Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 May 1918, p. 5

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Prank or Ma and Newmarket A TERRY Dentist in Rank of Toronto NEWMARKET and Bridge Work to Plato Work Mad I Fire Insurance FRED J England OUR LOCAL NEW v Medicine of ToronW Licentiate member of ii clinical in and JVsiil Tested Glasses Supplied no 10 Hour- ftAT S AND Park Avenue Real Estate Change Mr Watson has bought Improperly occupied for so many years by the Simpson Drug Store and is pulling the place to pieces He intends to make a modern store with plate glass front and probably offices upstairs The location is excellent next door to he Post Office Interred at Newmarket The remains of Mr Thos Kelley who died in Toronto were brought here on Saturday after noon motor funeral and interred in He was formerly a resident of Newmarket and while here he married Miss Annie Howard who is left a widow with several grownup children BERT GREEN AND PAPER HANGER we 2nd house from St Newmarket r PO Box Newmarket P Voice an1 V Dealer in all kinds of Instruments and Repairs Piano Tuning and Records ProPt I BA Barrister Solicitor Notary Etc and Lieut Deverell Wins M The Military Cross has been awarded lo Lieut Edwin Royal Engineers son of Mr Chas Toronto formerly of Ravenhoe for blowing a gap in Hit- enemys wire protection pre a raid and then iivr raiders and on seeing the running away chased and captured him afterwards recov ering a wounded officer FOOD CONTROLLED SAYS A Fight for Life Newmarket Cemetery beautiful resting place of I he departed is looking well just now and the caretaker Mr Sheldon deserves credit for its appearance when help is so scarce He cutting the grass the second lime on all the Endowed Plots last Saturday and it is not very hard lo distinguish Ihc plots thai are looked aftr privately and more often neglect- altogether The only way to keep Hi- Cemetery beautiful is by the system of Endowment Many lownspeoplc took occasion to vis it the Cemetery last Sunday and were pleased with its appearance- New Auto Number Code Mr has recently Office Dominion recently Building Telephone Main a copyright on a code Building Ki F OfficeOver Pi- j Billiard Parlors Will be ber on Saturdays until TO LOAN Investment of Funds from upwards Lyman Jackson Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence if desired Furnace Work and Letter Code By bis license num ber plates for automobiles could be produced each plate not hav ing more than figures or letters By using an additional letter or the number of plates hat could be produced would he in excess of requirements Hie letters and figures would be much lunger ban the present system of figuring and would be more distinguishable ibis Code is a very line one and a muchneeded public Safe ly lirsf device if adopted it would greatly simplify the work checking up automobiles on the road when law is violated The critical condition of food supplies for the Allies during the next few months has led the Can ada Food Board to pass addition al orders affecting wheat and flour It has been made illegal for farmers or anyone else lo use any niillablc wheat for feed for any kind of animals Consum ers are prohibited from accumu lating stocks of flour beyond their actual current needs and must return to dealers any excess they may have been hoarding and dealers must report their excess stocks which will be returned to the millers or disposed of as the Canada Food Board directs The Canada Food Board the Feed Branch of the Department of Agriculture and the millers have been working together for months upon the very difficult problem of the fairest method of distributing bran and shorts The demand in Canada for these feeds is many times the total output of Cana dian mills and comes from all parts of the country The prices fixed for bran and shorts have made them relatively cheaper than other feeds such as oats and barley and this has increased the demand and moreover ill many parts of the country oats and barley were a short crop last year as was also hay Under ordinary conditions about pounds of wheat would be used to make pounds of flour and allowing 3 pounds for waste here would remain lbs of offal hut aboul lb of the lower grade flour would be added to he shorts to make middlings so that there would be a total of about- pounds of feed produced Under the order now in force the mills must make I0G pounds of flour out of pounds of wheal and cannot turn any back into the shorts so that today only lbs of feed is made in the process of grinding a barrel of flour and the richer feeds cannot be made at all Taking an equal amount of wheat in each case this means hat al most per cent less feed is incr made than before which of course has made the feed problem still more difficult It been fight or