let of ST notify of he of to report to severe liable of May Service of Heches W and Service of Military in the in under if they nder in the Service of in the Service I turf ay j W j 1 1 I I I IftllD HOME TIES CHINA HALL OUR LOCAL NEWS ID SPECIAL all at each clover No 1 Quality at a Special Price to clear Seed Classed No 2 but Quality and English Turnip Seed rulers English Garden Seed In and 10c papers Empire Day was observed our Public Schools yesterday Ladies play lennis on King George School ground every ev ening now A number of horses changed hands in own last Saturday The King George Hotel is un dergoing considerable renovation Pretty Good About people attended the in the Oddfel low Hall on Wednesday night and a good lime Is reported Miss Edith Marshall won the Ladys Prize for games and Mr the Gents Prize The lat ter also won the prize for lone hands BULK GARDEN SEEDS put up by us are Good I importer of Staple Fancy China i Town Assessment Newmarkets assessment now totals a million and a half dol lars This is more than last year The for this year were completed Tuesday by the Town Clerk and are regarded as very satisfactory The population also increased over a year ago it is now which went to increase the balance forward This has now been built up to or i7 per cent of the capital Killed at Camp Borden been received that Instructor Gordon son of Mr Chas formerly of Newmarket died at Camp Bor den yesterday morning He was about years of age and joined the Flying Corps last He spent the winter training in Texas returning to Camp Borden over a month ago While prac tising in his machine a week ago Wednesday the cadet who was with him fainted and fell on the gear causing him to lose control of the machine and he was thrown to the ground sus taining a arm leg He was unconscious when picked up and never regained conscious ness The remains will betaken to his in Woodstock for in terment Deceased was a ne phew of Mrs of this town train leaves at Better hurry breakfast Meg Somehow I do a thing this I got to the pantry and when I get there forget what it is want Where is mother Upstairs packing the satchel Poke the fire little will you father I want to mix up some johnnycake for Its the last hell have goodness knows how long And Meg brushed away a tear with the corner of her apron BRITISH PRISONERS SUFFER Soldier Deliberately Shot Dead Fop Refusing to Drink Filth and Brought to Newmarket Mr- who died at Milton was brought to Newmar ket Wednesday by T and interred at Newmarket Cemetery on the arrival of the evening train Rev Thomas conduct ing the- burial service Her son Judge husband of de ceased was a brother of the late Nelson and he went to California during the Gold Craze SixtyTwo out of Three Hundred From Die RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK I Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES MILK CREAM AND CHEESE at taking nil I Can Parties Cones and Soda Fountain HI- Open llit Market Salvation Army Commissioner Leader of the Salvation Army in Canada East Newfoundland and Bermu da will be in Newmarket on Sun day May The morning service will be held in Hie A Hall on Quoon St The afternoon service at 3 p m will be held in the Town Hall The Commissioner who has spent years in South Africa will give Ian interesting entitled Miles of Missionary Ad venture in South Africa There will be various selections by Instrument Quartette and Mrs will ac- the Commissioner Go early and secure a good seat SOUTH END i- FLOUR AND FEED I l i AUK HANDLING TURKEYS COLD FRAME GROWN VEGETABLES AND FLOWER PLANTS CELERY CAULIFLOWER AND CABBAGE BALSAMS COSMOS PETUNIAS SALVIA ETC ETC CORN to A Howard Delivery Phone TERM CASH Death of Mr Skelton Lloyd On Wednesday afternoon Mr Lloyd passed away in the prime life much to sorrow of his family and a large- circle of relatives and friends Last fall Mr Lloyd moved to a home on Gorham SI formerly owned by the late He look cold in early winder and seemed to recover from its frets in consequence of which In lm been feeling poorly all spring He leaves a widow and sons one in the Flying Corps one in business pursuits in Toronto and one at home He was a Rood neighbor and held In esteem by all his acquaint SUGGESTION FOR YOUR SUMMER HOLIDAY PARK Highlands of Ontario I if iiur liM from any Grand Junk Ticket Agent or fe Toronto Depot J- ft Plans Nov Business Block We clip the following from Son Times Michigan which is an judication of the pro gress and prosperity of an old boy Mr J Barry who for the ten or twelve years has con ducted a dry and dyeing in city pro poses a- building of bis for purpose in Ihe near future This week he purchased from Adams the lot first of j on Ave nar Ashmun SI a consideration of The lid lias a of feel and feet Mr Barry will tint a- excavation work rail in order ier frr will pi die vegefable wardens now being planted on Mm Mr Adam- procured ol from Guy Carlton 32 years ago and held j since lime London May The Times furlhpr itroiMties systematic tortures and murders of British pri soners in Germany in which sum total of the is in human There Is instanee of the British Soldier at who was deliberately shot dead because a dozen Britishers did nut waul to draw the ration of filthy wash served as cof fee At a of seriously wounded and wholly unfit British sol diers were vain protests forced to work hours a day Soon this did no the