Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1918, p. 5

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mm -v- 1 I I Frank DhcMUi AND COLLECTOR Dr WllWncon- Muin and Newmarket v 1 1 J Cor nor GI1AG A TERRY Dentist Office in Hank Bids NEWMARKET Crown and Vtferk Great Given to Plato IPJorU nppol Undo I FRED in I Form Protuo Vary good market last and quite ft lot In town principal commodities offer ed were and chick ens Butler Hold from 48to eggs all the way from to and dressed chickens from to Hi I J Feb Dr J Graduate In Medicine of Toronto I also Licentiate of l member of the Royal College Of Surgeons of clinical assistant in Bye Hospital and iiy Collide Nose Throat Hospital London England Telephone no Hours- 46 AND Park Adjoining Office BERT GREEN AND PAPER Ardon Ave 2nd house from St Phono I Box 401 A Teacher of Piano Voice and Int Dealer in all of Musical Instruments Piano Tunlnfl Apeni for Columbia and I Prompt I GEO Notary TORONTO AND NEWMARKET Toronto flOi Dominion Bank Bui Id lag Telephone Main Over Billiard Parlor Will be on Saturdays Until further MONEY LOAN of from 100 Died In i In Vancouver on after an ox lending over a period of thun the death occurred of A beloved wife of Mr Gray Deceased who formerly on St near had been a resident of Vancouver for almost years was a sister of MIhh K lic- school teacher in Newmarket for yearn Urlcnoto the shade trees are coin- illg down in all parts of the town converted into lire wood Jhe Morrison farm on the cnr ilor of the Town Line and 3rd of Hast iwillinibury has changed hands again Mr Hamilton at Die North- End being recent J P can place you on a farm this Spring or little Phone him See J P Dennes list of bargains on thin page Money in Orchards Whin Proper Planted and Cared For j BACKYARD PAYS 7r THE Our arc going Over top Into No rannflland thin a aft fi farm No any doubt of abillly to get there There will bo a spring drive on this of the March is the years Mon day It Is most month of yilar March and April is a vhen usually is at lowest ebb It a trying season for the rundown j 1 w man But modical science steps in British Columbia Washington O says it need not be I Wo should and California cultivate a of health of for care of our bodies Bo not allow the machinery of body to clog Put stomach and In roper condition Br olden Medical Discovery to bo had most ilriig in- tanlet or liquid form tablets fifty cents a Vial com posed of native herbs This puts tho Stomach and liver in proper condition You be plodding along no no elasticity no vim nut soon as you have put the body into its normal physi cal condition machinery as It were you will find now vhn vigor I and vitality within you A little pop and wo laugh ana live Try It now Dr Tierce Buffalo or branch office JOc for trial The prime necessity of is health With spirit and power to force action The Golden Medical Die- very la tho spring which you need Lyman issuer of Marriage Licenses At Kra Office Newmarket Office Private- issued at private if desired NEWMARKET NARBLEWORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere I CUT BUILDING punpoaEs I Kipt in stock and Made to Order YORK AND QRANITE Penny The reports from all the in Canada for the months November and arc now issued and we ore to Hint the boys and girls of have a good record in comparison with oilier places The monthly deposits averages as follows Auroru Barrio 1 80 Lindsay I Co Oflhuwa Newmarket Port Hope per pu pil The deposits York County were the average of all Canada 23c The Penny Hank is serving useful purpose in thrift among the pupils Court fames of King left in in cash and 100 in other effects Mis wife and daughter inherit most of the His watch which was presented lo by a congregation was left lo his gland nephew Fergus To his daughterinlaw Maria widow of his son Norman the deceased loft and to his wife Mrs the household goods and the money in hank Mrs is also to receive income from the for life and on her death michael a granddaughter inher its Should she have died first the will directs that the estate be given- to the Theological Fac ulty of Queens Kingston of A After a long illness Arthur It Webster died at his home Spruce Hill To ronto on Thursday of last week lie was a son of tho late Stephen and was born in Newmarket but lived in To ronto since infancy He well known in the east end as a builder and plumber The funeral look place on Saturday to Nor way Cemetery The house lie died in was built for him On Spruce Hill when that district was thickly wooded Mr Webster owned and operated the large moving picture show and apartment house at the cor nel- of Beech Avenue and Queen Our Toronto Lett on Expert Feeding of the Marc and Foal Contributed by Ontario Department of Asrloulturo Toronto PLANTING of commer cial In Province of Ontario Is high ly desirable for Ontario Is not producing enough good for homo supply but Im ports annually from Nova Scotia Production In Ontario Is likely to fall off still more because no com mercial planting is being Very few commercial orchards boon sot out In tufa province alnco