i I KIDNEY Succeeded Where Operation Failed Que I to Mont real to consult af I bad a with Stone in the tioandwJitrfbanothfrdoclor bean and too hard and they coAid not It out wnl Eroded by a friend to try Gin Pill I bought box acd found relief that would relieTe me of Hone bat to great joy I atone on October and am now a man and happy J ALBERT Gin Pill arc the greatest solvent for acid ever offered Profit by Mr example if you have Stone or Gravel or other Kidney or Bladder disorder Sold at all dialers at a box or boxes for Sample free if you write National Drug Chanrical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Mia St- Buffalo lo abolish the German language from lhe curriculum of studies in Ontario schools and the new Minister of Education Rev Cody will be petitioned to comply with the appeal We sincerely hope that the end may be accomplished A nation lhaj has countenanced such brutality and barbarism in its military and naval pursuits should not be rec ognized in the study of its lang uage civilized countries a B in mm A BARGAINS for Somebody I have for Sale 3 PONIES AND COMPLETE OUTFITS Just Hie thing for Children also RUBBER AND TIRE In good order flon Hearst sprang a surprise on Province last week by makings change in the of- The Government Hon Dr Pyne member for East York and former Minister of Ed ucation has been appointed Clerk of the County Court succeeding the late John Shaw This va cancy has been filled by ap pointment of Archdeacon Cody as Minister of Education while Mr Geo Henry exWarden of York County has the office of Minister of Agriculture The new appointments appear to be quite popular The now Minis ter of Education has had leach ing experience and is the most brilliant orator in lhe Church of England in this Province today The arrest of the Sinn Fein loaders in Ireland was one too soon Time after time they have been suspected of complicity with Germany but last month a scheme was discovered to land German arms in Ireland Tbe rising was lo coincide with the German offensive so as to crip ple British efforts to reinforce Marshal armies in France The Sinn arc said lo have made arrangements for bases for German submarines on the Irish coast from whence United States troop transports could be at tacked It is hoped that this beautiful country which has long been in a stale of agitation will be brought hi to a more settled and peaceful condition before many moons are passed Many people who heretofore sympa thized with Irish agitators arc changing their views Prescription Tory of wo man tonic I offered r a break down 1 could not weak and tired time I took the Prescription and a few completely built me up and relieved me of my condition It la a good medicine and I am glad to recommend it- Aura Beaton fit Niagara Ont I can Bay that Favorite Prescription did me a lot of good I at one time de veloped woman a trouble my nerves were completely shattered and I became weak I had severe backache and pains in my aide extending down into my limbs I doctored but did not get relieved of my ailment and was down and oat when I began taking Dr Pierce Favorite Pre scription and it bo completely cured aud restored me to health and strength that I was able to do all my own work and besides I do recommend Favorite Prescription to weak and ail ing women they cannot get a better medicine John 26 Terrace Ave Favorite Prescription is an invigorat ing restorative tonic a soothing and strengthening nervine and a positive for the chronic weaknesses pecu liar to women This old prescription Pierces Is extracted Jrom loots and herbs by means of pure and is a temperance remedy of years good standing Send for trial pkg of tablets to Dr Pierce Invalids Hotel Buffalo N or Bridgeburg is becoming a greater menace than tuberculosis It 19 the plague of plagues It does not destroy its victim at once but kills hfm by slow lortnrc What are the causes of- our in creasing physical and moral de cline The causes are many Among the most potent and direct are The Saloon the Brothel and the Cigarette These three evils are the greats est causes of our growing nation al inefficiency and of People List of Winners I in Arrears of Taxes In the Town of Newmarket THE DECAY OF AMERICAN MANHOOD K Water St Newmarket W AND J Comments of Exchanges Brock vi lie Recorder Why is it worse for Col as a the Pensions Hoard at per year to pay himself because lie is totally until for work than for Hon C J as Minister of Justice at per year to pay himself a pension Of- 80000 per year as a retired judge a ll Latest Designs Id and Headstones All Kinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Call and before buying All kinds of Building Stones Cut lo Order Memorial Tablets for kept In JOHN O Dealer and Importer of Foreign and DomesUc j AND MARBLES Tribune We believe lhe farmers are just as anxious to help win the war as any other class and that they will cheerful ly lhe law Had any oth er class of people boon promised exemption and had it cancelled in a few months they would have objected too Meaner Paper prices have been fairly steady for several months and we conclud ed the top bad been reached Hut we cheered too soon Butter paper which nearly trebled its pre- war price has taken another jump History records nothing so wonderful as the development and progress of this great nation in the last hundred years But a Wight had struck us American manhood is decaying We are going down mentally and morally at a lerritfying rate We have foes at home more deadly and destructive than our European enemies Davenport has shown that one in every hundred men is menially defective insane epileptic habit ually criminal or feebleminded