Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 May 1918, p. 2

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ii tc V two- nvXAV ji- FRIDAY MAY few aartiflWttW T iv FOR MLB A number of Young Pig weeks old Apply to Editorial Notes GEORGE KelUeby Ml ft HOUSE JO House on Niagara St with stable and Drive House to Rent House has just been put in thor ough repair particulars ap ply to 2w17 Newmarket WANTED to Colonies of Bees with or without Could al so da villi young swarms in season I will furnish hives Let me know what you have the kind of hive they are in and the lowest price O SIMPSON Newmarket Ont- Special attention is directed to the Government advertisement on four Page of this issue regarding the Military Service Act Every male British subject resident in Canada who is years of age unmarried or a widower without children must report before the 1st day of June Red Cross 2wi7 TOWN OF NEWMARKET Public notice is hereby given that the first session of the Court of Revision for the Town of Newmarket will be held at Hie Council Chamber at 1 oclock a m on Wednesday May the of which all persons inter ested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves ac- P J ANDERSON Town Clerk W BURNET Main St Newmarket Has taken the Agency for the sale of the Brunswick Phono graph Any person considering the purchase of a phonograph should see instrument before buying- Prices lower than any other make on the market Call and hear the instrument and get particulars Large Frame House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences garden Good locality Apply to Mrs Unities Haines Barber Newmarket 2wi7 The exposure of Col dual position has resulted in his resignation as a member of the Pension Board According to current reports there are other anomalies and inconsistencies to be straightened out by the House of Commons Committee regarding the dispensing of the Pension Fund A list of new regulations have been suggested this week by the Committee In the Report of the Commis sion of Conservation just receiv ed we find an article on Peat as a Source of Fuel and in it we gather that Peat Fuel has been manufactured in Canada from per cent moisture at a cost of 175 per ton on the field Two tons of peat are equal in heating units to one ton of anthracite coal but four tons of coal will go into the space occupied by one ton of peat Storage room is one Of the troubles of burning peat If the Bradford peal does not ex ceed the per cent moisture it could be delivered in Newmarket at a profit at per ton would be an economical fuel and more profitable than wood or coal at the present prices Since the wiring has been con demned in the Town Hall and an expenditure of or more is necessary it seems to us that it would be wisdom on I tie part of our Town Fathers to make the necessary alterations in the building proposed some three or four years ago to remove the winding stairs which are a lire- trap and build a new entrance on the north side with straight stairs over which raised seals Could be built which would in- crease the seating capacity of the Hall which has proved to be inadequate on several Acknowledgment of parcels re ceived in February by Pte w Jones a Prisoner of War in Ger many reached here this week AIo parcels in March received by Ptes and pris oners in Germany Regular Red Cross Sewing Meeting in rooms over Post Of fice next Tuesday Afternoon It is hoped that there will be a good attendance as there will not be many more before the summer holidays OUR SOCIETY COLUMN occasions lately The improve ment is necessary and by so do ing he cost of wiring would probably he reduced GIRLS WANTED lo A cordial Invitation Is extended all young ladles to attend Hie Loyal Gleaners Class In the Methodist Sunday School every Sunday afternoon- MBS WILLIAMS President at WOMENS BIBLE CLASS Methodlet Sunday School there Study Sun- Extends an Invitation to the Ladies to spend one hour with day afternoon in Bible Class meets at Topic for Next Sunday Jesus Fates the Cost The House of Commons wrest led for over five hours On Tues day the question of whether any more barons and knights should plume themselves in Canada hut Sir Hubert brought them all lo time when he threat ened to resign if his amendment was defeated The vote stood being a majority of and it stands now that no titles or distinctions he granted without the approval or Upon the advice of the Prime Minister It also requests His Majesty not to grant any further hereditary titles to persons ordinarily resident in Canada and in the case of titles being granted the reason for the honor should be given publicly Also hereditary titles of persons living in Canada cease have an hereditary effect after a certain time a FOR SALE A Good Quiet Driver chestnut years old also and Set of Har ness Apply on the 3rd Con of King to WltAY R No twi Newmarket P BUILDINGS FOR SALE The frame twostory house with large