Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Apr 1918, p. 7

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gw MM I I all to lid at pcd o 1 Quality at a to clear timothy Ho is In Quality and j English Turnip Coed In Quality Very Coat Garden and MfanUtf Good Servant fof fam ily of thrive free NOwashim a month for beginner- for experienced maid or woman Address Mrs TlicJiidleiofaplo Leaf Social the Hull riftxt 1st A good program of bo and when the boxes con- dainty for two and card giving the name lady partner for supper ttiti rtolU by auction lots of fun is anticipated welcome Come along and a evening and at Ibe assist the ladles in their excellent work Judge a sea of Court hero on morning Although there were a number of cases on the Ilftl Micro was no show of proceedings wore over an hour The at tendance wan Wall W Methodist Ladled fid The regular meetlpg will lid held residence Mrs Dr next Wednesday evening at oclock and a full attendance to Items of expenditure and windup the bus- of the year f Put up by mm Direct of and flAID ON GERMAN Bottling up Enemy Makes Headway You Cannot i without Pick needs fit Hardware- 13rAn Admiralty morn- and iitd and were naval with a measure of njploycdoonBlHlcd of am I lln and six obsolete cruiser those with used an block flT bring iKiound orders by crews up and by the April ii News of Hi- rail upon sub- and lirugKO and of Hie at tempi to hi ihqje was received with the navy Tin move was laken as another in carefully planned Hie it lias repeatedly predicted would if to show material results raid of Hie British Grand In when ten German trawlers were sunk was said li have been another of to cf the hues it lias been long established that IK- liases of submarines operate in those waters around llic liiiiili are fa captured ports The vliaivcs and basins of these harbors beii II bombed by in several Instances wild tiw Hi rioefi covered by gunfire from a of monitois and screened by the arti ficial bank fog produced to IlieJr movements were working into llicir at diver sion by a landing on the Mole Ihe crescent- shaped outer work which prevents the sand from in and the tin- canal The landing wiif picked men and wero put uhori by tin cruiser Vindictive- vmUih- iii lioWcyer Has a heavy armament of ten iLi iiriii inch guns accompanied by two ferries The Vindictive was fithd up lo tin storming mi If Mole and was provided wild flamethrowers and SlOkeq vUir- Tin men were put ashore under heavy Herman fire wilfi Ihe utmost gallantry over an before were iiikal- 1 Hie Vindictive and her consorts which then withdrew They lid in In enemys works upon Mole which included and submarine depots and a Icim- well as a protective On- f the enemy i which sought escape sfawarfrl ws A British was sunt by gunfire ana inoloilioata and launches action shows that ltiiyi on its toes ami Ji i landing on a hostile coast efffcllvily as in the old days of 1 moil and sailing- ships i i action be in the iijitis i j by the enemy in a demonstration of ami resourcefulness of In action is its own The Penny Dank clilldrouof opting with their say ings but have in Ihoii with of Jan uary in were pupil The average of York County for the same months was and the average of the minion was Newmarket in ahead of Lindsay arid several other places behind Brampton and many other places Cornwall the on the lit ilho total deposits February being increase for he same month Who says that the school of Canada are not snViri their pen nies Instantly Killed copy IbofoHowhig from the Journal Mrs llobt How in residing on a farm near who vis- ilod in on 1st was killed the 8alunlay April by being thrown out of her buggy at her own gateway She had been to town and had just reached home 11 is not known how the accident horse may have frightciied or she may have pull ed him a little too snort on lite turn but was thrown out and her head struck a stone death instantaneous Mrs Bow- in daughter of late Win of Vicloria load and a niece of the late Abraham of The following at tended the funeral on Wednesday of last week Mr Jones Mr J of Dakota and Mr Hall of New market The annual meeting of the Up per Canada will be bald onTbursday May 2nd in the Church in connec tion with the union prayer ser vice Mr A hi MoKonzlo rdlary of ihe Society will deliver the address i- Om 1st Ion In the High School in last weeks Miss Morton of Keswick was credited as passing Lower School only was successful in both Hie Low- Middle School Tub class of young