OUR LOCAL NEW Special Fop Saturday Millinery al Gut Prices in a hot at and See Dan ford Roche Co Estate Change Dr A Terry has sold his residence on Church St to Mr Boyd formerly of Roachs point and bought a brick resU atQueensville T 1 he regular monthly meeting will he held on Tuesday the of Juno in the home of Mrs Or Wilkinson on Park Ave at 3 pm A full attendance is requested as it is election of officers and all come who can I presume you would all like to know how much we made out of trinkets We made and collected We think it good indeed a total of s Press Methodist Church There was a poor turnout last Sunday morning due to the rain Those who stayed away missed a frond sermon Pinging by the was good also duel by Mrs Masn and Mr The of Newmarket and district attended evening service- in a Rev Wood preacher grand sermon There was a good anthem by the Choir and a splendid solo by Mr Man ning which was very much appre ciated Com The Metropolitan bad tre mendous traffic on Victoria Day and also on Sunday evening Three extra cars were put on to bring the crowds home from tin- Lake and all four were pack ed The electric storm between ten and eleven on Sunday evening knocked the power out and held Up cars for quite a time Anyone can put stuff into the ground what counts is getting lit Cultivate with the same enthusiasm wilh which you planted There is an unusually large number beginners in the home and community gardens his spring us all endeavor to be good finishers Court of Revision Considerable interest was taken in the Court for the revision of the Assessment quite a number of citizens being present at the Council Chamber on Wednesday morning All he members of the Court were present Mayor Eves Depu tyHoove Pearson and Councillors C and Wed Osborne who subscribed to In necessary declaration On motion Mayor Eves was ap pointed chairman On I he opening of the Court Mr J Woodcock who appeared on behalf of Mr ob jected to the Court being held as was not properly constituted sufficient time not being allow ed a- required by law since the return of the roll Deputy Pearson acknowledged tin- ground was properly tak en hut a number of citizens were and In cow- any Singer On Monday evening June Pattersons Jubilee Singers will render a in the Christian Church under the Auspices of the Society Reserve the date Particulars later Mr McLean is adding a fine ve randah to his residence on Queen St adjoining the Power House Messrs Atkinson and Ah have had their residences wired for electric current Mr Collins did the jobs A partial eclipse of the sun will be visible in Canada Satur day June It will be wit nessed here about pm MrK Robertson is install ing an electric stove The lilacs are now in full bloom Next Monday is King Georges birthqay What a change a few years make Half the buildings in town used as stables a decade ago are now converted into gar ages SO far as be was rued he did not wish to land on any technicality If persons objected to iiofice I heir appeals could stand over but he did not see the necessity of bringing people back again if they wished When the time was ap pointed it was supposed that the roll would he returned at the time lalrd by the Statute Mr Define asked thai his ap peal be adjourned in order thai He- members of the Court should see the properly before giving Adjourned till next court Mr appeal- question of assessing jnnoiii claiming that salary of and under was not taxable he in the Statute gov- the natter were read but capable of different con- and it was decided the next court aid the meantime Co obtain the mm Town Solicitor lor appeal of Sibley all came the name category and were laid oyer tin next court Green claimed Properly on Ave was for more she paid if and asked a reduction All fin properly at It A Farewell Party A Very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Peter Union Street East on Thursday even ing of last week when sev enty friends and neighbors gath ered together lo bid farewell to two of our boys Garnet and Glen Micks The evening was spent in games and music after which the following address was read by Mr Cameron Curry and Misses- El ma Tate and Pearl Church presented the boys each with a beautiful wrist watch and fountain pen Dear Hoys It is with feelings of pride coupled with a keen sense of re gret that we your friends and neighbors of Union Street gath er here this evening to extend to you our wishes of good luck and God speed in the duties and re sponsibilities which you shall shortly be called upon to hear and to perform are passing through strenuous times and the call today is for young men of strength moral and physical to uphold those sacred rights prin cipals and institutions which we as a Canadian people hold most dear Partners have been recog nized as the back hone of any nation and justly so Al the be ginning of this struggle the young farmers of our land full of life and energy responded nobly to the call with the result that you took hold of the plough and doub led our production Today a second call comes from the Moth erland across three thousand miles of water for the young men of Canada to urn their hand from he plough leaving it for men further advanced En life and lake up the sword and wield it with such might that this war shall be carried on to a success ful and definite conclusion May you extend your ideals over the nasi Held in which you are called to act I el your object