twostory frame kitchen at rear as now eroded at lot No West side Prospect Avenue Heavy frames excellent building ma terial Apply to A QREENHOU8E8 NEWMARKET The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER PEPPER ASTER ETC Nov Ready In Quantity Ho Order less than 26o Delivered Within a very few years there will he a demand for every horse power thai ran he developed on the Lawrence river to which Canada is entitled for use upon lite Canadian side slates Sir Clifford in the Ninth An nual Report of the Commission of Conservation which has just been issued The situation regard lo Niagara will undoubted ly ho duplicated declares Sir Clifford and if we are foolish enough lo allow vested interests to he created on the other side of the line we shall inevitably ourselves and as we now are with Niagara power contends thai a thorough study of the situation reveals that lucre is only one sound method of de- powers viz un der an international under the use of he powers will he marie the most development effected and a jusl and equitable division of the power will take place for the benefit of the people who are direeily concerned in PHONE I London May During in Saturday If It r I the aerial on Saturday German airplanes were destroyed Three were driven down tut of Control and three German bal loons were burned Washington May The sink ing of a German submarine by a French trawler is reported today in an official despatch from France The I raw or command ed by First Mate left a patrol bane and upon meeting a submarine promptly sank her and took prisoner the entire crew in cluding the The captain of a steamer who on board the was taken On the trawler which returned without injury use Our Toronto Letter J Fleming general manager of the Toronto Railway Company stated that the company intended to employ women as conductors on cars despite the protest from the men With many new attractions and a great part remodeled that popu lar summer resort Beach Park opened for the sea son on Saturday afternoon Geo Wilson street commis sioner yesterday reported that during the week ending Thursday May IG the destructor and incin erator between them destroyed pounds of fruit and veg etables Excellencies the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire with Lady Blanche and Lady Dorothy Cavendish will arrive here on Friday morning May as the guests of his Honour Sir John and Lady and will attend the Canadian Cross luncheon and horse show at the Woodbine The tenth anniversary of the Beech Ave Methodist Sunday School was celebrated last Sun day at three services On a raised platform the scholars were seated at the front of lie church provided the music The speakers were Rev D Simpson of Dan forth Methodist Rev of Methodist and Rev A P Addison the pastor Unless I he County of York pays the costs of the day and en ters a defence to I ho action brought by of the Construc tion Co within three days judg ment against the county will be entered in favor of Mr Clarkson for he amount claim ed due for extras in connection with the construction a bridge over the number at Catherine av enue The extras were occa sioned by the substitution quarry stone for the Ivor stone called for in the specifications and by a change in grading The matter came before Mr Justice Latch ford at Hall on Monday and be ruled as above For speaking against recruit ing It Watson was lined and costs it an employee at the General Post Office was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for years for stealing seven letters the minimum sentence After two weeksV idleness the sheet metal workers have suc ceeded in effecting a compromise with their employers ami the strike has called off After four hours deliberation the jury at the assizes before Justice returned a verdict of manslaughter in the case of Beatrice causing the death of an infant passing sentence live years it peni tentiary His lordship advised her counsel to apply to the de partment of for leniency The program for I he holding of the veterans memorial services iii Queens Park and the decora- lion of the South African war monument foot of University Ave on May Ji has now been arranged The several organi zations will assemble at he ar mories and Hie parade will leave at to the coming ses sion of County Council don Griffith and The Co Commissioners are a tour of the gathering infor mation as to- needed improve ments and other matters The county officials are accompany ing I he Councillors pointing out what is needed Wood and are attending District Meeting in rora this week Mr Fred of To ronto spent Sunday with Mr Shier Ontario St Miss Flanders a College chum spent the weekend with Miss Pearson Miss Bond of Toron to spent the weekend her uncle Mr Alex Potter Mr A and family motored to last Sunday and visited old friends Miss Myrtle Johns of To ronto is spending two weeks va cation at her home here- Mr was I called to