Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1918, p. 5

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ft b Frank Dunoan- AND Dr J I NT- Corner Main and Newmarket I I i I A Office ill Toronto Crown and Work Groat to Plato Work flnpolntm Insuranco of i In Hospital and Nose and Throt Dr J In Mcdlelne of also Licentiate of of and llJ loyal College land MoorofioNlh Eye ftHy London England Even Tooted QlaesoD Telephone AND Park Adjoining Post Office PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER 2nd house from Queen St j ha held on Oil 6f April Clio Mrs- Albert commencing at a in- as Mr Marshall moved house lie corner Park Victoria Ave J AM Armstrongs in the late election as published by bin word A carload of shellshocked sol diers for tin Military Hospital arrived hero oh Sunday Melhodisi Church got in a ear of smokeless coal Moiriny which wan ordered in January I i r of Piano Voico and Vio lin Denier in all of Musical and Repairs Piano Agent for Columbia JrapHopbonea and Records Prompt I GEO 8oHoltor Etc TORONTO AND NEWMARKET Toronto Dominion Hank Building Telephone Main Over PI- Billiard Parlors Will be there on Saturdays until further notice MONEY LOAN of from A quiet but pretty wedding place at bo home of A J Newmarket when daughter Myrtle was united In to Mr John on March 1 Wood performed the cere mony bridn worn crepe do chine and carried bouquet of white bridal touch She wan assisted by her sister who wore a gray dress ami carried a bouquet of pink ropes groom was assisted by Mr Henry of Kingston- The gift to ho wan a gold pendant After the cere mony adjourned to the dining room whore sumptuous wedding repast was served IT If ivira ft PiokbamV handfeed- ink also jsyiereixod eatib- are- ufledi8 Indicated by the results at Otlawbi and to do mo A wo to take Lydlo Vege Compound did- una got re lief right away can certainly re- commend thla valu able to women who Buffer for It dono ouch good for and I know It will help others if they Impure and Lizzie Ave It Into bo noticed In the West Iowa pale or pimply face tired haggard Why will women dreg along or manner to day yoar In and year out Buffering misery did Courtney thla Every woman who flUffora rem In- flammatton ulceration ftcr- vouncss or who la this At tine time of the vea weak tired their Wood have lived and perhaps their and bodily energy want to know how to their and J come and clear eyes a smooth ruddf and feel the exhilaration of rent good health- tingling thru their body Good pure red blood In Ilia of all kinds Almost all Lyman Issuer of Marriage Licenses At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private res idence if desired Farm Very good Easter Market last Saturday morning principally lor and eggs The ruling prices were as follows ttggs per 3D to Butter lb to Dressed Chickens Potatoes bag Onions lb Lettuce a for Horse Radish Daffodils Primroses Live Chickens lb and Old lb and Live Ducks lb Live Turkeys to Pigeons pair pair In ides per lb and flc lb and 5 Drink hot water a half hour before and for a vegetable tonlo nothing better than Dr Golden Medical the cushioned has had such a fifty years It con tains no alcohol or narcotics It Is made from Golden Real root Oregon root root bark extracted with and made Into tablets and Tablets fifty at most drug In order to pure blood and to build up try this known Golden Medical cry Got It now I of a high order Mr Atkin son took charge of the Lantern Slides portraying the lessonp Of the past quarter and Ibopietures were explained by Messrs for and Gibson and the A Recitation On East er Daylwas given by Jack- were pro tec to those entitled owing to last years standing The collection for school purposes amounted to V l fcorn alfalfa and peas the tune- lieri- if course alfalfa is deRondonie Sheepskins si m allow NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Call before ordering elsewhere I CUT STONE FOR BUILDING PURP03E8 I Kept in Block and Made to Order GEO Wis clip following from life Aurora of lust week The pupils of Newmarket High School under the direction Mrs J K put on lie operetta Mystic Mirror in tin Mechanics Hall on would be almost im possible mention anyone espe cially as they all took their parts well and showed there had been much lime and thought spent in their training All the soloists were particularly good but the boy soloist the brought down the house and was encored repeatedly The danc ing of the fairies and fisher and lasses was excellent Mrs as an accompanist leaves nothing to be desired The Patriotic League of the Womens under whoe auspices the Mystic Mirror was presented are