Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 May 1918, p. 6

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NEWMARKET FRIDAY H 1 H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert CONCERT An entertainment under the au spices of he Womens Institute in the interest of the Red Cross will be held in the Methodist Church on Wednesday May It will consist of a play entitled Gilded Youth a comedy in three acts given by St Pauls Dramatic Club I PERSONAL Mrs of Toronto who has been visiting her daughter Mrs Robertson returned home on Monday The Canuck Club met at the home of Miss Vera Hogg on Wednesday evening Mr J Cook who lias been seriously ill is recovering Mrs was in Toron to last week visiting her sister who had undergone a serious operation Baldwin Breezes Keswick USED FOR SOFTENING WATER FOR HARD DIRECTIONS WTO EACH CAN Oil LOST In Mount Albert May 1st a ladys gold wrist watch Reward on reluming same to the Printing office Gardening is an important business since the warm weather set in Some have set out to mato plants A fouryearold child of Mr Howard narrowly escap ed serious injury from being run over by an auto driven by Donald Ross Fortunately the auto was going slowly up tie hill when the child ran in front of it and was slopped almost instantly Mrs Sleeper Mrs Davidson Mrs Mrs Moore Mrs Stokes and Mrs at tended the meeting of the Wo mens Missionary Society at St Andrews Church Scarborough On Friday May a beauti ful reception was given at the home of Mr and Mrs George when about of their friends and neighbors gathered together honor to the bride and groom who had just returned from their honey moon wreathed in smiles clad in the highest kind of good cheer and matrimonial beauty The bride was most charming in her unassuming manner na tural to her sweet lovely disposi tion After a hearty hand shake all around with the happy couple all guests were ushered into the spacious diningroom where a very sumptuous wedding lunch was served lit a Prince and good enough for a King After lunch ail hands and feet hasten ed the lawn for all kinds of out door which everyone HOPE it crowd put on Sunday line day practice at Mr a a is away for a ijuile being Choir last week Mrs A Dyke brief holiday Mrs and Gertie fepent the weekend in the city Mr Andrew Mitchell visited Mr and Mrs on Sunday Pie Gordon Tansley and his two sisters spent Sunday evening with Miss Eva The Young Ladies Class are quilting their patriotic quilt at Mrs J Gibsons On Wednesday afternoon The quilt is be offered for sale at the Harden Parly Friday night We omitted mentioning a very important pari iff our program the Wesley Quartette They certainly are good You can hear them by coming to the Garden Party Friday night- Mr Win Smith has invested in mi auto Mr and Mrs Oscar Stick wood visited at her home Mr Wm Puggs on Sunday Winnipeg May Railway shop men the number three thousand walked out thin morning in sympathy the striking civic workers fol lowed later in Hip day by on the Canadian Pacific Rail way The carmen will strike at Wednesday morning adding another the ranks of the striken while the secretary Of til street rail- announces positively that no Street ears will run in Winnipeg af ter a in Wednesday until the city brings the strike a settlement The railway men number nearly a thousand Two hundred and fifty stationary engineers win strike to night heartily enjoyed in the bright sil ver moonlight There were also number of selections of songs and instrumental music on the organ also a grand selection of music from he boys of the char ivari brigade who made things lively for a few minutes with horse fiddle triangle and many male voices highly trained in the Of charivari whoops and hur rahs George responded nobly to Ibis part of the reception by bringing out the bride on the ve randah where all the boys could give her a hearty handshake ami a welcome to the community About oclock in the morn- ling saw Hie last of a merry re ception parly wishing George and his bride a long and joyous voyage in their matrimonial life The presents were many costly I and beautiful which showed the high esteem thai the young coup le are held in by their friends The autos are beginning to go by on their way to the lake- Warm i the thing to bring them Sorry hear hat Mr Knights wife has lo go to the Hospital for an operation but hope she will soon be aide lo be around again Mr Hoy is improving after his trips to Toronto Glad to hear it Seeding time has passed Miss Mary Brown spent Sunday I with Mr Richard There are quite a number Of young fellows around this burg that Come in this draft Sorry to lose them Quite a surprise to Keg when large number of young people met at the home of Mr Hoy of Have shoe last Saturday lo bid Mr goodbye Mrs Johnston Aunt Sally is up and on her pins once more but twinges of rheumatism make her sore Rheumatics pneumonia pleur isy and so forth are rife these J days here We regret to record the passing away on Saturday last of an old- lime and respected citizen of I refer to late of Vachell aged about He was a man well- known to the general public lie tilled the Reeves chair and went to County Council for many years was postmaster at Vachell merchant farmer money loaner and had other public offices He was an allround good useful citizen For some years he has lived in retirement with- his daughter Mrs John Taylor Scott Tp He leaves a family of four grownup women all of splendid respectability and honorable names- Splendid growing weather now We are in the Venus period ex tending from