Watson a V it I i GQjmiy as HldM No Paper of North paid -Vw- lift ftV -V- it J I a 1 G JACKSON Editor Proprietor- your 0 1 r J COAL IS SCARCE- Y keep a room vor y comfortable at coat Clean Von can with one of so Wo can you on if bought while our present stock Justs Yon will need it next summer why not buy now and SAVE Bargain lot of 1st Quality IZnomollod Viator in While or and suffering overturning automobile on Ihe Don Mills afternoon The dead a wollkhown Nelson of Ave the owner of the oar injured arc end Dart of Oil in Quebec tonight at from severe injuries iy of the of an pJ mo Saturday final formal- in the transfer of the When thinking the gravity washes clean with loss effort others I A ml LIB THE FAINT STORE THE GOOD PAIHTO Phone NBWMARKBT A Joint Bank Account I A Joint Bank Account enables unci wife or Two members of the same family to have a Savings Account in common and make deposits and with drawals individually mm fulfilled and traduction was corn- a vory brief illness death claimed the wash of Vic toria Saturday in his year In I ho plant llu Jefferson ass Company Ave early Monday destroyed llirec brick for manufacturing and caused a loss from to The situation Quebec a more lively in- lorcHt in Toronto over the when rumors rapidly spread C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD i LATH SHI W PEARSON Order Coal from John Murphy and John CO tho main street of the The unruly in tho throng soon got the upper hand and attacks upon the effect halt local troops were sent to City Over 1 men left for One- hoc On Saturday and Sunday Torontos milk prion is to re- iiiiiin tho sum mer season Mrs was found in hid in her home at St Sunday A fee live bus Jet to have caused the fatality On Saturday the Oil ft Architect issued a to the Imperial Munitions Hoard for the erection of a ftloreft depot on Mm west side of road near St Clair Ave at art if The Flying Corps it is understood quire the When a valve struck him on side of the head Sunday in British Forcings Plant at Aslihridgos Hay Hearst was so badly injured he died an hour later Hearst was working in when a large valve wan blown from one of boilers The po lice say thai he- explosion caused by loo much steam in I boiler Death called Mrs wife of he pastor of Central Church Street east on Saturday Mrs Lance- had been down to the market in morning and on returning home was engaged in baking when she complained of pains in her head men engaged in rounding Up ab sentee from duly wore savagely attacked and badly mauled The police of the appeared powerless cheek the crowd telephoned The Chronicle office and warned the employed there that an attach on the building was pending mayor was understood to Chronicle to do the best lhv could The crowd after wrecking the newspaper offices rushed up he government offices which am in the same building with the Auditorium Theatre Men broke in the doors of the registrar on dor the Military Service Act and destroyed tho furniture and rec ords there In the excitement a stove was knocked over and Un building set on fire Troops Called Out The firemen the blaze registrars office under control hut the records there appeared to have been destroyed Many of worn thrown out of the win low into street Mayor finally de cided that was hope pacifying the mob and rend Act Tile militia were Riven orders to and wee ordered to load then rifles and III OX bayonets marched Ihrouth be street and the appearance of he Soldiers had a quieting effect on The troops made hi cordon around the Auditorium Theatre while he firemen worked to the fire under control in the seal beside her sat a was from an outsider that cheery-faced- woman Hag blue eyes Presently an J mi acquaintance took the seal S wlalTl to and an animated con- though as a tongues vcrsation ensued flew so fast one wondered bow well this Mrs It was the newcomer ventured Hie opin ion Ive got my health and strength thank the Lord re turned Mrs Its better to have an appetite and little meat than a big roast and no hunger for it Its a wonder lo mo you can smile with four in the army The enlisted the night before last He was pretty but he says to me Hut it was plain enough when Jane spoke Well how Vices it to have a in the family A soldier Leslie repealed you mean my cousin Paul She was a tilths puzzled for her cousin Paul lived in Chicago and Leslie herself had not seen him since he was eight or nine it scorned strange thai he news of his enlistment should have tra velled so far and reached girl who bad never seen him at all 