Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Apr 1918, p. 2

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M rf Two fine lota oh of Col- lego and Colter Reasonable Apbly ML Hamilton fcRffi S3 1 HOUSE TO Oh Prospect Ave roomBjaomosllo water good good garden and lota of Bargain for salo Apply to WW Stephens Box CARD Mrs Thus and family of to their thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the illness and loath of their husband and father and to those who assisted In the arrangements 7r i Editorial In House of Commons on Tues day was ascertained that a certain firm In Quebec obtained no tew- than brokerage charges tain goodsImported last year for the Minn- through the GUBtoms yet the Item passed the Mouse with scarcely a comment Some people get enormously rich oUi era have to economise to gWo patriotic Toronto 1 People have been wondering how It was that the lnlon Government of had dwindled down to ss by the recent division on the now Dill but the Toronto Tele gram explains that Unionistmem bers wore absent when the was taken and not paired wore over seas and 2 deocoscd Anion ho list of Unionists who did not Vole Armstrong North York Where was Mr Armstrong that he was not attending to business of IN TUB DANK 8TO0K OF COME WArt SAVING lbs lb Blaok on and Carry SOFT CREAM AND I OPEN I Q I Printer and Publisher Toronto I from a country tracts for improvements Mills Dan- COUNTY OF YORK ADJOURHEb TAX SALE OF Will bo bold as follows- No In Hie Council Cham ber lUehnnmd Hill- on Saturday May till t a No in the Town Hall on May HI at p in No In Municipal Hull Sutton West on Saturday May at 145 p in i J K Co Treasurer Treasurers ofice hi Adelaide St Toronto April HELP WANTED Bright Hoy wanted to years for clerical work one who has one or two years at High Apply at office of CANE SONS CO cut the paper and Wrests n train of IhouKlit Twenty more news papers In Canada couldnt live Twenty more people who to make both ends meet thrown up the sponge You cant buy paper at present prlcea and give it away Most likely those editors all begged their subscribers month month to up who reads a country paper knows cry Drop in and pay your subscription Well theyre not asking any more They Just got tired and closed up one of will their newspaper and miss It sorely take It from us Red Greco Society Mrs Rose kindly placed her palatial homo at the disposal of the Cross Society for a Euchre on Tuesday whioh proved to bo the greatest success of any yet hold the boing to bo dc- votcd to the Prisoners of War Fundi Mrs Joseph won prize for games ami Mrs Aubrey Davis for lone hands Ilcgular sowing meeting at the lied Cross Rooms over tho post ofico next Tuesday afternoon A largo attendance requested The thanks of Cross to Mrs Lewis for for of War Fund being proceeds of held by Womens at her home Word was received this week from the Cross Society in London that Corp V Of the Ball Can Forces has been Germany and is now interned in Carl on wjiori fao was run over by a P P train the tracks Just north of onBlhurst Woodrbw was eighteen years of ago and was munition worker at the munition faotory Along with about thirty ho was wailing on the tracks which carries to qnd from work dally Noticing the train ho stepped off tho track directly- in a freight train IvavoHing at a high rate of speed on tho south Jlne Toronto must the City of Toronto as a penalty for not com plying with order of On tario Hallway Board to ad ditional cars in on local system The board Judgment Friday baaing penalty upon a daily flno of from War Tho formal order will bo enforced unless com pany succeeds an courts against tho Judgment The York Highways Commis sion mot on Friday at the county buildings awarded Methodist on Invitation to the Ladles to spend one hour with them on Sun day afternoon in Bible Study Class- meet at Topic for Next Sunday Jesus Selfishness- Field Soldiers Comforts Regular sewing meeting this Friday afternoon Come and fin ish the sewing before tho warm Weather comes Proceeds from entertainment given by St Pauls Dramatic Club amounted to 36 Proceeds from Supper last Saturday evening Save your waste papers as there wilt a collection vary soon The lucky for the Boxes of Candy were and 283 on forth near tho city limits Tenders for work around villo Aurora went to Held to Black- well work will cost Automobile thieves motor cars from the citizens of Toronto last year These mo tor cars were approximately worth The police and owners recovered cars and arrested 150 persons on the charge of automobile stealing cars that were recovered wore worth 309500 The oars not recovered were 12 in number and worth approximately Rather than remain in bed and sec her family of