be your country and by the blessing of may your country become a vast and splendid monument not of oppression and terror but of wisdom and peace and liberty On which Ihe world may with admiration forever we as your friends cannot help but look witti fond recollections upon the happy and pleasant ev enings you have spent Us in our homes It is he source of groat joy and satisfaction to parents to have I heir children endeavoring do right Our homes- have been richly blessed has blessed us with health and strength endowed each one of us with bright intellects what shall we render unto Him for Ills mercies and blessings I And now dear fellows as you enter upon the great sea of life keep ever the Lord before you let Him have the preeminent place in your life Much as earth ly I Mr C Skinner of spent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Geo Skinner Miss Susie Brown is at her home here taking care of her mother Mrs Caleb Brown who has been on the sick list- Mr Foster of Toronto spent the holiday season with his cousin Mrs Gordon Brown Rev Father Coleman spent Sat urday and Sunday in Richmond Hill Rev Father Kelly taking charge here Mrs spent Monday in Quern City Mr and Mrs and son motored to Toronto on the Miss Clarice Hanlon of St Jo sephs Convent spent over the holiday at her home here Mr Hall of Toronto called on Mrs on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lester Frizzell and children spent Sunday with the formers parents Mr Mrs Miss Vol ma of To ronto spent over the holiday at her parental home Mr Duncan Darragh has been in Toronto the past two weeks attending jury Miss Wilson of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr- and Mrs Geo Skinner Miss Fern Clark of Toronto was home for the holiday Mr and Mrs Melville and daughter spent the latter part of week with Mr and Mrs Jos Butler Miss Lottie Cooper and friend spent Sunday with tier father Mr John Cooper Mr Leonard Black and lady friend of Newmarket spent Sun day with the former sister Mr and Mrs Luke Lyons Mrs L Lyons and son Aubrey spent Monday her parents Mr and Mrs John Black ville Mr and Mrs If of spent over the holiday Mrs Coulter Mr Allan Miss Ellison Mr Fred Ellison Miss Bertha Coulter and Mr and Mrs spent the fishing at Holland Landing- By all re ports they all had a good catch Another resident of our town passed away on Tuesday in the person of Mrs Joel Edwards She has been ill for some time and leaves her husband and daughter Annie to mourn their loss The family have the deepest sympathy Other families are also sad these days at the departure of their sons who have been called to serve their king and country in this draft We wish the hoys the of luck and hope for a safe return when this war is over HIRED MANS HORSE MufocKs Now Roo From Toronto Telegram Mulock appeared Id the rote of a horse auctioneer at todays ses sion of S A tribunal Albert Stark of Queens ville a farmer all his life was very nearly gelling exemption when the that he- had a horse and buggy to drive around with somewhat nettled his Lordship If thats your game you are not much use as a farm hand Driving every night the week how do you expect to be of any use I have a good notion to send you to the front Will you give up that horse Youre only half a man around like that said Sir William use the horse for seeding said the employer Well will buy the horse from How much will you give him SI to said the man The horse is yours said his Lord ship Ill leave- that way and ad dressing Stark if I hear any more about that horse business Ill send you to the front A QUERY Is the Government going to use any discretion about these cases of to or are they going to everyone into the army asked his Lordship when reviewing a case of a man very much physically unfit Stanley Elmore St Clair very much physically unfit and has a drug business and a wife He said it was very hard to sell out I want to leave my wife something when I go he concluded until Aug Isl Take I hat out of your mouth said his Lordship to William Cameron Aurora who was chewing gum Cameron has been a farm laborer since February but he lias been a shoe maker and a few other things Given till January 1st Looks like escaping said the military representative Well he is engaged in good work Jont shift your trade young man or you will he sent to the front warn ed bis Lordship OUT OF HIS HANDS The Government lias taken tills case out of my hands I am not dealing with it and I will not venture an opinion said his Lord ship in the case of Douglas Newmar ket who has been a farm hand all his life AGENTS FOR BUTTERIOK PATTERNS i Ml tf Goods This Season our advice BUY EARLY as many Lines cannot be repeated at any Price and many other Lines on future delivery will be advanc ed in Price from to ALL GOOD USE BRUMT PO Many Lines of at Old Prices 8ome Lines of Date we are showing are not seen outside of the Best Toronto Stores The Workmanship of Every Pair lb- Guaranteed mm Dont get worried about ths shortage of Sugar The I Information we can got is that there will be as much it this year as last but It may 9 little later In Delivery i ill it HONORS HOWS father cares for you and your rnothor v s i you yet our father who in heaven loves and cares for you infinitely more hope that there will always hi a of love and sympathy A letter will always be so wei- And now we wish you and take this opportunity of you to accept these wrist watches and fountain