May to July This moans heavy rainfalls and much electric disturbances There seems lo be some awful sore politicians these warm days The Tories seem gener ally speaking to be the sorest Broken Election Promises are fretting them till they fairly foam at the mouth Ill bet Sir Rob erts ears are red hot for fie and his broken promises are most about Election promises like issue paper will scarcely hold together So thin are they one should see through them A Sharon lady wrote me We were just wondering if you had turned Tory refused to vote and gel the Liberals in a trap trying to clear up the dirty mess of the Tory clique Let the Conserva tives carry own blun ders When Hie war is over then I he Grits can sail into pow er with all sails set Mrs Jessie Morton is spending a few days with her daughter in Sutton this week Mr Morton spent Sunday with his parents here Mr J Cole and family of Roachs spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs C- Mrs Ira Morion and grand daughter are returning to city this week Edith Morton was the guest of Mrs Friend Morton on Sunday I wonder why people when they go out motoring in those Max wells take enough gasoline along Mr Morton spent Sun day with relatives here West Wind in PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that by the effect of the regulations of the Gover nor General of Canada in Council of the must b addressed to Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Registration District io which he resides shall Wow be sent by registered post for which no I think when hear that old threadbare story told How when Sir Robert was here with His He called Tories as lambs to his fold should have chuckled and tickled his ribs How wish his hand had been laid on my head As trustfully leaned on his arm And that had heard his slick tongue as he solemnly said The last boy shall be left on the farm Sutton West Dr Boynton of has bought the practise of Dr A Greenwood who is now overseas Dr Boynton has moved into Mr Geo Cuttles residence on Main St and intends taking up his practise in Sutton and vicinity A number young people attended the war tea at Unas last Friday evening Miss Dora Stiles entertained a number of young people Tuesday evening in honor of the boys who are being drafted by the recent Act- Thursday last the United Farm ers held a meeting in Sutton Mr Barnaby pros of the CoOpera tive Farmers Union gave an in teresting address also Mr Pow ers director of the same Mr W Scott attended the central executive of the united farmers held in Newmarket on Monday The proceeds of the party last week were 2005 The girls lend using it to buy wool Miss Jean Chalmers entertain ed a few friends Saturday even ing Geo Goppins late of the Bank of Nova Scotia spent the weekend with friends previous to his departure for overseas Please keep in mind the meet ing lo he held tonight in St James Hall in interest of Bible Society of April and the Proclamation of 4th May 1918 recently published every male j Young men so reporting will not be placed British subject resident in Canada born on or noticc Since the 13th of October 1897 who has the appropriate Registrar or Deputy Registrar attained or shall attain the age of 19 years and change of residence or address Who is unmarried or a widower without children On receipt of the report an identification card must unless he is within one of the classes of forwarded by the Registrar which will protect persons mentioned in the schedule of Excep- from arrest to the Military Service Act report as Punctual compliance with these hereinafter directed on or before the 1st day of importance to those affected Failure to June or within ten days after his the time limited will expose the delinquent to birthday whichever date shall be the latter 5 immediate apprehension for Military Service Such report must be in writing and must give his ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE name in full the date of his birth and his place of MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH this 13th day of Mr and also his usual post office address 1 cleared at Clover No Price to Seed Olasse i8 No in Qua English Tun bags carteP English Gar and paper BULK GARDEN Put up by us ar IN The men required to report should address their reports as follows- To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Act Quebec if they reside in the Wolfe Richmond Compton Beaucc Dorchester GaspS lIslet Champlain Charlevoix Chicoutimi Quebec To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Scryiee Act Hull if they reside in the County Ottawa and Labelle Importer of Fancy AFTER THREE YEARS TRENCH EXPERIENCE OFFICER COMES HERE TO TELL OF as he is leaving us HOUSEKEEPER WANTED fur House no milking or other outside work I Ugliest wages I to competent Apply to Mount Albert LOST On Sunday between Newmarket and auto lire holder lir 30 and coyer with look Reward J O Strayed from Lot on the Con of North ahout of May a TwoYerOld Steer part Jersey red has a unlit on left ftar Information leading to recovery will be rewarded Phone Store Baldwin or write Baldwin OF Notice Is hereby that the Court of for the Muni cipality will be held at the Municipal Hall on Friday May 118 at the hour of one oclock in the afternoon All appeals to he sent to the Clerk on or before the 25th day May A MACKENZIE Clerk Queensville of for immediately fol lowing After a few games were played a chair was placed in the centre of the floor and was asked lo occupy it Then the following address was read by and the presentation made by