Of thousands of young trees cot In tho bloom years of to 1911 a largo proportion aJready passed out of existence Probably not moro than of plant ed during those years will figure In commercial production or fai lure and cortalnlynot than of thorn are and receiving attention today homo orchard will never again bo an important factor In com- morclal applo production in vinco It is not largo enough to bo worth In seasons when scab control when prices aro down of a heavy crop return from email orcharda not largo enough to Justify tho ex pense and Half Involved When con ditions unfavorable small or chard passes quickly Into a of neglect this Is why growing In Ontario Is at such low ebb at present Fruit Is an essential part of diet While It is true that In case of ne cessity people can without It It Is also truo that health Buffers and nutritional complaints much moro general in tho abconco from After nn nilday trial and live hours consideration the jury In the Ses sions on Friday Dr J Johnston was found of performing- an il legal radon on a married voinan He was remanded for sentence until the end of Hie Sessions and for was admitted to ball of Vra taker chief witness for the Crown J ft iSffUVSffi moat useful fruit of temperate convicted in the Sessions of a serious went violently InRiine shortly before midnight Friday and had he removed to the Hospital af ter she had made three attempts on her life Carrie Montgomery of Mr Win Montgomery of Den nis was Instantly killed on Saturday morning while she was taking a short cut to work across the P It tracks She was struck by the engine of a passenger train Mrs I Cross aged i0 years who roomed with her sister at Street was found asphyxiated her room Monday night The gas was pouring from a small burner on which Blood a kettle After she had lit the stove the plumber turned off the gas for repairs while lying down turned it on again which caused her death Miss Dorothy Stevenson of Has sle Avenue was instantly killed shortly after midnight Sunday when an auto In which she was riding with a party Of friends was struck by a street ear The accident occurred on Queen St east at the corner of Jockwood Ave ex School Reports xono and from standpoint of pub lic health Its culture should not ho neglected Prof J Crow On tario Agricultural College SI He was in his year buying Designs In Monuments All Hinds of Cemetery Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO see before elsewhere AH kinds of Stones Order Memorial Tablets for kept In JOHN O and Importer- of Foreign and GRANITKS AND Phone Besides his wife Elizabeth Steele whom he married in de ceased leaves one son in France Sapper Cecil Webster who was wounded another son in Fiance Jack and Mrs Eraser a daughter Mr Webster of Ottawa is a brother and Mrs and Mrs Jordan are the surviving sisters Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties i See the Bathroom at the Shop THK LEADING i OSBORHB ft 80HS i fit Johns Special music and sermon on St Patrick in St Johns Church next Sunday At am Mass the following selected will be rendered Bonner Offertory Mater Bonner Agnus Dei Bonner Champion Saint All Hail Evening Service oclock Vespers Plain Chant Sermon The Life and Vir tues of St Patrick Hymn All Praise lo St Pat rick Gounod Holy God we Thy Lenten Services hold every Wednesday and Friday evening On tho latter evening the devo tions of a contemplative na ture Prayers commemorating the impressive scenes in the ria dolorosa and between the Choir renders ono stanza of the Stabat Mater This hymn is a touching classical sequence and commemorates with deep pathos Virgin Mary standing at the foot of the cross rich devotional sweetness combined with the soft plaintive melody of its Latin rhythm and rhyme classes it as the queen of sequences 1 School Report For the Month of February V Class Marks possible Dorothy Fox Ethel Dove IV Class Marks possible Kenneth Mount Arthur Fox Olive Mount Dora Wood Beatrice Levis Bert Hazel Dove 702 Aubrey Wood A III Class Marks possible 1 Gladys Burling Frank Burling Jack Davis Burling Hobble Edna Hunt Kenneth ration Class Marks possible Dorothy Pax ton Grace Burling Gladys Lewis Gertie Bur ling Elsie Warren I Class Marks possible Ruth Edwards Alma Burling Hunt Lewis Melville Campbell Primer Number of Stars Donald Howard Vio let West Many of the pupils absent during part of the month on account of sick ness p Clunas Teacher Saskatoon March J Ash- downs wholesale hardware house was totally destroyed by fire Sunday morn ing at Loss to stock i Of Care of Pregnant The pregnant mare should be well fed and given regular exercise or light work All food and water given should bo of flrfltflafls quality She given moro grain than the nonpregnant mare as she has her foutuu to support All care should bo obaerved to avoid everything con sumed ehould bo of quality digested fed In proportion to the amount of performed ani at regular Intervals In addition to hay and oats bo a few raw roots dally and a feed of bran lili a cupful of linseed meal at least twice weekly Work that requires excessive