die for of in past and the lucky those who hare suffered but who bow well because they heeded natures warning signal in tine to trouble with that wonderful new of Dr Pierce called You should promptly heed these warn ings some of which are spells irregularity of the urine or the painful twinges of rheumatism sciatica or lumbago To delay mftj male possible the dangerous forms of kidney disease such as diabetes or stone in bladder To overcome these distressing condi tions tako plenty of exercise In the open air aroid a heavy meat diet drink freely of water and at each meal take double strength You will in a short time find that you are one of the firm indorsers of Hamilton For kidney ailments I have never MILK IN THfc WARM WEATHER known any to equal An When I started to take it I was very miserable jrith lama back pains in the cords of my neck and and all over my body The water was high colored and All of these conditions left me after one weeks use of and I consider it to be the greatest of all kid ney medicines Mrs Jennie Cube Queen St So Toronto Ont My husband with pains In back for thteo or four weeks lie commenced to take and in three or four days ho not only looked better but remarked that his back felt much better find now he says that his pain has all gone It is with pleasure that we recommend Ryan 54 St HORRIBLE TALE OF TURKISH SAVAGERY Plumbing Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit the Shop Proper Care of Dairy Products In the Summer Threshing Gangs Will Help Relieve Farm Shortage Work Is to Be In tint ed This Year Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto HE pen is mightier than the sword especially when It has a pig in It Then mul tiply that pig by Multiply this again by 200 lbs and an imposing total of lbs reached more pounds of pork In deed than were exported by Canada shortly before the war Yet Ontario could produce that huge quantity by utilising a valuable food commodity that at present Is almost entirety wasted the garbage of our towns and cities This is the evidence given by a commission appointed by the Agri cultural Section of the Ontario Or ganization of Resources Committee to investigate the feeding of garbage to The commission consisted of J P Johnson- and- Justus Miller Toronto These gentlemen have lately returned from a our of American cities where garbage is fed to hogs and are of the opinion that Ontario Ought not to delay longer the matter The salient points of the report which has been prepared regarding their are briefly That garbage has a food value of between and a ton 2 that It should be fed entirely untreated Ie that it not be heated washed or sorted that residents of towns and cities where garbage is to be fed must separate their garbage placing table refuse only in a separate con tainer that tor every of population a minimum of 6000 tons of garbage Is produced eacn year which will feed hogs that the double treatment se rum and virus hog cholera must be given to make the plan feasible A small percentage of our garbage has been fed to dogs already but toe regulations of the Federal Veterinary DirectorGeneral compelled feeders to sterilize garbage by the boiling process and prohibited the immunizing of hogs by the double treatment against cholera Since re- Ill TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS NEXT TO SMITHS GROCERY Christian Church On Sunday evening the fJUidiM marched he Christian Church under the command of Mis- Cane The sermon was appropriate and instructive all bearers especially the his The lo Miss Dorothy rendered a sacred solo in her splen did manner The choir also sang anthem in which Mr Willis look he solo Sunday June is to be ob served as Childrens Day A mi table program is being- 1 Girl Choir to ren- selections save rn o N Enter the Y It is entirely out of the question for the mills under those condi tions to ship full carloads of bran and shorts Hie demand for feed without causing users at oth er points lo suffer It would make no difference to the miller whether he sold in full carloads or in less than carloads for bis price to the trade is fixed at the same amount per ton in both cases but the best and fairest method of distribution has re quired shipment in smaller quan tities If a Healer does not re quire flour or some other cereal produce to fill a car this of course involves the payment by I he deal er of the higher freight rale charged upon I shipments This difference in freight may run from to per ton according to distance Dealers are natur ally anxious to Ibis extra cost which might put them at a disadvantage as compared with competitors in the same district who could fill a mixed car and al though there is no extra pro lit to them be millers do not desire I heir customers to be a dis advantage if hey need oats bar ley oatmeal