Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Apr 1918, p. 4

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mm mm From ft tfM O Epri la Jib was ray ached the beck tired end had no ambition a number ratal data which did no Cay I read about women to I tried It end I Gained In wetebtend I can honestly table Compound to any woman who la A leering I voaUw Plain fit I and or which In- ft functional disturbance or op unhealthy condition which often Into a Women In tha condition pot continue to drug without help hut profit by Mm and try root end herb remedy Vegetable Coin- and for apodal to for tho soldiers The newspapers to do free cry lotto chftrltablo arid PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS I Get Thorn Your Town One Door of the Now Pool Office QITYIilG Phone On tho first page of wo reproduce announcement which appeared In a recent of The Country patriotic Ob it would bo to lsvory suggoslwo of the unity of the merchant to give yarn free between Canada and our to bo Into socs noghborto and is probably tho first time In ho his tory of that any space has boon to Canada following paragraph ap peared in Saturdays Star Some of Newmarket farmers ynt used to daylight saving Ihoy arrived Toronto Market at halfpast eight this morning an hour later their usual lime Perhaps that pleases city people hut he Newmarket hayseeds are too wide to be camouflaged by city press when- it comes to stealing tho Countys rights The speech of Hon Mur phy meiiberforHusHell County as reported in has boon published In pamphlet form and makes very interesting reading for Liberals He devoted some time replying to question of Union Government as posted on billboards throughout Can ada last December Who would tho Kaiser vote for Mr Mur phy expressed the view that if given an- opportunity Kaiser would vole for Premier who according to Sam Hughes stopped recruiting under the voluntary system Kaisci would voto for the Conservative Government because it had al lowed Sir Joseph to sat urate bacon wllh salt and water and sell it at large profits Mr Murphy declared the present Union Administration to ho a to democracy Ho call ed down the Cabinet Ministers for running off England for ev ery pretence to the neglect of pressing Canadian matters Surely High Commissioner can look after Canadian business in London lie said as the unity of this Dominion is Of vastly more importance to us m Office 4 Having been appointed repre sentative of the Co Toronto I wish to call the at tention of Investors to tho op portunity of securing Government and oilier Municipal especially Victory Bonds as host Investment at present lime These Bonds of Federal Taxation and Newmarket alone look nearly v6rth in recent campaign HENRY BENNETT Nowmarkot i CUT FLOWERS par PLANTS Wedding Flowers Flowers OH then Imuran The new Conscription measure passed by the Government last Friday practically lakes the place of the Military Service Act of last year It will he remem bered thai Sir Robert Borden slated that Act would place an other men in field by he of February 1918 but it was so manipulated by partisan appointees that only men were secured The Prime Min ister now says that new Act will call Up unmarried or widowers without children of the ages of to inclusive Tho second class will embrace men of 10 to Tho situation on the Western front is so seri ous said Sir Robert that tho exemptions of 1917 are being abolished Sir Wilfrid was the only who spoke in opposition to the measure which was carried by a majority of and tho Senate passed the meas- uro without a division Ho held that more practical results would have been obtained in Canada had compulsory military not been enforced If you want to help England ho said leave the men to produce the food of which she stands so greatly in need Mr N W thought Canada could very well close some of her nonessential industries and release the men for fight ing line Tho mandate given by people was Conscription and people will have to stand by it standing the Incessant pounding they subjecled to Brit ish of fleers and men are full of as to final out come To IhoBo of home I his should he encouragement and inspiration to try to measure up In some degree to the splendid devotion and sacrifice of those who are standing between us and those who would impose a world wide tyranny v Markham Economist A prom inent Montreal liquor dealer Is authority for statement that during tho last few weeks not less than worth of liquor was shipped from that city into Ontario There is no doubt put much of this liquor Is intended for illicit sale and now that wo have prohibition in Ontario it Is up to the Ontario govcrnmonland police authorities in all our municipalities to sec that the law is rigidly enforced No blind pigs must bo winked at by con stables and magistrates and ev ery drunk on streets must bo summoned before a public ma gistrate and made to account for where he his liquor GOING Montreal Home on furlough after threo years ser vice with the Canadian forces Lieut Co I A Ang lican Bishop of Now Westminster the only Canadian Bishop to go overseas of the won derful cooperation of the vari ous religious bodies connected with the Canadian army Repre sentatives of the Roman Catholic Presbyterian Church of England