Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1918, p. 6

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i I I J- Private Hoy Son AV of wh severely wnundcij In Franco Some boon invalid- arrived hero Inst Ho is I Holt belonging to a section There no meeting of the worth league Monday ev ening owing lo he streets being almost impassable owing lo rain and running water Mr Davis a returned Mission ary from preached In lite on Sunday morning and in gave an illustrated lecture showing several Chinese Monday nights flood did Con siderable to all dams in The thaw was followed by strong gale from the north and roads arc inn worse condition than ever The wood Is In a worse ever an It is almost impossible to either cut more or haul what is out Mr John Moore received a 50- ton car of nut coal last week which was certainly a great help As much more could have been fluid The a on Sutton branch made both trips almost On time on Tuesday but the was blocked by ice freezing oji the tracks J these will not share tho of last weeks Hems which were frozen in at The which loft Toronto on Wednesday morning of last week got into difficulty at where the track had been flooded by the storm of Tuesday night which followed by a hit ler icy wind turned the flooded area into an ice field There it remained until Friday afternoon The train going south that even ing with our moil was also stop ped about a mile this side while another sent from Toronto to transfer passengers wan held be low Richmond Hill We have- bad a thunder storm some night for weeks in succession in each case followed by an icy wind that turned the water into ice playing havoc with walking wind of Monday night and Tuesday was a veritable gale Many cellars and stables have flooded and some furnaces put out of commission were astounded to learn this week that the C had cut off another train The one from Toronto bringing our morn ing mail is to run only on Mon day Wednesday and Friday and the afternoon one south mail also to go at on Tuesday Thursday ami Saturday This will be a great inconvenience to citizens generally as well as the travelling public but Wo must hear it along with other ills cheerfully We have mail daily by J The fuel shortage was much relieved when Mr Moore got in a car or coal last week More is expected shortly Rev Mr Grey Miss Hayes Mrs Mr Hopkins Mr and Mr Burn ham are or are supposed to he attending the Dominion Alliance Convention in Toronto this week as delegates from the Methodist Church Mr Alex Dunn has moved in to the house on the farm of Mr Hayes Mr Sleeper who has boon quite ill is able lo be downstairs again Mr Davis returned mission ary from China who preached at the Methodist Church Sunday was the guest of Mrs Mrs Wallfe is visiting her daughter in Toronto Six boxfuls of catalogues from one of the Departmental stores In Toronto were received here last week Two good neighbors Messrs Leek and Castor spent Saturday afternoon saving and splitting wood for Mrs Her father who has been ill in her home for about six weeks is very near the end Neighbors are do ing what they can lo assist and the above a very practical way to help i I Delayed in the Mail Last Week Cold rain brilliant sunshine thunder and bitter colli how many more changes will wis get Hut let us at least be grateful the snow hunks arc lessening and the brown earth is seen in the higher fields adjoin ing Mrs Carrie met with a serious accident She slipped and fell breaking one of her legs The Wonder is not at such acci dent but hut there not been many of the same kind for surely such icy streets are not often seen The fields and lots cast of Main slope steeply lo the West and the water under tho show rushes down on that street together wilb that from the steep foJTf to south which gives cause for part of ho village name sidewalks all through the village are in a sad state but terrible Many take the middle of road is not very much better our professional men is to have executed part of ho Ming on bis but no that would give him so we wont say where iofcds must be in bad Li ss OB S FOR FOR HARD Willi CAN trains running on close to liiuo difficulties over for this winter no coal is absent this wcok attending a meeting of Jtoyul Hamilton On Sunday next Feb pulpit of the Molhodist will ho occupied at morning and evening services by Mr Murray Davis of iho Publishing of Methodist Missions China who is now homo on furlough While in Ontario lie giving in in aid of bis Hue of work where more men needed The meetings will be held in aid of M and at the evening meeting lantern slides may be used to illustrate subject- This is if it can he arranged for Collections at both in of work We hope to seo a full attendance This work is of a de parture from the usual mission ary addresses and should be in teresting lo old and young The Womens Institute gave a on Thursday last to the members and llieir husbands Although owing to condition of ho roads nil expected were not thorn thorn was a good attend ance Short speeches wore giv en by several of tho gentlemen An excellent paper by Mrs Goo Look Living a life is more than making a living and a duet by Mrs and Mrs Johnson Jho sudden thunderstorm made homegoing a difficult