deeply grateful the pupils of Newmarket High School and their directress for their kindness in putting the play on for their benefit cr Next Sunday will he issiouary Day The At Home of the Junior Departments on Good Friday af ternoon was largely and grimily enjoyed by he children The evening congregation way larger than usual pastor delivered another Raster Anthem by the was good also the solo by Mr Walter Stephens The choicest selec tion the evening was the quar tette by Mrs Mason Mrs Murray Mr Manning and Mr Tim result of Decision Day in the Sunday School was very grati fying of the commit- ted themselves to tho church and SO signified their intention to take a Forward Step in the Christian Life A Class is now held in the School Room every Sunday morning at con- ductedby the Pastor assisted by he Superintendent IF WE ONLY UNDERSTOOD root and herb remedy horns VcgoUbUCornpoun3aUH for Co Mac the FOR OQ8 J Litest in and All KiQds of Cemetery Vork PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Call and see us before buying elsewhere all of building Stones Cutto Order Tablbta for kept In etook JOHN 171080 Outer and Importer of Foreign end DomeaUo GRANITES AND Phone box Huron Newmarket Furnace Work Plumbing i Our Specialties the Bathroom Outfit at Shop Audiences enthusiasm of the public and critics on the Pacific Coast regarding Miss Isolde wonderful playing on be violin during recent Visit there knew no bounds This famous English artist will give a concert here on Friday April in the Christian Church the Vancouver Province one reads unmistakable mark of genius is upon her She wan born for music and she was born for tho violin Moreover she is a unique personality one who is different from most young wo men Miss Menges came program triumph antly whether in the intricate and rapid passages of the Devils Trill which would be a test for the skill of performers one Could count on the fingers of a hand the passion of the Symphonic or the tender sweet ness of the cradle song Ber ceuse Perfect tune absolute time masterly phrasing and in tense vigor were by turns exhi bited to her astonished audience On the afternoon of of April Miss will give a free Concert for children Could we but draw back the cur tains That surround each others lives See the naked heart and spirit Know what spur ho action gives Often wo should And it better Purer than we judge we should We should love each other hotter If we only understood If we knew the cares and trials Knew the efforts all in vain And the bitter disappointment Understood the loss and gain Would the grim eternal rough ness Seem I wonder just the same Should we help where now wo hinder Should we pity where wo blame Ah we judge each other harshly Knowing not lifes hidden force Knowing not the fount of action Is less at its source Seeing not amid the evil All the golden grain of good And wed like each other belter If wo only understood A horse in kicking at a dog inBoIlon tbo other day struck- William Clifton and broke his leg For breaking into a house at Port McNieoll and stealing goods was sentenced by Judge to four months in Wail LEMONS MAKE SKIN COPY ftako this beauty lotion for a few and for yourself HIE LEADING SORB TO Methodist Church Splendid congregation last Sunday morning music and sermon being inspiring and beautiful The soprano solo in anthem Ho Is Risen was taken by Miss who also sang a duet with Mrs Sleek ley The choicest number how ever was contralto solo is no Death by Mrs Tbo Sunday School bad a very Review Service The music was led by- Mr Staffers Orchestra which played opening closing selections What girl or woman hasnt heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes to whit en skin- and to bring out the roses the freshness and the hid den But lemon atone is acid therefore irritating and should bo mixed with orobard white this way Strain through a fine cloth juice of two lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white then shake well and you have a whole pint of akin and lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream Be sure to strain tho lemon pulp gets into the bottle then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months When ap plied daily to the face neck amis and hands it should to smootben and beautify tho skin Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little and the grocer has lemons The feed situation confront ing the swine grower during the coining summer is not altogether a bright one Standard -hog- feeds are not likely to be plenti ful with prices ruling Shorts and middlings while fixed as to price show no likelihood of a surplus