Rochester last week of the serious illness of his father Miss Mae Storks is spending a weeks vacation at Fenelon Falls with her friend Miss Doris Bradford Witness Sheldon of Newmarket called on friends in Saturday BIO AIR RAID ON LONDON Killed and 155 Injured Townley Cadet Walker and his wife nee Miss Elsie Ross spent Sat urday and Sunday at Rossmore Park Ave Mr and Mrs John Warren of Toronto motored up on Sunday and spent the day with relatives and friends Mrs of is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs Howard Cane who is improving nicely Several of our young men are ordered to report at Exhibi tion Camp today and others on the of June Mr Roy got back from Hospital on Tuesday after his operation and it is hoped be will soon be around again as usu al Miss Marrow and Miss arrived from California yester day and have gone lo their sum mer cottage on Lake for the season Mr Wm son of Mr Michael Hodgins of Newmarket underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at the Western Hospital in Toronto On Tuesday night May Nth At last report he was doing nicely Mr J moved back to town on Saturday after resid ing in Toronto for about 5 years Mr J B Wilson who was oc cupying his house moved into Mr house on Prospect Ave formerly the Methodist Parson age Mr and Mrs P A Clarke ar rived in Newmarket oh the loth intending to spend a few days with Mr and Mrs Lyons but owing lo years of active service in Mr Clarke has had to return lo Hos pital for medical treatment Mr and Mrs John Rogers Joseph Ave Newmarket an nounce he engagement of their youngest daughter Nellie Bea trice to Mr Belfry son of Mr and Mrs- Belfry Street Newmarket the marriage to lake place early in June Miss Bothwell and Nel- Toronto were guests of London May Beside the four raiders already announced as having been destroyed during the air raid on London last night a was brought down and fell flaming in the sea Two others are also reported to have fallen at sea but definite confirmation of this is lackingaccording to a supplementary statement made by the War Office tonight More deaths and injuries lo in nocent inhabitants of London were caused in the raid lhan any raid this year except that of Jan uary 28th when people were killed and 173 injured A number of bombs fell in open places in London some of them near a hospital which was seem ingly protected by Providence as the helpless inmates prayed Near this hospital the fell in a semicircle landing in the streets and shattering windows nearby This was the sixth raid of the year the last one having been made on March 7 The Whitsuntide holidays pro bably were responsible during the air raid yesterday for the safety of scores of girls housed in dor mitories recently constructed by a large department store Many of them were apprentices brought from nearby towns who went home for the holidays A bomb destroyed the two upper floors of the building which is half a block long The main room of the floor below was damaged but he few girls who took refuge in the basement when the first alarm was given were uninjured except for one who was wounded slightly Another bomb tore a hole five feet deep and fifteen feet in di ameter in a solid concrete pave ment shattering windows and wrenching doors from their hin ges three blocks away This bomb fell near buildings recently constructed to house a new war agency hut as the buildings were darkened it is not believed pos sible the Germans were using them as a target Another bomb fell in a park nearby stripping be shrubbery and shaking houses for blocks around shattering al most every pane of glass Altogether there are casu alties reported of which were fatal Buy the Best and get results We have Ronnies Seeds which give satisfaction Our Dutch Sots are as good as we have ever sold- The Price Is per lb Potato Onions lbs for Green Onions Lettuce Cabbage Tomatoes and New Potatoes FRUITS Oranges Pineapples Lemons Bananas and Grape Fruit ON EC TI ONE Y We are still selling Mrs Stephens Home Made Candy as well as several other Varieties IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTBPiTlOH I g l3 PHONE is us as a next three In Us For Comments of Exchanges Mercury is debating whether the Senate or the courts should grant divorces If they must he had the civil court is the proper place What Can ada wants most in the of divorce is that of separating a long suffering country from the Senate TAKE troops around Locre on he Flanders battlefield have made an important advance on a front of more than two miles and besides gaining ground of value have captured over four hundred prisoners The advance throws the enemy back into the valley be tween Locre and Kemmel Hill and takes from him ground thai was necessary to the organization and launching of further attacks upon the positions of the Allies on the high land extending from Locre by the to La Civile t0 population Itf nearly ten than year Two