and other sects are all the best of friends Hundreds of Canadian officers and men have been confirmed since they vent to Franco Tho Bishop told of one occasion when he gave the Holy Communion to some soldiers in a trench only fifty yards away from the Ger mans Everywhere our boys arc pop ular said the Bishop and lie smiled when he spoko of num ber of Canadians who had found wives and sweethearts in Eng land The boat I sailed homo on was full of newlymarried couples Of course it Is rather hard on Canadian girls The Canadian Press under stands that marriages between overseas soldiers and English girls aro taking placo at about the rale of tvo thousand monthly FIGCYirJQ GAVE MONEY tho and fita Toronto tho Tuition Groat demand for our graduates Write for our Cata logue and learn how pur former Open all year J Principa TIME A of Time will on 1010 Information now In Agent Hands Full information from anyGrand Trunk Ticket Agent or District Passenger Agent Toronto Out Depot 9 v off Leader Is real leader He is the of Iho antiBritish forces in Quebec Province A start had heller be made by jail ing Henri have a salutary effect on all his underling puppets throughout the whole Province London April Telegraph ing from British headquarters in Palestine under of April Routers correspondent says Australian troops inflicted most losses on the enemy in the Jordan area in a recent raid into destroy ed five miles of the railway lino and look over a thousand prisoners We withdrew to the right bank of the Jordan bringing several thousand refugees desiring Brit ish protection CO Of VUARQ I tnd Waot I Saws Mandrills Saw end other Machinery In First Class and will be sold Wiop East of Bank of Toronto PropHetoi Toronto Globe Those who ad vocate Sabbath farming as an emergency this year should bear in mind human limitations A fresh worker is much more effi cient than a tired one and it is frequently said that a man can do more work in ten hours than in twelve and more in six days than in seven There i3 also the Higher Law against Sunday labor Orillia Times The Union Gov ernment is energetically taking up tho question of Civil Service Reform and patronage abuses of long standing are being done away with A new bill is before Parliament making qualification the test of fitness for appoint ment to office The Minister of Public Works is Hon Frank Car- veil who during his whole Par liamentary career has been a bit ter opponent of patronage system and who has rendered great public servlco by his ex posures of graft and war profit eering Since assuming Mr Corvell has time and again been walled upon by lobbyists seeking advantage on various pretexts but the Minister has consistently and firmly told one and all that open public compe titionwas the only rule In bis Department and that he would endeavor to administer the office without personal or partisan bios Mirror Newspapers have always been postered with New York Eighty billion dollars is the direct money cost to the bel ligerent government of three years of II would 1 the great war The coat Is now mounting rate of a day and this rate itself Is constantly rising These statistics are based on what Is known here of government finance in the warring nations at the present time and are close approximations of actual government expenditures from August to August J Hut hey do not adequately sum up even money expenses of the strug gle still less the human loss and suf fering The total loss will never bo known it is beyond the ken of statisti cians ok I Suffer vritli of bub why HOW Women wear high hells which up and they suf fer terribly from corns Women then proceed to trim these nests seeking relief but hardly re alize the terrible danger from In fection says a Cincinnati author ity Corns can easily be lifted out with fingers if you will get from any drug a quarter of an ounce of a drug called freef one This is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn callus from ones feet You simply apply a few drops dlreotly upon the tender aching corn or callus soreness Is reliev ed at once and soon the entire corn or callus root and lift requests for free advertisements out without one particle of pain j I m of kind and another but more especially since be development of work and entertain ment would be well -if- the pviblio would bear in mind that advertising service is the is a sticky sub stance which dries in a moment It just shrivels up the corn with out Inflaming or even Irritating the surrounding tissue or skin Tell your wife about Ibis in the It may astonish you to lean that in Ontario did not grow enough wheat for ito own needs Consequently every Ontario f whose land is suitable has been urged to sow 5 acres more wheat this year that Ontarios demand for wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of theWeatern crop that should more rightfully be shipped overseas this same reason who has a garden or a piece of vacant land is being urged to grow vegetables because the more vegetables that are grown and eaten in Ontario the less wheat and meat there will be consumed and that being so the Ontario wheat crop should then be sufficient to feed our own people and leave more Western wheat and other foods available for export By intelligent effort in thd cultivation