Germans who the British commence at four in the morning The men re used hut brutal blows all ex cept gave in Sentries kicks and blows drove the two over to Hie work One of British soldiers held up a badly wounded hand show sentries he wns unable for work He was thereupon shut dead and tie body thrown Inside into a dirty wash house A German officer on a visit of inspec tion shook hands wilh the murderer The body was buried following day in Ho presence of a crowd of jeering Hermans Killed by Brutality AI the British pri soners wit ho I hul had to live in holes in the ground which the pri soners lb ems elves scooped One morning at bread parade a sentry gave an order to one of the Ushers which was understood The sentry rushed at the prisoner and struck him the latter thereupon going his hole in ground Gorman officers then ordered that an example be made of this British prisoner allho he had committed no offense lie was i lured and Si ripped to waist and tied up a barrel six Germans with thick wooden slaves which are used for holding up barbed wire beat the prisoner for minutes over the head and hare hack and the body of Ihe prisoner who was swooning was tieil up to a posf and left there Sub sequently a officer up and struck he prisoner his sword ami spal him t few weeks later dying and neutral representatives visiting camp were informed thai his death was from At three hundred British soldiers arrived in night line- and were herded into a hut without bedding or blankets By the next morning five had died Tie- remainder were taken out anil in the for three hours when seven more died Subsequently thru neglect ami fitly sueeinnhed The funerals Mils fur Ihe summer of spring J is were ihe grosses ami in are loo for publication Where is he father Out in the barn Yes Dick was in the barn with his arm around the neck of a little gray colt Nan I I wasnt going lie muk lered looking through- the barn wia- at his I didnt think it would be so hard stay out here for my lime is almost gone Goodbye Nan and for a moment his head rested against the silky mane Goodbye Ill look around the familiar barn And he went out Just outside in spite of he protests of the bristling mother hen he stopped and looked at brood of downy chicks Then Ihe pretty Jersey calf Dicks favorite claimed his attention The big eyes had a mournful look Dick thought as he stroked Hie soft neck Pretty Boss he murmured But lie must hurry on for Dick loved every living thing on the farm and his lime was short in which to say goodbye seemed and he had just completed the rounds when Meg called him to breakfast How much time have father THE MENS STORE I i I asked Dick as he entered Sit down An hour and a half Jail mother Meg Jusl then Mrs Warren entered with There was a look of suffering on her face as she crossed Hit room and stood behind Dicks For a moment no one spoke But these last moments were too dear lo lie mothers heart for her to give way to grief she took Megs chair with a smile After all breakfast is quite a ehcery meal and Meg brought blushes often to Dicks cheeks as she gave him bints about designing girls Then me neighbors dropped in each with a word of advice or of good will and wished God speed Old Aunt Marl ha was last to come and Hick was to lei her go again for he felt in the happy days of his re turn Aunt Martha would not be hem Her ship was almost in the haven and Dicks heart was heavy across the fields toward tier home as he watched her picking her way At last they were all gone and nothing was left but to say goodbye The trunk had already been carried to wagon Meg sits by the window her hand on Guesss hand Poor Guess Remarkable Values in the Immense Spring Display of Clothing For Men And this season as usual In spite of conditions variety In stylos patterns colors and weaves is a most notable feature of the display and is a va riety that provides the good fit desired the smooth or rough weaves that strlko the fancy and also the patterns and colors that are so Important in the choice of a Spring Suit The Spring display is now ar ranged and we invito all men whether they want to buy or not to come and see the values hat are offered for THE JAMES WHIMSTER The Gents m CO NEWMARKET Furnishers i LIFE ON A SUBMARINE Imperial Bank Ileal by expansion is indicated in the years figures f ibe in of Canada jusl public in Ihe banks forlv- annual statement perhaps YORK RANGERS FORM ASSOCIATION III must striking feature being thai during pas of bank for ihe first in hi lory passed rionuuooon The bank in I of month- W i apt J lyle in April if to Hie welfare of be by Hi- Battalion of and to hold Vole rose from As j to Hanger- are fitting for the over- the will el I as Wallace J Wore seereiary Battalion who or and rela- overseas are re forward Ho- in was Mm- heading of deposits were increased I notice de hd add names rewex Hie ns Try one issue bank being ore ban covered by ihe sun f 2500 deposited in he gold re serve ash and Ifould reserves are in evidence the total shown Government bonds being 57inoooo or cent of the banks liabilities to public The net profits were a gain of as com pared with 1017 As the audit ors fees of were this year- ration oin oi were till prior the the actual gain If a dividend and all led pea king of iif on a one lie1 naval id one of undersea I errors Ihe of pneu monia and luliereiilosis The inside of Ihe boa sweats