ALLAN IN POLICE COURT and Costs About people crowded into the Fire Hall last Friday after noon when LlCol Allan was up before Police Magistrate on charges of assault and inter fering with a Constable in the discharge of his duly When the first change was read the defendant pleaded Not Guilty His Worship asked him if he wished to be tried by him self or a jury and he replied By eyes of the law an assault wilt be lenient wth you I will tine you and costs The fines and costs in both cases amounted to which Mr Allan promptly paid general impression of those pres ent was that he got off too easy Comments of Exchanges i GERMANY TO ENFORCE EARLY Our Toronto Letter J for Somebody I I have for Sate 3 PONIES AND COMPLETE OUTFITS Just he for Children also RUBBER AND STEEL TIRE BUGGIES In good order ft K ROBERTSON Water St Newmarket RUTLEDGE8 REPAIR SHOP New and SecondHand Wood Saws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in First Glass order and will be sold cheap Shop East of Bank of Toronto W Proprietor i For Tickets to v New market or write I King St Toronto omco Late a I in Headstones All tit Work PROMPTLY Cull I J and I a in tabu buying CTuwiXa stones to Order MemorJal Tablets for Churches kept In ft lock JOHN O J It And mid Dome AM Phone Box yjluryn Do you ever have That discouraged feeling often comes a disordered stom ach or an inactive liver Get your digestion in shape and the bile acting properly then the blues vill disappear You I soon be cheerful if you take you Mr P J Anderson Town Clerk and Treasurer being called stat ed that on Saturday evening May between and It oclock he went into Allans store to pur chase an article and during the conversation that followed Mr Allan referred to some property that was advertised for sale of taxes and said that the amount was not correct He said that it was Other municipal mat ters were referred to to which Anderson did not Allan reminded him that he had got the position of Clerk and Treasurer for him which Anderson thanked him for Allan then ordered him to Gel out Anderson said I am going out but you cant put me out Anderson turned to go out when Allan swore at him and Ill show you continued With that he caught my face with one and the other around my neck and pushed me towards the door I got my foot against something and began to scuffle I pushed him back got him by the throat and shoved him over Then I walked out Dr Wesley being called said I was coming out of Bennetts Store when I saw Mr Anderson and staid Whats the matter with your face The blood was running down I bathed his face It was only a skin wound and not serious Blood poison might have followed if not prop erly cleansed Mr Roche said that at J 5 on Saturday night he came nut of his store door and saw quite a crowd in front of Allans Store He heard someone say Theres a big light on He look in and saw Allan and Ander son scuffling Allan had Ander son by the neck and the blood was running down Andersons face- lie heard Allan swear and say III show you whether I can put you out Anderson picked up his hat and eane and got out as fast as he could His Worship asked Allan if he had anything to say and he re plied No I would no dare ask that man anything Major Do you wish make a statement Colonel Allan commenced lo say something When the major said it must hi under oath the colonel decided not to make any statement Magistrate said It is a case of common assault 1 will line you and costs The charge of Interfering with a Peace Officer in the discharge of his fluty was the one to which Mr Allan pleaded Not Guilty and elected to be tried by the Magistrate Constable Duncan staled On the afternoon of May at 5 o clock I went into the store of J A W Allan to serve a summons him When I entered I saw Allan behind the counter He pointed to the door and ordered toe int I said I have a sum mons for you and put my hand in my pocket to get it out lie said out and grabbed me When I my hand out of my pocket J handed him Hie He swore at and said Aint yon going to gel out I go out and it was time before I got toy wind Stephenson Of Holland ling went into Allans Store oclock on Monday after noon ind heard an argument at Hie hack of the store lie thought Unit Allan was talking to a kid anil heard him say Oct out He did not hear any scuffle Or see any blow struck Win engineer at standing and and London May The Ger man commission appointed to ex amine the decline in the birth rate in Germany has reported a rec ommendation for the compulsory marriage of Germans before their 20th year is past Financial assistance would be granted by the state according to this plan which provides penal- tics for those failing to comply Provision is also for the punishment of married couples who remain childless DISCOVERY OF GERMAN PLOT IN IRELAND dragnet swept all over he London May 10 The govern ment has adopted the policy of the iron hand in dealing with sedition in Ireland All the leaders of the Sinn Fein Society have been arrested by a swift comprehensive dragnet drawn the police and soldiers during the night and early hours of the morning The movement was apparently a com plete surprise and most of those arrested were quickly and quietly placed aboard