pens as tokens of and friendship in which we hold you Friends and Neighbors of Union St Toronto or vicinifv same rale per foot higher the assess ment was far as the but the total LADIE8 AND GENTS Wrist Watches In Gold 8llver and Nickel by amount be rectified of the lot Mr poo Barker for redoellon in of pro- on Prospect Ave WTMon made with various Uior and the matter lain over hrfv was examination of pro- assessment of Has properly on and An- Street sustained of tot owned was red i fl appeal of property was several I CLOCKS MAMTEL FRENCH IVORY KITCHEN CLOCK8 CUT GLASS WATERMAN PENS Jackson on Main assessed for hundred dollar id II next court assessment more of p on Prospect adjourned ill KODAKS and Atkinson Co Marriage I An entertainment and presentation was held in the Temperance Halt on evening May 2ith in honor of the boys who have been called the colors A good pro gram of readings nnd speech es was given and each the hoys was presented with a safety razor The inward and Upward Class lnM a very enjoyable social on Thursday iiy at of Mr ami Mrs 1 a Mar shall Miss J of spent weekend Mr Armings Mr and Mrs 1 ami Mr ami Mrs J Hamilton on Friday May Miss A of weekend al Mr Davis Miss Cult and Miss Wat son of Toronto spent holiday at Mr A J Ha nib Jo tons A few from here attended lie Fair at Hill on the Among those were Mr J Anning and lady friend Miss Mabel Scott of Ihe weekend the of Miss Jim had belter watch out or he will he getting his wool milled for keeping thai little girl nut so laic Dont forget the Anniversary Services next Sunday June 2nd Services both morning and ev ening The Pastor Rev Payne will occupy the pulpit Special music will be rendered by the choir Come and bring your friends Mrs J is Spending a few days with friends in the city Master Walter Brown was the guest of his friend Master Stan ley Martin of over Sun day A number from here attended the Anniversary Services at the appointment last Sunday Mrs Strong bad the misfortune to fall one day lust week and In jured some of her bones We for a speedy recovery Copenhagen May Germany is empowered to take economic control over Finland for years under the commercial agreement between the two countries A Belgian beet worker cycled nearly twenty miles to Chatham won the free-for-all- race and gave a marvellous exhibition of speed with an Indian motorcycle though he says he never train ed for a race in his life British Headquarters May More than a score of Herman air planes deliberately bombed a hospital area in France for two hours on Sunday night even taking doliberato aim at the hospital buildings and tents with machinegun fire at a low altitude There were pite ous scenes and a heavy toll among ho casualties lo nurses We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cause oft Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thir tyfive years and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Ca tarrh Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the Mucous surfaces ex pelling tie Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions After you have taken Catarrh Cure for a short lime you will see a great improvement in your general health Start taking Halls Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh Send for testimonials free J A CO Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists O O OB BOTH FLANKS HOLD Willi the French Army in France May The Herman offensive- made only progress today Seeing the masses opposed to them gave way In the centre and In some places the enemy crossed both tlic and- lb Vesle The allied command perceived when Herman offensive began that rc- sistanec of the lines then held would be impracticable ami effected a with drawal towards stronger positions in Order to give the reserves time to come up The enemy found both flanks were holding however The forward as as possible with aft the troops at their disposal way fighting hard and British troops The on Hie the s gave French flanks fought Willi extraordinary courage arid succeeded in Molding on notwith standing the great odds against them In some places they were outnumbered ten to one Loudon May The newspapers do not Reek to minimize the formidable nature of the SUCCCHfl which has brought the Germans in the re gion farther south than they have been the beginning of trench war fare in but none bike the alarm ist views which were wide spread two months ago Regret is express ed that the allies have lost positions which they worked so much to main tain and develop and It Is feared that many heavy guns have been lost hut ft FOR COL 8HARPE Funeral at Uxbrldge Oxbridge Ont May All honor to my dead daddys colonel read the card on a shield of white flowers surmounted with the Battalions crest in blue It was a tribute paid by Baby whose father a lieutenant was kilted while serving under Lieut Col S of at Vimy Baby Soper was but one of who paid tribute to the gallant colonel who this afternoon was laid to rest beside his father and mother to the little cemetery a mile and a half southeast of the town The body of Col Sharpe arrived at on Monday in a Red Cross Motor ambulance from a public service had been held After lying in stale at the home oh First ave the private service was conducted at two oclock ttiis after noon by Rev 1 J Coulter the local Methodist minister and Rev Garbutt of Osliawa formerly chap- Iain of the Battalion was com manding officer At oclock the public military