m I House on Prospect Ave Apply MJ8aWayUjiiiiQlUySt4w wanted- Maid Will be treated as member or Hi Ave Toronto Mr and Mm Harper to convey their thank to many friends and for their kindness during mo and death of their son i HOUGH flALC Corner of Ave ana Queen All mod ern conveniences Will sell I at a bargain for buyer Davis at Mrs resi dence on Timothy or apply P Morton Lome Ave- market j Sunday Extends an Invitation Hie Ladles to one hour with Sun day afternoon in Wide Class Topic for Next Sunday Jesus Sending Forth the Twelve LOTS AND VACANT FOR SALE That frame house situate at corner of and court Streets Newmarket lived is now for sale live Lots are among the beat building lota In Ilia town while the bouse with a little re pairing is a desirable dwelling This properly to be sold in block or In separate lots Apply for particulars to Mrs Neil Morton Newmarket or 10 her solicitor Newmarket FOR SALE of Tborpgui departments devoted to Guns and Notes Along of Canada arc well main tained find number as with good i If tho has a surplus of million dollars as reported in the House why not pay the Provincial Tax out of it adding to burden of the laxpayers by thb of one inil1 war lax This would bo positive proof that thero surplus and the would bo greatly op- predated the people of Province The Canadian Militia Depart ment in to undergo some house cleaning and not before it is time The idea of keeping from to unfit men in for two or three years at public and some three or four hundred use less at Ottawa of patronage system is lerous It is time that tho enor mous leakages tit graft and in- competence In Canada were cleansed from Government De partments received than those which tifc been an integral part of a country viaion dOrii two to ten evening Ta The expense Of Government House got a raking over in Public Accounts Committee Toronto by the Liberal members on Wednesday The item of coal alone amounted lo rieavly no less than tons be used lb be mainte nance of Government House was last year it was about And this in war limes are called upon by officials to economize They had heller set a Utile better ex ample is lobeBerVcdi will all The ladies of Committee are going to tea Very attraeHvei will bo in honor of Patrick Every will enjoy good things sot before him on that night- early Woox- to nave a largo number- of peoplo between and The regular sowing meeting on Friday afternoon Lots of work Vrv THIS POPE AND TM vV By the Archbishop of Tor on ion Inevitably 6hows It is it should prising that Italy nation has from conflict eon tho Churqli the Stalo not because present Pope lias domj- anything to the years conflict depressing and of febls Any thing that weakens the Allies ThonexVPeaco Con ferencewiil ad mit that the- Popes in Is a matter and not merely of national J It patriotic to conduct cam which tends to make Catholics of Canada be We siirl treated case the Al- win the war 7 The basic fact is that our doponds on oipscund coopcratlon be tween- Catholic nations and Iflslant nations as well as co operation Catholics and nonCatholics within the Allied Nations Now in cooperation Catholics are not merely private soldiers or in the position of Russian peasants That pari of son farm lying Robert Pear- north of the side road and adjoining Newmarket being the part of No pi Con I contain ing i7 acres more or less will be sold at once There is a good frame barn wilh under stabling supplied with water and a good frame on premisos Intending purchasers will ap ply at once to Ed Richardson Newmarket or to Vendors Solicitor lf Newmarket Commodious and centrally lo cated on Main St Newmarket at present occupied by the Im perial Hank Possession April Apply lo J MUrAHl Newmarket YELLOW SWEET CLOVER The company controlling Yel low Clover are now offer ing On the free market for the first time a quantity of their seed apply to A 4w5- Newmarket Out For Lumber of all kinds and ins Material Cut to Order Wood Slabs an1 Sawdust sold on the grounds Sawmill situated about a mile North of Firstclass to and from material J A PO TO Having been appointed repre sentative of the Aomelius Co Toronto I wish to call the attention of- Investors to the op portunity of securing Govern ment and other Municipal Secur ities espftciallj Victory Bonds as the best investment at the pres ent These Honda are free of Federal Taxation and New market alone look nearly worth in BENNETT Newmarket von Can Bred Clyde Stallion ftcg Clyde Mores Young Yorkshire Sows due in April Could also part with a few Fresh Cows EDGAR DENNIS Newmarket Two more