j X jpriday HSa5 T4iI- ffa 1IJ I V j I ONE OF OS We Are A Full of Deadly Poisons As A Germ Laboratory AUTO- INTOXICATION SELF- POISONING Abwlute Pre vent Dangerous Condition- The chief cause of poor health is our neglect of the bowels Waste matter instead of passing from the lower intestine regularly day Is allowed to remain there generating poisons which are absorbed by the blood la other words a person who is habitually constipated is poisoning himself We know now that Auto- intoxication due to the bowels is directly responsible for serious Kidney that it upsets the Stomach causes Indigestion Loss of Appetite and Sleeplessness that chronic Gout Pain In The Back aro relieved as soon as the bowels become regular and that Pimples Rashes Eczema and other Skin Affections disappear when taken to correct Constipation Fruit a lives will protect you against Auto- intoxication because this wonderful fruit medicine acts directly on all the eliminating organs a box for trial site At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by FruitativesLimitdOttawa HOUSE TO LET Street Near Office Specially Works Rooms Town Water Possession May Rent SCOTT tfiii Main St Newmarket FOR Eightroomed on Pros pect Ave All conveniences nice garden good locality Apply to J or Doyle NEAR NEWMARKET FOR SALE That part of The Robert Pear son farm lying north of the side road and adjoining Newmarket being- the easterly part of Lot No Con Whitchurch contain ing acres more or less will be sold at once There is a good frame barn with under stabling supplied with water and a good frame house on the premises Intending purchasers will ap ply at once to Ed Richardson Newmarket or to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION SCIENCE Chemical Civil and Electrical HOME STUDY Art by with one year four summer School Navigation School J to April GEO CHOWft OF APPLICATION FOR I DIVORCE Kolice is hereby given that Lyons of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario mar ried woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a Bill of Di vorce from her husband Lyons formerly of City of Toronto now said to bo of the City of Grand in the of Michigan on the of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto In the Prov ince of Ontario this day of February A ntWIlf HALES IRWIN St T JUNK WANTED HIGHEST PAID from to per lb lubbers from io to per lb Iron from to per cwt Copper and Brass from to per lb Good Paid for Live Fowl Good Prices Paid for Wool Telephone No at expense will give you prompt atten tion J 3 Doors South of Kln Hotel Dor Newmarket la all countries for cur MARION MAJRION UrivtfHy Notwithstanding an average Increase In earnings during the year of per month as compared with the previous year the result of the operation of the Canadian Government Hallways for the fiscal year a deficit Life Around the Hub MARKHAM A straw slack in Mr A J near Cedar Grove burst flames from some mysterious cause about oclock Tuesday afternoon but fortunately seen at once and with the help of neighbors summoned on the phone was put out without spreading to the barn over len feel away The fire started at the top of he stack and some surmised spontaneous combustion but the most prob able cause is a piece of glass ly ing on he top of the slack through which the rays of the sun focused Economist ZEPHYR Mr J Harrison who has been sick for some lime from pneu monia is recovering Dogs have been doing consider able damage in the flocks of sheep on Ihe 2nd Mr Horace who built up a nice flock of Ox ford Downs is the heaviest loser Mr O Law has delivered 15 Ford automobiles his season be ing nearly double of any other season in the same time This speaks well for Mr Law and car lie sells from here on the farmers demonstration wore J Harrison T Card J Kester and Harman They were chosen at a large meeting called to discuss the situation Arrangements arc being com pleted by the Noble ton Branch of the Womens Institute for heir concert on the evening of Victoria Day Friday May The pro gram will include the presenta tion of the play The Great Irophe by the young people of Mono Road district This play was given with signal success re cently al Mono Road and should draw a large crowd here The entertainment will he followed by a dance music for which will be furnished by orchestra Dont miss this opportunity to spend pleasant evening and help the ladies who are doing so much for the Red Cross Mailed too late for last week The boys are all busy these days or seeding is the order of the day Miss Sweet has the pleasure of a visit by her Auntie from hear there is a girl short on tin but the banker is rush ing business in Keswick Mrs Maries had a dance the Other night I am sorry I was away but I heard that a young lady had to ask a young gentle man to be her partner New style I sec is back to the flail market again Had to sec Miss