Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Apr 1918, p. 1

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lYfrTfftlft f Of Gifts Wo to from l v v a V SKfv- VOL No Bins Copies keep a room vor y comforlblo coot Oil Heaters- r you can one or our so Handy can flavo you 3 on a if bought while lasts You will need it next summer why not buy hoy lived to moke camp Torres Scotland iJoy IlgbWokeep us froc MareV 1010 Brave boy of ours In khaki Serving sea I Jackson who neither fall nor falter Sir It is Though since wrote lo your inter esting paper and thought I Bargain lot of 1st Quality in While or 175 and 126 When 3C Gravity clothes with loss effort than others THE PAINT STORE THE PLACE TO GOOD flWD VARNI8HE0 Phone 28 NEWMARKET too ECONOMY The man and the woman who practice a wise economy and deposit savings in a Savings Account regularly are to win the war as well as malting more secure their financial position MOMTflCAU C G Ross Mauagor Newmarket Branch SOUTH END YARD Their taorlOciaKsopulohre A memory to happy Ho died to make free and shame and sorrow The Cliriat on Calvary the tfiicrlflcG Christ to I K IN THE WAPi to 103185 Hamilton April That the present no lime tpsit and hands ratliorlo prepare lostso it through to end the declaration Of Major Gen the Hon Min ister of In the course of an address delivered the auspices last said present situation was hut not critical and that despite the fact that he allies would eventually he victorious the people of his country must pre pare themselves for some news not to their liking Canadas casually list up to Ilia present lime in officers and men the Min ister slated was killed wounded died of wounds died disease presumed dead miss ing and prisoner in the hands of I he enemy gag AND LEAD QEtiUAIJ OAR EDONY COAL Does not Pop or Burns with a flame TRY A W PEARSON- Cor Church and Carters Wm John and Leslie Shier INGOHPOHATISD 1 BANK Assets eoooooo Banking Service Farmers given careful attention Sale Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties Every convenience is afforded to Savings Depositors Small or large sums may be deposited and interest paid on Scotland whore tho heather and the holly berries grow We have had an excep tionally good win tor In foot enow did not come until New Year and did not for more than two weeks at the most hut wo have had two or flur ries since melted as fast us it The last month has been and the trees and on Sunday last actually saw flow ers in bloom along tho roadside I have not boon informed whether you have daylight saying in Canada now or not Here last Sunday the were set back an so that the work can be- dune morning and night the aid ligbl rise at and breakfast at Start work at till is dtyinor hour quit at six for the night and supper at ho you will see we are pretty busy during the day evenings are taken up with all kinds of inside sport and now we are having long evenings outside sport has already com menced Our canteen has- bean taken over by he company and the pro- are in all kinds of mu sical concerts dances etc to keep our spirits up so taking ev erything into consideration we have quite a pleasant time during our spare hours which helps to keep us lit for our du ties We are now started on our sec ond large reserve which lies only a short distance from our camp Our mill is running fairly good considering the work it has done on this side of the water as this is not he first company it has cut for There use of me under taking to describe the beauty of portion of Scotland The artist with his pen may do so but for a forestry boy is only possible to explain il as he sees it and those who read draw conclusions While out for a stroll on Sunday afternoon with a of comrades of my own company along a winding road over bills and through dales and the banks of one of he swift est running rivers of Scotland we Haw some of Upmost picturesque scenery we have ever set eyes on since we landed here First I will try as briefly as possible to describe the scenery from the hilltop There stand To the see the very landscape for perhaps or IfT miles dotted by forests farms villages and smaller diamlcls To the north and east we view the vast waters of the Atlantic or miles in the distance with one Of he largest rivers emptying in to it at the point where we are looking Then to the west we sec the banks of another river small er in comparison with the other but a rushing noisy stream en closed banks of solid rock per haps 100 feet in depth below the level and enclosed by woodland The Food United States Canada are for food production Scarcely ICOOOOOOO of can isnt to the crop of the United Stttca end Cenada burden of wpply TiUM Aero Ever -f- VciUrn en cnorrrioui to but man power and en appeal to the United StAtea allies for more men for operations Carida Vheit Year eUae To the mutt have She the land but needs the men The Government the United States every man who help to do i this year It wants the land In the United States developed of courte hut it alto wants Canada Whenever we find a man wc can spare to Canadas fields alter are supplied vant to direct there Apply to our Service and will tell Where you can best the combined interests Western Canedaa help trill acquired later than April to competent help si month end up end Those who respond to this appeal get a warm welcome good wages pood board and find comfortable homes They will get a rate of one cent a mile from judgment given by Board To this Justice The way the matter stands now tho County will have an oppor tunity to present evidence to sub stantiate its claim and we- have- no doubt that its rights will bo maintained i Canadian boundary points to destination and return For particulars a to routes and placet where employment may be apply to S Employment Service Dept of Labor lonllscation ot County Rights Blocked i m Prom Era Hay J and run ning woollen mills Al bert Sutton woollen mills ore now in tho hands of J Mr has refitted the store one door south of ou ter Trent and moved this Married April by Shaw Mr Fred Major of North to Miss Eastman of New York Died In Newmarket April Joseph Paul aged years At Aurora April Mra Ra chel Barber aged years THE COUNTY OF vs the city