Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1918, p. 2

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v r with ftinsfl complete Chicken House or sell for 95 at Era MarquiB variety of Spring Wheat Phono I MoArtliur ring NewmnrkoU- iOtf TENDpnaWANTgD Sealed Tended will- bo received up to pm on AprlMMIi forColting and Piling brush in lie South of ft Town Clerk and grading Musi an I i Capable of inspecting all kinds of Lumber experienced man Apply to OFFICE CO Out OS Mr John and family also her two booh wish to con vey to neighbors and Mends their sincere thank for flisWnco and sympathy which was shown during illness and of Mra and Bushels at per bush at ply lo Newmarket strength of raising men to overseas wilt feci like kicking themselves vwhcuV thay learn of tho Inertness nt The Toronto Telegram winch supported ex poses the of llio lrcni lor inan ar ticle which we reproduce in this issue Head it yourself The young women of Hie Prov ince who havo sufficient to assist the farmers in Greater Production campaign are a sfVcoiar chance A course will he opened at ho A on the 1st of May con tinuing until May at which women will he given instruction of a general kind upon farm ac tivities The will be onen to women who arc physically and ready to sign up for months on the farm at the close of llio course One hundred women will he selected from who apply Wonder if North York will he represented It generally in any public activities ooo Our Toronto TOWN of NOTICE hereby given Curfew ByLaw will he into operation on the loll April and all citizens hereby warned to govern them selves accordingly By order of Council J ANDERSON Town Clerk phi of are SEALED TENDERS For wiring Town Hall Mar ket etc will ho received up to ami including April 30 Plana and specifications can no at the Town Clerks office Wilson been or obtained No Architect Newmarket accepted P J Clerk and Trees TO I i Having been appointed of the Co Toronto wish to call the at tention of Investors to the op portunity of securing Government and other Municipal Securities especially Victory Bonds as the best investment at the present These Bonds are free of Federal Taxation and Newmarket alone took nearly worth in the recent campaign Newmarket 1 TO All persons having claims against he estate Pearson kite of the Township Whitchurch yeo men deceased who died at Harbour Beach Michigan on the day of July hereby notified to file I heir said claims with the undersigned Solicitor for the on or be fore the 2Uh day of April as Immediately thereafter the said ectrix will proceed to distribute the Assets those entitled having regard only to those claims then filed April for Out NOTICE TO All persons having claims against the estate of Wllllm J Hughes late the town of Newmarket In the County of York Mechanic deceased who died at Newmarket on the four teenth day of April are hereby notified to file their said claims with the undersigned solicitor for the Ad ministratrix on or before the day of April 1118 as immediately thereafter the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets those entitled having- regard to those claims then filed Dated 3rd April Sol for Administratrix Newmarket Oat CATTLE LOOT head of year olds as fol lows 1 Red and lllack Heifer Red Heifer 1 Heifer I Red Steer Strayed from lot 2nd Con Whitchurch Tuesday night Information thankfully received It No Vill j valued at more than were destroyed Wednesday evening In a fire that broke out in the plant of the Chemicals Products Com pany on Van Home Street The blaze near the laboratory Taking him he had been given to purchase for conduc tors John an employe of the Toronto and York Company fled to Montreal where he had a good around the hot before he was caught lie was given three months at the Jail Farm 60 April Charges that German spies are Interfering with gas masks Intended for use In France were made In Senate today by Senator Thomas of Colorado who declared that In one factory out of masks were found defective Minn April Naviga tion Is open at was the word passed among marine men today when Hie surf rose out of Superior and disclosed waves where yesterday solid ICO held the lake In winter shackles The average opening for is April year vessels battled in fee in June New York April The White Star Line steamship Celtic which was torpedoed a day or two ago while on a voyage to the United States has reached a British port safely Stratford April Fred Howe of Hanover was sentenced in the Police Court this morning to six months and an Indeterminate sentence of not more than two years in the Ontario Re formatory for nonuppbri of his wife Whom he descried going to live with another woman with whom he had lived six years his marriage Boston April Sinking of the British steamer Carlisle Castle of gross tons presumably by a German submarine while on a voy age from this country for a foreign port was reported in shipping circles here today Boston exporters no tified marine underwriters that they had been advised of the loss of the