ships The country and there- was no possi bility of resistance The major ity of those arrested were taken from their homes while abed and only a few scuffles and a little revolver play took place Accord ing to latest reports hundreds of arrests were made The proclamation by the new viceroy states that the arrests were made because a plot with Germany was being fostered This gives the government ground for justification BOYS OF NINETEEN FORMALLY CALLED Kingston Whig The Ontario Temperance Act pinches- pretty hard A young man who was arrested several days ago charg ed with selling liquor was flncd with the option of three months in jail by Magistrate in Kingston Police Court The young man will do the term in jail The young fellow who swore ho purchased the liquor off the- accused was taxed and costs for being intoxicated Ma gistrate Farrell gave bootleg gers in the city a severe jolt After imposing the heavy fine he turned to the audience and re marked that there were a number present who would do well to lake warning by the penalty he was imposing The Pioneer Drink is treason The drink traffic is a traitor To day when winning the war means everything to civilization in com parison with which nothing else counts surely it is Ihe highest reason for efficiency to be les sened strength undermined health destroyed and mortality increased by intemperance and surely the traffic which for profit makes and sells to men the poison product that works this damage is a traitor to our Empire and our cause Edmonton Bulletin To Hon Thomas Crothers is due the credit for having unified and enlivened public opinion to an extent that nobody suspected he could do Since the publication of the cor respondence nine out of ten pa pers in Canada have enthusiastic ally offered the opinion that Mr should have declined Mr OConnors resignation and pre- his own Hie Waterworks was on he I reel between oclock last Monday aft of Allans said Did and Duncan out i saw Duncan tore Tin lit hurl yon plied Ye Mr Allan gave testimony on behalf and aid Contable Duncan came into my store on afternoon I was at Ihe back end of the store When 1 aw him corning I went intcr- official proclamation call ing upon Ihe youths of to register for dates from May Thai is every man resident within Canada who is a British subject who had at tained his birthday on or be fore May and who was un married or a widower without children will be required to register in the military district in which he is regularly resident on or before June 1st though here is a special guarantee clause as suring all who register in this manner that lhe will not be ask ed to report for service before July In addition to the youths of the official announcement states that all British subjects in Canada born on or since October and who are unmarried or widowers without children must also report for service which simply means that those who have attained age of since the issuing of the first pro clamation on October last are also included MOTORISTS HAVE RIGHT OF WAY him and as soon as I close to I ordered him Hi lei a lot of documents the floor when I pushed him went He diil not tell I that he had a summons for One if I In clerks picked up papers and handed to I later mi Among was not Iktlll inon for me I did got out I on and me me the me the at the peoples remedy for lifes common ailments They act thoroughly on the stomach liver and bowels and Boon reg ulate and strengthen these im portant organs Purely vege tablecontain no harmful drugs Whenever you feel despondent a doses will Make Things look Brighter V4 him and I did not swear inn I ordered him to get ml he out in a hurry police Magistrate said You are charged with a most serious offence Yon are under impression that you did not commit assault but legally you did On your own evidence you ordered an officer of the law out before giving him a chance to state his business If such con were allowed to exist it would lead to chaos The penal ty attached lo this offence Is se vere I could send you down for two years but Iain perfectly sat isfied you did not understand your position I believe your state ment that you did not assault Constable Duncan by placing your hands upon hut this is In the The Municipal World gives par ticulars Of a case interest to owners of automobiles It says a horsedrawn vehicle must turn to the righl of a beaten path or roadway and permit a motor ear coming from behind to pass to do so makes Ihe driver of the former vehicle guilty of negligence in the opinion of a composed largely f farm ers Of Woodstock This verdict was reached after a trial lasting three days Miss Florence Held filed suit against lanl Stevens demanding damages for personal injuries received in a runaway caused as she averred when Stevens drove his cm her buggy when she ignored Un repealed signals to turn nut and give part of the road As Stev ens drove past the buggy the car collided with wheels of former vehicle the crash fright ening the horse which ran away throwing the occupants of nut Mrs Held received injuries which she claims are permanent After a bard fought trial jury decided in favor of Ihe defendant Claiming that be plaintiff was negligent in not sur