Conservatives have got their reward Robert MulU who was Mayor of Port for live years and retired af receiving the party nomina tion for Durham to make way for lion N Howell been made a Senator and Jolin Webster former member for who left united of and Leeds free for Sir Thomas White at the last elec tion has received a similar ap- oinlmen The places were made vacant by the deaths of Sir Mackenzie Howell and Hon Dr co Comments of Exchanges Davidson Leader It Is really for tunate that Davidson lias been free from any fire or fire scare through out the Jong winter We hope our citizens will appreciate their good for tune by taking advantage of the fine day to clean out stove pipes and chimneys- Match is noted for its high winds which are dangerous when pipes and chimneys are full of able Let the firs mild day be day The frc- Is a hint to all citizens Halifax Chronicle Truck and trade with the Yankees has be come so intimate that a direct wire has been established between Ottawa and Washington in order to facilitate despatch of busi ness between the two Govern ments When we tho bogey which did duty in cam paign wo may well wonder at transformation has been wrought We share hope ex pressed by President Wilson that this means of direct communi cation will contribute still fur ther lo promote a good under standing and lasting friendship between Canada and the United Stales The Hark of Potor is passipg over troubled soaa war times prised that she is buffeted by heavy waves The Catholic Church is the only International power remaining unbroken by conflict or nations and empires International Socialism Masonry commercial and scientific all the bonds which con nected men of nation ly those of i the other na tions powerless now except ing one Catholic Church men who assail the Church on account of local is sues if they are thoughtful men would not willingly disappear this last organic of brotherhood of man The ac cusations which have been circu lated In Canada against the Cath olic Church have reference chief ly to the position and the lude of His Pope Poaltlon of tho The Pope is necessarily neutral in this war He is in Justice obliged to be Impartial Catho lics patriotic in their re spective countries Tho war has made this clear Whether right or wrong in Judgment they convinced of the justice of their respective countries cause whether French or German If the publicly condemned either group of belligerents at the outbreak of war or at any stage of it he would thereby place many millions of Catholics in agonizing necessity of choosing between heir Church and their Country and he would favor one section of the Church at the ex pense of another The war would go on in any case Civil war would add to its horrors for all countries are divided in re ligion and the remedy would only increase the disease Besides a public condemnation would in volve a judicial investigation and this is practically impossible in war times Tho Pope has publicly condemned particular acts of cruelty and injustice like the invasion of Belgium but as to the war in general he is strict ly neutral One proof of his im partiality is tho fact that ho is abused by daily newspapers and prominent individuals of both sides I need not cite instances on the side of the Allies Most people have seen or heard accusa tions to the effect that the Pope is proGorman that he is re sponsible for liie defeat of the Italian Army etc A neutral Power which tries to lessen the horrors of war is al ways likely to be- so treated by representatives of opposing bel ligerents but the Governments of these belligerent nations evi denced their confidence in the Popes by accepting him as mediator in negotiations resulting in notable improvement in the condition of many pris oners of war Commander-in- Chief of the French Armies do who saved the day at Nancy and became of Staff General Koch at pres ent Military Adviser of the French Government and thousands of officers all ranks have welfare of the Catholic Church at heart as truly as they have the defeat of the Germans in the MILITIA Your Opportunity For Ice and will follow a course In one of Business Schools Toronto Write for our cataloyuo CHAW Bt iIiNdT Sous tor our bo ism Society Regular sowing meeting of ladies of the town at the Cross over the Post Of fice next Tuesday afternoon It is hoped that the weather will be favorable and that there will be a very largo attendance as much work is to bo done The following supplies wore de livered at the Newmarket Mili tary Hospital last Friday pairs Slippers 1 