returned home safely again I have been away for a long liui and things seem new for me I wonder whats the matter with the whitefaced mare I hear Frank Edwards has a new driver Hftve a good time boys we will soon be going away I wonder why the guy comes from SO Often I hear Ira Woods has some help Percy will have to step up a little Blue liird For the Era THE SILO AN ECONOMIC The cheapest and best ration for live stock must contain a reasonable amount of succulent feed Ail abundance of suitable pasture is unexcelled and a sub stitute for this feed in winter or luring a drought in summer is es sential for greatest production and profits In view of the scarcity and high prices of grains the silo takes On an increased value Tor example pounds total nutrients in corn silage has a net cost of in bran corn oats etc when silage costs 3 per ton to raise and store and other feeds arc valued at present wholesale market prices Even in these limes of expensive labor seed horse labor and machinery corn may he placed in the at the above cost Surely this is reason why every live stock farmer should consider in crease in silage production The farmer with a silo need never fear losing a crop of clover alfalfa or latesown grain Silage making does not depend on the dryness of the weather The silo is the cheapest storage building on he farm in proportion Hie tonnage capacity The silo al lows the carrying of more slock per acre on the farm and Is a saver a money maker and a soil This Is the season of the year to build more and better silos Niagara Falls May 17 The first ease of punishment for hoarding food In Welland County is that of Robert Wright of Ni agara who was yesterday sen tenced to and a half years Imprisonment by Magistrate House He pleaded guilty to un lawfully having eight sacks flour and fiftytwo cases of pork and beans which were found hid den in a stable I PROSTRATIO My be Orercome by E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Thb Let It Philadelphia Pa the yean I been married I bar bean In bad health and had at tack of prostration until It teemed as If th organs la my whole body wore worn oat I ficlly persuaded to try Vegetable Com pound and it made a well of me I now ail say and all ailing women to try a Votabe and I will guarantee they Trill rive great benefit from It Mrs Frank 25 Street West Philadelphia Pa There ere thousands of In Mrs Fitzgeralds condition aufferina from nervousness backache headaches and other symptoms of a functional derangement It was a grateful spirit for health which fed her to write this letter so that other women raaybenefitfromher experience and find health as has done For in regard to your con dition Medlcino Co Lynn The of their years experience la at your service GERMAN TANKS BADLY ROUTED London May German tanks which made their ap pearance on the Western front during the recent German offen sive came off second best in their encounters with the more power ful and belter managed British tanks Full accounts have just reach ed the British General Staff here of the first pitched battle between German and British tanks in which a squadron of six German land ships was routed completely by the British The battle oc curred on April near Villers south of the in Six Gorman tanks appeared in front of the British line shortly before noon and started to roll up the flanks of the British infantry positions A call for help was sen to the nearest British lank camp and a squadron including both male and female tanks shortly appeared on the scene A roughandtumble combat ensued The British female tanks which appeared first were outfought hut lie arrival of the heavier male tanks completely changed the sit uation and Germans fled af ter receiving a bad beating Meanwhile Hie British had brought up seven if the new fast cruiser type called whippet tanks which debouched and at tacked the enemys infantry posi tions on a ridge rolling up the German fine from the north developed thai this ridge was held by a line of machinegun posts while beyond crest a large German force was massing in lie open for an attack The whippets ran from shell hole hole inflicting terrible casualties and completely disorganizing he ene mys preparations for attack These seven tanks each will a full of twenty men in flicted more than four hundred casualties on the enemy in this engagement while the casualties on board tanks were only five men The tanks left their base shortly before noon and were hack heir base again by oclock in afternoon EXPLOSION IN PENNSYLVANIA May Fif tysix men are known to be dead ninetyfour injured and in hos pitals and thirtyOne employes of the Chemical Company are missing as a result of mine explosion yesterday that wrecked this companys explosive manufacturing plant Sal sixteen miles from this city Federal officers representing Department of Justice today ordered the