Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Mar 1918, p. 1

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J V1 r Baby Rings Signet 8tono Cluster Hoop 8tono Rings Wooding ill- AT T Watson W I I f I lilt us The goading well- as he No Paper Of North Y paid i i pi if my- l ill cost You can keen a room very with one of our catcrcOlori08S and Handy We can save you3ona Oil if bought lusts You will need ft next Bummer why not buy now and Iho Metropolitan Church Thursday evening and crowded Ihrcoduy HC war con- Br 1 Water Polio in RJfEU Bargain lot of 1st Quality White or Reg 175 awl When remember Gravity washes clothes with effort than others Ml ft THE PAINT STORE THE TOBUY GOOD PAINTS VAnrJIOIlFf Phone NEWMARKET was enthused with otio hut at Maoy Hall the night lie had rcucplion I him or chairman fljioakingfor half an hour mooting up in Province of Ontario ICO Concisten The ytematic con- saving of money is a duly which devolves upon every one of us The Bank of MQiitrealvilloppn Savings Accounts on receipt of 1 and accept thereon deposits of 1 and upwards C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch i SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CAR DRY BODY WOOD BEECH AND W PEARSON Order Coal from Win John Murphy and John OFFICE PHONE OF Reserve Fund 5GC3103 Money Orders and Drafts VLui la lsx or do to by end It to lim we a lo both cud Qu6lw and Vcxt BRANCH A LISTER it THE Willi SIMS MANUFACTURED AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND I J Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim J Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames boors In Fir or that will you at piloos Kindly us a trial IM torn lj liroly from infantile according lo the report of the of for A bridge over umber Vnugliun by the rising of ice laAt week bridge lifted causing the destruction of the span Geo who was Dominion Alliance in Hal following bis statements regard ing drunkenness among at front was released on hail The arrest caused quite a- sensation in the city were passed at Alliance Convention hat the Gov ernment ho urged to name the dale the manufacture of li quor in Canada should that in the study of hygiene in the schools some lime should be given to effect of alcohol on system Flight Cadet Dloyd Harvey Car ter of of the ron Corps was killed on Friday in a collision over airdrome Camp and two other airmen had legs broken Hon J Manna late Do minion Food Controller has been President of he Imperial Oil Co A factory for ho manufacture of such artificial limbs an may be required for members of the If suffering amputation injuries is maintained in Toronto by the Military Hospitals Commission Miss Constance Madeline Adam the 17yearold daughter of Mr Adam manager of tho Hank of Montreal Toronto I Branch was fatally injured Sun day evcuftig when an automobile wus riding was struck by a sired ear Miss Adam was removed from wreckage of motor suffering grave head injuries and she succumbed in less than three hours at Grace Hospital Thai motor was driven by Clifford ihe year old son of Mr Barrister of Hi George St was J likewise thrown a considerable distance Jy the impact of line collision and was removed to the hospital suffering from shock His injuries were so slight how ever thai after receiving medical attention lie was able to proceed to his home auto either slipped on Ihe ice or got beyond of the driver spile of the hoots hisses and howls of a small number who helped to make up a large depu tation which wailed upon the prime minister and members of the Ontario Cabinet on Saturday asking for an amendment to the Ontario Temperance Act Sir Win Hearst stood strongly and solid ly behind his temperance policy and candidly and without told the groat assembly that he could not promise favorable con sideration of their request it was estimated that about persons met at he armories and marched to the Parliament Buildings and this number was almost doubled by the additional crowds that gathered so that close to people faced the premier to support their repre sentatives who urged that 2 per cent alcohol replace llie per cent proof spirits which the temperance beers now contain according to the act The need of developing Cana das deposits of coal and peat was emphasized by engineer of the Mines Depart ment in an address before the Canadian Institute on Sat urday evening when be told of the saving which could he accom plished if central heating plants wore used Beginning next Monday the work will commence of a general canvass of nil men in factories and offices to get all those who possibly can be spared to go out on the farms Arrangements will likely be made- lo see that the men do not lose any pay The campaign will be carried