mus cular or respiratory effort bo avoided so should plunging through deep snow slipping etc AH nervous excitement should be avoid ed bo should Bights which frighten also offensive odors and operations iiso of drugs should not bo tolerated except upon of a voterinarlan If necessary to give a purgative It Is much safer to glvo raw linseed oil than aloes Towards end of pregnancy still greater care should bo observed and while daily up to very last Is advisable it should be given carefully and less of It when she be comes somewhat clumsy on account of and weight While It is better to allow her a box stall when In stable at all times It is practically necessary af ter about the tenth month of gesta tion as the period of gestation Is Irregular and the foal may be born without any wellmarked symptoms any time after ten months After foal is born mare should bo given at least two weeks Idleness and If she can be allowed to run idle until weaning time It will bo all better for both herself and foal Ontario Agricultural College Tfia above Council Cat sirongfl Hotel King City oh Saturday the day of February Members were and min utes of last meeting read- and con firmed Several communications were re ceived and read Council In committee of the whole on Bills and Accounts Mr McMurohy In the chair The following bills were presented and ordered paid Stanley Cain grant Townllne King and Vaughan Wra Hoover 1 yds gravel James Thompson Statute Labor Municipal World stationery supplies Resolutions That the he Instructed to pay to the Sterling Bonk of Canada on behalf of Held of being esti mate of Frank Barber Engineer of Sloan Bridge In with In structions from his assistant Fred Christie That the Trees place to the credit of Muni cipality sum of the same being for Cement Tile sold Phillips McCutcheonKaakc That the of West half of Lot 27 in the the West quarter of Lota 26 and in the ConccaBlon of the Township of King on behalf of Stevens and Go be approved on condition that the bo not responsible for repairs and iiiufnlancnco or any thereon of the road way until auch time as Is the opinion of the Township authorities they will be warrented In accepting he same the seal of the Corporation be hereto affixed KaakeMcCutChcon Hie be to pay Luke Auckland the sum of as part of execution of work performed on road on order Issued by the Clerk on account returned on Statute Labor That Joseph Web- be appointed Sheep Valuator In Division No In lieu of Wray That this Council pay and Lennox the sum of for services In full of account UP to Jan That this Council accept the offer 0CC for printing and stationery for the year That the Auditors Report of Hie Treasurers Account for the year ending Dec be and Is hereby received and adopted and that Clerk be author to have the usual number printed That this Council pay the Auditors and A the sum of each in full for services On motion Council adjourned to meet at Hotel on Saturday March at a in WHAT WE OFFER YOU WHY WE WANT YOU TO BUY BIG MONEY IN FARMING I Solid Farm With Acres Fall Wheal 3 Acres Hardwood Bush Brick House rooms Good Cellar New Garage School Acres workable Acres Orchard Bank Barn Good Stabling Driving House Windmill Hen House Church miles Acton miles Good Live Town of people Has Electric and Steam Roads 12 Good Roads for Motoring For Gale to Wind up At a Bargain AcresChinguacousy acres workable balance Bush and Pasture acres Orchard Church across road School half mile Mono Road miles Rural Mail and Phone acres Kail Wheat Fall Ploughing Done Soil Clay Loam free from stone Plenty of Water Spring and Well Farm nearly level acres Fresh Seeding Solid Brick House rooms Frame Barn Frame Pig Pen Implement Shed Possession on 1st of April Price down balance arranged Farm With acres Good Bush Beech and Maple Brampton miles acres workable Soil Clay Loam Fall Ploughing Done Every thing ready for Spring Solid Brick House rooms Bank Barn Good Stabling Driving Shed House and Silo Rural Mail and Telephone Terms Arranged Mason Homestead Acres All workable 3 acres Orchard Fran House Bank Barn 66x48 School half mile Price Lino Farm on Good Gravel Road Between Pool and Walton Counties acres well situated miles all workable 2 acres Orchard Soil Clay Loam Solid Brick House 8 rooms Three Frame Barns Driving House and Pig Pen School lots Good reasons for selling BUY NOW if you want it Price cash balance arranged Stock and Grain Form Acres Hornby or Plenty of water for slock Fine Large Solid Brick House acres workable 2 acres Orchard Soil gravelly loam Frame Barn No No Pig Pen Silo and Wind mill School y mile Church mile Possession April 1st Price cash Back to Erin For a Stock and Grain Farm of 250 Acres Half mile- loPeacock School Erin Village miles acres workable Bank Barns Silos Frame House rooms Price 1500 cash balance arranged j P NEWMARKET of Wllloughby Farm cii 1 I m 7 too FINE Belleville March Justice Rose Imposing sentence In the case- of who was found of seditious stated It was difficult to decide whet punish ment should be meted in this case The Jury had made a recommendation for