Dressing Gown Woven Hugs it doz Handkerchiefs Dusters Bandages Cotton Hinders Pneumonia Tho following were sent to Headquarters same day pairs Socks Wi doz Suits Pyjamas 2 doz Bondages Housewives pr Wiltons Newmarket Military Hospital Montgomery now in charge at Hospital A team up from St An drews College Toronto last Fri day afternoon and played the Mil itary team on the College Rink It was a lively game greatly en joyed by all and soldiers won by a score of to Hcbekah and Pyramid Lodges propose to give the Sol diers a Party next Fri day night FOR FLETCHER TO fa A The Popes first duty is lo safeguard the unity of Hie Church as far as he can Church is not an Italian institution It is Catholic The outlook of daily life at the Vatican is world wide In Italian Government circles the outlook is intensely national The cosmopolitan and the national points of view some times clash The Italian Govern ment assumes that freedom of the Pope in administration of the Church is a purely Italian matter and that guarantees sanctioned by the Parliament of Italy to that effect sufficient The Pope acts on tho assump tion that this is an international affair and that what one Italian Parliament guarantees another may refuse guarantee This is a fundamental difficulty be tween the Holy and King dom of Italy and accounts for much that is offensive to Ottawa March Striking reforms amounting in some in stances to reorganization are taking place in the Militia De partment under the regime of Major General Mewburn Evi dently the whole machinery of the department is being passed under and radical action has already been taken in three branches In the records branch hero at Ottawa tho services of no less than clerks have recently been dispensed with Two months ago the staff numbered more than It is now be low and there is shortly to further reduction of Simplified efficiency methods and the elimination of patronage have permitted this striking re organization In the separation allowance branch a similar reorganization is in process Tabulating are replacing pat ronage appointees who under the Old regime could not be fired The magnitude of the work in this branch can be gauged whore it is staled that separation al lowance payments amount to about a month The whole field is under scrutiny Perhaps he most radical step in Militia Department adminis tration since the beginning the war is that involved in the an nouncement that from up lo soldiers who have been in are to be demobilized between now and June 1st These are all men of course physically unfit for active service Some of them have been in for one two and three years but have never been at the front Others have been held indefinitely in England after becoming casualties through vice About will arrive during the next three or four weeks The principle laid down that men not- to he kept on the pay unless usefully engaged and the invalided men are not to be kept in indefinitely is being rigidly adhered to Long- term cases which can be moved to Canada are being brought here for treatment until ready for dis charge If men are not able lo fight and are not really needed for work in some branch of the noncombatant service they must come homo and reenter civilian life A similar weeding out pro cess is taking place in the home organization Smith Grand in Richardson fell her Thompson visited in Toronto oyer tbeweekend J Mra Lehman and Mar- are spending a Toronto- Atkinson moved to Hotheads Tuesday Bummer- Mr and Mrs Douglas Scott weekend wilh his par ents Dr andMrs Scott gave ft birthday her mateVoa rMr Brock of Han over attended his brothers wed ding in Town on Tuesday Mrs J visited her mother Mrs J March at a few days last week Gardner attended funeral of his uncle Mr Smith in Toronto last Friday Mrs J P Barrett and of are Visiting Mrs It A Starr for a week or ten days Howard Morton of West on spent part of Friday and Sat urday last wilh his mother Mrs Neil Morton Mrs of To- ronlo spent Friday last at the homo of Mrs John Miss Smith of North Battle- ford snenl two or three days this week with her niece Mrs Mason Park Ave MrsTHeihort Wright is spend ing a few days in Toronto with her sister Mrs Herbert Troyer before leaving for her home in ftask Mr and Mrs were called Wed nesday of this week to attend the funeral of Mrs J Morrow who was a sister of Mrs and Miss A Waller of Mount Albert Mrs Jas of Sask writes We are having real March weather lots of wind and flurries of snow The winter has been very severe although very few storms A deal of is hands just now at from lo