph is in Toronto with his mother Miss Lottie Sheppard i visiting at Baldwin you Lottie Mrs A Hamilton is visiting her mother Mrs Sherman in Newmarket She has been un der the care and we hope the change will do her good The Government Lighthouse Supply Bessie Butler docked here on Monday night leaving early on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Millar Brown spent the weekend in Sutton Mrs Marritl of Keswick spent last Thursday with Mrs P J Cole Mr Jas Hamilton is working al his home this week Busy Bee 1 The cottagers on the Beach will greatly regret to learn that Mr lrachanand family can ho longer be counted residents of I the shore having disposed of his properly Mr and Mrs have taken a great interest in the Sunday services for many years and were the first to start a Sun day School for the children on the Beach Afterwards when the Union Church was planned Mr was appointed a Trustee by the donor of the property the laic Squire McCordick and Miss or a number of years faithfully discharged the duties of organist without any remune ration whatever The boys and girls were active in the sports on the Beach and carried off numerous prizes One of the girls is now a Kindergarten teacher the other a nurse in New with York Hospital one of the hoys is at the front another is getting ready to go and the third was born at the Beach The young people were favorites with the boys ami girls on the Beach and at Roachs Point Times have changed and the associations of the Beach will never be the same as or years ago It is to be hoped that the physical men tal and spiritual status will not deteriorate The Boy Scouts kept up a fine camp fire for two hours on Sat urday night and proceedings were greatly- enlivened by a quantity of splendid Fire Works kindly donated by Mrs Aubrey Davis who motored up to see how the boys were getting on cottage must have been well occupied to provide sleeping accommodation for lads and the Scout Master QueensviUe glad to that Miss Edith Atkinson was suc cessful in honor examination at Toronto University Congrat ulations The Womens Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs J on Wed nesday May 29th at 230 All members requested to toe present as it is election of officers The third annual meeting in connection with Section the Toronto of the will be held in Aurora on Wed nesday June 5th at am with the following program Invocation Prayer Mrs Thornhill Prayer for W M Mrs guson Eversley Scripture ReadingsMrs Hunt ley Words of welcome Mrs Aurora Message from ViccPres Mrs Atkinson Roll Call Auxiliaries and Mis sion Bands Solo Prosper Address on Supply Mrs Millar Toronto Address on Prayer Mrs Solo Mrs Wilcox Aurora Presentation of Strangers Ford To ronto Presentation of Missionary Messenger Mrs Bart- man Toronto Hymn i39 Luncheon Keswick HOPE We are place the when were wrist May George Love years old cashier in the office Of the Inland Revenue Department here was placed under arrest at i oclock morning following getting Home grand showers these days Quite an electric storm Sun day nigh A large gathering took last Wednesday night at home Of Mrs J Gibson Stewart and each presented with a watch prior to leaving for agara Camp Miss Megans of Pine Orchard visited at Mr A Gibsons on Sun day Considering the threatening weather the Garden Party was a decided success The ladies were sorry for the delay in serving tea as the tables had to be changed from outside to inside on ac count of the rain Much credit is due the crowd for order and patient waiting as there were about two hundred present It was quite late when the last tables were set The- ladies cleared which was a Splen did amount considering the bad weather Pie Cordon bought the quilt made by the Hope Gleaners Class for made a good auctioneer Mr Albert and daugh ter are visiting Mr Scotts Mrs is visiting with Mrs Quite an exciting time the oth er day when the mail mans ear was troubled with the cant help it and another motor from Mt Albert was sent for and towed the other away Miss oj New market was the guest of Miss Bessie Terry over the weekend Mr J T and sons Aurora visited relatives here last week Mrs Latham and mother al so Merna Latham spent the weekend with relatives here Miss Ella Morion spent a few days in last week Mr Win Goodyear spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Miss Pearl Miller spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ross The Gleaners Class of the Chris tian Sunday School entertained the Gleaners last Friday evening in the Temperance Hall and both report a lime Mr Waller spent Sun day at his home here Miss A also Miss of Toronto visited Mrs J on Sunday Some attraction on the shore Wilmot I Mr and Mrs A Wilson and daughter of Toronto are visiting her mother Where oh where has Mary gone Miss Olive Cousins spent flic holiday at home of Mr and Mrs Frank Mrs John and Mrs John A have become farmerettes Wake up girls gel on those over alls and do your hit There is going lo be a rare treat next Sunday night as Mr Addi son i going to lake charge of I he meeting Hurry up girls on the shore are Inquiring for you at the store Fin only a bach elor and lost my teeth and they dont want me Glad to hear I hat Mr Isaac King is expected home this week after five weeks in the General Hospital A representative of