arrest of two men who were photographing the ruins and who were charged by a wo man with making seditious re marks A special policeman employed by the Aetna Chemical Company arrested two men early today as they were about hurry away from Ihe plant on a motorcycle And She Soon Got Her Strength Back Cattle The measles loft me no appetite could not rest at and I took a severe cold which on my lungs so I Was unable to keep about my doctor me to take Vlnot and bottles restored my health so do ray housework In Vinol Is the I used Alice Record Bo nth New Castle Ve wonderful cod Iron tonic Vlnol for all weak nervous conditions J at the Boat In all On tario towns Column a A PRAYER This Is my prayer to thee my Lord strike strike at the root of pen ury In my heart Give me strength lightly Jo bear my joys and sorrows Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service Give nie strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees be fore insolent might Give me the strength raise my mind high above daily trifles And give Die the strength to surrender my strength to thy will above boring in the world Is an artesian well at Missouri which Is 5500 feet down or more than one mile straight down i THE 8PIRIT SPEAKS John in National Georgra- Magazine I kneel behind the soldiers trench I walk mid shambles smear and stench The dead I mourn I hear Hip and I bend Oer Fritz and Pierre and Jack to mend What shells have torn I go wherever men may dare I go wherever womans care And love can live Wherever strength and skill can bring Surcease to human suffering Or solace give I am your pennies and your pounds I am your bodies on their Of afar I am you doing what you would If you were only- where you could Your avatar The cross which on my arm I wear flag will eh oer by breast I hear Is but the sign Of what youd sacrifice for him Who suffers on the hellish rim Of wars red line HONORING THE MASTER By Thomas Curtis Clark have seemed a little tfhal Mary did for Jesus It may ficant when she poured the ointment upon his feet Other meaner souls criti cized her for wasting the valuable oil rather than selling it so that the poor might be fed ami clothed from the profits Even no doubt thought her sister should have been busy getting dinner or cleaning up the house for company But Mary chose to do this good thing out of the wisdom of her heart And how the little act was appreci ated by the Master It was to Him as a beautiful bouquet of lilies It was a sentimental act but that was the kind of thing Jesus then in need of whole world apparently had turned against with its hard heart and this tender act brought to Him like a flood the consciousness that all had not forsaken Him She had done what she could but could she have done anything more pleasing to Lord We do not always realize the tre mendous significance of a small act Heavenly possibilities are everywhere about us How many prophets of pod have been sheltered unawares in Ihe humble hemes of the righteous poor A i- Wild of a certain old lady who lived in a hamlet mil far from London She hud always loved Queen Victoria hut had never seen her Her one ambition was lo see popular Queen One day an open carriage stopped before the door A heavy rain was just beginning The coach man asked for Ihe loan of an umbrella The old lady- it happened had two umbrellas one of silk other of cotton Tor a moment she weighed her simple mind the ponderous question as to which one she would loan to rich woman who waited in the rain without then Willi char acteristic she handed Hie old cotton umbrella The carriage drove away rapidly A few days after tin coachman again be fore the door He was returning the old failed umbrella and as he handed it back he said Queen Victoria wish es me thank you for loan of your umbrella The emotion Of he old woman may easily h imagined Whether the slory is I rue or not does not make any material difference It Illustrates the principle least that one should al ways do what he can It could not be said of this woman She hath done what she She did the very least that she could If she had In Iter possession a still more failed um brella perhaps her hard heart would have oiling to the secondbest one and she would have handed out poorest of the lot The generous soul always wins The liberal soul Is the one that Is made fat God always sees that the giving hand does not gel the had end of the bargain The reward may not come In terms of substance- but It comes at least in that Joy of soul Which the understanding of the man who looks always on the material side of things Perhaps the Joy which Mary experienced in this little deed for her Lord was afterward considered by her the greatest treasure of her life After Ills death what a consolation It must have been her to remember that she had done what she could to make His sorrowful earthly life a little less