Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Apr 1918, p. 6

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SWA SERVICES The services In Methodist will bo held as follows now time Sun day morning Bun- day School at evening at worth League Monday at oclock Wed nesday evening at Annual Tea of M In the Mothodist Churoh Zephyr on Friday Dont forget that tho and other business places close Wed nesday afternoon May at oclock Tho attendance at the Market was unusually largo on forenoon i LEAGUE The met as usual on Monday evening at o clock Iliero was a fair attend ance Immigration after War was by Mr Wesley Pastor the Next Mon days meeting will be in of the This the last meeting of the Conference year reports officers will bo presented FOR bred Id lay and While Eggs pop Davidson Moon Al bert Miss Laugh I in Miss Wutls Misses and Florence Mooreliead to oily on Saturday to see The Merchant of Venice Mr Frank Coon teacher of No near Mount Al bert was back for a few days this week before leaving for good lie has enlisted in an artillery sec tion Mr and Mrs Roberts of Toron to have moved to town for the Misses Mabel and Mary Kight- of Toronto spent the weekend with nil parents in town Mr Tims Walls funeral of he late BHver at last week Mr Ralph limsdeh has enlist ed in the tank battalion being formed in Toronto and was at- the home of his Mrs II over Mr and Mrs Harry Lapp of Cedar Grove and Miss Lapp were visilors ho home of Mr Davidson last week Mrs Taylor Of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Val Brooks who has been jll with erysipelas Mr Lapp attended the wedding of Rev W A Osborne in Toronto on Wednesday Miss Blanche of Mark- bom spent I he weekend with Miss Nellie Shields 3 I Wicker Baby Carriage in good condition Mrs Griffin Sharon Sweet Seed and Potatoes A medium White Sweet Clover Hill Queens- fiotCliatieo to Study a J llc tout well of iilAv llit In l tit it lo tnliid id lfLa Iaer- utuic and ftijily to i V I law New- It I M Kins 5 Toronto fell ivrrMfBii MOUNT Anniversary Services will be held In Church on Sunday April at and at Saving Drown of the League To ronto will preach at both special and will be by outside talent On Monday evening Ladies are nerving a Maple Syrup lea oclock after which a Patriotic will he given by Or of The program will Inter spersed ntUHloal HOleotlons and You ore Invited to servicea and In of the bod WCOthor our Aid Mrs Dykes was a decided succcbs Proceeds The ladles arc packing boxes for overseas this week The rain was very acceptable but Mine to the Fall Wheat Mr Wilfred Pens spent Friday la Co ion to Private Alfred Morris Is expected home soon the Front Have you to getting up an hour earlier yet Mrs SbviiH and family spent Sunday under tin- purental roof Private is vlsllloff in ond Port Mr and Mrs Dike were tic guilts Mr and Mrs W on Sunday even I Miss visiting her sister in Tuesday eOOO Mrs W Stevenson lias been ill but is Mrs has been very iiik The family were summoned home last week time of writ ing Is Improving many friends hope she may yet be spared She Is showing wonderful vitality oh shin years of age Communion was dispersed to the congregation on Sunday evening Inst Ladles League at Mrs on Wednesday afternoon business the Ladles had quilling After tea the company Went over to the Methodist Church where was showing lan tern slides of Japan All present were very much pleased with the pictures Oft Friday evening the Egypt Pat riotic League held a Box Social in the School Mouse and all it was the best ever- held in Egypt pro gram was furnished by the Virginia Amateur Club who gave their play entitled Home Ties The only other number on the program was a entitled Nells Prayer given by Mrs W Oliver of Virginia To single out any member of the Club would be unfair as all the characters were so well taken it would certainly be very hard to do The League feel very grateful indeed to the Club who gave their services entirely free They were treated to a nice lunch at the conclusion of the program Then came the selling of the boxes Mr William Lyons of Virginia came for ward and performed the duties of auctioneer most ably The Ladles also- feel very to Mr Lyons for the be gave them also free of charge The proceeds amounted to The school bouse was nicely decorated with flags for the occasion The trustees have purchased a new Flag for the school and also a new desk for the teacher Miss Hazel King of Toronto ban been visiting her brother Everett for few days April Bert Bradley a hydro Hue man was instantly killed today When making some repairs bis neck touched the main wire His bead was nearly from the body end he fell lifeless to the street below This Is the second death from the cause at the same spot The Social last Friday evening at homo of Mr Marritf was a Many present from and We were to see Ihcnv Mr and Mrs John A Marritt spent Sunday in The ladles wilt not have much knit ting to do from how on as tho young men going to start knitting Books for themselves- Some think Mrs showed too partiality the other evening would well when you go motoring to lake a team along lo pull you out of nUro Mr A Wilson and ljtuc daughter Melon have been vlsiilng Mr J Purdy has purchased a now car also Mr Emery Willoughby The Keswick Methodist Is certainly uptodate They are gel ling New Methodist Hymn Books Start a earlier in future Munro- Gelinoll- Morrill and Mr Albert Grose have farm help for summer Ira Morion and mile Miss returned to the on Sunday Wo wish to congratulate Edith Morion on passing her Lower examinations Watch for the little Ford Or- ley when driving new buggy Keswick Is a lovely spot with pretty girls lowing Hut when they sec that spoiled They all are homeward going Mrs spent a few days with her daughter in We arc