on the lines of Victory Loan and every place will be canvass ed The Homo Advisory Associa tion of the Overseas Bat talion gave a dinner to 300 re turned officers and men of the unit in the Masonic Temple on St Saturday evening of Canadian women end ed on Saturday afternoon met tho and presented a number of morning sitting At the conclusion of mealing with the war cabinet Hon Howell thanked the dele gates for their and consideration of the resolutions laid before the government The conference its close sent the following message to Sir Arthur ho Canadian forces in Franco The war of Canadi an women assembled at call Of the war committee of cab inet greets you our bravo and nhrsing pistols overseas to whose welfare and encouragement the deliberations of tho confer ences arc directed In your dan gers and difficulties our hearts and prayers are with you Signed Adelaide Cbairpinn The general resolutions pass ed by the conference wore as lows Thai his conference desires to express to the war committee of cabinet their great appre ciation of the recognition shown of Ihe place of women in Canada by the issued to some among them to meet in conference at Ottawa They fed that their admission to a fuller knowledge of the war crisis and the opportunity of con ferring with ministers of Ihe crown will mean a new era in the life of nation and they most earnestly hope that they may be able to bring before the women of Canada a yet fuller call to ser vice and sacrifice They also adequately express the deepened sense of which comes lo them from this meeting of women from all parts of the country Whereas the allied nations facing imminent starvation and are looking lo Canada for the source of supply and whereas Ihe people of Canada are making great sacrifices to supply this need and whereas part of Ihe grain that is being sent to Groat Britain is being wasted in the production of spirituous beverage which is no benefit very ser ious detriment lo the cause of the allied nations therefore be it resolved thai Ibis conference ex press its belief that to prevent this waste of foodstuffs the mill ing of grain he done in Canada and only the manufactured ar ticle ho exported lo Great Britain until such time as remedial legis lation prohibiting such destruc tion of foodstuffs be enacted In Great Britain 3 That this conference wishes lo express to the war committee great appreciation of the ap pointment of a woman to the rc board This is the first time any woman in Canada has been made a member of a gov ernment board and in the ap pointment of Mrs the conference sees with satisfac tion the beginning of the lime when women having proved themselves worthy will bo per mitted to share in the cares and responsibilities of the govern ment That in view of the urgent necessity for conserving food and man power in Canada we ex press to tho federal government our hearty appreciation of the laws prohibiting manufacture and importation of intoxicating liquors in Canada and hereby pledge our support to the full en forcement of same and in or der that this enforcement may be more easily effected do further respectfully urge the enactment if laws prohibiting the transpor tation of liquor from one province to another A resolution moved by Nellie McClung and heartily en dorsed by the conference recom mended that as part of the grain being sent to Great Britain was being wasted in tho production of spirituous that Ihe milling of the grain be done in Canada by IhoAUorneyj with the on- Jectj of pg the spread of venereal diseased measure is outcome of a recent by Mr Justice on of and the best method of lighting the social scourge Bill Is in skele ton form the details having been left to the Provincial Board Health hospital receiving aid from Province may be requir ed to make provision for exam ination and free per sons suffering from venereal eases and it is understood that only duly qualified medical men will be permitted lo treat such cases expense of treating patients who are unable lo will fall upon the municipalities Tho operation of this act will bo watched with deep interest The principle of compulsion has been introduced in treat ment of persons undor arrest suffering from venereal diseases the examination of persons suspected by local health author ities and henceforth such dis eases will bo classed as con tagious Tho government will supply lo hospitals and doctors any necessary remedies or equip ment free of charge O Si The kindred subject of feeble mindedness will next receive the of the government This statement was made by the Prime Minister lo a deputation Different speakers urged that if the authorities would compre hensively deal with the problem of the feebleminded the other problem