The thorough ly enjoyed their on Friday afternoon despite the bit ter cold and icy roods Need less to say it wound up with lunch After all wo very much like the of whom it is recorded ato hey drank they married wives they were given in marriage That is what of our boys ov erseas lias done Word has been received here that Mr Will who went over with lie Ball was married in Scotland on dan Even the horrors of war are not able to kill romance A sad circumstance in this con nection is that his uncle died on the battlefield and his remains were sent home They and I he prospective groom arriv ed in port together How often grief and joy go nearly hand in band Hello I Our rough weather continues doesnt it Mr Dike saw another robin saw crow and Will saw a canary Miss Lottie look tea Mr Stick woods on Sunday Miss Bertha Hall spent the weekend with Miss Edna Smith Mr and Mrs Hall visited at Mr Dikes on Sunday Mr and Mrs Smith spent the weekend at Richmond Hill Quite a number spent a very the in the oistJJalt monlon wenloverseas with the Halt at be was wounded in head over right in right arm and left hand Ad mitted to Hospital June MUG and is hack in again now time skating Saturday night Mr Dike ii Dike the ice at the bridge fell and went over the dam Luckily he caught a slump and managed to escape without serious injuries Hope Cleaners Class are preparing to make an autograph quilt They are very busy get ting names Miss Maude intends entertaining them at her home on Wednesday of this week Notwithstanding the bad roads quite a number attended Ladies Aid at Mrs on Thursday Seventeen boxes were packed for overseas Mrs OCO- happened with a severe accident recently tail ing upon the ice and culling the hack- of her head Mr and Mrs Morris add Master of Newmarket spent Sunday With Mrs Morris Hope Gleaners met l the home of Mrs last Wednesday even ing and report a pleasant and interest ing Mr and Mrs Grant Oldham spent Sunday with Mrs Geo Br A comparative stranger was seen In our midst wondering on the fourth one owning this week Mr Archie Dike happened with a very dangerous accident Tuesday even ing when he fell Into the mill- pond and was carried some dfMauce by lie rushing water In staging a rescue Mr Alfred Cage also look a cooling dip We are pleased note no ill effects Mr Wilfred friends are sorry lo hear he is suffering from sciatica end neuralgia Hop to bee a speedy recovery When goes With the Misses Brown Up the ihlrjf Concession To I a All the are And wish that they were there In the pleasant evening To have a little share Hose In the t I 0 Sharon turn out at Sunday frill Snow is beginning to disappear fast Spring will soon be here seems to be the order with our young people Mr Win of the F Visited over Sunday with his Mrs Win Hall Mike got badly disappointed the other night fellow linos daisies when Fred is away Miss Myrtle and Mr Clifford Terry of King Oily visited over Sunday at Mrs Fred MaekriUii Mr Lindsay spent the weekend in the city Miss Edna Ward is visiting friends at for a couple of weeks Mr ant Mi Percy am soon to move lo their new home in Newmarket Sorry lo lose them from our neighborhood Mr Fred Hall and lady friend topjetea with Miss Flossie Hull on Sunday evening We are glad to see Mrs Watson again after a lengthy Quilt a number of young peo ple spent ft the of Mr Win Hall on Saturday The even ing was spent in capos and music League members arc increasing fast More light on Matches are expensive Mr says Sharon should bo on job their pay and not working for it Mr and Mrs Geo Sunday at Mr Crones Mr Martin James is enjoying a visit with his in Florida for a few weeks Miss Bessie Hughes a former resident of Sharon visiting a number friends here The Sharon boys expect a large attendance ai dance to be held in the Ha Here wc again There many a slrahgo nature about hero late scarce whore to begin The weather as loabout paralyze trade and Iravcii rain knocked gal- wc saw the Hicks has fore- pasted Just elegantly that any one who is skeptical be call ed a This mild change waft there black and while day arid dutc Wonderful wonderful it old saying In lh0 Vnidst of life are Is Iruo to letter- Oh Monday morning IHlbChas apparent ly In tho beat of was on hand at bis smithy prepared for work Ho had just Anlhod shooing team of horses for Ed straightened up to attend else when he foil over When Mrs man raised him the vital spark Sudden was the call Ho was laid- to rest in Elm Cemetery Swamp amid ears and sorrow of many relations and friends He was a son of he late Valentine Oryderman North Tbcro was a family of 12 broth ers and sisters Deceased was the flrst death in the family ho first broken llik in the chain They are eminently a highly family every man of them Jin vas a favorite tem perate scholar of the Owl in bis boyhood Prior lo their de parture for their respective homes the family to the number of look dinner with their sister Mrs Critten den and then adjourned lo Iho old homestead of which Allan is how proprietor Some of the family far away were unable to bo present Railway wreck plow and engine were derailed and smashed up at Baldwin Crossing The plow is a complete wreck A great crowd of sightseers spent all day Sun day