acre Times are good but there- is a grat scarcity of farm laborers are to month for the summer or per month on a yearly agreement t wuun for eome to It new in forco Florida Qrapo Prult for I ON p Good Candy a trial Our euro to you both tho Homo and u i a many varieties In Canned as well by pound to quftlK- and r PHONE IT WILL GET PHOrJBSB a ID An official opera- London March 12 communication on aerial lions says On Monday wo a third daylight raid on Germany in four days On- this occasion fac tories stations and barracks at were attack and over a ton of bombs were dropped Hursts were seen on all the ob jectives causing two fires and a hit on a building in the south west corner of the town created a very explosion Few en emy machines were encountered All of our machines returned safely THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at and 2G Nowadays It Is Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR Moot Romarkablo Musical Instrument In tho World HUYLERS CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET fop and Photo Supplies rag NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phone No 6 I m Greater Wheat Production tho Government Importing bushels of to I have been appointed solo distributor of this and am Instructed to offer It at Anot ranged Wesley arc in Mr El and Miss Brand the me fern a The frnittee Pro of i views and for pre an The mark el to this can be In i and in all the Plan adults for Sunt school You attr with at fr yoi hags Included which Is Net Cash It Is free from foul seeds of any kind THIS WHEAT IS A I Remember When this Is I can offer no more ORDER EARLY o I Order by Phone or from Carters Manning J HOGS IN EUROPE THAN IN Dominion Government asks Farmers and Stockmen to Inoreaso their Stock and poultry MAKE THEM I KEEP RIGHT I CANADA GO FIRST ON lies in the tone of the Italian number of Catholic men requiring so many chaplains may be conservatively estimated at threequarters of a million If the Pope is to bo held responsible for those Glholtos who for or other reasons of having failed to measure up to the average standard of patriot ism in war times then at least let have the credit of those many hundreds of thousands of Catholics fighting in the British Armies Hut of course neither the blame nor the praise la duo to the It is physically impossible- for any manor any government to control hundreds of millions of people scattered over the world and interfere with their daily lives in Important matters- in way Pope is supposed byhis critics to do 1 receive a of every document issued by Holy Boo to the of the world and I de clare that no in reference to Hie war have been Ottawa March After April all Canada the exception of Mon treal and a few municipalities In the Province of Quebec will be governed by a bonedry law From that date the shipment of liquor containing more than per cent of proof spirits Into provinces which have passed prohibitory laws and municipalities which have adopted local option will bo illegal under he Just passed by the Federal under the War Manufacture of liquor too will be stopped on that date ex cept that the making of na tive wine and In Quebec the brewing of beer now by the Pro vincial- Governments will be allowed to continue until the end of tho year After December 31 next however the drought will be even In the City of Montreal and the lloned districts of Quebec Province The Quebec prohibition taw docs not become operative until May Importation of liquor into Canada however lias been and the manufacture even of beer will stop on December 31 next Consumers of alcoholic will be dependent supplies upon the exist ing slock of Only for industrial nd medicinal will liquor l manufactured On Saturday Mar to Mr and Mrs Ross Cunningham a daughter Watts At Holt on Monday Mar to Mr and Mrs Frank Watts a son Harold Edwin At the home of the bride on March by Thomas Cameron to Chris tine daughterinlaw of Mr Sutherland all of Newmar ket VES Poultry Tonic Stock Tonic and Calf Meal I Other- Voscol Heave Cough Distemper Worm Etc Now In Stock Manufactured by On tin his bit Fred the three the to week trend that j dug year week pic AH hi to see The lo last I much Guild foi that intone we be brim The Specialty Co Limited Toronto Sold Only In by Flour Feed fJBWIlAHKET tidily In Bradford on Mar 1018 Eliza Jane widow of Robert in her year tiIoa At Newmarket on March Kenneth Harper eon of Harper and Price aged months and week The funeral took place on Sat urday afternoon service at house St Interment Cemetery J Undertaking Main AH fe w