ladies In the Sunday School The ave an lertiniuont in lie School of the church Wednesday evening which was appreciated by a goon fuidicnce Besides musical num bers there were wo plays Wo mens Work in War and a hu morous comedy K silver collec tion was taken up which amount ed nearly ihe fctyaft of ar ranging lohavoa of boys fourteen to of at the office on Hi oh Saturday May Any farmer wishing to have one of tbCBO boys should apply to Mr J Buckley a so he may fiaVe of fiop The a treat last Mohday evening when Louis gave ad dress on his work in Guadeloupe Martinique and Porto Rico We are indeed grateful to Mr maiue for hits kindness in a pleasant evening to the Guild Wo take pleasure in an nouncing that Monday even ing we are to have with ftov Mr Wood who will address the Guild oil the of David No doubt this is enough to insure a largo attendance at this meeting but- everyone to make a special effort to On Monday evening May Intend holding otir last Had Cross and Field foro closing for the summer Will everyone please this in mind as we arc host anxious to finish all the work wehavo un dertaken for these Societies Com I v feyM j i Low in Mangle Seed Reg SI lb Whileil lasts lb at Minns Hardware For Your Tires Tubes Cement Patches Special High Grade Auto Oil gals for On Wednesday of last week Mr Hughes effected the sale of Mr Win Donne liveacre lot on Huron St lo Mr Stanley ft Janes This is the first lot where Mr to live a short distance- east of St Mr Janes takes possession next Wodnosdny- Harry Hooker has bought the of Mr Willoughby Ave which he been occupying for a couple of years Christian Those that were not present on Tuesday evening missed bearing a very good paper on The Power Of the Cross in the Slums by Miss Annie Knowles who drew forth many points on the topic Miss Dorothy ren dered a solo in her usual splen did manner The meeting was led by Miss Constance lloadhouse Let everyone be there at o clock next Tuesday evening to hear another good paper Coin Last year- Hie- national Association planned a program for a ContinentWide Cradle Week for the purpose of stimulating interest In the Cradle Department of he Sunday School linking more closely the Home and the School year the association plan an extension of this work and are- asking all teachers of pupils under years of age to cooperate with the Cradle Superintendent in making this Childrens Week even a greater success than the Cradle week or last year The plan is to make a systematic vis it of all the homes connected with these classes inviting the parents to the special meetings which will be arranged for the week and en rolling any pupils who are not attending Sunday School Newmarket Schools are to ob serve Childrens Week May A program will be pub lished OF HAVE DEEM rnoE Displ8jqif- For And iila season usual In of variety In colora and la a moot notable of display and ftva- Vlety that the lit faiioy and also the and hat are so Important In of Quit I Tho Spring display Is now and vo Invito all whether want to buy or not to and coo tho ha HE- JAMES The Gents CO NEWMARKET Furnishers Death of VJray After an illness of a little over two weeks Mr Thos Wrayj a wellknown farmer on St near the old lollgalo passed away on Wednesday of last week in his sixtyninth year was the cause of death- Thus in Chin- When a small child he moved with bis parents to His father started him at the age of fifteen on a farm King Tp which is known as the Old Survey Farm There he re mained until two years ago when he moved over to St in he and Margaret eldest daughter of David Christian Good attendance last Sabbath afternoon next Sunday and see the Front Line Manner that was awarded to North York for another year We lo obtain it let us help lo keep it in our county Missionary Day next Sunday Keep May one week from next Sunday for being present at our school It will bo Teacher Training Day with presentation of Diplomas Watch for later announcement Com r lib Of Hull by ib- il in Iuiiuiiaiid for the dan- anil i fin- mini- he in llic willingly came forward and fcr vices for manoeuvre be fiuooessful in ridding which re- wiiaed under toe shore tho of warships and IrtaclierouB shoal water outside torpedo boat destroyer by guns and craft are missing while a waslderable number of casualties on the attacking vessel were float Francisco April Twenty- former Geraiau officers business men and found guilty early a Jury the Federal Court of to violate the neutrality of JM States through plots to