Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1918, p. 3

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Hi tf Institute Newmarket will llioir meeting at homo of Mrs Penrose Thursday spc- Methodist mooting look place Tuesday Purson- Miss and Mrs gave moot I was adjournal girls engaged sewing to in wood the I dninly refreshments was decidedly Farmers Club Another program isleing 1 wiling next Sal afternoon oclock Hall Invited Mr Kills ami Dairy A re no I Miss of Womens the Bureau of Labor Pent of will address toe meeting and by Ian- lore slid in in whloli the ladies it is expected that tor of Farm will be in five an address record action r overrun pairs Of the of lio War Baking and Candy lie ftfiernoon in ib6basomont of the by Class known Busy Department furnished very Interesting pro gram OnMonday evening The subject was With the Indiana on no Pacific Next Alohdny evening there will ban short Irish program after which there will bo games and urged to attend and bring a friend A small charge wilt bo defray expenses The orik the Alain ami and the Bank expects to move the 8hOW j He renter Production Conir of I In Hoard of Trade has secured Ihv prof Baldwin F Toronto give a Series of views of successful Harden Plots tell how lo grow vegetables for in the Town Hall com mencing at oclock sharp this Friday evening An and profitable evening is promised both old and young Tlic Food roller says New- Musi Itself lids meeting and see how il can be d L Christian Sunday In Bpflc of the weather last Nihility we had a linn attendance ami the usual interest manifested in all department Next Sunday is Hie monthly Missionary flan lo especially the Aih Hie last session it was voted to send for Foreign Mission work Sunday March is to lie observed Day in our school You are very cordially Invited lo attend our if not going in town dome and Join will us each after Theres a class walling you Coin On Way Homo Word has been received that a Newmarket hoy who has done is on the way homo Fred Penrose who enlisted with the Ill and went lo with three years ago next month re ceived his discharge papers on tile- of February and expects to reach home on Tuesday of next week Winn Fred first went into the trenches he had bis band badly burned with liquid lire After he was shocked three limes with shells the last lime being buried and had be dug out He was sent lo Hos pital on the of March last year and has been in various sim ilar institutions ever since He sail for home first week in March ami told bis not to send any more letters All his friends here will glad sec him back again on Won of hi the official Casualty List on Tuesday appears name of Stanley Mortimer of Newmarket as killed in action He has been missing for some time and was hoped thai he might be a prisoner and life bo spared family resided on Queen St East for some years They came from and a sister married lo Proctor fit with whom the resides A A brother lives on St and another brother in To ronto father Mr Mortimer died a year or two ago Stanley was of age with the two yours js on Man Most of was splendidly Miss Laura Miss Dorothy favored In usual manner with SthersV Members aro asked tphand lions the topic to Miss ev ening lhe Christian is the best place lo spend an hour Tuesday OyenngCom There are by iiomo loss Mi Kxc- faring tiro SplitLog is found to ho of the most Usef for this purpose It in many Van the rural this holing kept in a I The so us Y P G The address given lo the Young People Monday evening was by Rev Par- Guild very much indeed The feels indebted lo Ml Par for kindness and hopes we may have the pleas of hearing Mr Parry again Monday evening the intends liohlin a St Patricks Social A splendid full of all sorts of is being prepared and we liopn everybody will come and a Our St Pat ricks Socials are famous for the Jim provided for everyone personality a Utile belter an ever For an admission fee will you bring one rent foe every lit in your lull name such as Mary Smith who have very long names special- invited to be presenl Dont Patriotic A Itfiielll is to be given the lied Cross and Field Com forts Societies in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening next through kindness of Mr J It The baritone soloist Mr JCIIison was born in Glasgow Scotland music al London Academy and has sung in leading roles in Musical Comedy in Loudon ond principal roles in Grand Opera Australia and America Speaking of a similar Recital in the Times says Mr is a wonderful en tertainer of the Harry Lauder typo and is equally at home in song or story His every appear ance was enthusiastically ap plauded by the audipneo which filled the building The skeptics and musiclovers were entertained in a marvellous manner by Glen Ellison