sorrowful to pot a gleam of pure unselfish love Into tho darktinted warp and woof of Ills tragic She hath done what she could and she taught whole world a great life lesson How well hath she wrought Only the can esti mate the results of that little act of one woman on a certain busy day of her life 004 THE DEEPEST MINE mine that goes farther down than any other In world Is the rock salt near Berlin Germany whloh Is feet It Is not however straight down but somewhat slanting The Calumet Copper Mines near Lake Superior Is at a depth In some places of feet says the Book of Won ders J I IT COULDNT BE DONE Somebody it couldnt be done But he with a chuckle replied That maybe it couldnt but he would be one Who wouldnt say so till tried So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin On his face If he worried he hid it started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldnt be done and he did it Somebody scoffed Oh youll never do that At least no one has ever it But he took off his coat and he couldnt be done And the first thing we knew he had begun it With a life of his chin and a bit of a grin Without any doubting or quit it lie started to sing as ho tackled the thing That couldnt be done and he did it There are thousands to- tell you it cannot- be done There are thousands pro phesy failure There are thousands to point out to you one by one Thedangers that wait to assail you Rut just buckle in with a bit a grin Then take off your coal and go to it Just start in to as you tackle the thing Thai cannot be and youll do it R A Grant sa WE i Range ls yoUr r friend on wash day Change the around set the boil on the far and use the nearest can boil on all them Dinner on tune no extra fuel no rush or confusion FOR SALE BY A ALLAN CO M in a ARMENIAN NEW TESTA- At the Bible House in Bombay re cently an officer called to ask the lan guage of a small moroccobound hook It proved to be the New Testament in Armenian During the advance of the British troops up towards Amara they captured an Arab dhow on the close to the place where stands the traditional tomb of Ezra On board the dhow they found a number of Turkish and Arab garments and among the clothing this Armenian Testament It is supposed that the owner had been killed in action and stripped when his body was east A torn piece of colored paper between the pages of the little book marked the place where the owner finished what proved to be his last reading The Christian Q Miss Tseng- the first Chinese woman graduate of London University intends to start a Christian school for girls at her home in China In the hope that it will grow into a College History from its red pages until now and from now until time shall he no more will evolve Hie subject of In finite love contained In tic message of the cross as the noblest theme that can engage the most earnest thought of man Selected l London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg St John NB Hamilton Calgary Edmonton VancouYtf Saskatoon Owing to the illhealth of Mr Hulse we are going offer you A REAL BARGAIN IN INSTRUMENTS Player Piano Mahogany Case new months with Rolls Dominion Piano Walnut Case a lovely instrument Bell Practice Piano Upright In excellent shape Piano Mission Style new Morris Piano Mahogany Case fine tone 20000 Upright Piano Walnut Case 24000 Williams Square Piano a Doherty Organ Six Octave Oak Case a lovely instru ment worth One Hundred Dollars Dominion Organ Piano Case Walnut a real beauty Twenty Other Organs from upwards Any Persons needing a or Phonograph member we will give 10 Off the real Cost Price Easy Terms No Interest Plan Horses or Stock will considered on any of the above Act Quickly for they Must be Sold sea Phone I HOUSE CLEANING TIME Is the time for a New Spring and Mattress Whau the Goods and the PRICES ARE RIGHT Compare then with your Catalogues FRED SKINNER Ford Horses ay mm Oats site I T HAS beon estimated that five acres of land are required to maintain one horse for a year and that the same five acres would produce nearly enough food for two people If Canadian farmers each replaced one horse with a acres would be added to tho Nation source of food supply and enough extra food made available to feed 100000 people Just think what a great service this means to the country at the present time and the benefit to the farmers from the sale of food produced on this acreage Ford car also saves tho farmer a or more of valuable time each year can be used for further productive work The Ford travels three times fast as a horse and rig less to run and keep and is far easier to take caro of With labor so scarce and high priced time means money so do not delay in getting your Ford Touring Runabout B7S Coupe 770 Sedan Chasoio Oneton Truck B FORD ONT of M ai P 1 N ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET S 2 i i lCC la was sun of British i 62