seven children Mrs Geo wife of a soldier got up on Saturday afternoon only to drop dead downstairs at her homo Ave She had been ill a few days To succeed E W nyj A who was recently taken from general superin- londoncy of Ontario Sunday School Association to fill an im portant position on staff of International Sunday School Association tho executive com mittee of the Ontario Association lias been successful in securing his brother a A I of Ottawa who will assume office on July 1st William Albert a shipping clerk Cowan Company was taken Into custody Wednesday nigh on a charge of stealing certain valu able packages of chocolates from the company Following his arrest three proprietors of confectionery stores were also arrested on charges of re ceiving stolen goods Preparations arc gradually being rounded out to make Sundays Service of Intercession in Queens Park for the Allied Armies one of the most Interest ing military events which have been witnessed in the city for oiuny months as the present plans count upon hav ing fully uniformed men on parade in addition hose veterans who wish lo turn out i Mr Jacob Johnson- of was in town lost Wohdv Mr hd Mrs Edgar spent Sunday with relatives at Gilford Father was called la yottohham to funoral Mrs Goo Wood- had two Hamilton visiting her lost Sunday Mrs John Graham of Mount Albert visited Mrs Jack son last Saturday of Orchard Beach the Mrs Geo Richardson Mrs Geo spent days last week with her Mr J Cane Miss Webb Toron to was the guest of friend Miss oven Sunday Mr Jos Wesley who was so seriously ill is improving and will soon be around again a Mr A A the city was visiting his sister Mrs on Ontario Street on Sunday A unanimous call has been extended to A to remain with tho Christian Church here another year Mrs P N Bowman of Marie Mich who is visiting Mrs lUnoliart expects lo leave for home next week Miss Maxwell of Toronto During the months of- May August and ft other men Aurora will their places ofbtislnpss at on afternoon Society packed and despatched 30 boxes of soldiers comforts contents consisting of socks towfeis soafi soda biscuits cakes gum cocoa and Exclusive of postage value of- the content of eaoh box 4 tho now in forA BHOWiAU Miss J weekend In city A large as we wan ho out of all papers hi Mr and Mrs J Watson spent Air J MornlngSpDnl Sunday la To ronto with his daughter- Is In the Sick The HARD K WANTED PAID Hags from per lb from to per lb to perewt Copper and Brass from to per Good Paid for Live Fowl Jelephone No at my expense will give you prompt alien- lion Doors South of King George Hotel Pi Box Newmarket SOUTH END FLOUR UNO FEED STORE France Good Friday Field Comforts Society Newmarket Dear Friends I received a parcel from you in good condition and wish to thank you very much Wo have been very busy lately Fritz has started his offensive keeps us going some I hope we will soon wear him down I am keeping very well and writing this in a little dugout not more than feet high and about feel square just big enough to crawl in and sleep two of us I can hear the shells go ing over our heads as ho is shell ing a village just behind us Thanking you again I remain Yours truly Corp Harrison The librarian was In a severely critical mood Too many books at the present time he said are written solely lo sell Their authors try lo make us think that they are producing litera ture but they cant fool U8 only fool themselves The men might produce literature If they would Just put a little more sincerity into their work but it Is they remind me of lake Youre workln very bard today Jake me son said a friend How many hods mortar In the name of heaven have ye carried up that ladder since time Huh me lad aid Jake with a wink Im the boss Ive carried the same Up and down all day and he thinks Im formerly in the employ of the Of fice Specially Co spent Sunday with her friend Mrs Wed- dell Mrs Lewis Lukes of Toronto- spent a or two last week with Mrs and al so attended the afternoon Mr Bruce of Fore Francis Algoma son of Mr Ash- ton is hero on a visit for a few days He js in the mer cantile business and report good of Bra left for yesterday to attend the funeral of Mr Waller a relative wlio died from injuries received In auto acci dent Mrs Peters of Kendal writes I would not do without Era It is just like a letter from home The weather up here is fine and most of the farmers have all their wheat sown Mrs J of this town received word that her nephew limes won D Ho enlisted in Vancouver and is in England having a rest There were six sons of the late Silas of at the front at one Drift Preston wounded and is now at Ifis home in where ho is a trainer for boys and also a Government Fish Inspector Mr and Mrs Win