or flour which could be used to the car On and after the 1 day of June IM no person shall in the manufacture for sale St Catharines May 13 To have her husband slain with an axe before her eyes by four Turk ish soldiers then herself bound band and foul for protesting and forced witness her live children burned to death after being sat urated with oil was part of the experience of Mrs who has arrived in St Catharines with bloodcurdling firsthand stories of the atrocities being meted out to the Armenians of Turkey in Asia in their effort exterminate the race The family were comfortably situated in their borne at Province of turning when a regiment Of Turks committee has taken the up arrived The inhabitants were informed that they must move as the Russians were coming and if they remained they would be mas sacred Our helpless people doubted the story- Mrs staled tearfully through an in terpreter biL dare not refuse feeling certain they would be slaughtered where they were so we left six hundred Of us for an- I other village large about in population where we were all housed Then with out warning the men were taken Chew it after every meal with Dr Torrance however and lias secured bis permission to allow un treated garbage to be fed and to be given the double I real men t subject to very reasonable Detailed information may be secur ed by consulting tho of the Commissioner of Agriculture Parlia ment Buildings Toronto Supplying Milk fur City Trade Safety is a good in the milk business To make milk safe it must be from healthy cows preferably those which have passed the tuberculin test the stable Entire Stock of AT COST The Greatest Event of its Kind Ever Attempted and all must and killed and the younger and cl lho which cume in contact with tho milk must be clean more attractive women carried off Runaway On Monday morning two small hail a narrow escape ITom injury One boy was College fits of canned vegetables mad Street when the horse at something and the lad was not enough to slop him while 11 lad bun- on dear lif The arid Charles Sts Toronto rounded lb rnir Main the Tuition Rates and up creased Great demand for our but lad managed Write for our horse past th and a motor and finally brought the horse 16 a walk in of the Office any damage attracted finite crowd I onlookers who expected very minute both the boys nut Upon and learn how our formor succeeding Open ll car WJELLIOTT Principal Spring Term from April 2nd merges Into the Term On July 2nd In Shaws Schools Toronto No Enter any day fee Catalogue SHAW Pro road or preserved fruits or meats poultry soups seeds or grains or products mad therefrom jellies jams sauces pickles condensed evaporated dried powdered or canned milk or dried evaporated or dedicat ed fruits or vegetables wiihoul first having obtained from he Canada Hoard a license to be called Manufacturers save and except those operating a cunning factory in connection with a commercial meat packing plant The Food Hoard asks flint banquets and other meetings where refreshments are nerved when such are considered neces sary be so arranged as to fake the of regular locals- and not to eonstitule extra meals for a worse fate I know of no person man woman or child who escaped one fate or another the massacre the woman was herself taken captive and used for the brutal- exploitation of Turkish soldiers Tor months she liv ed this life of horror finally es caping by dropping one night from a thirdstorey window lo the ground absolutely nude Hid for Threo Months Tor three months she to drink the persons handling the milk bo a living advertisement of exempli fied the delivery wag gons measures etc should be In order assurance of safety may be doubly It is ad visable lo pasteurize the milk is heat it to degrees to de grees hold at tnis lempvraiuro for twenty to thirty minutes then cool Go degrees or below and hold at tin temperature until deliv ered to consumer milk la the safest kind of milk for GEO W Main St North Newmarket she was able to avoid discovery travelling in his same condition by night hiding in ditches and old barns by day and feeding on grasses roots ami leaves the cud of three months she made miles and reached n settlement where found friends who bed her and fed her and aid ed her in reaching an Armenian town of size which had been destroyed by I be Turks Mere The persun buying milk has certain duties In order lo a safe pro duct especially lor children Among these bo mentioned Placing milk at once on delivery a or cool cellar protected from dust and odors and by keeping it a tightlyclosed vessel the milk bottle covered with an in verted or special cov er the top of thu milkcap should be wiped to remove oust before taking It from the milk buttle no more should be taken from Hie supply but tle is lor a meal any NOW IS YOUR CHANCE