Recent military examinations have brought out most appalling facts Major a medical officer of lhe Regular Army tells us that two to three out every four applicants for the army are re jected as physically unfit Draft examinations show that I more half of our young men are unfit for military training The examinations of the Life Extension Institute show only one man in a hundred wholly free from disease and physically Whats Hip mailer with us The American stock is depreci ating physically menially and morally Heart disease kills three times as many as forty years ago disease is increasing al the same Eminent medical authorities loll us every tenth man in United has been infected with syphilis commission on ness The emergencies of war have to make a selfex amination Our horrible condition is laid bare What are we going to do about it We must declare war upon our enemies at home as well as those abroad The saloon is passing John Barleycorn dying But we have not begun to light the brothel and we are encouraging the dead ly cigarette Every slate has laws requiring the reporting isolation and quar antine of all infectious diseases The law is enforced with every disease except syphilis and gon orrhea The statutes of every state make the brothel an illegal in stitution and a public nuisance The law is nowhere administered efficiently The cigarette is known to be an enemy of scholarship of cul ture of morals of health and vigor and yet it is tolerated even encouraged The millions of cigarettes now being fired at our soldiers will every one hit its mark and will do its mischief More American soldiers will be damaged by the cigarette than by German bullets The public must be aroused to demand the suppression of the brothel Men and women infected with syhpilis and gonorrhea must be put in quarantine the same as smallpox patients Tbe Commission on the Con servation of Canada has demand ed drastic legislation requiring lhe quarantining of subjects of venereal disease French Government ami the Stale of California have already put this plan in Operation Why should wo wait until Hill May 24 The annual Spring Show of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So ciety which was held at the fair grounds here today proved- as successfuLas any of former years the attendance of 1000 be ing near the record mark for this event Sideshows and hired spe cial attractions were noticeable by their absence but the visitors present from both town and coun try seemed well satisfied with the entertainment provided in the form of live slock exhibits driv ing competitions foot races and a football competition in teams representing Aurora Newmarket and Rich mond Hill look part Richmond Hill Red Cross served refreshments during the afternoon at a price that netted their organization the sum of The newly appointed Min ister of Agriculture prov ince Hon Henry who is an honorary director oT the was an interested spectator at the ringside while the horse judging was in progress and also paid special attention to the cattle and other live stock exhibits The animals shown in- the many this year were well up to the York County standard of quality and most of lhe class es were well tilled only lack of numbers occurring in the case of heavy horses and two breeds of called for in lhe catalogue OF YORK iBy Virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor under lo wit of the Town of to directed bearing date the April 30th A me to the me upon and sell the lands in the following list for arrears of Taxes- due thereon hereby give notice that unless such Taxes and Costs- be sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof as sufficient to discharge the- said arrears of Taxes and Costs thereon at the Council Chamber In the Town of on Tueiday 3rd day Sept 1018 at 2 P Gordon Lot Street The heavy horses though few in number good ones and five very good stallions appeared in the imported aged class all being Clydesdales the heavy horse sweepstakes and championships going lo exceptionally fine mare Brampton Ethel Laurie shown by George of 29 33 34 59 J 96 103 108 111 112 118 123 Plan North Srigley a i ft o I it it at i i r a a at a T comes synonymous with civiliza tion before we adopt the only pos sible efficient measure of de fense A campaign must be waged against ho cigarette pipe and lhe cigar until tobacco is in lhe same grave with Barley corn American Health Paris May Premier- Clc- menceau today handed the Cross of Legion of Honor lo Lieut Vilbdume who recently escaped from after killing throe soldiers who tried to slop him He had previously assist ed lhe escape of a wellknown French aviator whose freedom he considered more valuable lrancc than his own Phone Huron Box iz AMERICAN TROOP8HIP TORPE DOED Lives Lost ROOFING TWIN SHINGLES A FOR YOUR SUMMER HOLIDAY UIN PARK Highlands of Ontario An Ileal for your Summit Vjui- raids I wild Mid dcHgblful scenery txcclllit at the Hiirhland Inn Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Passenger Agent Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent Headache come mostly from disorders of the stomach liver and bowels Regulate these organs and keep free from headaches by using London May The British armed merchant troopship Mol davia with American troops on board has and sunk There no casual ties among the crew but of lhe American troops Oil hoard 51 Up lhe present have not been foe is feared they were killed in one compartment by explosion The Moldavia was torpedoed without warning It was a moon light night and although a good lookout kepi attacking submarine was not before torpedo struck the men aboard were in when I lie explosion occur red amidships tb