1 didnt know you bad a cousin was Janes repiy I meant of course Leslie thought with amusement bow Jane was always mixing things up Paul is lie only soldier in our family is barely nineteen He doesnt The girls bent over their knit ting With an air of absorbed in terest Jane was the only to speak Oh dont you know From Era April 1 I f I at the father me sup posed of he had told you Told me what He enlisted last at the Lyric My was there and he old breakfast Leslies lips parted for anoth er denial hut she did not speak looked the girls away for dear life with strange faces Barbara who sat next her was flushed Almost upon a rose savagely Leslie turned her BANK INCORPORATED Assets Farmers given careful attention Sale Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parlies Every convenience is afforded lo Savings Depositors Small or large sums may bo deposited and interest paid on balan ces Newmarket P A Manager Banking Service THE III CANE I MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Mb tj as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Such a Pine Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames boors In Pino Fir Ash or Oak that will Intercut you Kindly us a trial l She uncoji- before doctor arrived and died within an hour of an elevator man in build- in- was erushed to death in the shaft when the ear storied acci dentally on Saturday Unique n the religious history was service Sunday evening at the Broadway Metho dist which was en tirely in charge of returned sol diers In referring to the ser vice the pastor T paid a tribute lo the men An appeal was made for SI to raise the mortgage and was received Joseph A Jackson formerly general secretary of the Provin cial Sunday School Association died suddenly on Sunday The deceased who was in bis year wr a native of County but for the past years had resided in Toronto With all bo success of former years the Festival of Lilies season was held Monday night at Hall under the auspices of the Methodist Union of Toron to There were seven Children in it under the direc tion of Mr I lew The of a street car during the rushhour Monday evening was the cause of a accident in which Ave peo ple were injured They were hanging in a cluster from the rear step of a Kelt Line car and as the trolley Van past a stand ing motor truck unfortunate five were brushed from the car steps and thrown in a heap on the street Fortunately four of the victims escaped with nothing worse than minor injuries the was seriously injured Office The Chronicle office looked as if bad been struck by a cy clone Tile presses were not badly damaged and the paper will likely come out as usual The interior of office however was lorn lo pieces I be plate glass windows partitions etc being broken into small pieces the furniture being turned upside down and all filing cases emptied the staff being Obliged to lake refuge in the rear to escape the flying fragments of glass coal ice and other missiles which came hurling from all directions from a mob of a thousand people many of whom however were merely spectators of the ravages Not a single miscreant was captured hough the mob Hah how did you know Clarence Peters lives next I door and he enlisted last night He told me Ibis morning that winlhrop was thirst man to go up and he was the second continued to knit with out speaking- but her face worked strangely For a moment she was conscious only of hurl woldcr that all the other girls should be in the secret of Win op movements while she had look away properly of Sir David Watson which was in the outer office and paraded with it at the head of the pro- cession They also took away he time clock besides smashing Up a couple of typewriters snatching off the electric wires find doing other damage By midnight quiet had been re stored but no arrests have made Quebec April The riotous faction in Quebec and the military forces which have taken over the policing of the city fought a bat tle tonight in St the low er town section of he city as a result of which three civilians were killed soldiers and four cit izens wounded and one hundred men placed under arrest The fighting lasted from till midnight and during this lime snipers fired revolvers haphazard at the military from doorways and from behind snow banks The military who fired on the disturbers with machine guns were much in lo cating ihem by reason of a thick fog which covered the city 5 IT her It right years ftl In our window SUIT of flnlbhsd Oak This ttult advertised In one of or daily on