Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Mar 1918, p. 1

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Baby Rings Hoop Rings Wedding Watsons I I it v fti each Wo can you on a Oil if our present stock You will need next summer why not buy now and save- Bargain lot of 1st Enamelled in While OP Blue When thinking rem ember the Gravity washes clothes clean with less effort than others J TORE THE PAINT THE TO BUY GOOD VARNISHES Phone NEWMARKET Ear ov2u too Banking- By Those living at a distance from any Branch of The Bank of Montreal can transact all their regular Banking By with the same safety and convenience of a personal visit mm fef C Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH ENS LUMBER YARD I CAR DRY BODY WOOD BEECH AND MAPLE P W PEARSON Order Coal from Garters Giles John John Draper program made and number of hills have recolved rending while others through the Committee of the hill lift of he Legislature was he oc casion a peculiar division In the Mouse when liewart Liberal member for South west Toronto op posed the extension for some lino lie suggested an ex tension for twelve months subject to ftirllior extensions from year to year If In this he found 111 lime If alone both of the House voting him and defeating him by vote OH to in the first division for the ses sion The hill provides that the dura tion of the Assembly be extended until after the close of the present war the return of the forces serving overseas with and naval services of Canada and of Ureal Britain and her Allies and until one year has- elapsed and a session of the Legislature has been held A special committee which was ap pointed to report upon the Govern ments hill dealing with venereal ills- eases has been discussing the ques tion and several recommendations will he Submitted to the House upon of the bill The attitude of the Opposition in regard to this bill Is summed up by the leader that If anything can be done to min imise the evil It was the duty of both Liberals and Conservatives lo coop erate In passing remedial legislation Mr J Hum of South speaking to motion for a return of correspondence and reports relating to floods on he Grand since the lust report made by Mr Acres of the Hydro flower In called the attention of the to the great damage done to properly along the banks of the river by the annual Spring floods and ask- If this Could hot be remedied by adopting some of the suggestions made by Mr In bis report and at the same time conserve the water for imHof county loft IJghl aloe on I lraf M WP ft lake purposes rile Minister of OF Paidup Capital Mm tit 15000000 Fund Business Accounts Hank of Toronto Invite the Men and complete faculties as sure customeis of tlie Hank of Toronto a service power Public Works replied that the Investi gations were still In progress and ho doubted the wisdom of taking action before the same were completed Mr the Opposition Leader registered a strong protest against the City of Toronto bill to the Public Schools Act The amendment aims to restrict the vole for the Hoard of Education to those eligible to vote at municipal elections Mr Proudfoot thought it was a re trograde movement as the bill would take away from hundreds of people the right to vole He believed there should be a uniform franchise which would obviate the present double lists- The bill was referred to the Municipal Introduced a Daylight Saving bill Both the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition approved of lie measure but Mr It should not be passed unless a sim ilar measure was passed by the Do- mini on were voted by Hie Le gislature to the Hydro Power Commission for development work and extensions The Provincial Treas- that if the Commission re- wbbleof this amount this the Government would secure a loan to provide the money -4UOO- on the oclock oar and the boys from II the car leaving Toronto o clock and mot at then numbering about in to the Toronto Iplal Farm Here the contest was started in stock Judging when the boys cattle and hogs Major Morrison Su perintendent of he entertained the hoys lerwardft through the buildings and their the noonday meal was partaken of at lulion At Mr farm Hill the con- lost was finished when the boys judged dairy cattle and agricul tural From hero they proceeded to Lome Hall at Hill where the public speaking contest was held and other business of the- annual meeting was taken up Five of the boys took part in the pub lic Speaking contest and Iho awarded the prizes as follows 1st Joseph Snider 2nd 3rd Kane Harry Hill Au rora Parry Winch Belli The prizes consisted of 1st in agricultural books 2nd in agricultural books 3rd 3 in agricultural books in agricultural books 51 liri agricultural books The judges were Harold Editor Countryman Toronto Marry fluff of Agricul ture Newmarket Mr Fry crit icized Die and gave the boys a few pointers speaking The results of the stock judg ing worn as follows 1st Kane in agricultural books 2nd John A Orr Maple in agricultural books 3rd Watson S3 in ag ricultural books hj Wilfrid Aurora in agricultur- al Miles Mil- liken St in agricultural books Cup winner Geo Henry cup for highest standing Kane The boys who bad made he slock judging earns from the county to were barred from Winning any of the Ave prizes in books but competed for the Geo Henry cup It was decided that the annual picnic and- was neither wide enough nor The steel spu In span with wooden floors heavy enough for the increased In a very fair of preservation r I An Artistic and