glad to see Miss back We are very sorry to hear that Boy Pollock is Improving so slowly bard Ilea lo have lo walk wien your husband has such a good driver freight ear on the Met By is an accomodation for farmers Some fine Block was shipped from hero last week by Mr Johnson Among other animals were two calves and months respectively grown and disposed of by our enterprising fanners Huntley and Son near Sutton one weighing lbs and the younger one No but needs spreading thin Boys do forget the meeting of the Beaver Club to nig hi Fri day April the All boys wel come from years up Come early as games will lake place after the meeting They Division the North Sabbath SohooT Association Mrs Huntley wishes the result of Institute with this work A good interest was shown six Schools bolbk represented A pro gram of Childrens Week was moped out a help work While some in country school may- riot be to nil that was suggested for the week let each do the best they of books was suggested for fathers mothers teacher as fol lows A Study of Child Nature Unfolding How to Tcaoh Train Them Education Home The for A good by one worker that books be put in our nottoe and date later propbrty of UHt A Sons will remain at homo during the s6n of Thin was tho champion for years In succession in Ontario and bis stook have boon very successful in Show Ring Ho is well known In bis own nolgbbpr- hood fcillidlife tJ I iiiu ft per MUNRO Pretty cold weather for gardening and seeding Very hard frosts last week and Tuesday Lots of fall wheal and clover not much good Some of our ladles have finished house cleaning excepting waiting to lake out the stove Daylight Saving Is not or seemingly will not meet With approval among the farmers and who would not sym pathise those sclool children who have lo come so far Can we call it intelligence for the people to fall in such a line if some of those high salaried officials could Just bring the rain and sunshine when we wont it we would forgive Miss Lizzie is spending a few days among her friends here be fore going lo visit her brother Mr Win Turner Mrs Peregrine of an vil Ic was visiting her son Mr Bert Peregrine last week Mr a former teacher here visited over Sunday with friends here We are sorry our sick list Is pot out- yet Mr I is laid up with rheumatism and Mr Ceo Thompson is also confined to his bed with lumbago and a sore shoulder from a fall Mr David Watson and Mrs Win Grant are also under the care Mr Ceo Bond of spent a few days on- business in the village Mr Willie who has been away helping to set up gasoline tractors and plows has relumed home for a few days waiting for warmer weal her Mr Herb Brooks or Toronto and Mr and Miss of Zephyr spent Sunday Mr Jim Horners Mr Horner has gone to Kirkfield to do a Job of masonry work A fine time is reported at Hie Social evening given by the League A good crowd Including some from Kes wick was present The Elementary Superintendent of Sabbath School As sociation Mrs Atkinson wishes to announce that the program for Child rens Week will be held the first week in May as far as possible in tho local Churches and wo hope lhal each School will cany out as much as pos sible of the suggested programs as It Is to help tho parents and teachers In the religious education of the children our greatest Canadian asset There was a gather ing here on Tuesday evening when Lodge was honored by Hie presence of the Dlstript Deputy Grand Master who was accompanied by over members of Toronto Lodges arriving by special Metropolitan cor Representatives were also here Newmarket Aurora and Sutton Lodges and enjoyable time was reported For the Era We sleep wo dream Some troubled dream With heart And eyes We wake we hall Bright mornings beam And assured a I Can this he said As down the years As sunset red Ids row and row Of crosses while Which only Cod Guards thro the night but them The starcrowned fair Safe Lord In Bul what for those Who loved them well Thoughts thai toll Their funeral knell I Twas but a dream I Yea when wars cease Brings sweet release And welcome death When all lifes tears Are wiped away In one glad breath Somewhere Someday a dream I Emily Trover out house London England the fire soon on spot dashing furiously up- through the crowded- streets to the hoarse cry of Mrtfl Are TV but though only a minutes had elapsed since I he fir was discovered It had- firm in spite of the efforts of firemen the Inside of Ihe house was pretty well out man poor beast must have a- try for her and he replaced ids brazen helmet Do riot be so foolish themale Yqurlffc Is worth more than a miserable cats am going to let any animal roas to death If I can save It re turned Jcnks quietly he once more sprang Into the burning house Guided by the poor cats shrieks which were getting and- more agonized he groped his way to Ihe basement of the building and there found a fine tabby Bitting oh a bas ketful of kittens which her mother love would hot allow her to desert In another minute the was In the street with the cat and her kittens arms the crowd up a hearty cheer as they saw him emerge with ids strange burden She is a brave old girl said the fireman as he placed the little family a place of safety and dried the poor fur was drenched with water deserved saving for she was pretty nearly drowned well as roasted poor beast I and yet she would not leave those kittens though she have saved her own life easily enough Sidney Roach of was so badly burned when a can of gasoline exploded lie died soon afterwards John Webb a farmer lias complained lbtlio London police that during recent cattle sale he was compelled at tlie point of a revolved to sign a cheque for on which payment was later April and for month IVo vlll all- descriptions GOODS Groceries wo ore and