Maroli for 18 GALLED Ottawa Mar to a demand from Ilia military authorities the Military Service Council has decided to call up for service men in med ical Category under the Mili tary Service Act Category men are liable overseas but not for combatant service They are called out because of the necessity of securing men for railway construction and sim ilar service man lie corns lift out Good news rapidly and druggists here are kept busy dispensing the discovery of a man Is said to loosen any so lifts out with the fingers A quarter of an ounce very little at any store which handles druga but this Bald to bo sufficient to rid oaes feet 6t every hard or soft or callus You apply Just a few on the tender aching corn or touch callus and instantly the is relieved and soon the corn or Is so shriveled that out without palm is substance vhioh dries W- and never inflames or Irritates the surrounding skin This discovery will thousands deaths annually from lockjaw and Infection here tofore resulting from the habit of cutting corns been kept in the dark And then suddenly a new anguish stabbed her Winlhrop was going away brother was going to bo a soldier facing all uncertainties and enduring all the hardships of a soldiers life Leslie foil all once that she could not hear it Ive goi to go homo She stood up the tears streaming down her race oughtnt lo have done it Hes only nineteen and il isnt right The knitting circle broke up in disorder Jane was scolded rather unjustly thought Barbara begged to walk home with Leslie hut Leslie refused her offer She wanted to he alone and she could not talk of what had happened not even to Bar bara As she hurried homeward thoughts ran in a dizzy circle was not fair was not Leslies mother had died before and perhaps was one reason why she and were closer than most brothers and sisters They had a way of talking things over that threw a wonderfully illuminating light on a many questions Leslie could not imagine home without To her surprise he was sitting in the library when she came in She did not need to ask him for confirmation of the news and when he turned and looked at nor he realized that a hard ask had been spared him He heaved sigs Leslie Im sorry I didnt ell you myself I tried to this morn ing but I couldnt seem to got it out She flung into his arms with a smothered wail oh I I cant sen why you did it You didnt have logo Dont Leslie There was a sound in his voice us if he would have loo if- he had not fought against breaking down The thought of yon held me back longer than it should done I think the worhl of ypu Leslie but you ought to know that my country comes first It was a gloomy household that evening Leslie could not eat her dinner She lay in her room and cried Winthrop brought her up some soup hut she turn ed her face to thewall choke she sobbed She did not leave the bouse the next day and refused to see who came the af ternoon Hut the next morning she dressed herself end waul down to buy wool If w to be a soldier lie must bave al ininjjfi a toMlar oefds- Vetera and a Or he ftays for your own sake dont let it be- said that one of your was a coward couldnt say no to him after that The woman across the aisle shook her head And yet you go about looking as cheerful a if youd come into money I cant understand it Ill tell you then Mrs voire rang out I have got live as brave sons as ever trod in shoe leather and it would he a sad pity if the moth er of such a lot were no better a coward The woman Coward is a hard word for a mother who looks on when she sees her own flesh and inarching off into danger A true words often a hard word replied Mrs In these days the mothers use one kind of courage and the boys Theres no coward blood in my live and I have it said that that was because they look after their fathers family Theyre putting on soldiers uniforms and Im go ing lo wear a smile Heed Ive ml something smile about Think what if Id a son who was a slacker There are mothers heart just aches for and they are the ones who are ashamed of their boys the department store where she bought her wool Leslie caught sight of herself in the mirror In less than hours her face had grown pinched and wan eyes were swollen from long weeping and were ring about with dark circles Les lie surveyed herself critically and with disfavor Up till ihe pres ent she had been of the opinion that pallor and teardimmed eyes Were very suitable in a whose only brother had enlisted Now she saw it a different light needed one sort of courage and she another It