JAMMED THROUGH BUSINESS Parliament Is Finished Ottawa May has jammed through part of its business thrown the rest over- and gone home Part of Lhe Cabinet arc billed for a trip abroad and the members arc re- in the largest balances from their indemnity in the hit lory of political game Saturday saw some strange one Of which was Sir Geo Foster leading lhe House and continually warning members Dial time was limited He was practically working with a stop watch in hand and hacked by a Union Party who bad not for gotten tbe lash applied so fre quently during the past week he succeeded in establishing a new record Well on towards a hun dred millions of dollars wore with lhe minimum of discus sion Beautiful House I THE roof makes or the appearance of your home Aside from the architects plan nothing will contribute more beauty to a house than a roof of Sal Rlollpg In Halifax over the arrest of two sailors led damage of city property lo the extent Of 5 Jan Tlndall while feeding corn Into a cutting box got his hand caught in the feed rollers with the result that the two Angers of the right band were cut off between tbe first and joints RED TWIN SHIN Site- GREEN These shingles are made of identically the same materials as the famous Paroid Roofing Paroid roofs laid 19 years ago are still giving most satis factory service The asphalt saturated felt is coated with crushed slate ensuring permanent colors of Red or Green Twin Shingles are very weatherproof and fire resisting They are Weal for all residences These arc the facts decide for yourself by Umber and hardware DEALER NEWMARKET W EVES HOUSE C TIME Is the time for a Mew and Mattress We have the Goods and the PRICES ARE RIGHT Compare them with your Catalogues Dealer In Furniture ana FRED SKINNER Director Light Horse Glasses The light horse classes through out were a credit lhe show roadsters and ponies being spe cially- strong Ladies made en tries in several of the harness classes and wore generally suc cessful Mrs Davidson of Union and Mrs Gilbert Toronto won in the classes for ponies un der 1i and hands The championship in the light horse section went lo the standardbred stallion Hurl Ax worthy shown by Bros As was he expected at this lime of prices for pork I he entries in the swine division were numerous and lhe quality lv he slock was good Sheep were lacking in number howev er were he most prominent f breeds and somckeen petition developed as five promi nent breeders made entries of quite a fair number of head The only falling off noticed in comparison with former yeaisof the show was in the agricultural products and poultry sections only Two entries of both potatoes and Held roots which are usually numerous Richmond Hill Fair In poultry the birds Shown wore good but not nearly numerous enough con sidering importance of the in dustry Of oilier indoor exhibits dairy products were the host wilh home cooking a good second a feature of the alter section in the winning of place for homebaked corn bread by the Toronto Municipal Farm entry which was a sample consisting of two loaves from the turned by inmates of the institution Prominont Winners Some of prominent winners today J Howard Ion- cord Oscar Cox in order with iiuported draught stallions W J Aurora Canadian draught earn John Palmer llichmoud Hill single roadster Married ladies driv ing I Mrs Newmarket Mrs Toronto Single ladies driving competition for the A J silverware l Miss Olive Miss styles Sutton Gallic- -Holsleins- Hull any age- It Hicks years old in milk bull under I year throe gets of one sire- Cooper New lohhrook lies II P Dollar Dorset Horn lames Hampshire Holier Sam Swine Yorkshires Ion Vm Chester Italtle Tain wort James Thornhill Host bacon Halite Farmers speed contest mile heals best throe in live 1st V Aurora 2nd John Aurora 3rd J King City London May Large areas of Mesopotamia have been clear ed of the enemy denying to him the fertile districts at a time When lhe crops are just ripening prisoners have been cap- lured together with many can non machine guns and an enor mous amount of booty by British forces operating in valleys Of the Tigris and pbratcs since March a I a a it I I I It I I II II I I 41 I 4 4 a 4 it a a Taxes 3266 3266 32 33G3 32W6 3444 3358 3312 2948 3939 4208 3123 2755 3425 2767 2767 3983 2767 2767 2563 2767 2767 2767 3629 3983 4 4 142 145 146 no Jas Maaan SO North Wilson PI West Superior John East Oak 45 ft oil Leo Segal North 72 Qoopg A Travlsa North 119 135 Ernest Costs Total 207 207 3173 34 If 207 f if 2970 73 211 3655 209 3520 207 538 206 5677 2949 3007 2279 3639 2902 i95 2962 4197 225 217 237 2962 2752 2752 2962 195 2962 4223 fcaaVO 195 3 195 2962 208 2263 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 7996 19p7 2169 1595 1130 2205 10 South Andrew in North Srigley Squires PI 111 Plan 32 South Huron Annie Campboli Plan 11 1 Abo lt Plan North Eagle A Crosstoy pi 37 cedar Qoo PI 68 Plan T PI J A IM2 Miss A Knloht PL PL 15 Court Bruce North Cedar A Bruce North Gorham Suulli Ontario South ami 4 4 a 4 PI North ft frontage Geo PL Plan 78 North Huron and West Niagara Brown PL Bruce Goo Haskott PL 18 North Andrew North Bugle and lot baffle M J Miliar PL 14 Ida A D PL Main PL Cedar Ida L D A Co Main R F PL Part fcagw Huntley Plan Charlotte SrlglCj Plan in Treasurer 52126 1 76 325 184 210 209 252 308 2080 17C0 CO 3551 3702 7886 -I- Urn 231 16349 1390 353S 9084 25 P J Town of Ite KOI He a Safe I J i i NOW IS YOUR WILL YOU CHANCE I NEGLECT IT To secure All Wool Suits at prices that will not be repeated for years We have secured a ranae of Cloth Water Proof Overcoats YOUR INSPECTION INVITED I FWILLIS TAILOR Phone 160 Main NEWMARKET 5 ARCfflVrOfNTOKr TORONTO