vessel but had no information regard ing the fate of the The ship carried war supplies Charles deposited seven cases of whiskey under a trap door In Hie kitchen floor on top of that he piled ft double thickness of oilcloth Nevertheless the sleuths unearthed the spirits the police court they proved that he had also been selling the bottled firewater Accused pro tested Ids innocence hut on went a fine of and costs or four months Damage amounting- to was caused by a destructive flro at the Iron Works at the foot of street Tuesday night Robert the veteran Sec retary of the Ontario Educational As- was reelected by acclama tion at he Convention on Tuesday That there are Chinese in Toronto and that oneeighth of these are being reached by Christian work- era was Ported to the Toronto Presbytery on Tuesday Susan Whitney years of age was arrested on Tuesday for shop lifting When searched the woman had three brooches three pairs of gloves two blouses in her pos session While currying sacks of flour in the Campbell Hour Mills West Toronto Tuesday afternoon John Weeks was crushed to death In the shaft Is thought at the headquarters of the British Flying Corps in To ronto that the exodus of that corps from their camps at Fort Worth will mean the permanent departure of the organization from United States There aw two reasonB for this one because the American army requires all available accommodation for the train of own aviators and the other that it has been ascertained from ex perience here during the past winter that aviation training can be success fully carried out In Canadas oven In a temperature of below xero The regular Friday afternoon Come out as help to make the handkerchiefs for bur next shipment of parcels We hope to pack next week on the Ail our towns people will be interested com our next licit Supper on Saturday evening the sixth Our menu please everyone Hot Roust Beef or Pork and Apple rurnips Neapolitan Pudding Pineapple Cream or Pie Cake Ton or Coffee nil Supper is to commemorate tho taking of Vimy which was on the of April a year ago The funds of this supper will he de voted to the of the French popple Our returned soldiers cannot say enough kind treatment they received from French bo come help us raise a large sum of money so that wo may help lo repay what they have done for our bravo hoys who have been fighting for US v Keep the evening of the of April for entertainment to given by our young Tickets op gale for Saturdays Supper and On the Field Mar Dear Ladies of the Field Comforts Very thanks for the par cel received Inst was In condition the socks especially being highly ap preciated tho tirno I had only wore on my feet having lost of my kit while I was on We are having exception ally fine weather here in France and that goes a long way toward keeping the troops fit and in good spirits The report or your work during the past year speaks for itself and am sure all of us who have benefited by it owe to you our hearty thanks and congratu lations on such a showing Hop ing we may prove ourselves worlhv of your many kindnesses Yours truly tO Red Society The following letter was receiv ed by Secretary last week- re garding the safe arrival of the contribution of Newmarket plo to the Halifax sufferers Pauls Church Halifax March My Dear Mrs Jackson The boxes the good friends Newmarket so kindly provided and packed arrived the end of last week There is great delay now in railway transportation but they were none the lesfl welcome after heir long journey form a splendid contribution meet the needs of our afflicted anil poor people of Halifax after the terrible disaster of which they were the victims My workers in the two Mis sions in connection with St Pauls are distributing the good things lo needy persons Will you kindly convey to the Mayor of Newmarket our thanks and IclMiiin bat delayed writ ing in the daily hope thai the boxes might come any lime With warmest thanks W Very good attendance at he Pew Meeting on Tuesday Col lection amounted to and there was also a donation of Mtss Margaret- Osborne of Toronto home for Miss Clarice was home for Faster vuoaUoru MIsb ell was homo for Mrs of Iho guest of MraKinley on Sun day- Mr Jackson of Irene Penrose of wit friend Miss MabelvMe- St George is for a few days lo the estate of her mother Chantler Mr St Ave- to- 1 to Good Friday at Maple- ton Mr and H Elcanot spent Sunday in the oily Mr and Mrs Osborne and son Kenneth spont Easier will work llio Pearson farm the com ing summer Mr of Toronto spent faster with his uncle Mr Lyons Mr Mrs Brothers of Aurora took tea at on Good Friday Mrand Mrs Ed Colo of To ronto spent Easter holidays with friends in town MfffH Annie Meek who is at tending was homo Easier vacation run time to bounht It before the now Rcnulatlons came In fore Rotter try sack while wo have It si FRUITS J r it You can buy your -Furniture- Cash A A SPECIALTY Night to Phones and for Apples i and GO to 70c peck CONFECTIONERY ThoQ lercst si ore in down re gar belong l Ontario When Good Candy