was a pity if while boy of the family was a hero his sister should he a coward When Winlhrop came in for dinner he entered with lagging steps Leslie and unter here she called See if you think its going to lit She held up a knitted strip a couple of inches wide affected lo be sorely puz zled Looks as much like a book mark as anything unless its a necktie Its a sweater in embryo and its going lo keep you amv a hug in a rug Now sit down and lets talk The smiling cheerful alert Leslie was the picture Winthrop was In carry away wilh him for that Was the Leslie be saw every day ill his departure and lhal was the Leslie who stood waving her handkerchief and when her regiment marched past on its way to Ihe station There was ache her heart but her resolutely cheerful expression gave no hint of it There were tears welling somewhere ley were choked back The smile she wore was uniform for the sister of a soldier and she meant to be worthy of The Canadian McOco Was assas sinated at Ottawa on Tuesday morning The Minister of Militia ask ing for in the estimates this year Dr Ford of Saratoga stopping- for a few days with soninlaw Mr Chns The are adding worth of hooks to the School Library The now postal regulations permit manuscript copy for the newspapers to pass through the mails with a onecent stamp pro vided Idlers are not scaled Married March 31 by Mr John Willis of to Miss Isabella of the Con of King Died Very suddenly on March wife of Mr Edward of King From Era April AY I following were home for Easter Mrs Nile a Miss Mary Campbell Miss Flo Miss Jennie Mr Phil Cane Dr Fred Cane Mr Fred ami wife Mrs J Harder accom panied by her cousin Miss Mr Gardner Mr Arthur Low Mr Fred Lloyd Mr Walt Mr Geo Mr Amos Dodds all of Toronlo were home for Easier Mr Oscar Pretty of Bradford Mr Mood of SI Catharines Mr Edgar of Kingston Mr Geo of Markham were all home for Easter Mr left for the North on Tuesday night Mr J P Belfry aifd family spent Good Mrs W and son of Detroit were guests of Mrs over Easter Mr Heap of the Ontario Hank staff spent Easter at Lind say Mr A Davidson P In spector has been elected delegate lo the General Assembly by Toronto Presbytery Mr FA Slouffer Toronto assisted the Methodist Choir oil Easter Sunday At the close of the service in SI Pauls Church last Friday ev ening Mr J Downs was made he recipient of a Salisbury trav elling bag in recognition of his services as choirmaster Mr and Mrs Downs accompanied by Mr T left for the Old Country on Tuesday Mr Frank Kavanagh won a Gold Medal at a Business Col lege in Toronto for general pro ficiency at the Easter exams Dr Carman In the Methodist Church last Monday night The Bicycle Concert on Wed nesday night was a great success Miss Flo Mr W Ramsay and the Banjo Club were the drawing cards The bouse of Mr Stephen Wal lace was burglarized on Sunday night while the occupants were church Miss Penrose who left for Brandon on Tuesday night was given a farewell surprise by the Templars The second rifle match between King and Whitchurch last Wed nesday aflernoon for the Cham pionship was a victory for King This makes it a lie At he Easter Vestry Meeting in St Pauls Church on Monday night Messrs A Hoc and E wore appointed War dens Sidesmen T J Robert son W T If lon L Price Keith and J A Burgess Altar he residence Of the brides father on April Rev Grant of Toronto to Miss Hannah J Cody of Newmar ket On March Ihe residence of the brides father Mr Wright of to Miss Mary A Mortimer of King April Friends Meeting House St Mr Jos Pol- lord of Norwich to Miss of Whitchurch March at residence bride Mr John Wesley of King to Miss Maud Trent of Whit church Schomborg March Paris Mar 30 Thirtythree American and Canadian lelepnodu girls who speak English and French equally well have just ar rived to operate the switchboards in the various army headquarters They have been divided between the principal army centres Paris Gen Pershings headquarters in the field and the Hues of communication Amor lean officers have been pleasant wife of J J S surprised when taking up lueand daughter of Mr Sidney receiver to hear the fa miliar f Number please or Lines busy instead of Ihe usu al French equivalent All lie girls are provided with a colored skirt and blouse and a dark blue hat with the orange and white cords of the corps to which they have been at ached A while their rank If he experi ment girl operators proves is understood that more III tie brought over from Amor tea in her year Markets Keys Potatoes Hay Chicken a pair CASTOR I I TORONTO