Corn for some months practically unprocurable and in any case too high in price to be considered may be avail able but whether reliably con stant quantities remains to be seen will be high priced also and difficultly available in many localities Oats under ruling and probable future prices should he used only for the milk ing sow and for weaned and grow ing pigs Only in small quanti ties should this feed enter into the fattening ration It has been shown that with breeding slock whether during winter or summer maintenance cheap homoigrown feeds may be largely utilized as an economy and that from such feeding practice best results may be obtained in health and production It lias been further clearly demonstrated that home grown feeds for sum mer feeding may economically replace a considerable percentage of meal even at prewar prices At the Farm it was shown by experi ment during the summer of that oats barley and wheat all stood pasturing well These were sown on May and pastur ed from July 5 III until early in August which was slight ly injured by pasturing too early supplied much needed pasturage when the cereal had been eaten off Vetches al though slow of growth were readily eaten and stood pastur ing well Sweet clover was also late in maturing and eaten when no other feed was available It might bo staled that beyond a comparison of these crops from the standpoint of pal a lability re cuperative power and ability lo withstand trampling and pastur ing generally no data was avail able to show the cost of produc tion one crop against the other With these pasture crops a selffeeder was used to supply a supplemental grain ration Such practice indicated that no more than where hand feeding was employed and that economical gains were made at a cost cents per pound for pasture employing feed prices then current The method in general reduced the labor feed to minimum At the Experimental Station where swine feeding enters largely into live stock op erations rape and alfalfa have proved most desirable crops As a result of the average of three tests rape has shown a slight superiority over alfalfa requiring pounds meal fed supplement ally as against pounds in the case of alfalfa Rape carried pounds of pork per acre as against pounds willi al falfa Tho findings at would warrant the recommendation of alfalfa for early pasture with a block of raps to supply green food for hogs when they attain considerable size Where alfal fa may bo successfully grown the swine grower would bo well advised in retaining a small block for swine feeding purposes Fail ing alfalfa clover will give al most equally good results With neither of the legumes available results at indicate that a cereal pasture second only to the legumes is to be obtained by tho use of a heavy seeding 3 bushels per acre of oats and barley or wheat oats and barley Any one of the pastures above mentioned should be followed by rape seeded early in Juno pre ferably in drills inches apart At Lacombe results of the use of selffeeders versus foedin on pasture white not suf ficiently verified by repeated would indicate that where fed to a finish selffeeding method shows njosl economical gains has been proven where corn is the princi pal grain used selffeeding is a holds place as a be remcni- hat in many sections of this crop cannot bo at ail in many others that It is unreliable in Hie extreme and that even uildprmorobr less orable soil climatic condi tions for one reason or another cannot relied Upon For cut turn from Hie stand point of palatahility producing power and resistance to pan lur ing red clover should receive emphasis equal to If not greater than that given alfalfa In conclusion high priced wain anUmcal for hogs must be replaced as far as possible dur ing the coming summer lurea as discussed form a palatable easily available food that is harvested labor The solffeedf well with pasturing and for growing and finishing hogs is peculiarly worthy of attention during present labor sparcily otic LABOH DEVICES V w f7 Roofing 1 L 91 a building often causejoofs near by to catch fire especially in a dry hot season Under like conditions roofs covered with are in no danger from flying embers because any fall on Asphalt Roofing die out harmlessly Build a bonfire on a roof ofBrantford Asphalt Roofing and the fire will not spread and boards underneath the roofing will be protected in a surprising manner If a fire starts In the Interior of a building Asphalt Roofing acts as a retardant and keeps the fire from spreading Fire chiefs and Insurance companies endorse its use in the congest ed cities Asphalt Roofing not