Brad of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs J last Saturday Mr Brads father will bo remem bered by a number of people as the artist who was em ployed at the Novelty Works over 20 years ago Wo are pleas- learn that Mr Brad lias ac cepted a situation at the Specially and will remove lo Newmarket In the course of a couple of weeks A large parly of women mis sionaries will leave Toronto for the Church of Mission Fields in the Far Bast next Au gust Among them will be Miss Frank Jones of Newmarket who lias been training in Toronto for the hasl four years and who will go to the Diocese of China accompanied by Miss Watts She expects to spend a couple of weeks with her mother Mrs Ham ilton before leaving aririual meeting of the Kpworthi League held on Monday evening April- 22nd ThQ following are the of ficers President A Apple Ion 1st Webb Vcirn Ferguson 3rd Vice K Jcnnlngu Vice Morning Treasurer Jennings Organist It was decided that Hie League would again- the firat Sunday in May I conlo us a trim groxuro to you both the Homi and no havo a fluotj many Canned Fish ivolju by pound to quail- fund v youn prompt THE Furniture and Undertaking Mouse You can buy your Furniture for Cash EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at It Quality that Counts I quality our specialty i AGENT FOR PATHERHONB Musical Instrument In World CHOCOLATES D D Phones 17 CHILL and In Newmarket on April 1918 to Mr and Miller a daughter At April to Mr and Mrs Ross Folkoard a son Gordon In Newmarket on April to Mr and Mr Stewart a son MAIN STRUCT NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo 151 store Phone No At Detroit on Ariril 13 lo Mr and Mrs Gordon formerly of New- market a son At Mount Albert on Sunday April lo Mr and Mra Harrison a son Gordon Hockley Crouton At on Apr to Mr and Mrs Win If a daughter In Newmarket on April 1918 lo Mr and Mrs son In King on April lo Mr and Mrs Ivan Brown a daughter Quasi In Newmarket on April to Mr and Mrs Quasi- of Hanover nee Miss Nora a son WHITE SWEET CLOVER TIMOTHY SEED MANGLE SEED ARE SEED It you can ILlPnOVEO GIANT WHITE Order by Phono from Carters J Belter tills I Shoes at In putt money I will bo lo our fur that our an spent P Mains Several being ins put a trips A chan ftol on II I Another On Brown Si was kick and his advised years of Sick was Pall On ac hard fro fields of have lost forms sown it up other m in 30 ac whole fit at Spring with a harvest Do will be posit In at gram a next be a re church this a short The their el year the Sunday suit Pre Vice- Sec re Look I INOALIIOnUIA WAR i The battle of resumed ami in -y- SPRIND Try us for Your GARDEN SEEDS Red Clover Alsike and Timothy on hand AND PASTRY FLOUR ALWAYS HAND I OF ALL KIHD3I to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phone GO It the has been the first days fight lug the Germans captured he village of which lies elghl miles east of Amiens on the road The battle began with an artillery bombardment of greal violPnee against the British and 1rench front Iweun and the This was followed at fij0 morn ing by an Infantry attack which was repulsed all along the front Con cent rating their efforts upon situated on a ridge over looking the Valley the Ger mans resumed their attack with stronger forces which were preceded by three tanks Severe fighting took in front of the village through out the day Sir Douglas Italys re port slates that by evening the Ger mans had gained possession but the was continuing Angeles Cat- April A se vere earthquake of approximately twenty seconds duration shook entire southern portion of California at this afternoon Dozens of glass windows in Los Angeles stores were broken and several wo men were Injured In panics at thea tres in Los Angeles The damage was quite extensive One fatality was reported a man befog trampled to death in the of crowds on the Municipal Pier at Santa Monica near here Chimneys were shaken down in various localities At San Bernard about seventyfive miles east of here a brick building was reported to have collapsed I According to authenticated repot is and San Jacinto ID Riverside county were entirely destroyed by the earthquake no telephone or telegraph wires operation but perons who escaped to nearby points reported serious destruction of prop erly and loss of life i DrltUh aviators blew up four German trains including one laden with ammunition on Sun day Australian troops inllicted most severe losses on the in the Jordan area in a recent raid into They destroyed live miles of the railway lino and look over a thousand fighting Harry Crane a sevenyearold Call boy died after several days iiu- as ft result of eating too stale candy ho end other children found at the rear a