would be partly solved Liberals in the Legislature will cordially support any proposed action by the government they having appealed to the govern ment last session to formulaic a policy lo deal with the serious situation obtaining in the Prov ince of Ontario They called at tention at Ihe time lo the report of the governments own inspector effect that existing methods of dealing the menace were ill-judged- and Inadequate The government voted down a resolution requiring them lo take action but evidently finds public opinion is now behind the Liberal Policy This week Via In our Window on 0foot that has In little lime This would coat about new today end wo arc offering it for In furniture and Director PRED SKINNBR 1- Everybody in has been ordered to be vaccinated once Six foreigner pleaded guilty In New York to a conspiracy to print one million dollars worth of counterfeit notes Times Dr dagbs little boy had a close call last week when at morning re cess at the Central School ho jumped off a high board fence in rear into a snow drift and went in out of sight going down so deep that lie could not extri cate himself His calls for help were not beard until after dinner when sonic the workmen on Mr new bouse heard tho cries and investigation found the- lad and dug him out The little fellow was blue with the cold rescued and it was a very narrow escape Bill Sharp from the Oppo sition benches characterized the debate on the governments Civil Service measure The Liberals could not see thai any great ad vance was being made under the Hill in the abolition of patronage The Liberal Leader Mr objected that decisions made by the Civil Service Commission er could bo overridden by the government He thought the commissioner should have a free hand and appointments should he made through him after full investigation by him as to the merits of case Mr Elliott Mr and tat Carter on the Liberal side took the same stand but the bill went forward another stage in ori ginal form and apparently all ap plicants for positions under the Government will have to be nom inated by Ihe parly in power notes Sir Win Hearst has introduced a Hill to impose a tax on dogs for the protection of sheep The minimum lax is to be on dogs and Si on bitches and will have the right to in crease the amount by bylaw A further has been set aside to aid in the improve ment of public highways tfho Minister of Public Works an nounced in legislature that approximately had al ready been spent by Ontario Government upon the construc tion and improvement of roads throughout Ihe Province Peat apparently cannot be de- ponded upon as a substitute for coal next winter according lo the replies of Ontario Gov ernment to a deputation which interviewed them on the subject during the past week There is a provision of 100000 in the es timates which will bo expended in an investigation into the source of fuel supply in Iho prov ince with a view remedying present conditions a a From the standpoint area and financial resources the older provinces of Ontario and naturally assumed the premier position in the of Canada It is up on them to supply lbc of war or in other words to moot the financial heeds of Iho smaller provinces Tiierefore lhe great monetary institutions have ex tended their ramifications throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion until the towns now enjoy the advantages of possessing one- or more branch within their limits But while the larger banks gone far afield in this regard it is but natural that the great proportion of their branch es should be located within confines of the two larger noes The importance of supplying some accurate data to the public as to the extent and location of the branches of Ihe chartered banks has the Government and an official pub lication known as the Hank Map of Ontario and Quebec has been issued by Ihe Natural Resources Intelligence Branch of De partment of the Interior at Otta wa A new edition the third of this useful map will soon be available to the public The map itself is on a scale of miles to the inch and em bodies several important fea tures cfty or town in which a chartered hank branch is located is indicated by a circle If more than one branch exists in said location the exact num ber is shown in the circle- Hut what is almost of more import ance is the railway feature of the map under which all rail- waysgreat- or small operating In the two provinces are indicated by a color scheme The four large systems the Canadian Pa cific Grand Trunk Canadian Northern and Canadian Govern ment Railways arc represented by a different colored line while the smaller roads are grouped undor one color The merchant or fish dealer of Maritime Provinces as well as the farmer