leniency and a largely signed pe tition hud been presented on behalf of the accused In view of these he would act ac cordingly and he hoped that it would deter others from making statements of a seditious nature especially at this time when the country was involved in war He thought the ends of Justice would be met if he imposed a fine large enough to make him realize the gravity of the offence He Imposed a line of eO HOUSTON WOMAN PILOT complete outfit Easy Tolls why a corn to painful and them grow Press an elcclrio button and you form contact with a live wire which rings the boll When your shoes press against your corn it pushes its sharp roots down upon a sensitive nerve and you got the shock of pain Instead trimming your corns merely makes them grow just step into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of Title cost you very little but is sufficient to re move every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a tender aching corn stops the soreness instantly and soon tho corn shrivels up so it Hits right out root and all without pain This drug Is inflames or the surrounding akin Vacant Lot Gardening majority of tho horticultural societies In this province accom plished great things with their vacant lot propaganda In the cities of To ronto and Ottawa alone many acres have been cultivated Ottawa reports over acres from which bushels of valuable garden products been garnered in con dition interested in horticul ture in Toronto through Vacant Lot Gardening Association have also done a splendid work and in a largo report Issued by the super Geo Baldwin states Number of Iota under cultivation dur ing all well cultivated Number of soldiers and soldiers fami lies working lots Average size of lots square feet ell marked with sign board Package of seeds provided of which GOV were paid for Several churches hospitals homes girl guides boy Ecouts included in lot holders Ono lot looked after by a returned soldier who lost both his legs another by a man with only one band The condition of both these lots would shame those woo are not thus seriously handicapped All gar dens ore inspected once a week and reminders sent to those who neglect their plots The crops produced have a value of at a moderate Wilson Department of Toronto London March Three decisions of great Importance to labor been been arrived at in the last hours The first Is the announcement that the Government has decided to proceed the of cool miners the second is the agreement the machinists which it is hope1 will bring about In recruiting additional men for the army from their ranks and the third is the averting of Ihe threatened strike of tramway and bus em ployees by an of In weekly over the figurj that was paid before the war Houston Post Galveston Texas Feb A Houston woman has joined the great army of merchant ship handlers which Uncle Sam needs to win the war against the kaiser Mrs Griffin 20S Clifton St I Houston appeared before the United Slates local inspectors of steam ves sels Saturday morning to take the ex amination for second class pilot on steamers of gross tons and under According to Captain Decker In charge of the office here she passed a galls- factory examination and was given her license which specified that she is capable of operating steamers of lids tonnage on the Houston ship channel Mrs Griffin is the first woman to ever receive a license as a pilot through the Galveston offices according to Captain Decker and is one of the few women in the United Slates who has ever stood the examination for tho work There arc several women who pilot steamers on the Mississippi river according to the the New Orleans offices have granted sev eral ports on the have very few women capable of operating vessels New York has one and there probably arc one or two more on the Atlantic seaboard but are exceptional Mrs husband conducts a sand business using steam lugs and barges to convey the sand over the Houston- ship channel Mrs Griffin has obtained her license So to be able to handle them or even larger ones should the occasion require Mrs Griffin is a sister of Mrs c J Draper of Cedar View Farm at Kes wick Peterboro men cut ice in Gold lake between four and five feet thick You Get This Outfit Ten selections on five double disc records your own choice TOTAL COST We Deliver Ihe Outfit Immediately Only paid ft Genuine Columbia mahogany or golden- oak 300 needles loud and soft special libre needles Phono 30 Tit A i I GRAY a used as directed is to restore gray hair to Its natural color or refunded Write On la at Situs Now Is the Time to Buy that New Car The is one of the Best Cars made for Ihe price and Manufactured only fifty miles from home It is a complete automobile It has Lights and Start er Demountable Rims TopTilted Windshield Speedom eter Tire Carrier and other Details of Now if you are thinking of buying this Spring dont buy till see the New Models you Car Baby Wall Gar 1Ku WlOWrO AGENTSHAMILTON BROS And Watt j of or TORONTO I I Ail KB iTi ffjfc arf 2 t evi

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