Structure of Reinforced by the Toronto York Highway Commission From Era The house and shoe shop of Landing was burned down on Monday morning The Sharon Hand Concert last Friday evening was a great suc cess Music superb singing excellent Mr Is now sup- lying the soda biscuit- trade of village and surrounding country TTie Young Ladies in the Mechanics Hall on Thursday evening netted the Church building fund Davison Miss Miss- and tlie Misses Hums took part in the program The Mechanics Hall was- com filled last Friday even ing when Mrs Of Toronto delivered an admir able address on Woman Her Po sition Education and Hcsnonsiv- Argue on March Mr Maker to Miss Martha TraViss of King l i I gave on public of the club be held at Jacksons Point this year The date lo be by the executive at a later meeting GRADUATED TAX OH INCOMES Those Enjoying Highest Incomes Pay Largest Amount Will The Toronto York Highway Commission in decided to renew this bridge and instructed their engineer to design a re inforced concrete structure having economy of materials partic ularly in mind Since the Toronto York Highway Commission have always endeavored to secure bridge structures that present a pleasing appearance the problem before the engineer was to design an economic bridge that was artistic in design Preferable After a careful study of different types of bridges it was decided to use a reinforced concrete design Several con siderations led to the adoption of this type that is soil conditions prohibited an arch structure the required waterway did not de mand a clear opening greater than 30 feet which is the centre span a deck type bridge was more desirable than one with trusses or iguittes projecting above the floors the high water level was about feet below the bridge floor which called a shallow floor and lastly but not least this type was cheap and pos sessed lines The centre span feet long is composed of two arms projecting the centre piers while I tie two shore spans each feet long arid abutments act as anchors for the spans The reinforcement in the area is com posed of in diameter rods at in centres in from the the slab In the bottom of the slab jla diameter at in centres are placed In order to prevent pteible unsightly cracking a free joint is left in the concrete across Ho centre of the centre span and keep this joint from developing a bump caused by possible deflection every third rod is made continuous across the joint A checkered plate covers the Joint on top of the slab The anchor span is reinforced shown by irods al centres in the bottom and the I in rods from Ihe extend across the top Details of and fibutrnonts The centre piers are feet wide at the top and the bottom They are reinforced as shown with contractor was allowed lo place one man stones in the springing line The piers hear on a hard carried feet below water level The abutments are as vertical restrained at the top and having a lateral bearing at the base The wing walls were de signed as light gravity sections with a small amount of reinforcing steel making a total width of feel The railings balus trade type and were made feel in height to conform to Ihe spe of the Department of Highways Ontario J span feet wide at in rods The this pier Up lc clay and are 117 Brancbea Quebec aad the Went BRANCH A LISTER GANE SUNS GO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH ALIO LUUiDEtt quired the year OF GERMAN FLEET KILLED Machine Took Fire and Grew of Four Were Buried Under Debris Grand Headquarters of the French Army in France March he com mander of the German which attempted to terrorize Pans Cant Fritz Eckstein and three com panions one of whom was an officer of me While Cuirassiers from Potsdam were killed machine crashed in the Forest It is questionable whether commander ever reached Pans is believed that most of the bombs the machine carried were dropped after it was hit during the course of its but several were still attached to when their trip correspondent as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim I9t S QyPMi Ash Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Mr Ash or Dak will Interest you Sash 1 at Kindly jive us atrial Wei ft a Lb fe THIS km JP Wlndov an tXTiiHtjlOH that has been In us for nine fable would about now today and wo offering It for In mid Funeral RED SKINNBR airplane when the saw it lying half buried in the earth Two of the aviators who underneath the motor and the other was nearby having thrown themselves out in an effort to save their lives The machine was or me latest model The wings had a of feet and it was supplied with the most modern instruments canvas wings were painted violet and dark bine Ten or twelve- squadrons participat ed hi the raid proceeding towards Paris by three different suc cessive waves The remarkably ef fective cooperation of the antiair craft guns the defence and the searchlights prevented much damage slopped many of the raid ers from reaching the capital fU Winnipeg March Controller Puttee announced today that last weeV a total of pounds of chicken lo the Company had been sent from the cold storage lo the city and d- as unfit for human food The chickens had been in the storage If war tax law about to be applied did nothing more than cause a national stocktaking ft would serve it most useful purpose The taking of an inventory of ones resources invariably induces a desire to save and a to save when translated as it very frequently is Into a determination to save means getting on with the war as well as