and an Phonograph Mr Ellison for his first number sang Irving Berlins ballad When I Leave the World Behind in di rect comparison with his own voice recreated on an Edison record and repro duced faithfully by the truly won derful Edison reproducer At limes I ho artist stopped singing and it was difficult at times im possible to distinguish between the real voice and the recreated voice of the singer It was as if there were two Glen Ellisons one within Hie cabinet and one without The two voices were one His singing with bis re created voice of Make Up Your Mind Maggie a hu morous selection brought down the house When the Bonnie Purple is Blooming and Nan ny sung by Mr Ellison with his recreated voice won such a hearty encore thai be responded with the humorous recitation The I Kissed on Stairs and again with Somewhere a Voice is Galling as a duet with the Edison of bo solo Annie j as sung by Anna Case won applause and Mr Ellison sang My Bonnie Bonnie Mean In response lo applause be re- Kiplings If in a masterly manner It is a wonderful thing even in age of scientific wonders an instrument recreating a human voice that is right there beside it now singing with it and the singer now listening to it thrill- Id by consciousness of a alrnosl a dual personality mis- ibis I ins I The sharp I be Jltl two weeks from Good Fri day Many town yards bad the of miniaturj rinks on Wednesday morning aft aw of the previous day Sunday is decision Day he Methodist Sunday School A snowstorm accompanied by eavy gal interfered consid- vith the traffic on the Metropolitan last Saturday and evening The train Monday did Uo down until Koppcif down in last Thursday ior was taken away in weigh for repairs the next day revivor Saturday ho which has without for or more Must slogan of ho Board of BRACELET WATCHES OUR STOCK Is now at J ITS VERY BEST A to Please Christian The Work of Newmarket is ev ery dojiarlmimt Our services for Hie past two months have been held ow ing lo the fuel but It jh expected we will return Id Hie church auditorium on March The has been a pleas ure the best yet for these servi ces and will doubtless considerably when we return the auditorium An blower is being in stalled this month for the Pipe Organ to replace the watermo tor This wijl be quite an im provement The organ will bo tuned also so as to in good condition for our special Easier building is to be rewired to conform with the latest regu lations of the electric light in spector We are indeed pleased to know how generously and how quickly the congregation respond and raised between four and live hundred dollars for these purposes during last few weeks shows what a united people- we have and fine spirit prevails Our Pastor Alva Bag- by since coming to us last July has done good work and is spok en of very highly by everyone His sermons are Hue and not only practical and interesting but in spiring We wont forget very soon the splendid missionary ad dress of two weeks ought to all do more for this worthy cause also increase our offerings in that other half of Chose Duplex Envelopes wo have been using since New Years Next Sunday March I the spe cial Foreign Missionary Offering is to bo taken An Extension Committee been formed by the pastor con sisting of about members for furthering the general work here Already results arc coming and all seem willing lo help to what ever way deemed advisable The Ladies Aid and Missionary Society are still continuing I heir good work hut there is room for more ladies yet- in these two branches Christian Endeavor Socie ty are holding interesting meet ings and arc striving lo accom plish the standards set by the United Society An en joyable meeting was hold at the home of Deacon F W Kelly Sec ond Si on Feb when games and refreshments were after wards enjoyed by the young peo ple The evening also compris ed a The Junior are again starling their meetings on Saturday afternoons afler two months holidays We have a strong Sunday School which continues to advance in numbers and efficiency Our attendance frequently runs to and the Primary and Begin ners will soon require enlarged rooms as the average for the little tots has been about with on the roll These with their six teachers bad a and lea one day recently report a delightful time The pastor is to a new Training Class while are being made for De cision Day March and for Easter Sabbaths program At the last monthly business meet of the teachers- and officers was voted to send for For eign Missions Quite a number of our church people are discussing the propos ed union of the denomination that of the Disciples We shall look forward with interest to the outcome of the Conference at Norfolk Virginia between our people and theirs and believe union