Mr- Rye Dear Reg We as a Sunday School Class and friends have met together lo- to express our goodwill toward you While you have been in our midst you have been appreciated both in class and social gatherings As you now feel it your duty to lo the of your King and country we hope and trust hal you will remember your duly to God and your manhood keeping yourself pure and urine- filed ever looking In as your counsellor We now ask you to accept Ibis watch as a small token of our love hoping as you look at it from time to time you will not forget your friends at We hope you will also be with us again Signed on behalf the class and friends Arlio Kellington and King Miss Annie Wylder of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Roy The congregation has picked up wonderfully Dont the prayer meet ings at Ravenshoe Church on Thursday nights Good attend ance is requested The Sniper Fire caused damage to a pipe factory and planing mill at Brilliant the mill being Owned by iJoukhobors A camp of boys will he established near Chatham by the Ontario Resources Committee of the Legislature lo work in the sugar beet fields A local dames solution of the knotty problem bat- has bothered the brains of Parliament Hill Lei Ihe powers that be swoop down on those idlers that are playing and dillydallying their lime away playing golf tennis baseball and such Lei them light Theres the tonic Let them go with Iheir war chariot car and charge into he Ger man rabble then would they do awful destruction Our dame has hit nail on the head Now he good Let the Minister or Militia waken up and do and be doing Mrs Bertram Owen opened her dandy new icecream parlor the public on Saturday It was pat ronized the limit by a tremen dous throng So hungry were they that like Jack and his wife licked the platter clean AH sold out Mrs Owen is a popular caterer and has the snuggest little parlor in York Ft was specially for Owen and carpenter is as and cool a crystal palace Come and see it but on Sun day evening No admission on Sundays Theres a power of news must be laid over till later date Some thing specially good re deputa tion lo Ottawa Several of our young ladies are farmers do well ielp these days They REGISTER Lord Morgan Imported Clyde Stallion the property of Sons will visit Holt Vandorf Aurora Newmarket and Sharon leaving Ids omn stable next Monday morning TlkTok Saddle and Carriage Horse the properly of J A Sons Queensville will t raven North and Whitchurch In cluding Aurora and Newmarket during season See cards 1 Eoureull The property of Hill Sons Queonaville will remain at home during the sea son of This Horse was the champion for three years in succession Western Ontario and his stock have been very successful in the Show Ring He is well known In his own neighbor hood Nurse time for you to lake nourishment again Patient Im tired of taking nour ishment Slve me something to eat From the Dollar Texas TimesHerald He has the real Scotch brogue the real look a veteran the chevrons to three years of service in the trenches and he badge of honor show ing he was wounded in battle and above nil he has one of the most in teresting stories yet told in Dallas about Ihe biggest war the world ever knew He Is real Scotchman but he en listed in the Infantry from Ottawa Canada when the war first started and- he has been fighting alongside the famous Canadians I here fore his story is even more in teresting because the Canadians have thus far played in leading role Of the worlds greatest war drama His official title Is sergeantmajor a title given for bravery His name Is and lie came to Dallas under the auspices of Ihe local Red Cross workers and Sunday afternoon he will tell Ids story And answer questions at a public meeting at the A The sergeant major was shot thru the abdomen by a sniper ami Red Cross workers probably saved his life Ufa only regret laday in he did even see sniper hut he mod estly admits that before he was shot many Cermans fell victims of his weapons In addition to being shot he Is slightly deaf from shellshock and when asked a question which might embarrass military officials he might use thai as an excuse lo dodge the subject the Canadians sometimes forget to take prisoners he was asked I am slightly deaf he answered and a smile appeared over his face as the was asked again and he answered oh sometimes It pays to forget And then he detailed some of the ways of fighting and some of the ex periences he had and will he well worth wlille to hear his talk the A A German wont fight by himself They dont like to get near you he began He must hove a crowd with him He Is all right then but when he gels close to you he Is yellow Sergeant Major Cniikshank told an Interesting story of daring Herman sergeant major who was shot through the heart by a Canadian sniper This German sergeant nmjor succeeded lime and time again In cutting a space wide enough for two men to pass abreast Into the Canadian lines In the wire entanglements and the Canadians realized he was clever but they never could catch sight of him Finally the watchful eye caught sight of the German and lie fell with a through his heart The body ONTARIO To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act London if they reside in the County of Essex Kent Elgin Middlesex Oxford Waterloo Wellington Perth Huron or Bruce To the Registrar under the Military Service Act Toronto if they reside in the County of Lincoln Haldimand Norfolk Brant Halton Peel York Ontario Grey Simcoe or in the Districts of Parry Sound Algoma and north ofthe