the Belgian Relief Committee will give an ad dress In the Christian Church next Sunday at am Come and enjoy Hie treat for there is room for you and we need you Merry Sunshine 2 pm Hymn Selected by Mrs Leh man Newmarket Mix Scripture Reading Mrs O Brien Laskay Aux Prayer of Thanksgiving- and for the Jews Mrs John MacCallum Strange Solo Mrs Reynolds Aurora Prayer for our Mission Bands Mrs Rich mond Hill Hymn Selected by Mrs Ross Mission Band Conference Prayer in the Mission Band Miss Rich mond Hill Bible in Mission Band Miss Myrllci Hamilton Mt Pleasant M Singing and Reading in the Mission Band Mrs Kenie Sutton West Question Drawer Page Toronto Solo Jean Atkinson ville M Missionary Address Mrs Ar thurs China Offering Hymn and National An- Benediction All welcome Baldwin Breezes the completion of an Audit of his books by Government officials who had been sent here from lava Loves shortage is sain to excels Of HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Farm no milking or other work Highest to competent Apply to HARRISON Centre Mount Albert Mot lo I Program for League Juno Giving God Hie Due Speaker Mrs Reader Leonard Milne Educational and Orphanage Work In japan Speaker Muir Header Wright How to Study the Bible Speaker- Mrs J leader Watson Canadas Political Develop ment Speaker Stephens Header Cowieson Home Pictures Speaker Nellie Smith Header Wright Quite a crowd out both churches Sunday evening owing to so many visitors ovor the weekend Mr Waller of Toronto and lady friend spent Sunday with his mother Mr and Mrs Barker of Newmarket and Mr and Mrs of were at Mr fairies Coles Mr Hoy of Mt Albert Mr and Mrs Crittenden Of spent the weekend at Mr Geo Mrs Ira Morton and baby returned to the on Friday little village is somewhat lonesome Is it any wonder Our boys are called lo the colors and many many a young lady has a sore aehfng heart as well as the mothers Never mind Cheer up I We Morion has come home lo daddy Its the best place When ladies going to sewing at the hall for the hoys Could you put sweat ers on and do without fire In regard to Mr Owl on the Tories and Union Government The mistake was In lolling the ladies vole You can plainly sec when its too late did not understand their business They should have been taught by teach ers not preachers The school rooms wore the places not the churches whore the word of God should he Thank you Mr Owl for opening the subject West A mercury period extending from the 2nd to the will probably make some very decid ed changes the weather dur ing that lime We may frost hail and sleet I observe thill Mrs Bert Owens lee cream is gobbled up avidity these warm idays Its awful good YOU may have observed how that word awful is so very frequently wrongfully used A belter qual ifying I arm would be exceeding ly or remarkably good One of my women friends often remarks of her baby Shes awfully good Bessie has education enough to use good language I have for many years seen the importance of a borough and complete knowledge of English lang uage Another great haul has made on our list of young It makes sorrowful homes especially grieved to see homes of Ben Tomlinsori Richard Small wood robbed of their only help Til miss my guess if Sir Robert Borden and all his Cabinet arc not buried in a great blizzard Ihe next elec tion The Conservatives will do I hear great growling and muttered of putting the whole caboodle in the soup Our P is getting it and left lie used to be respectfully addressed as Mr Armstrong but now I hear some of bis best sup porters proclaiming If Armstrong doesnt use his ence with the Government well bounce him out by jingoes so we will What ungrateful wretches Tories are I Two of my good Conservative friends are Richard and Richard One we shall designate as Sir Richard Reeve of Township and the other as Farmer Dick splendid good fellows if dealt properly Farmer member of I dep utation which recently visited Ot tawa and he relates a jolly re port Sir Borden greeted Ihem thus I am pleased to meet so many farmers A Voice We didnt come here for taffy can get cheaper and sweeter at home One of the deputation observ ed There are more brains in Ottawa today lhan ever were here before Cheers and a ti ger That was a very opportune re mark because things at present appear in a bungled slate Mr Cronsborry remarked on the harmony and good fellowship thai prevailed amongst the depu tation and his surprise to find what excellent fellows those French Canadians seem to be The Owl would remark right here Theyd be a sight bolter they were obliged to learn English in their schools I think the Government showed a doublefaced policy when the doors were slammed in Ihe face of the delegation appointed to confer with the Cabinet respect ing some of he questions at is sue Leave the last son on the farm In view of what is- transpiring day after day on Parliament Hill it is pretty hard lo respect your superior officer Sir Robert Borden is called some raspy names Hed do belter if he could but it takes brains to run the machine Some day Liberals will engineer the show James Owen lias been doing some very line carpentry work here recently There is Ihe ice cream parlor at Bert Owens and hc has also filled up a very tasty cupboard at kitchen Mrs P now has the best ap pointed kitchen you will find hereabouts