like a of lee water my hot day He fore we are on u soaked lay way We have absolutely no heal which that he is of outside air we nearly freeze The iloiiojs say that the men on a sub marine never sleep merely be for brief The air lb odors the and ihe Intense strain whbh you labor makes an In a when We have seal op the or jis worse than anything you can imagine There are efghlevfl and in ore iff our anr at any anyone of the twenty may of all rrsl There no room for The in the men livt- fifty feel long and about feel Wide bill of the time my em are herd Jhere arc no Ininks we ail spread our oh iron Tin dining room consists of four electric hot plates Nothing In Ihe nature of spark Is allowed below docks but beet up cof fee on the hoi plates and occasionally fry We smoke and he vibralion of Ihe engines make ft im possible to read or even play cards so When we are of work theres nothing for Us do but to sit on the floor and look at each Pitts burg Dispatch what will be do without his master All he morning he had been Dicks shadow and his eyes fastened on Dicks face with a look which plainly said Take me with you Well lime go Dick said Mr Warren as he picked up the satchel Mrs Warren looked Quickly at I he doe Why no father not for ten minutes yel i leave id you know- mother Dick explained And you Must go now She was al his side in an instant and put ting her bands on his shoulders gazed up Into his face as thought she would never look away so she looked when she bent over Jamies little cof fin ami kissed him for last time A look which sough to fix his face in her mind forever and al the same lime pierce the future and see what it held for her boy longed to comfort her Mis was almost breaking yet he could only stand awkwardly holding his hat Me was not looking at bis mother but off in to distance and was struggling to Keep back the tears In Ins boyish he Indie veil that P show- any was unmanly how he longed to II that dear hardwork ing little how much be loved her and how hard was leave her Mr Warren was calling from Ibe waggon and one Hick was gone In farmhouse thai a figure into tie- south room under eaves and knell by he hod Tie moonlight streaming in through Open window lighted up lilfi disor- deivil room and tie- bed nothing had been touched lliere that day Far away same moon was look ing town upon a young boy standing on He- forward plat form of Win I rain ding eastward The world was before him and lie was looking man fully through bis ream Into fu ture in the now famous in Ihe air which occurred in on April when eleven British machines were attacked by some Germans led by the celebrated Baron yon Ibofen said be the best flyer in he world Huns were defeated four of their machines being brought down and to Hoy Brown of Place Ontario eldest son of Mr and Mrs J Brown fell the credit of downing the famous German up to this fight had a lisl of over li his credit and all without lossof a single British machine Would you like to have -of- Chatham May An oil I Or is said lo be the greatest in the history of the industry in Kent County has been struck by the Union Natural Gas Co on the Myers farm in Dover Township It was stated in reliable quarters today that oil is gushing from the well at the rale of bar- daily The well which has given signs during the last week or two of being a good producer was drilled in on Sunday at depth of a little less than feel It is reported Ibis after- j noon that the fluid is gushing from the hole to op of the derrick a height of feel The- New Edison Phonograph In your home If you will let us know at once we will try to arranae for same r SPECIAL EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT ARRANGED TO SUIT PURCHASER BROUQHTONS DRUG STORE To get fitted up for Summer Just arrived 3 cases of Straw Hats and Panamas that we could not cancel They will all have to be sold this week Breaking home lies No I bank not broken l may word r look which to Ihe poor wanderer God they are be bun will bring back dear old farm thai father bailing over his Bibb- or be leis loving face and with the rush of memory will come loo Ihe oldtime and desires- Alice Freeman No the tie never broken chain Is only lengthened For death can break the Ho That binds the heart home Genuine Panamas Mens Umbrellas I- less Bailies population lens than a year ago Fines amounting lo were imposed in the Kingston Police Court a soldier and two women for violation of the Temperance Act Russian casualties during the prat two yours of the war reached and Hussion prisoners have starved to death in Germany Children FOR FLETCHERS A I A In Fedora and Toloscopo Style with and In a Large Assortment of Handles Reg without Fancy Bands Reg Clearing at Clearing at Another Better Grade SIoes Patent and Styles Reg and Of South American Panama in Fedora Stylo Clearing at Reg Clearing at Straw Sailors Suits M In Young Mens First Longs with Belts and at aPM Slash Re Clearing at Mens Outing Shirts With Sport and Lay Down Collars Hog Clearing at Mens 100 Ties In the Latest Styles Clearing at Mens Split Straw Just the thing for everyday wear Reg Clearing at White Duck Trousers With cuffs Reg 150 Clearing at J Every Item in this advertisement and Every Article is Guaranteed F DUNCAN is a Genuine Bargain so be on hand Early MENS OUTFITTER i w I J I forth ietles and In the maid Al- lace on on a P m out le- ihe J on I i I t