watching work removing the wreckage It was an awfully cold job reminded me of he old song I V r Oats Flax Live WEALTH IN WESTERN CANADA wC Tanoloy overseas with llu- Halt from in Aug wounded in riglit arm Viiny Ridge April and bo coming home soon was a fine old Mar int on Friday even- Night Hawk Holland Landing past both their Sleighing is a thing of the Wheels are on once more Messrs mid Jas Boll and of Toronto spent Sunday in I own Mss If Mrs Abbott Mrs dud Miss Marion West of Toronto spent Monday last at Mr Dells Mrs A Milne who has been ill for some time Is Improving slightly Mrs an old resident of this place was taken With a stroke on Monday from which she never rallied and passed away Wed nesday at noonj The will take plane from of Mr J on Friday afternoon at oclock Interment Christ Church Cemetery Mr Collins in shipping 2 cars of wood to Toronto fids week Mr and Mrs are very ill We hope to hear of speedy recovery- Mr Watson had purchased the farm formerly owned by the late Wm Wright Intends moving week Mr Geo will move Ihe form on Second formerly owned by Mr Hugh Milne Messrs Jr Wilfred Basil MeClure of Toronto spent Sunday in Messrs West and Stanley leave on Tuesday to attend the Spring Assizes at the City Hall Toronto Miss Amy Pegs left for Sedgewick on Tuesday She Intends visit ing her bister Mrs Cray for a few months We all wieh her journey Want is sometimes a better educator than wealth Proud babe Ned isnt he just the sweetest cherub In Iho world not much up on cherubs ssld Iho uncle SB a of plain Old Dan Tucker man He used to run the steam engine One night he lay across the track And the locomotive broke bis back During the icy period I observ ed many took desire lo sit down suddenly They kissed the ice but not at all gracefully genuine Sunday Elder Fletcher came by car gospel fodder lo his Ha Id win lambs After service be start ed out lo tramp it home to Kes wick a good long eight miles- Tho way was long the wind was cold the preacher was infirm and old but stouthearted In fact ho should bo called Percy Mr Ivan Tom- started after him and ov ertaking his bade him get in and drive homo Wasnt that nice I should say so Sure its too abominably cold write During he Quarterly Services here On Feb enjoyed hos pitality of Mr and Mrs A and was days They afterwards received a very pleasant letter from him expressing his than- wonder he is beloved by all who know him He reminds of We are sorry hear ofGladys illness The Methodist Sunday School Anniversary the th and of Fob was one of the most ever held Covering addressed the school on Sunday and the collection in aid of the poor Armenian children liberally responded to On Monday the annual tea and enter tainment was held the basement being taxed to its capacity to ac commodate the people class was responsible for a num ber on Hie program and the dia logues by the Adult Class ho Bound lo Win and the Primary Classes showed much work in their preparation and The enjoyed The quilt made by the womens Institute was auctioned for the aid of the Halifax Blind Mr J very kindly gave the- Autograph Quill made by the Bound lo Win Class for which he had drawn the lucky number to be auctioned for the same purpose Proceeds from entertainment amounted 10 all children be free A Union Meeting of the flionary Societies of the Presby terian and Methodist Churches wag held A homo of Mrs E J on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Atkinson gave a very inspiring address on Mis sionary and Mrs Cov ering a talk on uur Opportuni ties followed by a solo by Mrs Geo White after which Airs Nor ns served tea Mr and Mrs spent over Sunday at Mr Waller Mr Campbell of Newmarket spent the weekend with Mr Harold Cowicson SEND FOR FREE BOOK Ml OP ICO EACff lauds and el fcSliondSlanforcropcrpduciioa to An- a its leu In cd JWJ700CO to railwtytowiaU purchud on or crop ctoct Act Eattly now Government plan or to capital it opportunity there and ita lha way loday lor vJuaLIo on Gavcmtntnt fc Any MonUtJ Toronto Ot or it J v Keswick me A And man he was try dear lo all the passing rich on forty pounds a year more lo say ro I hope lo have- above later on A fa the next thing for Baldwin it will he in con nection with the barber shop How will our growlers lake it I hear some Our local icemen may bear be ce stored Get a hustle on I cold to write ioi conducted The fam- J- Quarterly Meeting that was adjouta- two or three weeks will be held on March 3rd and Saturday 1st cod 2nd Everybody welcome Mr P moved to list week Mr fipeal over Sunday in town Prayer has been very for of Hie bad roads Brown Hill will lo the loss of leading mtivhuiit Mr been In four years with uoS now leave the berg of Is spiiiling a few days with hero Rev of Toronto will he on More news lo follow Thora large loot i We are glad bear that lit tle is improving nicely Mr Orville Huntley spent Sun day Mr Wo arc very sorry lo have lo record the death of one of our popular young men Mr Lance- tot Wright who succumbed lo pneumonia Friday of last week funeral was held tho home of his father Mr John on Monday afternoon and was largely attended The assisted by Atkins the service has the sincere sympathy of the community in their great loss Womens Institute