2 v 5355 sags TIREFOUHD 4 Cross Swiety Between Mount Albert and New- Market Newmarket POSITION WANTED J A School young lady would like a- positionin store or during the holidays dress Box Era Office i MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed lo the Postmaster General will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday the 28th June for the conveyance of His Majestys Mails on a proposed Contract for four years Six times per week on the route Newmarket Rural Route No Via Cedar Valley Post Office at the Postmaster Generals pleasure Printed notices containing further informations to conditions of pro posed Contract may he seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Newmarket Cedar Valley and at the office Of Hie Post Office Inspector Toronto A SUTHERLAND Posl Office Inspector Post office Inspectors office Toronto May nth Post cards from Prisoners of War in Germany received week as follows Germany received parcel marked December with many thanks Jones 3rd Bat Canadian Infantry March 1918 Many thanks for parcel of food received per Canadian Red Cross in good condition Be lieve me gratefully yours Corp Quinn 2725 Co No 10 Germany Mar I have received with manv thanks parcel marked SB Pte Jones 3rd Bat Cana dian Infantry No There was a much belter at tendance at the Red Cross sew ing meeting on Tuesday after noon Collection 000 a v sotsh Our Toronto Letter i I r i THE CONSTANT CALL for well trained stenographers and office assistants prompts us lo continue our work through the summer months Enter any time Shaws Business Schools Toronto Free catalogue H Shaw Bert Brown grocer Queen St west was sentenced to fivo years in Kingston Penitentiary A jury found Brown guilty of re ceiving groceries hags of sugar tires and clothing know ing them to have been stolen Rev Dr Wallace of Bloor Street Presbyterian Church has tendered his resignation from that pastorate at the conclusion of thirty years service At a special meeting the vestry of St Pauls Anglican Church it was unanimously de cided hat Hon Dr Cody shall bo asked to retain the rectorship for years President of the Childrens Aid Society was presented with a life sized portrait if himself in recog nition of his valuable services in connection with that organization Mr is also County Treasurer At this stage of the worlds food situation when people in Europe have starved to death as compeared to 250 soldiers who have died as the result of battle it is beyond cavil or dispute that the food regula tions are absolutely necessary Indeed many people in communi cation with friends in England or in France think our Canadian reg ulations mild in view of what people on the other side are un dergoing- well as duty should inspire submission to the restrictions by the public and vigilant enforcement of them by officers of the law In all cases the Magistrates have stood firmly behind the reg ulations and imposed the penal- lies as provided These run from to in fines or imprisonment up to three months or both who have Mrs is just recov ering from a severe illness Miss Laura Morion of Toron to was home for the holidays Mr and Mrs Will Stark had friends from over the Mr and children spent the holiday with relatives a Keswick Bradford Witness Mjss Myrtle- Churchill of Newmarket has been visiting Wends in town this week- i holiday Mr Clarence Pipher and wife of Toronto visited his father on the Miss Grace Johns of Toron to spent the weekend at her home here The Misses Toole have re turned home after spending the winter in Florida Mr Chas Armitage and wife of Toronto spent Victoria Day with friends in town Mr and Mrs Stuart Barker and son of Toronto spent a few days with his mother in town Messrs Percy Sharp and James two Newmarket boys spent the with rela tives at Falls Mr and Mrs Cornell and up iu uioMrs Rodman motored to keepers say for the weekend and enjoyed meat on pleasant visit with relatives GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE Canadian Pacific Steamship Manitoba now leaves Owen Sound pm each Monday for Ste Marie Port Arthur and Fort William Steamships and will sail from Port Wed nesdays and Saturdays commenc ing June 1st Connecting train running through to Port MoNjchql will leave Toronto pm day June 1st and each Wednes day and Saturday thereafter re FOOD BOARD LICENCE HO for the Buy the Best and get results We have Ronnies Seeds which Our Dutch Sets are as good as we have ever sold The Price Is lb Potato Onions 2 lbs for J FRESH and New i A f Young Pigs four weeks old Apply to GEORGE PAXTON Kcltleby GERMAN ADVANCE CONTINUE Berlin Claims 26000 Prisoners RENT House on