I WILL NEGLECT IT To secure All Wool Suits at prices that will not be repeated for years Wo have secured a of English Cloth Water Proof Overcoats YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED FWILLIS TAILOR Phono Main NEWMARKET CALL SOLI CITED I sin was given and l ti ti lent in a luitmiinl i left over milk not be put WVU e I I the supply alter the meal I a afterward as lulii spoil the whole of for her treatment lUo lul on nana milk taken to a until she had saved not be used for any mOJICy lit Iiii- In it bulled and PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Qfct Thorn a To Photographer in Your Town The the Church for iiviee next Monday evening held in he Town Hall both Sunday liifternooij and eveniiur I be trolley was well patronized Insl Sunday ears were Oui in the fie in I hi I iav HcpendedA Work are hi again willorders j The trees are all out in leaf and nature is her beauty dress Tulip- are making a line display the jump I he click of lawn mower general now in tin- ev ening LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKITJ this beauty lotion for your face neck arms and hands Door Weal Office of WEMIMQ APPOINTMENT I A A Dr Hair UUd to hair jo its natural color or not a df nonInjurious oilpaid VriU Supply itrunitt Oat On tali In it J brut Store An he eos of a small jnr of nary cold cream one can pre pare full pint- of the must wonderful lemon skin soft ener and complexion by the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con- three ounces of orchard while Care should be taken to strain he Juice through a fine so lemon pulp gets in then this lotion will keep fresh months woman for knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles fiallowness and tan and is the Ideal skin softener and Just try it I Get three of orchard while at any drug store and two lemons from grocer and make up quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lorn- On lotion and massage- it daily into the face neck arms and bands It is marvellous to rough red hands sin- had saved sufficient her hum where she wil9 j Armenians of Catharines lie fore reach hi was furl her in a at j I and received further all here and has now reached a slate of health which she has been accepted for emjHoymenl- DESCENDANT OF PATRIOT CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING Clarksburg May I Mr and Mrs Waller Tyson maed the fiftieth anniversary of marriage today which look place May at the Hart- man home near Aurora Mr son is be eldest and only on of the late Tyson of bears Hie name of in honor his greatuncle Samuel M Hie patriot who pave his life jji to free Canada from military oppression such as exists in Ger many today Mrs Tyson is the daughter of Joseph for York in lb old parliament of Canada Among the relatives ami friends from a distance were Mrs Brown ell Miss Mrs and the Misse of Toronto besides a host of friends from ColliiiKwond and other places t One the British destroyers was torpedoed am sunk by an en emy submarine on May Two men were killed Dry CA8T0RIA nut he any other except it bulled then only lor milk bottles be as empty he promptly returned to in vase should in ilk buttles be uued lor any other in tnc house lor holding milk Prof Ontario Agricul tural College Threshing Gangs lor Farm era of labor this year tliey ever been before In many lUCTO be but one man on a ttbalsleu perhaps a boy It will be there- lore to la bur in every Way In order that this years iiar- veat may be taken oil and fall work coin pic loo in preparation lho crop While there objections to lh till calling gang in Ontario It hoped to initiate the worn a reason largo year The making a study the proposition as it the fanner wldlC the Ontario Bureau has agreed to provide men lor threshing gangs there a demand for those Willi suitable cooperation between Hie farm public of province and the of Agrlculturo thorn Should he no In organizing a larXO number gangs full TO Having been appointed repre sentative of tho Jnrvis Co Toronto I wish to call the at tention of Investors to op portunity and other Municipal especially Victory as Hie best investment at the present time Bonds free of Federal Taxation and took nearly worth in the recent campaign HENRY Newmarket j ffconomv Do you prattle Can He Hear You HEN you talk directly into into space and not the mouthpiece of your telephone you are not giving the instru ment a chance to do its best work The mouthpiece was designed to speak into and best results are obtained when your arc about half an inch from its rim Economize time and temper by speaking dis tinctly directly into the mouthpiece and avoiding needless repetition and delay The Bell Telephone Co of Canada 0 orth and In the I iron ace on on J a P iss jr ml le- J i I i- a I Am

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