advisable us hear from others on this important subject arrange- ii dry sound red cedar log the best material for Jhc woods being usually too for- lifts purpose The Jog should by from seven to eight feet 16nj ton to twojvo in dlameteV awn down middlo The heaviest slab- should bo selected for the centre both flat Nicies- to the front and sol on edgesthirty giving the- back half a of 16 inches at end so thut when dragis dravu along at aifanglo parallel to ditphOnjthp Side of the road the end of the back half will he directly behind the frgnl half as otherwise the ditch end of tho rear slab would stick out past the ditch end of the front plan crowding into the hank and interfering the proper working of the dragi Two crosspieces wedged in twoinch auger holes bored through labs and on the right baud side a piece of scant ling inserted between the of the slabs This is of great value in strengthening and stif fening the end of the frout slab In working a clay or gumbo roailit is advisable to put iron on the lower edge of both flat sides Handles may be attached lo a piece of iron similar to a piece of wagon lire the irons lo be hinged to the back of each end of the front slab By pressing the handles the drag could be raised thus depositing a load of dirt which is desired to 111 a hollow or increase the crown at some particular spot A platform of inch together by three cleats should be placed on the slakes between the slabs These boards should be spaced at least an inch apart to allow any earth that may heap up and fall over the front slab to sift through upon the road again end cleats should be placed so that Ihey will not rest upon the cross slakes but drop inside hem These deals should extend about inch be yond the width of the platform An extra weight may ho added if necessary but is seldom needed To use the drag attach chain to the left cross piece which is lnhiinl the front slab running the other end of the chain through the hole in the front slab near the right end It is a mistake hi hook this end of the chain over the front slab as in the case of the other end for when the drag strikes a stone or snag is great danger of toppling forward With the right end of the chain drawn through the hole in the slab as suggested this danger is entirely obviated The operation of the drag is very simple though tiore are many line points that may be learned by experience For or dinary smoothing purposes the drag may bo drawn up and down the road one or two rounds com mencing at edge and working toward the centre Usually it is drawn an angle of about degrees For the last stroke or IwZ the drag may ho drawn back ward with the round side of slab to I he- front and with com paratively little angle There are two stages when roads will drag and one when you cannot do a job satisfactorily The first stage is when they are in a very sloppy condition in the spring or in other seasons after a heavy rain A road may then be shaped up wonderfully well and after the surface has a chance to dry a little before it is cut up with traffic it will make a smooth fine road Dragging at this stage Oils rut and sends the water to the ditches After this soft stage comes a sticky stage when the mud will roll up under the drag and the road can not he reduced to a satisfactory condition After this again when the surface approaches a crumbly texture the drag may be used very satisfactorily Hosiery DopaMrnpht of We carry Present Time from to Pali on many of buy yy no being QltOtaitaftJfMrf Oaf Boots and for Men Wto- menandibhjldren We and 1 I I ft The Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Wid- Wednesday Mar 20 at be given Oil the WH by MisS ii The lied Cross Committee wish- to have all theknilllng in at IJiis meeting Inaejni March The of life Pa cific Steamship Company was wreck ed near Hawk Inlet cannery onlay afternoon according lo word re ceived hero last All of the her are reported and were expected to reach here to day the Sophia Whether the vcsBel Is a total loss is not known HOW8 THIS There Is more In this sec tion of the country than all other dis eases put together and for years It was supposed to bo incurable Doctors prescribed local remedies and by con stantly falling to cure with treat ment pronounced It Incurable Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires constltlonal treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is a con stitutional remedy is taken internally and thru the on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any cast that Catarrh Cure fails to cure Send for circulars and testimonials P J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills School Reports Report of Union Ho Kino and Whitchurch to t New A Spring Wash Goods Direct from York Fancy