absorb water but sheds the heaviest rain ease Acid proof and alkali proof Reliable Three weights lb lb per square The scarcity of manual utilized and adjusted as to cope today is so acute that every means at our disposal must be so most effectively with the serious situation Efficiency means such a coordination of resources in labour and material as will give the highest return for effort To this end must be consider ed the effective use of labour the adoption of labour saving methods the adjustment of pre war methods and what is of greatest importance prompt ac tion Larger implements with three four or six horses handled by oie teamster must be adopted Ploughing should be speeded up by two- furrow ploughs with three or four horses Such ploughs properly handled will do most satisfactory work The tractor plough might also find a berth on many farms The disc harrow is an excellent implement Single discs with two horses arc commonly used but double discs requiring from three losix horses and only one man make a better seed bed in less time The threehorse disc drill type of seeder is exceedingly efficient and most economical It saves lime lowers cost and speeds up the seeding three considerations of paramount importance today Drag Harrowing is necessary but usually expensive and slow Another horse or two on the earn and two or three extra sections on he barrow will permit belter work at lower cost If new implements for spring work for hoed- crop cultivation for hay making Or for harvesting are to lie bought or can be afford ed most careful consideration should be given the mailer before any hut large sized ones are bought on even the fifty acre farm Enlarge the fields Large fields mean lower cost of produc tion loss waste land less fencing less weeds and facility in Using large implements Have a plan before starting the spring work bo timely in per forming each operation endea vor to- meet labor shortage by employing most productively Ihe force available f London Mar Fresh suc cesses have been scored by the British in Mesopotamia and Pal estine The official statement on the operations Mesopotamia Our troops pursued he rem nants of the Turkish force which was defeated near Khan-Hagh- dadi and midday on Thursday had advanced beyond Apah miles northwest of Hit Full particulars of the captures have not yet been received but they are of great importance Large de pots at and at have fallen into our hands containing quantities of ammunition mine throwers guns etc The num ber of prisoners has been in creased lo Advance In Palestine On Thursday and Friday our operations east of tbo Jordan continued successfully- in spite of stubborn opposition of the enemy troops destroyed several miles of the track of railway Two hostile airplanes wore de stroyed On Thursday we attacked west ward of the and to tbo left centre of our line was advanced two miles on a front of eight miles Odessa been recaptured by the Soviet and Ukrainian troops after a bloody battle In which naval forces look part Dry Rubber Roofing Is same quality as Asphalt but has a smooth rubbery surface instead of It Is particularly suitable for verandah decks and floor coverings Three weights lb and lb per square Standard Mohawk Roofing Is made of the same materials as Asphalt Roofing but is lighter In weight A thoroughly reliable roofing at a low price Tested for years and lias given entire satisfaction Sanded on one side One weight lbs per quarel Rubber Roof The same quality as Standard Mohawk but vith a smooth sur face Used for all classes of temporary work sheds bunkhouses camp sites even dugouts in the trenches lb IB lb and 5 lb weights Roofing Sliffhtly lower quality than Mohawk Rubber Used for same purposes lb lb and lb weights Samples of any of these roofings and prices be furnished at request mm I I f Head Office and Factory Canada Brand at Toronto Montreal Halifax a I SALE J A W ALLAN CO i v If OUTFIT SO ww Easy OK- Genuine Columbia mahogany or golden oak 300 needles loud and soft special fibre needles You Got This Entire Outfit Ten selections on five double disc records your choice We Deliver the Outfit Immediately Only Paid Down mum a mm a Now is the Time to Buy that New Car i mM The is one of Beat Cars made for the price and only fifty from home It is a complete automobile It baa Lights and Demountable TopTilled Windshield Speedom eter Tire Carrier and other Details of Refinement Now if you ere thinking of buying this Spring donl buy till you see New Models Oar v Royal Wall f1St5 Car 1625 flttS ALL BROS and utton I Si OP ONTARIO TORONTO

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