happiness all around This process first an in ventory of ones resources then a desire to save applied to every unmar ried person or widow and widower without dependent children receiving on income of and over mid to all other persons receiving an income of and over will unquestion ably result In a large proportion of cases in a determination to save And that means more general prosperity and renewed national strength Hut a national stocktaking Is only incidental of course to the chief pur pose of the income war tax which Is to provide revenue for the prosecu tion of the war Inas equitable man ner as possible The lax is to be graduated according to ones ability to pay Those who are In receipt of only a living wage or salary will not be colled upon to pay those enjoying the highest incomes will be called upon to pay the greatest amounts and the great of income receivers be tween will be called upon to pay in their due proportion Moreover the purpose of the art Is to distribute Ihe burden equitably among all classes j By way of lllus- ration the farmer will be required Jo add the value of his actual Income the value of the homegrown products which his own family con sumes This places the farmer on a plane with the salaried man the value of whose services is wholly represent ed In the Income received and against Which he must all his living expenses Canada has established a war record thai Is the envy of the World It is certain that the Canadian people will run true to form in answer to this latest pall of war government j has Sidewalk on one side with fence between road and sidewalk and I Vol and Is The sidewalk is figured aaa cantilever slab and is with in rods at in centres The brackets are used for ap pearance and as each bracket being reinforced with two I in rods The balustrades were cast in cast iron- molds constructed quarter sections Half section molds were ried but were found unsatisfactory because of the getting the spindles out without injury fhe balustrades posts and bases were cast in after the floor had been cast The balustrade railing between the road and sidewalk was used because of the proximity of the sidewalk to road which causes very disagree able splashing of mud on pedestrians during muddy weather Drainage is taken care of by a vortical curve of in rise a crown of in in the centre of the road Concrete of mix was used for the part above springing lino and in the substructure and in crushed stone added to secure proper throughout Quantities The quantities in this bridge are as follows Substructure Superstructure failing Total Steel Unit prices extras or deduct Concrete Reinforcing Steel contract price work and 1098 From Era March 1B03 Mr John- A- Heir of York visited in town last week of Hie Toronto Police Force is in lOwn Dr J Wesley lias been ap pointee Coroner MissKva was Al Home with schoolmates last Tuesday evening King Plowmen had an Oyster Spring- hill on Friday nighf crowd Mr leader Town Hand is about return to Au rora with his family which In- greatly regretted Hon Davis gave an cecdlngly interesting and profit able address at the- Methodist Church On Monday evening in connection with the anniversary of the present church dedication on his Trip to Ihe Old Country The Town Hall was well filled on Wednesday evening a concert being given under the auspices of the Presbyterian- Church by Mrs Caldwell Mr and Mrs and Miss Newmarket High School was burned to the ground yesterday morning Loss insur ance 63000 Classes will- con tinue in the Model School build ing on Monday morning The Altar Eld on March 15 Mr J of King lo Miss Ella or Whitchurch The Tomb In Newmarket on March Mr Daniel Kelly in his year In King March Mr Walter In Newmarket March 10 Eva wife of Mr It Park in her year In Mesopotamia and Palestine where the begun a gen eral combined operation apparently to clear the Turks out of Syria they have captured Hit on the Euphrates west of Bagdad in the one theatre of the war and in the other theatre they have advanced on a 13- mile front astride the Jerusalmi-Na- road and advancing on the west bank of the Jordan The milliner the dressmaker the typewriter lh bookkeeper the doc tor arid the nurse can perfect them selves each In her own pursuit and that ends It hut the housekeeper must be a professor of a dozen or branches If makes her call ing complete AND BEAUTIFY THE S1UN this beauty lotion cheaply yout nook arms and hands mixture was used ft A I cu cu cu cu yards yards yards lb32S400 of per yd per cu yd per in place 05 for this bridge was for the concrete steel making a total of mount of the economy of materials and Ihe aesthetic qualities of this type Of bridge it should be suitable for lo calities throughout the country bridge was named by the token of their of their Kciih Newmarket represents York Highway The Keith Bridge fellow Commissioner William York on the A At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can pre pare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin soft ener and complexion by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard white Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in then this lotion will fresh for months Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener whitener and Just try it I Get- three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lem on lotion and massage it daily into the face neck arms and hands it marvellous J J CHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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