rendering onehalf of the road The derision establishes an im portant precedent and one will he of interest to every driver whether of a motor ear or a horse drawn vehicle All entirely MOW device has perfected whereby enemy submarines are being trapped and which detects the presence of lboats at a distance of thirty miles Port Hope Guide The barber goes over the top daily He ad vances at a smart clip cutting his way by shear force of steel At limes he uses considerable gas His charge is always a good one He gives no quarter but accepts one without any hesitation YOUR HIGHEST GIFT You owe it yourself to utilize the very highest gift that is in you The who is endowed might be a painter or Illustrator but if she Chooses turn her thoughts in Hie direction of millinery she will make a success of it Bui in mak ing such a choice she would he un true to herself for lo paint a fine picture is a better thing than to trim a pretty hat If all he world were contented merely to do something progress would be slow Indeed We owe it to ourselves to give our highest gifts a chance for the highest expres sion Bill we owe it to others as well as ourselves In do biggest tilings we are capable of Take Hie girl artist already referred to If she should turn her back upon her promising career and open a millinery establish ment she might make as much money as she could earn by painting and fill a very useful in life helping a great many girls and women to look their best But it he in doing she would be fill ing a place another woman less en dowed might have filled with equal credit Them are more people In the world who can I rim hats than there are who can paint pictures And bach time one of Ihe more highly endowed drops back Into a minor she crowds down somebody else into a position below that which endowment fits her Make up your mind you are going to fill the highest place you ran for the higher you go Ihe less crowding there Is a DIDNT FORGET THE PENNY Sandy hail been- courting Janet for the last two years One evening after a silence lasting nearly hour Janet murmured A penny for Sandy eel replied Sandy with sudden boldness I was thinking boo fine will be if ye Were give me a bit Janet compiled anil again there was silence An what are ye thinking about Sandy Janet ventured after a bit Anither lassie its serious tile I was just thinking that It was about lime ye were me that penny for ma Chicago Mount Purest May ID While engaged ill driving a roller on his farm near here yesterday morn ing Ilolliday was instantly killed The breaking of a shaft caused the horses to run away throwing Mr Ilolliday from the roller which parsed over his body Have Brought I To Thousands WHY NOT YOU A Cnti box Six far GO US lie leaves a widow and child- re Moscow May Mussulmans and forces are engaged in a deadly conflict at Baku on Caspian Sea According lo despatches the Moscow news papers two thousand persons have been killed and three thousand wounded Various parts of the town including entire streets and the Persia Bazaar are burn ing Australian troops achieved a brilliant local success Sunday when they captured Ville-sur- Ancre This village which lies ties in a strong position forms part of the Amiens front The Australians began their siege by improving their positions near this point In the preceding night and Sunday they captured the surrounding defences and occu pied the remaining ruins- They no guns and took much prisoners I A street oar caught lire- at the corner of Queen arid Bay Streets last Saturday noon caus ing a stampede among the passengers In an effort to es cape from the burning car some of the men passengers smashed the glass- and attempted lo climb out through the windows One lady was hadly hurt and was tak en to her home suffering from severe injuries car had just turned the corner the trolley pole went off the wire the pole became tangled among the wires and a live wire made a connection with the of the car A blaze of flame shot from the wire and in a few merits the rear of the car were on lire The Bay Street chemical enginewas at the scene of the fire in a few minutes and quickly put the fire out A rail way company inspector fixed Ihe wire and inside of twenty minutes traffic was resumed Another party of returned heroes arrived at the North To ronto Station Sunday morning Torontos contribution to the Red Triangle Fund has already- reached he total of 9534000 Ralph Ostrom Ossington Ave was after an exciting chase on Saturday night by the police charged with the theft of a motor car Tire caused by he explosion of a drug grinding machine caused damage to the stock of Ly man Bros at front Street Satur day morning J was convicted on a charge of allowing apples to go to waste in Police Court and was given a penally of Si fine and costs or three months Shortly after returning from his usual evening walk Rogers postmaster for Toronto since Mar dropped dead in his home at St on Thursday of last- week It is announced by the Ontario registrar thai the fine of which will be levied if a man is found not carrying proper mili tary papers applies to all men of 19 to years of age Men of these ages are also liable lo pay a tine of 100 if the fail to notify