store Dutch business men returning from Berlin sax Germany la short of and operations be ing performed without them the sol diers suffering horrible tortures many bring results Try one A Sunday School Institute was held at Wesley Whit church on Tuesday after noon Mrs James Bannister died at Jordan on Sunday from Injur ies received when she was thrown from a buggy previous day The horse took fright and dashed- Into a post The pilot of one of the hostile machines which was brought down was the well known German airman fighter Baron Von who claimed to have destroyed eighty allied machines lie was buried with fall military honor Miss Glover a former teacher in this section was visiting at Mr Watson Elliotts on Sunday Mr Arnold Dove of attended church here Sunday last Mr Aiming spent a few days last week calling on friends in Toronto Miss Phyllis is spend ing a week in Toronto Mr Marshal and Miss Mcrna the concert at No- on Friday evening last Jim will have to drive a little faster or he will he prosecuted for holding up the traffic on the Fifth Line he held about a dozen rigs back The boys had band on Monday evening at Mr Walter lie treated them royally The instruments were mould and cow bells GEDAB On and after ifay 1st the store Post Office at Cedar Valley will be closed Tuesday and Friday evenings at during summer months Mr Crouch of Newmarket is busy repairing the dam at the pond A number of the farmers are busy seeding We are getting mall trains daily each way now on You cant beat it Blue Bird British A was a heavy sufferer In the- retreat on the Western front Eighty A huts with their equipment and supplies had lo be destroyed with financial loss of about 000 Calgary April 2LCrop re ports being received from all Tito in action on Mar Ernest Wat son son of Mr Levi Watson 26 Ave Toronto for merly of in his year Bailey On April at the residence of his aunt Mrs J Spencer Ave Toronto James Harry be loved son of James and Eliza beth Bailey Sutton West in his year Winters At Newmarket Military Hospital on April Harry Winters aged years Taken Wellington for inter ment At on Apr I in his year Interred at Pino Orchard on Tuesday moh At on Apr ttift- wife of Mr John aged years Interred at St Johns Cemetery on Saturday last JardlneAt her residence In on April 12 1918 Isabella relict of Wm Jardinn her year King on April John in his year Funeral Saturday morning at St Johns Church j Newmarket parts of the province indicate that conditions were never belter and it Is estimated that the average increase in acreage seeded will bo in the neighborhood of twenty per cent Cool nights have re tarded germination somewhat but in many parts of the south wheat is above the ground J Furniture North All Receive Farm School and Church I mile County miles miles Immediate possession w orchard bush and pasture house rooms in first class repair Hank barn with 10foot wall Stabling for head Good Driving shed Silo iO acres fall ploughed Price for Immediati sale down Balance on mortgage at Homestead Grand Slock Farm Plenty of Water miles Here is a Great Chance for someone Stock and Implements f tenant can be bought with Farm all a Going Concern done ready for seeding School I mile Mali three miles Stone house rooms good cellar Frame with stabling underneath CO 30 another barn stable GO silo shed hen house windmill soil loam Price 7350 Hero a for a few days only Gil phono Old Homestead Rented acres Acton miles Erin Township workable balance bush and pasture acres Hardwood Soil gravelly hot Solid Stone House rooms Barn 72 good stabling Water in barn from windmill House Sheep House School 2 lots quick sale Stock Implements etc can he bought with Farm for will let you on a farm iu Tp Toronto miles acres workable pa firewood Lovely new house cost between New Furnace Clary water in house Creek on farm- Frame Barn 54x36 stone shed with for arid horses Windmill rural mall i miles- Has big store blacksmith shop Village miles Suit clay loam no hills acres Been Rented Ownr died- about a month ago possession Price for farm 800 down and balance w mortgage at with payment of yearly on principal A To WIND UP 100 acres Township 93 acres workable bush ami pasture acres orchard Church across road half ftmile IV miles acres fall ploughing done Soil clay loam free from stone spring and nearly acres fresh se Solid brick house Frame born pig pen implement shed Immdlata possession J Dusk Dm- our iiiiiiKiUfiVAVtu Evi pwmarket i Hi News family he has to 1 Troops is prol ficer cabled Pie He has ing wont Halt and ha market soldier Killed I Won A was His of Tor tho fihowed of Its the remain by a very lie wen draft d to He Wat Church third i

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