us a trial Our euro to nicaco you both iYIado and kinds FISH m I I Owing to the of certain parlies entering my woods any person found therein after this date Without Permission will he regardedj as a Trespasser and dealt wllh ac cordingly A K STARR All Of PHo4 Hon G A of Production on tho panada Food Hoard in hie message to the Grain Growers Convention an nounced that the Allies require from every farmer In Canada at least acres of wheat in for acres grown in on the basis of average yield difficulties he added great but it be done if the war is to be won To enable the Allies lo main fain even their present restricted rations Canada must raise for export at least more of wheat in than we Inst year Mr and Mrs Hunter of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr P Waltons Miss spent the weekend in Toronto Miss Chinas is spending the holi days at her homo in Springfield Miss A Seymour Is visiting in To ronto Miss Minnie bowman spent the holi days at her home In Toronto Mrs S J is visiting In To ronto Mr and Mrs If Sibley and Mr and Mrs Hunter of Toronto spent Sun day at Mr Mr and Mrs P of Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Lemons Poplar Lodge Mrs- Stephenson of Aurora spent a few days this week with her daughter Miss J Aiming of Toronto spent the weekend Mr Annings Mrs Skinner and Mrs of called on friends on Sun day Mrs of red ford and Miss Mary Stephens are spending a few days their parents Mr and Mrs Stephens Hobcrt fourteen years of age was shot and instantly killed In Owen Sound by Jack who was firing at a bird Winnipeg March George formerly Major and Assistant Paymaster for M No was this morning sentenced to serve one year and eleven months in the city jail pleaded guilty to the theft of the property of the Dom inion of Canada The thefts were committed during a period covering two years Complete of the money taken has been made through his lawyer stated that he would willingly Join the army as a private and give his life lo wipe out stein on his The matter being taken up wiurthe Department of Justice and It is likely he will be allowed out on parole bo that he can enlist M Mustard of spending a few wllh her brother in town Mrs Art Cook and daughter Mable of Preston spent the weekend In town Mr and Mrs George of Au rora spent Bunday with their Mrs Mr Mrs Lawrence and Mr Fred Thompson of To ronto spent the weekend in town Masters George and Leslie Abcrnelhy of spent the weekend in Mrs Barker son Harold of Toronto are visiting Mrs Rachel Barker Prospect Ave Mr spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs P St Mr and Mrs Allan Howard and Miss Verna spent Good Fri day with her mother at ville Mr and Mys and children spent Easier holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs J Miss and Miss Hose of Toronto spent Easier with her brother Mr Herbert Ave Mr and Mrs Holds- worth of Toronto spent Good Fri day with heir Mr J Holds worth Mr and Ambrose of Georgetown spent Easier holi days with Win parents and Mrs Mrs Herbert Wright left On Tuesday for her home in accompanied by her sister Miss Gertrude and Mrs Cane of London Mr and Mrs Cane and Mr Jack Cane of Toronto were home for Easier Sunday Miss Clara of Halifax and Mr Gilbert Of Oltawa spent the Faster holiday with their parents on St Mr and Mrs J Collins announce the engagement of their only daughter Florence to Mr Robert L the marriage lo take place the middle of Aprl Mr Ed Thompson of Fort William who came down on count of his mothers death is visiting among old friends for a few days and will leave for borne on Saturday evening He has a boy the Front Mr and Mrs Gordon motored from the city on Good Friday and spent the day her parents Alderman and Mrs Freeman Lloyd Misses Marjory Taylor and Marjory Lloyd return ed to the city with them lo spend part of the Faster holidays Miss Eliza Stephens com pleted her course of two years at Hamilton Hospital last Saturday and was given two days leave which she spent at the home of Mr Morlcy Andrews Aurora On Sunday Mr and Mrs P Pear son and Mr and Mrs Ed Rich ardson attended a family re union there At he Wardens Reunion in Toronto last week it was Qrndlo Fry Al King on Monday Mar lo Mr and Mrs Fry a daughter April to Mr and Mrs George Pearson a daughter Dorothy Wo a many varlotlea In Canned well op by pound to quail and hind it get prohpt In Whitchurch on Ufa 1918 to Mr and Frank a son Mrs On Mar on the of East to Mr and Oscar Stick- wood a son Altar the Par sonage Beech Ave Toron to by Rev A P Addison on Mar 1918 Miss Jennet May Flinloff of Pine Orchard to Mr John Miller of CrossBrown At the home of the bride oh Mar by Rev W J Wood Myrllc daughter of Mr and Mrs J to Mr John Cross of Newmarket In Toronto on Wednesday Mar by Rev J A Mackenzie Minnie Christina daughter of Mr and Mrs John Shropshire of Lloyd- town to Mr Isaac Hunt of Tccumscth By Rev J at the residence of he brides cousin April 3rd James Albert Kerr to Edna Cain of of King the residence of the brides parents on Wed nesday April 3rd by he Rev