evolution against British rule Itdia were united In marriage He leaves to mourn their loss a widow three daughters and two sons Mrs Clifford Cook of King Mrs Watson on old homestead and Minnie with her mother His married son I Cecil lives Ori the 3rd of King and Martin is at home A brother of deceased lives at Tottenham one sister at Schomberg and another In Toronto In 1887 he joined the Method ist Church at but bad been a faithful attendance of the Free Methodist Church for about eight years previous to his death The funeral on Friday after noon was largely attended con- dueled by MS Free Methodist minister at Newmarket and the interment look place at Newmarket Cemetery The following acted as pall bearers Messrs Geo West lob Belfry Win Block Benjamin Ilea lip and Jos Webster Friends from a distance who at tended the funeral were Mr and Mrs Wray and son and Mr J all of Tottenham Mr Tracy and daughter Mr Hill of Toronto Mr and Mrs Wray and Mrs Ham and mother from Bradford Mr and Mrs Geo Wray from Mr Win Thomas of Maple Mrs Henry Thomas and daughter and Mr J from Tcstori Mr Jerry Sibley Mrs Arnold of Markham Mr Geo Robinson of Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs McClure of Mrs Jos and son of In the death of Mr community has lost ono of its most highly respected and Indus trious citizens Deceased was an ardent sup porter of Shot One of the High School lads Mollenhaucr on the way lo school after dinner on Monday carried a toy pistol with him and was fooling with some other boy had snapped the trigger twice hut there was no explosion and he consequently thought was a blank in the barrel However the third time ho pulled the trigger pistol went off and be shot him self behind the ear Tho cart ridge happened to be loaded with birdshot and no serious injury was done hough the Dr that only a quarter of an inch saved his life Those toy lire- arms are dangerous things to play with Whitchurch Council meets at Vandorf on Saturday and King Council meets the same day at Noble ton skins are bringing unusually high prices now With sugar so scarce and so dear what is to of the rhubarb pie so general ly craved at this season of the year Attention is directed to Mr newad on page three Early lohcd early lo rise may not be any more popular than or yore but it is almost imperative under the daylight saving law Boys it Is a violation of Ihe law to bang on to motor cars while riding a bicycle For his own protection the motor driver may order you off or lay infor mation against you Numerous new motor cars to be seen here this spring most ly owned by farmers This is as should be To the farmer he motor car is a real labor saving and time saving institution Next Wednesday is May Day Union Prayer Service- in Chris last night Arbor Day next Friday Per As mire or rabbits have Injured many trees In the past winter be following Informa tion Is given In regard Jo he treat ment of he lyees hi order to save them If a tree is badly girdled by mice or rabbits It usually dice If left untreated i If as soon as wound noticed It Is cleaned and covered with grafting wax or some paste such as sulphur and and wrapped with cloth to exclude air and prevent the wood from out there a possibility of saving the tree if the girdle Is a small one as the sap which rises through- the wood will continue to do so and returning through he Inner bark In ah elaborat ed condition will cause growth to be made all around the tipper pari of tie wound and If the latter be not too large there Is a chance of Us healing over If however the wood becomes dry before the Is put on the tree will almost certainly die al though it may- continue to grow throughout the season When the wax bandages are applied the tree should be headed back considerably to lessen the amount of transpiration of moisture as here will not be as much sap rise as if the tree were injured and the wood will thus dry out sooner than if it were headed back If the girdle is near the ground In addi tion to covering the injured part with wax or and clay It ad visable mound up the soil about one tree to wound and thus prevent wood from drying out The mound should be up about six inches above the wOund and be about two feet cross at base Girdled trees are frequently saved and more surely saved than by the above method by connecting the up per and lower edges of liu with scions which are about an inch apart all around the trunk This Is known as bridge grafting The more scions that arc used the mora quickly