of Western Canada can each de termine at a glance the shortest and most convenient route by which manufactured goods may be shipped lo Him and at the same time ascertain Ihe most feasible method of routing his own products lo the markets of Central Canada This map may be obtained free on application to Lynch Superintendent of Natural Re sources Intelligence Branch De partment of the Interior Ottawa i Mcoliunietf Hall filU Friday- evening the anniversary of dist Sunday Softool- Mr J Pearson was unable speak audibly and requested Mr Jacksorn children had been rained by Miss Monkrnan ami the- singing and dialogues were a credit lo all taking- parti addressee were given by Rev John A IL Chambers ap pointed Assessor of- North iimbUry at a salary and the auditors lo- each for their services A new Post Office is opened al Helhaven- Steps arc being taken towards securing a puWioCooieteny The Court House was engaged for the use of Iho- Council for lhcU3Ualraleor2i for the year subject bell at seven in the morning in stead of six in the Council but no taken Notice is by Pearson IhurTAvornLicenses can be obtained presen tation of nccessaryotirlificatc and payment fCo The total receipts for- New market last year were than according to abstract pub by lnv treasurer P Irwin The greatest boon tor women ever- invented Hie Spinning Wheel is advertised by J Howe of King J em PylbrTccb A surprise- party- from Mark- ham look of Mr by storm last Friday hi LANGUAGE SO EX- I The tradesman bad rendered his bill waited a then wrote Please sir I want my bill Hack came the bill with words Certainly here it is The bill was returned and 10 a month the tradesman again wrote Kindly semi me the amount of my hill And the answercame promptly and politely Certainly The third month the tradesman again wrote Will you send me a cheek for the amount of my bill The answer came with a blank unsigned Cerlainly here is the- check I have kept amount of The fouitlt month the- trades man wrote want my bill paid And the answer came back So do Then tradesman gave it up LEMON How la make a lo tion for a few Miss Howie who has been in employ of llie Roche Co for- nearly seven years was married Wednesday Hotel was sold on- Saturday for Mr Win Mahoney of Haven- shoo got for- a span ol horses here last Saturday Notice appears in todays of application to Hie foe- power- toconstruct a- tunnel from Lake to To ronto to supply water for manufacturing and sanitary purposes I School Section No Union visited iho Home last Friday in five sleigh- loads The storm last Saturday held up traffic on T duo from Toronto al pm got here at oclock Sunday morning About members of Aurora of T came here on Wed nesday night and entertained a packed house has the con- tract for the erection of a new Cheese Factory in Newmarket The Altar On Feb by the Wafts Mr Ruth all of King On Feb by Rev Walt -Mr- John J Edwards lo Miss Isa bella all of King Tp On March by Rev J V Smith of Metropolitan Church Toronto of to Miss Howie of Newmarket On March by Rev C Mr J S Dougherty to both Whitchurch f On Mar 1st by Rev Largo Mr J A of to Miss Elizabeth Ford of North The Sutton on Feb Mr W Phillip i his ith year 1st year Feb Mr H brother of Mr Geo of Kin in his 77th year Homo March Grave damage was- dona to life Ducal Palace of Sighs Church of St John and St Paul and the Church of St Simon as well as other treasures of Venice in a Teuton moonlight air raid over that oily on February Fifty enemy air planes took part in the raid drop ping bombs Hull the wrong Iht do through Mrs Grille juice of two fresh lemons strained into a containiu ounces of orchard makes a whole pint most remarkable lemon beautified at about tho cost must pay for a small jar of ordinary cold creams must be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine so no lemon pulp gets in this lotion will keep fresh for months Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles and tan end is the ideal skin softener and Just try it Got three of orchard white at any drug More and two lemons from grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lem on lotion and massage it daily into face neck arms lionet to Italian Headquarters March I In Ihe air laid on on night 300 bombs were dropped bouses were smash ed the Royal Palace was strut and three- churches wore dam aged St John one of Cellinis last landscapes were wrecked Only of the population are there It i a trip from the Austrian lines to Ven ice and return Then they re load bombs There have been raids on Venice lo date with a total of at least 1000 bombs On Tuesday one was killed and injured The slight dis unities were due to prudence of refugees I m l CA8TORJA

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