A wave of improvements is on at Frank mill is to have a new foundation prior to pulling in new machinery The hedge along the road fronting his residence is giving place lo a neater one Franks happy family is spurring him on to do this Summer and he sweet sum mer girl has come Consider the lilies of the field etc was the basis of some very interesting remarks here Christian Church recently Elder P Fletcher I should consider The Lily of Baldwin as a more attractive topic to some of our readers Miss Lily Smith on Sunday was arrayed in immaculate while hat dress and bootees and tell you what Old Sol would have to rise up and he if he could array himself more attractively than she She may be a Lily a Lily of ha Valley or a Water Lily perhaps as she re sides by the water She is a fair Lily no gainsaying that fact i i TtUphon SEED First Seed all cleared at 7Bo Hoed Clover no Special Price to Classed is No 1 In guess at telephone numbers to rely on your memory ot to consult old lists of telephone users means wrong numbers delays and general annoyance English bags Quality English and papers BULK GARDEN put up by us art Sometimes it takes a little longer to sure of the number more often it is clear even as regards time e gam Importer of Fancy Chin Why not adopt the motto Directory first in telephoning The Bell Telephone Co of Canada J Discount on M was confined to bed EPIDEMIC PARALYZES kind and devoted wife when she She was a and mother and was respected by all who knew her Rev Mr conducted Ihe funeral ser mon She leaves lo mourn their loss ten children five sons and five daughters Her remains were laid to rest in Briar Hill Cemetery sons and sons- inlaw acted as will be greatly missed but her dear Lord has called her to a higher sphere of happiness and her dear partner will bo ready to greet and welcome her into hoi- Heavenly home One less at home Missed day by day from her ac customed place Bui cleansed saved and perfected by grace- One more in Heaven QROCERIE FRESH MILK CREAM 1our of a party of young- men who were mo toring to Midland on Saturday evening were each fined ami costs by Magistrates and for being drunk and disorderly on street of Kim- plane in three hours and lenoto va lilos carrying mail Madrid May Virtually Off Spain is in the grasp of grippe epidemic which is with great violence Tit epidemic began lightly but lis already claimed many violin The public services are ly limited as a multitude of P employes are ill some comol cial houses are closed for help while the tramways down heir cars by reason Madrid there mors ttu persons on the sick Barcelona ami provinces are badly affected malady extends l the Canary lands Several regiments are it most entirely On Ihe sick and the military authorities suspended all manoeuvres heat res have doors We can supply ice safe delivered taking used- Can also supply Confectionery Bete RsUurant and Soda SI near SOUTH FLOUR a Aviators flew from Pari London and bark in a hydro Art and of Toronto are pulling a nigh leap on residence Now for sleep balmy sleep Wall for next It will he good men am the and WE HA TURKEYS COLD GROWN AMD FLOWER Choicest Vari OHATO CELERY J ASTERS BALSAMS COSMOS SALVI SEED CO FOCI to A Prompt Delivery TERMS Winnipeg Travellers Get Chance to Study I forest and of Provincial of The traveller thlog wore formal the well of the Northern lo Western Canada ample opportunity fcrthcujht The of merchantable timber the untold wealth la end the commercial fend agricultural of Northern Ontario should be of knowledge to Canadians Modern trains of atandtrd and tourist alien ing cats fiiil coaches leave Toronto Union Station at Wednesdays end Fridays connecting Winnipeg for all points In Western Canada Information Apply to New market or Klnif Toronto Sutton West The nine oclock Button Mixed It was again lust week much to the satisfaction the in and milk shippers In particular Mrs and Mrs of Maple were quests of Mr and Mrs McDonald over the Mrs and three sons Miss and Miss Kathleen Fargo spent the holiday with Mrs John It is wilh deep regret wo re cord the death of Mrs who passed away at hW home on Friday the after a short illness although she had boon In poor health for time The funeral took place on Sunday and was attended a large num ber of relatives and friends Mr and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the com munity Mrs Stewart is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs Or Noble Messrs James Basil Cross and Bonnie Greenwood spent the holiday In town reasons Obituary The death Of Mrs Hannah Hor ner widow of Simpson Horner occurred on May casting a gloom over many friends and neighbors of Sutton and the surrounding vicinity The deceased had been in poor health for the past year hut she kept up good spirit until two weeks ago m Its a good friend TRANSPORT SUNK IN M Steadies nerves Allays thirst 3 Aids appetite Helps digestion 5 Keeps teeth clean economical May has I oil Ifiiriiil military and of tin six or His all a we DESERTERS HOLE LAURENTI WaiceAoltf Ma A visional well i of the at moil in all said to he W remote and Mho entire lha law they that enmo out to obtain went so far at hey to W 10 a then odc airplanes aviators May i Chew It after every meal OF ONTARIO Infants an EmMita mm

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