they will grow together and form a new trunk but two or three scions successfully grafted on a small tree will carry enough sap to keep the tree alive A slanting cut is made at each end of the wound in the unin jured wood in which the ends of the scions- ah to inserted Strong plump scions of the previous seasons growth not necessarily from the same tree nor even the same variety a little longer than the distance between the slanting cuts are made wedge- shaped at each end They are made a utile longer than the distance be tween the cuts in order that when In serting the ends into the cuts will be necessary to bend them and thus have them under which helps lo keep thorn in position After in serting some of the inside bark of the slock should remain lu with the inside bark of the scion as it is hero or at the cambium layer where union takes As soon Ihe scions all placed the wound especially about the ends of the where Inserted In the stock Is covered with grafting wax The ends arc also at the same- time bandaged a piece of Backlog around the trunk to aid in keeping the scions In place end to exclude the The tree should then be well headed back The scions If properly made in- fchoujd soon unit- with the slock arid carry Ihe sap to the lop of the tree One of he most satisfactory meth ods of utilizing the badly girdled Is to cut off to Ihe ground and Insert of some good variety This graft should grow at least three feet in height the first season and make a nice young tree A young tree may sometimes be saved when he girdling Is well above by cutting the tree back so as to remove all of the Injured part Under such conditions young Will usually make new growth and the strongest shoot may be selected to form a new trunk and top tree This method Is not usually very sat- is factory If the Injury occurs more than wo years after tlic tree has been planted oofl Would you Ike to have Trial Oil- HAD 1 He was engaging a new steno grapher and be bit off his words and hurled Ihcm at her in a to frighten an ordinary girl out of her wits Chew gum he asked No sir Make googoo eyes at fellows when youre not too busy No sir Know how to spell cat and dog correctly Yes sir Chin through the telephone half dozen limes a day I No sir Usually tell the office force how much the firm owes and all the rest of the private business you learn No sir He was thinking of something lo ask her when she took a hand in the matter and put a few queries Smoke cheap cigars when youre dictating she asked Whyerno be gasped in aston ishment Take it out of the stenographers hide when youve got a scrap at home and the worst of it not Slam things around and swear when business Is bad Nncver Lay for your employes with a club when they get caught in a block some morning No Indeed Think you know enough about grammar and punctuation to appreci ate a good stenographer when you get one 11 think so Want me to go to work or Is your lime worth so little You bet lie broke in enthusias tically Kindly hang up your things and lets get at these letters New York Sun Montreal April The tallest soldier In the army If not fa the world has been sent here by the requiting mission in Boston His name is Edward J He Is six feel nine inches height He has twelve sods six are now iu American army and six more will be drafted soon himself is Serving as a carpenter with the Royal Engineers and his official age is April Seed ing is between 25 and per cent completed in southern Al berta and will be pretty well completed by next week The seeding conditions have been ex- the only bad weather be ing the wind storm of which blew seed out at some points The increase in area dor crop is largo A great deal of new breaking is being done which will mean a large acreage of flar Phonograph In your homo if you will lot us know at onco wo will try lo arrange for same EASY OF PAYMENT ARRANGED PURCHASER DRUG STORE HURON l To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Give Us a Prices Right OLIVER emeu COAL Call Phono rca MM y Mr Burns a known of has been appolntod agent for mi for the growing of Cucumbers Ho anyone who can grow Cucumbers to communicate with him either personally or by letter has contracts ready for sign ing It may not bo generally known but there Is Good Deal of Money In the growing of Cucumbers whon taken up and It will pay Farmers and others to look Into IhU Apply to 11 J OFFICE BOX NEWMARKET of I in alt or I J ARCHIVES OF J

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