Niagara St with stable and Drive to Rent the House ha just been put in thor ough repair For particulars ap ply lo Newmarket BEES WANTED lo Colonies of Bees with or without equipment Could al so do with young in season I will furnish hives Let me know what you have the kind of hive they are in and the lowest price It SIMPSON Newmarket Out A Ha I i It BURNET St taken Agency for sale Of the Brunswick Phono graph Any person considering the purchase of a phonograph should see his instrument before buying Prices lower than any other make on the market Call and hear the instrument ami get particulars Large House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences garden Good locality Apply lo Mrs I or Haines 2wl7 Q1RL8 WANTED A cordial invitation is extended nil young Loyal Gleaners Class In Ihe Methodist Sunday School every Sunday afternoon MRS WOMENS BIBLE Methodist School Extends an Invitation lo the to ine hour witti on day afternoon In blWe Study Class meets at Topic for Next Sunday ChriM ihe London May After des perate resistance and lighting in the streets lasting several hours the French have The Germans have occupied the town according to the official announcement from Ihe War Office tonight The report also intimated thai the troops covering have been pressed back lo a point northwest of the famous city and it is probable that its evacu ation will soon he announced The civilian population of sons left some days ago On Monday the enemy fired lliu own Patients in the hospitals were moved by American cars the nurses staying with them lo the last The French in the centre are still giving ground under in creasing enemy pressure To the oast FrancoBritish ar mies are holding fast on the and line At the point the ad vance the German armies arc some miles northeast of Paris The lighting is of the most sanguinary nature along the whole front Allied reserves are still coming up according lo the unofficial despatches Merlin claims that the prison ers now total and include one British and one French Gen eral Paris May General now has the situation well kin hand and French troops are be ginning to gain on German advanced forces in a contest of speed No Important line of is yd threatened by Hie advance of the German Crown Prince J hose on Ihe scene declare it is loo much to say hat an other hours will see Ger man drive definitely slopped praise is given Ihe French reserves fo the perfect order in which are coming into the lighting line the least encouraging news was the brilliant suc cess of Americans in the teclor which all the newspapers feature ft was flrsl important action carried out by All reports agree that they behaved like veterans This is pronounced the beet aligury for tin early future when American help will weigh heavily in the iled days and hours served sugar on the tables or wasted food have been brought lo task and the wide spread publicity this has entailed will do a great deal more to as sure conservation of food in pub lic places than anything else The Law also bearing upon our wartime food production has likewise been enforced Magistrates have seized the opportunity of dealing with loafers tramps and sports by pulling work on the farms Nonessential indus- triqs have been interpreted by some Magistrates into more or less definite groups and men who had no better excuse than employ ment in said questionable indus tries have been ordered to get in to more useful occupations In Winnipeg a great change has observed in the streets since went into effect The and loafers have disappear ed Boys enrolled as farm helpers in Ihe Soldiers of the Soil organ ization under the auspices of the Canada Food Hoard are doing pood work with the seeding In Ontario 15000 boys have been en rolled many of litem are now on the land in Manitoba over toon are at work in Saskatchewan are placed in Alberta in British Columbia in Nova Scotia in Quebec over have been already enrolled New Brunswick and Prince Edward land are still be Heard from but the enrollment is under way The food shortage is recognized as so serious in Europe soldiers are cultivating acres between the France in and approxi mately Mesopotamia Egypt Palestine and Cyprus In Egypt Palestine and Salon a the British Armies will Ibis year grow all their own vegetables and large pari I heir hay and forage All Military camps in England are being cultivated also At Al- where 28 acres were be ing cultivated months ago acres are now under cultiva tion Snow from twoto six inches in depth covered northern Sas katchewan Saturday and it is be lieved has saved the crop Mr J A of Toron to formerly of writes The old