the registrar when they change their address For the theft registered letter Albert was given the minimum sentence of three years in Kingston Penitentiary One man was probably fatally injured and three others slightly hurt Friday afternoon when an automobile in which they were riding collided with a telegraph pole at Adelaide and Peter Sis Mr Campbell is suffering from concussion of the brain His wife and Miss Kathleen Collins Of 35 1 St were bruised about the face and are in SO Michaels Hospital suffering from shock Mr J a chemist living at the Symington Ave home was in jured about the face Before retreating from Mango Finland Russian naval officers blew up two American and seven British submarines The First Vermont Cavalry now recruiting at Fort Allen will be a command worth watching if Major Waller Balchelor carries out his plans One condition of enlistment is that every man abstain from us ing intoxicants while a member of the regiment The first squad ron consists of the student body of Norwich University every member of the graduating class having reported for duty Peril May The P night train from Chicago to Mont real met with a headon collision on morning at oclock with a westbound freight train at Mud Lake on the hake Shore line miles west of Perth resulting in the death the of the passenger- train and he brakes man of lie freight train while he passengers were badly shaken Up and several experienced seri ous injuries Mr y a farm er on the concession east or York Mills lost his entire effects except his house by lire York Mills about If oclock Friday night The fire was caus ed by a lantern Upset by Mr who was in barn working with a gasoline engine The barn was of the most date construction wooden super structure foundation The contents Of lite barn includ ing all Ihe implements and last years crops were completely de stroyed The live stock consist ed 1 milking cows and a large number of calves and pigs and two teams of horses of which only a team of horses and one sow were The outbuild ings were also destroyed Pickering Old May This morning Constable Walter pard received q message thai two young men of auspicious appear ance had arrived in a canoe supposed to have been stolen and containing a quan tity of gents summer clothing towels ruts cutlery listing tackle comforters etc Con stable immediately left in his auto but on arriving at found that they had gone east He started in pursuit and succeeded in effecting their ar rest as they were arriving Pickering Station They were taken before Police Magistrate changed with theft and housebreaking and were re manded for a week and lodged In Whitby jail The goods some of which have been identified as being from a dwelling at Port Union which was broken into are supposed to have been all taken from cottages east of Toronto TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS In Arrears of TwteB In Town of Newmarket Ont COUNTY OF YORK virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor a to wit l Corporate Peal of the Town of Newmarket to ml directed bearing date the April 30th A D commanding to upon and sell the lands mentioned in the following list for arrears of Taxes duo thereon I hereby give notice that unless such arrears of Taxes and be sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof may bo sufficient to discharge the said arrears of Taxes and Costs hereon at the Council Chamber in the Town of Newmarket on Tuesday Sept at P Gardens Lot Plan North 3rd Street Srfgley I I I 1 1 It II 14 4 22 33 34 46 61 76 78 104 111 115 120 I loo I 40 Hazzard Wilson PI John 8hktlds East Leo Segal I it I ft George A t 79 119 1 i I 129 1 Ernest Culley PI T North Sngley Squiros 111 Plan South Huron Annie Campbell PL Plan 114 Connaught Oils Abe Lowson PL Plan North Eagle A Crossloy PL Cedar A Goo Webb Plan 4 I A A ft I ft a 41 I II I 14 44 I I I I North West Superior Oak ft on Elm St- North it North ft V Taxes 3266 3266 ftftftftft 3266 4208 I ft V 3225 2755 3613 2102 07 3000 3000 3679 4578 3683 2767 2767 3983 2767 2767 3983 2701 t p I I a ft ft ft ft ft I ft 2053 1800 1595 1 30 South Andrew T J A Miss a Knight W PL Court PI North Cedar A Bruce North Gorham South Ontario liolsford West Hamilton North Eagle ft SO 3388 22210 1 Goo PI 27 Plan North Huron and Niagara Wm Brown PL Bruce St Goo North Andrew North and lot M J Pi Ida D Rooho PL 27 37 Ida D Roche Co F Smith PI filkt Huntloy Pt 4 Plan Harvey Tiplo Plan Main Cedar Main Park Charlotte and 8737 13584 52126 22102 12001 Treasurer Costs 207 207 207 191 J 205 195 225 197 295 195 105 223 I 1 165 180 day 229 252 308 930 685 425 Total KM 73 3473 3473 3473 3572 3473 3655 3507 31 7 3 173 4438 3828 2919 3007 363y 2901 2962 3896 4208 4107 iSlf Jti 2 062 2962 2752 2962 46 a 3026 3181 3551 a CO fill 1766 51- 32 33 P J of CANE SONS CO LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEAUBR8 W ROUGH AND DRE8SED LUMBER Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak that will Interest you Sash at prices Kindly give us a trial Tin if in Cane Son NEWMARKET Limited AUtf of lie Royal Moo ill Colic Ho Eyes pita Teal Hours- Tocher Comply QE0 Barrister Toront 20 fcftrf on Ml jiff In Al the idenc 1 THE I ar tl an II year the I ci