would to act acquainted with people around wo this and I am euro If you will us a you will ho repaid for It by our Low OP HIDEO AND in in GOODS I i Timothy is Ho SUTTON WEST BULK Put MARLBORO POULTRY YARDS Phono PO A flUIEHOVILLE i of Exhibition and Bred to Lay r and and PLYMOUTH ROOKS And you Bay he is proud of bis garden Well I should say so Why attract f He Hays it has attracted some of tin most looking bugs in Yonkrrs man a SEGUREfl i in i j In all countries for bur will MARION A St ill felF mm For Era TWO sky little land of Belgium How loyally you lie Between two mighty armies Which compass cnrlii and trodden under heel of one Whose glory la to slay You turn your back upon the Hun Ignore his vicious sway You turn your face toward the And wait a belter day Trusting in Britains Ideal Our duly is lo save Trusting Jehovah the real of wind and wave sun I A I A Cleveland April was booked today liy Fleet the AhUrfen Company calls for the and delivery of for water Service early The order is the largest ever placed on the Great Lakes coal of be in ewes of fifty million dollars Our glory is lo slay I Our duly is lo save I Two mottoes with a great gulf fixed Impregnable as In the grave Who doubts but God shall choose be twixt Which purpose shall rule land ami wave Emily I The camels pad along whether they destroy the load on their back or the frail booths of the merchants Camels What memories of exasperation that name brings lo the mind I How they groan and bubble when they are load ed How they bile I How lliey try lo be sprightly and attempt to trot over the hillsides scattering their load all over land How they all down most difficult part of the trail completely the whole caravan and utterly unable to rise until Ibv shadows and graves of all their ancestors have been cursed and human effort has proved unavail ing wizen with final sigh of they heave themselves up as they might Just swell have done half an hour before And through It all they look at you with an air of con tempt wldcli only an animal which has borne the tragedy of supreme and un rivaled ugliness the food could express Analysis of German bom bardments of Paris show that shells have fallen on seventeen days since Mar 23 and that persons were killed and In jured The burning of seven pris oners of war one sailor one French soldier ting five In Ihe German prison camp at Is officially established assert when prison took the German made no lo rescue the that they forcibly prevented other from going to iho rescue and that when men tried to climb out through the window a sentry bayoneted them one after the other end the flame Was- my ml Up and God for to picture yourself In the muddy cold trenches after exciting days long nights of mortal danger and in- iL tense nervous strain and scream ing coal boxes arc respecters of persons You arc hit But despite and pain you can face the weary trudge back to dressing Weary overwrought and de pressed you are prey to wild imaginings of tKat other coming ordeal thesurgeon There axe other walking wounded tool You must wait wait wait And then Up comes wan the to the soldier vith words of manly encouragement be side the dressing station the good generous folks at home have enabled him to est up a canteen He hands you biscuits end or immmvjrp Xhere are of Canadian YMCA in France brandies in England Dozens of YMCA in under fire Over Military Secretaries overseas a day written in YJilCA overseas needed for athletic equipment Helps morale of saved hundreds of Uvea at Viniy Ridge for walking wounded Over tOO pianos in England and France also and 27 moving picture la i Mote than 00000 cups of hot tea and daily In FranceTree Estimated cost for months magazines free every month Eiliinated cost 3125000 used in to build huts in France Concerts tlngsonga good night cervices and personal inter vlens energetically con ducted Concerts lectures etc cost a month Thousands of decide for the better life iiny needful things to for their convenience Profits if any all for benefit of Service to boys Camp hospitals Red Auntfe Clubs for Li Toronto St John and Montreal Centres In Paris and for men Out of Red Fund to to the War Work of if Ctetada4fds Appeal In thouiiud3 of writes it first hot cup of coffee that dragged to life and ilia of the as aid to the or fightingl spirit of soldiers is everywhere No the every effort to out of la- You fir met the worker in then on train end boat in and in clos to the firing line Often he Lis life to you In the on the jiiiity iwitlioiitfe tettsbicutt King you boy at ths front You cannot be over to guide away fierce tcnipUtious of city Youcaunotcooiiort hint his of trie Your to are necessarily few But the YMCA God Is over going you caunot go doing very things you long to do doing it for you end him Will you help This vast organization of helpfulness needs at least from Canada for your be Hues your chance to do a Help Its big bro thers by Joining fa lU boys tat invited to tun Fund I be ied for In India Chin anotW WCOO for as fed tOOOO to help in Ask your it tentative for and When hive or more rlts of receive a Mft Christian Association fox Red Purkd Quebec London statement bases raided by Willi I ships the auxiliary with ships and were in lown up i up and ihe marine an ha great The deflnlle campaign It has be about The re Fie German to have prevent I rinea it has the princ liiilL- shops an have be lied good rest While tines of ban mo their was Mole harbor from parties 1 ore another has a by two I specially parlies under hit over consorts did mud works deslroyei seaplane battery si jo ye ra two are mis si the can a smooth I The turns of Hie nary alion Volunl admi of I which the li- VAi ur Ban w a 1Mb JdU I ftKGf

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