oRTonorrro not be is is curious but need here detailed sufficient en in the lucid and able judgment Of the Board The County of York was from onward the owner in fee of thai part of now in When the City of Toronto en larged limits so as lo take in that part of Kongo St as far North as Grove it obtained a Hill through the Legislature to expropriate that portion of the Metropolitan Hallway that liUtj Street now in controversy and versed the said street but sought made certain agreements with the to Ignore entirely the claim of predecessor of the Toronto and rights or damages which Co York Radial Railway See York held against any such A to Vict oh Out purchase by the City of Toronto and Schedule A to Vict oh It was only strenuous effort Out hose in former schedule that the Solicitor for the County being confirmed and declared to r Canadian Headquarters in France April via London Apr During the last hours the Canadians carried out biggest combjrmii projector gas and shell bombardment in the history of the western front From early last until early morning our heavies and howitzers rained shells upon lint hostile battery positions using lethal gas lach rymatory gas and high explosives while at two oclock this morning over twtdve hundred drums of lethal gas were projected against tins enemy trenches and support areas in an intensive concentrat ed bombardment at great and les ser intervals in a scientific care fully thought out program of de struction designed Hence the enemy guns and kill the gun crews or at least make the Op eration of their batteries impos sible success of the bom bardment was early seen in the lessening hostile fire while some estimate of the likely damage caused may be gathered from tho results of a similar shoot on Apr in which 22 out of of the enemy batteries were put out action and have not a shot Without Masks In the midst of this destructive operation special units carried out a projector gas bombardment against Lens In the few sec onds occupied in releasing the gas flares which went up all along through which drives andTooU Branch A II hie cm MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AMD ttB6ttUl0LUaueW Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material fcll well kiln dried and nicely machined and Window Frames boors In Fir or Oak that will Interest you Kindly us I7i till Of t- LI A We are now Showing in our Window ooklnQ that you will find hard to you Quality with Price and have ny more nod Glial on on tho 2nd cor lt It Is a tie- to nun to you so you may be able to our prices with Uier stores fcurnlturcj and eoHt SKINNI2R the enemy front lino- the men in our trenches could distinctly bear cries- of distress from the enemy caught without masks When quiet had been restored and the Germans were presumably emerg ing from their dugouts and special retreats our artillery sprayed hostile front sup port and assembly areas with shrapnel Hun have- already testified to the effectiveness other like measures The account is slowly being settled UP Ivor half the human race is now ranged in war against the Germans The strength of the Teu tonicforces Is outnumbered six their foes Omit all of India and the Al lies backed United States still have four limes the popula tion to draw upon lhat behind the Kaiser Subtract all the wealth of all the German fund from the wealth of the United Slates and there still remains more than fifty bil lions American farms grow more than all ho farms of Germany Austria Turkey and Bulgaria combined The United States alone more steel and all ducts of steel than the whole Germanic league lis mines yield ten times as much gold far more silver twice as lead and many times as much copper as the entire group of Central Powers Phila delphia Public Ledger piftbs wind following close by the brink of many precipices Then we enter a glen and find beauty and vari egated foliage stone bridges beautiful hedges and all add to the beauty of the scene of one of most- picturesque countries of the world Only those who are privileged to see may know exact ly the picture Now I trust I have not lengthy and rust that it will be of interest lo you and your read ers- Wishing you and all Newmar ket friends every success I remain yours very truly Pie V J Ramsay a fiuiipnieii Artists never look alike any more grocers or- do Never- many persons are surprised at an who Is not small anaemic delicate of feature Such a lately visited the artist In person certain studio of a one of our big cities The man In question wears a big red beard stands six feet and some Incites high His shoulders are broad his muscles hard from continued exercise A woman entered his studio and asked arils Thats lam standing over there the The woman looked oyer to where the stood towering like an un dent viking and gasped Why idle whispered surprise big enough lo wort isnt he Selected You dont need bank reference in order lo borrow trouble Tennyson Glti liver nil born in the same year had inserted in the Hill a clause giving any protection whatever lo the County any then he wording of lie clause was dictated by the City people It was provided in the Hill that the County should furnish particulars of its claim against the city within one monlh after the passing of the Act if not so made the rights of the County should cease Any claim however was lo be adjudicated upon and determined by the On tario Railway and Municipal Hoard The County presented its claim in detail hut the Ontario Hallway Hoard decided in favor of the City The County appealed against the decision The City objected to the right to appeal from lheneoision the Ontario Railway and Hoard The right lb appeal was then argued before Judges and he judgment of the Appellate Division was delivered on the of March last in favor of the County It is a significant fact that not one of the Toronto papers published the judgment evidently abashed that the County representatives had the effrontery lo oppose their pet scheme of confiscating the County rights when the Legislators were in fa vor of the City proposition Chief Justice sums up bis findings as follows In my opinion bylaw giv ing to the minor municipalities the duty and right of repairs to Yonge Street does