of his own back garden or from the cultivation of a nearby piece of land the average citizen this summer enough vegetables to support his family through the next winter And remambor if food rcotrictiono enforced winter a of vcgctablco in the collar will be vary If you already have an unofficial or semiofficial organization to stimulate food production so much the better That give you the basis for a comprehensive committee A plan that has been adopted places is here outlined adapt it to of your own community A General Committee should be formed representing every impor tant interest of the community The work should be done by sub committees The following list is sufficiently comprehensive for the largest places You should adapt it to your ovn community a A subcommittee on Finance The Organization of Resources Com mittee is willing to help local branches financially with publicity public meetings andOrganization b A Publicity Committee to place local problems properly before the people supplementing the larger work of the provinceswide publicity by securing pledges sending out circu lar letters arranging for addresses in churches schools motionpicture houses etc and by supplying local papers with news items c A subcommittee on Vacant Lot and BuckYard Gardening to include re presentatives from horticultural school teachers etc A subcommittee on Farm Labour composed of employers of labour representatives of organized labour war veterans etc Labour is the key to the food production problem All boy girl parttime and vacation labour should be enlisted Make sure that sufficient labour is ready to meet any demands made by your farming community This be placed on farms locally through the Agricultural Representatives or the Government Employment Bureaux e A Farm Lands subcommittee com posed of groups of men to cultivate larger tracts of vacant land in the vicinity of cities tovns and villages Flax growing is profitable and suit able flax seed and fibre are much needed f A subcommittee on Schools to en list all schoolchildren of sufficient age to work either in home gardens community gardens school gardens or on farms g A of women on Con servation to deal with the problems of foodsaving in the homes the more broadly representative it is of womens activities the better Exist ing womens organizations should not with but since con servation is one of the greatest prob lems there should be a womens committee in each community to deal with this problem alone 3 An Executive Committee should be appointed to include the chairman of the general committee and the chairmen of the subcommittees This committee should meet fre- A Secretary to the committee should be chosen for his knowledge of the situation who would be free vote considerable time to the work of fend threatens jth battlelino with TO THE INDIVIDUAL CITIZEN If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind tT do now You will not regret it There is still lots of time and beans may be planted up to Juno 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat For goody practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable Garden write for a free copy of the booklet entitled A Vegetable Garden for Every Home This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for the guidance of citizens who respond to this call for increased production Send for copy Mail the coupon Mail This Coupon Hi Organization of Parliament Buildings Toronto Dear Shu of your booklet A Vegetable Garden for Every Home Addruj ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES ta with Canada Food the Era Ill UuLliU On hill la every dale On every tree within the We the of that form ed In every of that In every petal of the rose see the Hand of that made them In every Held of In every drop 0 Wlfl We that Hand that gave them In every cloud every- star us As in every ray of see that Hand of In every stream that flows In every wind that blows see that moves them In every loving though In every deed We see that Love Divine In of war end strife As In the days of peace Head of it all Arti in of As iu our earthly Joys We see that Healing Hand again In every land In every clime That same Hand rules sublime In every human inhere is that power To choose that Frances Peters New York April France in four years of conflict to her liberty and that of the world according to Andre- French High Commis sioner to United States lost 1300000 men killed most as many or Paris April which lias been on Are for a week is nov nothing but a great pile of smoking ruins During the past week the have fired more than shells into heart of the city and flames from tho burning buildings can be seen by aviators and seventy miles away There are no truces of streets and thoroughfares which have disappeared from view un der the accumulation of debris Ancient buildings In the Place and the Market Place and the musicians house which dates from the sixteenth century hung been reduced dual and t in 1 J U in Dominion cud laultiy MAKKYMtM I Ji it J tonic and Meal In iock VdUrlrtafY Toronto W by land city Hospital Ho Agent em Dank 3520 j there Cafo At All Pi All Li Dealer Huron I t J a Hot ioroi In tied voroe City Of thi Ihe bat j- k fie TO

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