Mettawa and French rivera including the Town- NOVA SCOTIA To the Registrar under the ships of Ferri and Bonfidd To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act 1917 Kingston if they reside in the County of Durham Northumberland Victoria Peterborough Hastings Prince Edward Lennox Carleton Glengarry Renfrew Russell Stormont ville Lanark Leeds or the District of south of river exclusive of the Townships of Ferris and To the Registrar under the Military Service Act 1917 Winnipeg if they reside in the Districts of Rainy River or Thunder Bay QUEBEC To the Registrar under the Military Service Act Montreal if they reside in the County of Jacque Hochelaga Laval SoulaniesNaplervUle Beauharnois Huntington Laprairie Argenteuil Terrebonne Two Mountain Montcalm Jolictte Maskinongo St Maurice Three Rivers St Johns Iberville Missiiquoi Brome Shefford St YUKON To the Registrar under the Military Service Orummond Act Dawson if they reside in the baaVa Sherbrooke and Stanstead Territory Service Act 1917 Halifax if they in Province of Nova Scotia NEW BRUNSWICK To the Registrar under the Military Service Act St John if they the Province of New Brunswick PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND To the Registrar the Military Service Act Chariot If ii reside in the Province of Prince Edward Island BRITISH COLUMBIA To the Registrar under the Military Service Act Vancouver if they in the Province of British Columbia SASKATCHEWAN To the Registrar under the Military Service Act if they reside ia ii Province of Saskatchewan ALBERTA To the Registrar under the Military Service Act Calgary if they reside in the Province Alberta t MANITOBA To the Registrar under the Military Service Act 1917 Winnipeg if they reside in Province of Manitoba AND RESTAU IN THE IMPERIAL BANK SOME WAR Si vol Discount on FRESH MILK CREAM We can supply lee sale delivered usfd Can also suplil with Confectionary etc Restaurant and Soda St near SOUTH on heavy underwear and heavy boots a good uniform had marks in his pockets and some papers What Hie- papers contained no one but our commanding officer knew The man who brought him in attended to the marks and belonged to poor devil lie risked his life didnt he Sornebody else look of the hoots alright They were good ones The soldier who brought in the body found the German clamping a bomb in one hand and a revolver in the other He wanted the revolver but I he com- manding officer wouldnt give it to him its a funny thing German was well clothed but he only weighed pounds and he looked as if he hadnt eaten in a month Ids face was all shriveled and he looked tired How long do you think the war will last sergeantmajor was asked If you want me 10 till he said I will say thai it will last until the stabs send over enough men to make Germany realize that she has a new and powerful nation to fight Then will either he whipped right away or her people will take the government in charge ami declare peace Germany must ho made to realize hat she has a new and power ful nation to fight thats as certain as anything in the world 000 GERMAN SUBMARINES HAVE ORDERS TO SINK ALL VE88EL8 to go to tho Country 1 PHONE Lot us you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Charges Reasonable A BOYD Prop Night on Phono 172 Promptly Attended to RED or GREEN as well as GREY MAHY people- do not aiven yet know that in addition to the famous with a alatt permanent Red or colors Imagine what handsome effects rice possible with thue colors lay on No Mans Land all day as the trenches were only ninety yards apart but on the following night a Canadian risked his all to bring In this dead German whose cleverness had kept the men from seeing him The Canadian was successful In returning to his trench where the discovery was made that the shrewd German an of ficer lie was well dressed said and he had Norway May Gorman submarines again have started unrestricted warfare on Norwegian fishing boats In the Arctic Ocean north and cast of the Norwegian coast Fishermen saved from sunken vessels and landed at report lhat the Commander of a Uboat stat ed that all vessels met by him would be sunk Norwegian ships especially would bo destroyed be cause ho said the Norwegians wore sending fish oil and sea oil lo England This however is contrary to the truth as the ox- port of oils is forbidden and Ger many knows it The Uboats said to shell vessels without warning and ac cording to the survivors direct a firo against life boats Russian fishing boats and a Russian mail steamer from Var- eastward bound and crowded with passengers also wore shelled Eight persons among them a postmaster and his assistant were killed on the deck of the steamer Many othors were hurt after taking to the boats Pastor is away on two wcoks holidays During his Rev A Sims of Toronto will his work Ada bring results Try one 0FM V WW TURNEYS COLD GROWN AND FLOWER Choicest TOMATO CELERY CAULIFLO ASTERS BALSAMS COSMOS SALVI SEED CO FOCI to A Prompt Delivery A SUGGESTION SUM main points about long lift If the fact that it so to lav and economical tope font lumber or dealer lab At tint IK KB Highlands of An for midst wild scon J- Excellent hotel Pull information Trunk Ticket A Horning Distri Agent Toronto Poone J Up YORK DEALER NEWMARKET EVES I Hi I An organization York Range gld Railway Troop Way Cant J lh chair The objects II promote lumbers relatives ami from tin mil York Rang M splendid room thn One quarters f il J VanNon the Phi In Canada nennowi ahv bring rest 1 i

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