houses a school and Hydro wiring system at Kitchen er were struck by lightning dur ing an electric Wednesday morning MAGNIFICENT NAVAL taken Hinges and the Canal by aerial scouts show that a greater part of the enemys sub marines and torpedo craft based on the Flanders coast has been immobilized al Bruges since the blocking operations significance of item of news lies in iis relation to the transportation over the Atlantic in the month of he great est army I bat has ever crossed it within so short a time Des patches from British Headquar ters slate that parts of Northern France have become within a period thickly populated with troops from the United States and American depots and training camps are springing up where two months ago the Brit ish soldiers were Ihe only troops normally seen Thai the Ger man sea wolves were penned Into their hiding places on the Belgian coast while this great movement of American troops across the At lantic was in progress was a fac tor of no small Importance in se curing for them a safe crossing Moscow May The city of Abo Finland has been captured by the Germans Who have taken prisoners the found son Miss Leila Manning week- end The former is contralto soloist in Bloor St Presbyterian Church and she favored the con gregation of Church with a selection last Sunday morning Mr Gerald of Alta writes Enclosed Please find the sum of SI in payment for my renewal to your valuable paper years pass quickly that the time for re newal comes before one realizes It and we would not care In miss a single copy Pearson and wife attended at victoria College in Toronto last Friday when their laughter Miss Lola Pearson received her Diploma for 2nd Class in Course The adds Miss his week to enlist at or four months Mr writes Hie major the fanners around here arc pretty well through seeding Our wheal on is up and that stubble is Some oats sown and are plowing To Ilia rest acres of have I and nice illusion in Hospital Is with a of left hip She awn other own hoi I J Aye naming accident Mis Johns on was for many years a resident of Prospect Ave ami many friend Old home town learn of her injury Slighter Of lev of he Methodist CI a ml Miss sister of LMrk who is on reaching Staff Joseph Parent is dead his brother Laurent may die and three other persons were injured as a result of an automobile over turning into a ditch near Tecum on Sunday Windsor May anils of acres of limber land- and a number of houses have been destroyed by forest ires Two families from the Chester Road district whose dwellings were burned have arrived here and say that the blaze starting about miles south of Windsor made a clean sweep of the road de stroying a mill and the bouses in hat section THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night to at residence J MILLARD Phones and Era bring result Try one wheal and acres of oats weather Mount HI Mary expect to All well is in gret were of Miss Public School both f Toronto Mrs Hewitt over ehn rill I training ad- the eaeherraini Methodist Inst Sunday Mi and Mrs Louis has been successful at the recent sec ond suits year Varsity Examination re in securing the in special Department of Science This the third scholarship won by him having secured the Edward Blake and Scholarships Honor Matriculation Examination Af- the close of bin years course be enlisted will training Company at the Uni versity and Is qualifying for commission Forces the imperial if The Altar At the Pres byterian Manse Newmarket by Thomas on May Mr J Crittenden f Keswick lo Miss May Robins daughter Mr of In markcl on May 1018 by Prosser at his resi dence Prospect Mr John Thompson to Miss Vcrn Stev enson bury both of East Tho Tomb Phillips At on May I Phil lips formerly of Sharon Died in Milton at the residence of hcrsdnihc lute Judge fiorham of Coun ty Helen Duffy widow of the late Charles New market in her year Barron At on May Mb Alma Hales wife of Mr las Barron for merly of Newmarket Cook Sharon on May Waller Cook aged years Taken lo on Monday for interment Lloyd In Newmarket John Lloyd on May S J Roadhouse Furniture Undertaking North AH Orders Receive r ft Jll Nowadays It is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument in the World- HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Store Phone House Phone No 15 icL WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER RED AND CLOVER TIMOTHY SEED MANGLE SEED OUR PRICES ARE TURNIP SEED RIGHT Secure it while you can IMPROVED LEAMING GIANT WHITE Order by Phone or from Carters B J Neleon a HURON ST NEWMARKET To HOME Every Lover of MADE BAKING TRY A Our Favorite and Five Rose FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Prices Right OLIVER TCRNI8 0A8H Give Us DIKE a Flour COAL Call I Phone IF AN writer Then you know Made aim If Its Anything IVo a Yanhoo I A8K ABOUT THI8 PRODUCT Terms If You TORONTO 18 West if

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