Era takes first place of all papers as soon as it arrives Mr Fred Saxton of Toronto was in town Wednesday calling on old friends being the first time since spending the winter in Cal ifornia Among the Newmarket young men who have been called to Ihe colors this week are Harold Maw Gordon Manning and Elton Arm strong Mr and Mrs J Y returned from Buffalo oil Thursday night of last week hav ing spent a most enjoyable time at the Convention Mr and Mrs Chas and baby spent the week end and over Sunday at Severn Bridge with Mr and Mrs Mrs Kirftys sister Mr A Thompson one of best machinists and a man who has taken an interest in all I public organizations for many years is very low at present Thanks lo our old school mate Mr J English of Schen ectady V for a copy of Schenectady Works News an illustrated magazine of pages Uxb ridge Journal Mr Johnston Mr and Mrs Johnston and daughter Myrtle of Newmarket were in town oil Sun day Miss Johnston re turned to Newmarket with them Mr John Gowieson was tak en so seriously ill last Friday that he was taken lo the Hos pital in Toronto for an operation lhal was performed on Monday morning and we are pleased to report lhatbe is doing well Mr John English returned from Wei land on Monday having THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence J H MILLARD Phones and Green Onions Lettuce Cabbage Tomatoes Potatoes ITS Oranges Pineapples Lemons Bananas and Grape Fruit CONFECTIONERY We are selling Mrs Stephens Home Made Candy as well as several other Varieties PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I PHONE The Cradle Falrbarn In East on May to Mr and Mrs Ernest a son The Altar On May by Hew Harvey Andrews at the Presbyterian Manse Toronto Mr- James of Windsor to Susan Starr daughter of the late Benjamin Cody of Newmar ket Nowadays It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET- Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies House Phone No lot Store Phone No In THE GERMAN I i at In two days of incessant and sanguinary lighting Monday and Tuesday the armies of Ihe Crown Prince have stormed the strong defensive positions of Allelic occupied the Dames captured tin Heights of Aisiifl on a front of almost miles east of Port secured the bridgeheads along river crossed the plateau be tween in and the and according latest re port have crossed the at two minis and by doing so have cut the railway from lo which is f Ihe great est importance in Ihe French transportation system along the The troops of Crown Prince have advanced fully twelve miles at the point ration and have covered almost half the distance from to the Marne claims prisoners TRENT CANAL TO OPEN MONDAY From Ontario to Slmcoo spent a few days with old friends at Ihe Canal City where he work for about 15 years He re ports wonderful progress during his absence especially in the shipbuilding line Howard M P and family motored from Toron lo here on Tuesday visited his cousin Mr J Patterson is member for one of the con stituencies in Southern Alberta and is on his way home from Ot tawa the session having closed Hamilton Times Mr Wal ler Eves mayor of Newmarket Mrs who a s visitoi Maple other places in are holiday with Mr and Mrs W Duke Street were amongst those invited to Hie banquet Saturday evening duke and duchesri of Devonshire Mr Percy Pollock writes us from that the West is responding with wonder ful liberality to the ap peal The little place he resides in raised and Current put up Creek and proportion Miss Helen Holier here from Ottawa last welcome mother and sister home from Florida They are now comfortably located in the old homestead which Mont vacated on Thursday of week Mrs Hntcdo also up from Toronto with Mrs Robertson and remained for a few days Mayor and wife ac companied by her Mr Lukes of look a motor rip through Ihe Niagara District during I he- week- Hamilton Ik Newmarket on May by Elder I Prosscr at his residence on Prospect Ave Mr Lloyd of Baldwin lo Miss of In Newmar ket on the May by Elder at his res idence Prospect Ave Mr Ar thur 11 Crouch to Miss Vera both of Newmarket The Tomb Hoover At on Tuesday May Hoover in his year On May at Toronto General Hospital Pri vate Patients Eliza beth Jackson wife late Rev Wesley Cassoii former Methodist Minister in Newmar ket Interred at Mount Pleasant Cem etery Toronto last Saturday WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER- RED AND CLOVER TIMOTHY SEED MANGLE SEED TURNIP SEED OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Secure it while you can IMPROVED LEAMING GIANT WHITE Order by Phone or from Carters Manning J Nelson son came week lo ffoni last Locke