Plaid and Paddy Green Navy and Gold and Satin Stripes Fancy White la Floral and Fancy Stripes- Fancy Silks for Separate Skirts Stripes Fancy Suiting In Basket Weave Shades of Rose Tan and White u Will TV OF CANADA CAPITAL UP Till la lbs demand today a loon to fic3lciicatcd our local KataaUTjUl BRANCH SMYTH Manager For month of February Class Emily Haines Nellie Lewis Laura Cosfbrtl Chester Wood Lewis Jr Class Alice Dorothy MacMain Ill Class Edward Lewis Emily Ernest Cook Carl Clarence Pottage Walter Baldwin Hose Free man Jr ill Class llarryWelnsleln and Brown Until Walker Owens Dorothy lauiay Wood Ida Marshall Doane Viola Brown Eleanor Hill Newton Jr II Class Kvelync I Glass Marjory Lunncy Gordon Douglas I Class Clifford Walker Francos Leonard Owens Mildred Walker Primer Junior Ernest Hank Leslie Drown Lawrence Primer Charlie Cook Phyllis J Fletcher Teacher THE POLICYHOLDER Owns Company Huns Company and Shares In tho Profits ti mm You should your protection at COST Write for Particulars CHANTLER NEWMAJRKET Keep lb Piece ant end to In Atkinson Co EVACUATION March The evacu ation of continues the whole of the Government has gone to Moscow The Institutions are removing the material as rapidly as trains are prepared Day and night motor trucks laden with every manner of thing thrown together in riotous confusion type- writers and machine guns mattresses and bombs move towards the rail road station following the street car tracks lo ovoid heavy banks of accumulated snow in rapidly becoming an empty shell is that already more of a people In cluding sailors civilians and foreigners have departed Because tiittv a mouths to feed situation Is better than it has been in Pru aids And She Soon Got Back Now Caule left me tun down no appetite could not rest at night and I took a cold which on was unable to keep about my house work My doctor me to take and six bottles restored my health bo I do all my housework In cluding washing is the best medicine I ever Record 437 St Hew Castle Vfc guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic Vinol for ill weak conditions J Patterson Druggist the Best Druggists in all towns Miss Gertrude tho weekend in Toronto with sister Clarice Mr Fred Ellison went lo To ronto Monday Mr spent Saturday and Sunday in Queen City Mrs Davis was taken to the Hospital Monday evening She has been sick for sonic time bad not been doing as well she should Wo hope for a speedy recovery Quite a number of our burg have gone to the Hospital in the last two weeks among them be ing Mrs Job Kitchen Mr once Marchant Mr Hry- don and Mr Stephen Leonard Jr We hope they will soon all be well enough to return to our rnidst again topic for the Methodist next Sunday at pm is tho Fifth Word of tho Cross AH are welcome Mr and Mrs Osborne spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Lyons About to people attended the Silver Wedding of Mr and Mrs last Friday most of whom were at the wedding years ago including Mrs of Maple A very enjoyable time was spent and the company left many beautiful souvenirs of the occasion iOOO VIVIAN Hero we are once more March showed himself on Sun day Mr Angus Campbell loaded a car of potatoes last week Mrs Staunton of Peter borough is visiting per parents over the weekend Mr Garnet was in town Thursday and Friday Mr Philip was at his home last Sunday We wonder what of the people will do in our burg now as some of their friends have Live Stock Markets Top paid in Toronto ibis week Choice Export Steers Baby Beeves Good Butcher Cattle Butcher 1075 Choice Choice Veal Calves Medium Veals Common Calves Spring Lambs Hogs off cars Miss Bell Porter left lo city day to lake charge of Sixth School No the former teach having resign owing to ill health Mr Gallagher of Totten ham spent the weekend at his parental home Dont forget the Spinsters Convention in- Town Hall on Wednesday March the un der the auspices of tho Meth odist Ladies Aid half proceeds for lied Cross Mrs Toronto spent Thursday with Mrs Coffey Tim title of the sermon next Sunday evening at in Baptist Church is The Wonder who the man wns thai had the upset on the Centre Road on Saturday night Wo hear that Pete made a fly ing visit lo last week Charlie prefers the buggy to the car this weather Mr Hardy is getting In supply of ice Mrs visited her mother one day last week She is improv ing nicely Mr Geo visited in Vivian on Sunday last Wing IH Era Toronto Markets Butter lb New Laid Kggs Turkeys lb Chickens lb Ducks 50 38 30 Fall Wheat bush Wheat bush Oats per bush Barley Timothy Hay ton Mixed Hay ton Newmarket Markets Butter lb New Laid Wheal bush Barley bush Bran ton Shorts ton ft 52 J8 ft I The best way to the problem of living woiK I i

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