riot in any way effect he countys claim lo dam ages if otherwise entitled This does not effect the county in Re spect of its agreement with Radial It is not necessary nor do I think it proper to express an opinion as to which or all of the clauses of its agreement with the Radial Railway the county has the right to make oath That is a question of law and fact and ought not I think to be preju diced before the evidence which the county may offer is submit ted The appeal should be allowed upon its order of the Hoard set aside and the city per mitted to offer such evidence as It may he advised in support of its claim The city should pay the posts of this appeal upon tax ation In this finding Chief Justice and Justice Sutherland agree Justice added I may say once lhat in my opinion counsel for the appellant placed the rights of his client quite too low This agreement is validated by a stat ute but it is itself a statute of the Act makes the privileges and franchises there to created existent and valid he same extent and in the some manner as if set out and enacted as pari of this act Whatever difficulties might have been encountered bad the agree ment been simply validated there can no when we remember thai privileges and franchises are given by statute The history Street built from what Queen to Holland by in the earliest days of the Provinces bo valid by the statute the lat ter being as made part of the statute The- Legislature by the Act Geo eh gave lo the City of Toronto the power of expropriating the railway and all its real and personal property within the city but authorized the County of York lo make such claim as it might be advised against the for damages by reason of the exercise by he City of its powers so given The county made a claim as set out in the Particulars of Claim annexed hereto The grounds upon which the Board disallowed the claim seem lo be 1 that the county- has parted with its ownership of part of Street and there is no agreement in gross Both may be considered to gether I have already pointed out that the rights of the coun ty are statutory under the Act of 1897 They do not depend upon any of the highway al though of course they would not have been given were it not that the county the highway They are in gross in the sense in which the expression j used in the reasons for Judgment of the Hoard far as any of them becomes valueless by County alienating the street and ceasing lo be the owner such an alienation Is of importance but only In view of quantum The bylaw No referred lo does not more than make certain por tions of Street the pro perly of and owned by other mu nicipal corporations It does not operate as a conveyance of any thing than the fee and the statute under which the was passed does not in any way affect other rights of the county I can nothing hero which divests the county of the rights given it by statute There being nothing to divest rights of he county Board should not have dismiss ed the claim without giving the county an opportunity of calling witnesses unless it appears that in no view could a claim for money damages bo sustained The contingent right of county to lako the real and per sonal property of the railway docs not depend on he ownership of the fee or of any less interest in the land The statute of the statutory right to he county and any difficulty which might arise under the gen eral law from the fact that property or some of it an other municipality is avoided by this special statutory provision city takes part of the real and personal property of the rail way which on a certain Contin gency the county is to have his may be a serious loss the and should he compensated for The fact lhat bis loss is contingent does not render the damages nominal From Era April Mr attended his mothers funeral in on Monday Mrs Chas ar rived from England last Friday make her home here Mr and family have re- turned from Canninglon to make their home here Mr arrived from British Columbia on Monday af- ler an absence of years Mr Bernard Greenwood who is attending Medical has passed his third exam Mr P Fletcher has passed his first year at Kingston Uni versity with honors position In Latin and 2nd in Greek Another interesting loiter the tropics Mr photographer Montreal buyers obtained seven horses at the Royal last Saturday averaging each Mr R J Daley of addressed the Gospel Temperance meeting last Sunday in the Tem perance Hall J Starr of Toronto preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday There were couples at the Military Hall last Friday night Music by a Toronto orchestra Miss Graham of Aurora was lie heJIc The telephone service was de moralized by the wind storm last week poles were blown down between King and Toronto The Football Club was reorgan- ize4 on Wednesday evening with J Dickson as Pros J A Bur gess as Captain Rogers as Secretary and By as Cat erer Newmarket received from liquor licenses lasl year and the whole of North York The Government got out of North York for licenses The Guild of the Good Shep herd was organized in St Pauls Churph on Wednesday evening with the following officers Mrs Farncomb Sec Miss Treas Miss Peck The R of T gave an enter tainment last Friday evening which was a grand success the Temperance Hall filled lo capacity Those taking part were Rev Jas Thompson the Mc Donald family Miss Jennie Simp son Miss Ansel Bell Messrs J Daley J Green Andrew Hunter Barman and Mr Frank Duncan was chairman The License Commissioners met in Newmarket last Saturday Mr Lehman has sold out his store to Mr Manning Big fire in Aurora early Friday morning Those burned out were Messrs Mahep Stevenson Stevenson anal Loss Iween and I Tomb On Is land on Mar the wife of Chief aged years At Holland Landing April Richard In his 56lh yea- I would allow the appeal with costs of motion for leave and ar gument on the merits payable forthwith by the city I annex to Ibis judgment the claim of the county and the Washington April 18 The United States honor roll lo dale is as follows Killed in action Died of Wounds Died of disease Died of accident Died from other causes Slightly woumied Missing in action Toronto

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