On Sunday May University Ave Toron to widow of the late Moses Locke and daughter of the late Jesse VanCamp of The late Jesse was ine of the earliest preachers of the Christian Church in Ibis sec- lion belonging to the generation before he late Elder mid the late Elder lie married Miss Vernon who resided on Vernon home stead on Town Line east of Newmarket The late Mrs Locke was her daughter Horner A I Sutton May Mrs Hannah Horner widow of Simpson Horner in her year Toronto on May chard formerly of Newmarket in year AT DEATHS DOOR ON OCCASIONS FOR SALE The frame house 3Cx28 with large twostory frame kitchen at rear now creeled at lot No L West Hide Prospect Avenue Heavy frames building ma teria Apply A Ottawa May Canal a NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER NASTURTIUM Hon Ready In Quantity No Order less than May in Interview 1 Klrnlicrley who has from fSennany Ihe he refused lo work mi lie lnodri a hell buckle then and flour itid in bfuly fare coin ing If whh pin red in chamber where he riffcpd agony he in it mine when he IhrouKh t The lumcd the hose on hi in while Irate about until he was nearly killed He was In the open tin- cold wind piercing and Meanly clothing Bellas asBerla lit wan at deaths door on occasion from Starvation and hard Ills bones at- protruding ids He was made prisoner In July who have arrived at on the Danish coast Of he North Boa nay that a has been brought down in the North The crew of the man airship was rescued by a Jrllfsh destroyer Trent ago will he officially opened for from Trenton lb Lake on Monday next by Hon Or Held Minister of Hallways ami Canals The sixfool Waterway from southerly outlet to Lake On tario waters al Trenton to Lake Simeon via has cost something like The northern half of the waterway giving outlet Hay via the Severn River will not be completed for some time yet It will cost another Two millions Meanwhile Ihe southern lion of the new transportation link will be principally of local benefit in enabling and other points along the route to in coal and other commodi ties at lower rales than rail ways can give The canal will accommodate barges of Ions The power development along the canal is perhaps he coun trys best return for the millions spent on the undertaking POO- Children dry CASTOR I A end While at was honored as the Mayor of Newmarket lo partici pate in Ihe reception to the Duke of Coniinuphl and had a enjoyable time Mr Lukes Is spending a week in Willi his daughter Mr John Itosamond is homo after an of three weeks during which lime he trav elled nearly miles He went Portland Ore of his son who was in a Hospital He was better when ho arrived and was able lo re turn to Hafdeford with his father where he wife Mr Win has rented his farm and expects to his father in Newmarket his and his wife him here Murray At- Toronto Hospital on May 1018 Randolph Mur ray son of Mr Murray of Newmarket in his year Cain North Km Newmarket on May Joseph son of Mb Win Gain years Owing to the illhealth of Mr Hulse we are going to offer you A REAL BARGAIN IN INSTRUMENTS Player Piano Mahogany Case new rrionths with 20 Rolls Dominion Piano Walnut Case a lovely Instrument Bell Practioe Piano Upright in excel lont shape Dominion Piano Mission Style new Morris Piano Mahogany Case fine tone Upright Piano Walnut Case Williams Square Piano a lovely quality Dohorty Organ Six Octave Oak Case a lovely instru ment worth One Hundred Dollars Dominion Organ Piano Case real beauty Twenty Other Organs from upwards Any Persons neodlng a or Phonograph just re member we will give 10 Off the real Cost Price Easy Terms No Interest Plan Horses or Stock will be considered on any of the above 10000 30000 20000 24000 5000 5000 need lie lor sum- will accompany v J Simpson Avenue Methodist and formerly pastor of Ihe Methodist Church at Newmarket Is prominently men tioned Ihe probable choice of the approaching Toronto Metho dist Conference for president for the coming year Simpson is chairman of the Toronto Bast District The election of pres- will take place at the open ing general session of he con ference on Thursday June at Rim Street Methodist Church To ronto British destroyer 1 A North End on May Madeline daughter of Mr Clayton years this at lo Newmarket Cem etery In Hied at Havenshoe on May John One year has gone since you were laid to rest but oh how wo miss you I Clone but not forgotten Herman Act Quickly for they Must be Sold Phono 38 S J Road house Furniture Undertaking St North AM HURON ST NEWMARKET To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right OLIVER TERM8 8TM0TLY Give Us DIKE a COAL Call I ff j- phone gams