service commenced but even deep lawn adjoining the home was by no means large enough to accommodate the hundreds who had come from far and near Dressed in his officers uniform his long service medal and ribbon and medal pinned to his Col lay in his flag- draped bier and even In death looked Hie fine brave hero that lie was Hon Hu lire Dominion Government Herbert M P Senator of Brampton Major Carson Major H V Gould and representatives from every riding In the vicinity apt to mention friends and relatives were in attendance Rev conducted the service which was a fully military one Led by a band of thirtysix men and a firing squad of twentyfive from Exhibition garrison the fu neral cortege left the house for the cemetery Then followed the military escort and closely after them in a place honor some hundred returned of the Battalion brought from Toronto and Whitby hospitals win- unable to march were allowed to motor In attendance upon the gun car riage were the following pallbearers all officers of the colonels battalion Major If Cook Major A James Moore and It Henry and Chester Following them were junior and senior officers of local battalions members of the Methodist Church Business Mens Bible Class of which Col was a member and finally Hit- mourners Three motor loads of flowers were showered upon the grave among them being some from the Bat talion Town of Sutherland Lord Salisbury 1 the Const rat I VO Association of the Hold Medal Co the Meth odist Church and Bible Class Beat Bros and the lllh Battalion Family Club At the time of the funeral It was impossible to estimate the number of attendants but long after the gun car riage hail reached the grave side a long black line of motors and car riages eoulil be scon wending Its way to the cemetery OOOi The Winnipeg strike is set tled a NEWMARKET J l SCRIMS AND CHINTZES 38inch Cream suitable for Dining Rooms or Living Room Special Price yd 40inch Nett Cream or White suitable for any room in the house Reg for 35c yd Pieces only French Filet Net In Cream White or Ecru Reg 75c for Piece Only Blue Bird 8prlm fine weave 36 in wide yd Chintz in Shades of Blue Yellow Mauve Brown and Pink 36 inches wide it YOUR VALUE IN MONEY A man at age 35 who earns a salary of per annum ha8 a present value of This amount Invested would produce his salary Would your dependents lose In event of your death Use all your income you can spare to add to your Life In surance THE RESULTS SHOWN BY The Mutual Life of Canada F NEWMARKET m Telephone 295 DISTRICT AGENT Representing York and Counties Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this Is pointed out that experiences I week were as follow has shown that great thrusts have al ways lost their Impetus Just wtien the defence was bringing Its reserves Into action and recollection of the German defeats at Kemmel and elsewhere In spires a feeling of calm confidence thai Gen Kochs reserves will still save situation Indeed a late despatch from the Dally Chronicles correspondent with the French armies announces that French reserves are arriving at the front and lint the worst Is believed to be over Choice Export Steers Choice Butcher Cattle Good Butcher Cattle Choice Blockers and Feeders Milkers Springers ESTABLISHED I OFCANADA CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND head Toronto SAVE your money SECURE your future and SERVE the country InUroit allowed at currant rata on Saving Deposit at all NEWMARKET BRANCH SMYTH Managi PM I i Ladles SICK ANOTHER HOSPITAL BY HUN8 BOMBED doctors and patients if I I Willi the American Forres on the French Front May 29 German air men last night deliberately dropped bombs on a hospital in Which there were scores of Americans hun dreds of French sick and wounded Tin hospital Is hi a town many utiles In lie rear Of the front A number of Americans were slight ly injured by flying glass One French nurse was killed and another Injured probably fatally Several civilians died of wounds Choice Veals Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep Hogs fed and watered 000 a Newmarket Markets Drosses for 48b Blouses Reg fop Ladles Silk Blouses 350 for Largo Assortment of Ladles Hats and Motor Gaps Will Clear Out at Low Prices 10 only Girls Spring and Summer Coats for Ladles Colored Boots Neolln Solos and Hoots Reg for Largo Assortment of Ladles and Girls Boots and Pumps South of King Hotel NEWMARKET An J mi it a a I There aro Gorman prisoners of war in Or cat Britain Of these are in funning and work of nation al importance Bond the Era to frlondo lb New Laid Eggs bush Oats bush Barley hush Bran ton 3800 36 85 Toronto Markets 47 45 35 Hut lop Turkeys lb Spring Chickens lb 70 Ducks 30 Fall Wheat hush Wheat bush Oats hush hush Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay Ion FARMERS AND STOCKMEN The Canadian Government asks you to increase the supply of stock Give the Hen rt chance There are thirty million less Hogs In Europe than In An assured market for all Stock products al big prices MAKE THEM RIGHT KEEP FEED si STOCK TONIC POULTRY TONIC and CALF MEAL 145 i800 POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Other POSITIVELY GUARANTEED VESCOI Products cure Distemper Heaves Worms Colic Diarrhoea etc etc COMPOUNDED BY THE VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO TORONTO and Canada SOLD IN NEWMARKET BY LER Flour Food NEWMARKET Limited 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARI Jim