Thomas Alberta Eliza beth youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Wesley of Newmarket lo Mr Thomas Mills of Francis Bask it Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT In World CHOCOLATES t MAIN STREET Id NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo House Phone No 151 Store Phone No thai Mr Jackson of Newmarket is the oldest Warden of York County living He oc cupied the position in and every Warden prior to that date has passed away besides eight Wardens since Hon J was Warden the following year T Lloyd for merly of he York Rangers years of age one of the older residents of the town and an ex- Mayor of Newmarket under the doctors care as he result of a stroke last Sunday which affects his power of speech When Col Lloyd returned from last after visiting son there he was suffering from the same trouble was caused by his being hurt mo tor accident He is slowly im proving and will probably be around- as usual in a few days Mr Rain of Dewar Lake Am sending sub for the Era I neglected to send in time have missed a copy or two hardly know how to wail for the next as it is like a weekly totter from home had a very nice winter hero with lots of snow now there is every appearance of an early seeding some hoping to get on the land next week We did not a coal shortage here to the extent you lid but as long as anyone bed on baud one could not any mote which was no thin right Port here 2 a fiOo do At the resi dence brides mother by Rev A on April 3rd Walter son of Mr of Kellleby to Miss Mary only daughter of Mrs Barbara Smith Victoria Ave Newmar ket l The happy couple left on the evening train lo spend the hon eymoon with relatives in ford Vera At his residence Aurora on Friday Mar Abraham Miller in his year Boll In King on Mar 1918 Susan Clark widow of Win Hell in her year Interment at Newmarket Com on Monday April 2nd Dorothy infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson In Newmarket on April 2nd 1918 Gordon son of Mr aged mos and days Funeral yesterday afternoon from the residence Timothy St Cemetery Toronto on March Hannah mother of Hopper aged yrs Interred at Newmarket last Saturday fidaro At Military Hospital on Mar 30 Alexander Adare aged about 30 years Up Toronto for inter- In Scott on Saturday Mar 30 1918 Mrs Abigail Arnold mother of James Ar nold oxReeve of Scott Funeral Monday to Sandford Cemetery J lit J To Greater Wheat Production Government la Importing bushels of WHEAT to Newmarket I havo boon solo distributor of this and am Instructed to offer It at The getting to leys en tho Heathen The splendid Duty an who ga Oral Ha topic in present Com There Hotel Hope has bee If secured York extend I from Home Mr longinp was in Farm A hags which is Net Cash frco from foul of any kind It is THIS WHEAT 18 A GREAT when this 13 I can offer no EARLY I IS Order by Phono or from Carters Manning J LORD RHONDDA BRITAINS CONTROLLER SAYS FOOD The Food wanted by mankind does not exist Tile word Shortage is not strong enough The whole world is up against a nasi thing familiar to the people of India called Famine FARMING TODAY REALLY MEANS FIGHTING If you want a farm see Willoughbys Farm Agency Head Of fice at Georgetown Farms with and Implements vhllo they last all ready for Spring Work All Ready to Start With and At Acton GO acres right close in Radial minutes walk- Grand Trunk minutes walk High School across road Stock of Dairy Cows Implements 1 concern Fine Large Solid Brick House rooms furnace Ploughing done Soil sandy loam Quantity of berries in good shape Small Orchard spring creeks Fine Largo Bank Rarn good stabling Price for Farm Stock and Imple ments 51300 Will he sold immediately to wind up estate if you want it At Grand and Dairy Farm School minutes walk Station 1 mile Herd of Dairy Cow Horses Implements etc can be bought if desired Ready start spring work clay loam grand order Fall Plough ing done Ice in for summer Owner has shipped milk lo To ronto for years 3 Barns i Silos Frame House room New Upper Canada College site mile Price for quick sen down I Who Old Homestead Never Rented A Milton Yrafftlcor workable balance bush acres Orchard cellent soil Stone House rooms Good Frame Barn 32 Cow Stable Shed FirstGlass Pig Pen Large Sheep Driving House mile Church 2 miles Going to sold once for Six Days 10600 Old 175 acres Acton fl miles Township workable balance bush and pasture acres Hardwood is Boil gravelly not Solid Stone House rooms Bat Stock SCI Sam good Water in barn from III one House Sheep House School lots For quick sate Hock Implements etc can bo bought with Farm Ages BAD EOaETOVM GmsaifiTAYive St Pat The St was he A good gregati a mi ml of the suing a c and W Meet weeks Ala would the lo day is selves money trinket tings which send ti to pro Cocoa come cold ai place Thank Silver Mr their large lives Mr to this yea time known ago hale wish hope many fair Owl about street the On under girl u Off WD v Stable the 11 I bird boys Is Tell do men-

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