will Jiavc their meeting at Ihe home of Mrs A Mackenzie on Wed nesday next at Mr and Mrs Elmer of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Huntleys Mr Allan of Toronto came up Sunday on account of the Lancelot was home over Sunday Mrs entertained the Choir of Methodist Church on evening and every one speaks very highly of the time spent More of Mrs ward kind would bo a great to our community the next Comforts Tea will be on Tuesday March in the basement Everybody wel come Mr John A who has been suffering bloodpoisoning in bis fool is improving League March The Masters Spirit Speaker Viola Hill Header Boss Canadas Century and its Missionary Opportuni ties Speaker Mabel Wright Header Thomp son National Songs speaker Violet Thompson Header Levi and the War Speaker Hillary Stephens Header Mabel Halt The recent haw lias marie lota of water on Ihe lake Mr Horace had the misfortune lo get Ids learn and a load of wheal Into deep water near Point one day ihh week The entire load was submerged lunately some of thc fisherman were nol far away and came to his assist ance They got the load out a bag a lime Horace got a good wetting as he had lo get Into the water to unload the wheat It was quite a mild day forlunately but Horace It is rather early yet for bathing Mr James Cole also got his team and sleigh In on Wednesday No particular damage resulted There- was a big I urn at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening The Pastor preached an able sermon on the subject The World of What will it he His subject next Sunday even ing is Crooked Scales The Union Prayer Meeting was well attended on Tuesday evening conducted the service farmers of North have decided lo organize a Farmers Club They meet again at on Saturday afternoon lo complete the organization Mr has been spend ing a week In Toronto visiting friends there On Wednesday Mr Green went with the deputation lhal walled on the Government about the manufacture of Peat for fuel Where oh where has that coal gone to that was lo have reach Keswick a couple of weeks ago Isaac Morton and daughtecof assisted the Choir on Sun day evening fir ben Johnson Is shipping a ear load of Block from Keswick again I his week This is- the third car he has shipped from here recently POINT The lied Cross Box held on Friday evening at resi dence of was There was a Mr Hamilton kindly acted as chair man and read Ihe report for the iyear of the working and finances of the Society A very enjoyable program followed of which the main features were Violin and Piano Selection by Mr and Miss Songs by Miss Hunt Scotch ltccitation by Mrs Tilletl which everyone en joyed very much by Hoy Pollock Alice Hamilton May Tilletl and little Muriel and Marion de lighted us with a Spelling Song Many of the boxes were really beautiful and of most original design showing that these is de cidedly artistic talent among us and the contents proved that the ladies arc some cooks Mr made a capital auction eer His gifts of oratory and per suasion made bidding and mer riment run high- After supper a few indulged in an informal dance Reeve and Mrs have the hearty thanks of all for throwing open their borne for the cause effort realized 10780 sum of SI has since been donated which makes it A few expenses still a goodly sum lo worl with Brown Hill Too Late for Last Week Quite a number made their way down to see Ihe wreck last week which occurred on the The snowplow two en gines and one van were derailed about one and a half miles north Hill The plow was thrown across the track and the head engine was dashed in the ditch of about a 5foot embankment The plow was al so badly smashed up and the head engine badly damaged The sec ond engine and van were left the track The employ ees were not hurt Mr Ralph Hose of Toronto spent over Sunday in town The friends and relatives of Brown hi were quite struck with the report of ihe sudden death of Baldwin who dropped dead while at On the The revivals seem to be suc cessful Mr Lee Jones look a flying visit through the town this week I must go Sleeping Beauty i THE LIMIT SSI following amusing story con cerning Madam Sarah Grand the well- known novelist was told to recent ly by a personal friend hers appears thai the author of The Heavenly Twins la very absentminded ed day her friend calling- on unexpectedly found her Willi a awkward volume on her excited and evident much out is anything he mailer caller Oh yes she answered desper ately Ive lost my pen and I want post- Why where are you looking for it She glanced the and then at the hook I I believe she faltered was looking for it among the dictionary knee asked the I in with rolling Come out of I tell under will not Ill ye whos boss lo this house I it- iLL G MR I A If you are trying to keep house without Gold Dost you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some into your work but let do all the hard part of the task All you need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up the use of for anything women wrong If you want to get right bay a package of Dial today the million happy housewives who 4 TWINS Are all mi Ki V AlKQAMK CQMrAKYiiiSHTfiD iiASiUHIV TORONTO v

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