Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1918, p. 5

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yH liter i v I Ill tmMl lllliniilliiiflfct Main and Bank of Trgular ftfifcos March t3 in tiro Friday Mrsa Genoas had tiwmSorturioo Ice it Che The fellow from woro received by- Miss ladies Aid of IFIro flnsurzmoo- On afternoon JT la his Br arid ap rained ankle Ihafhban unable to for three daya of a i In of of Iio College of itVS Former I in Vol Nose llonplll London Uvea OlaflccaiCcp WATCHMAKER AND JiaiVCL Ad Pos AN UAHCIC Ave 2nd Queen Hi Jftvmockot lhono P A of Piano Voicoand Ho- Dealer in all lit Piano for Columbia and nocbrda tito Toronto Over PI- Parlore bo on of PundlLfCVv j I I MaYoh and it How many of our of Field CornfrlaarvKlvIn rooms on rtiRhl tymftnp leaver of- Marriage At the Wra Office at Idohco if i MARK BIT Wfolnauranao are not many T0dpo carry life iridcrtd are adding morn because they there la no better investment tfttaoho to a ftlrong for Counties of York and recently moved to Newmarket so bo in centre Ilia work and Is ros- on St In this weeks he is in troduced to this community In the Mutual Ufa and will pleased to explain either the or plan insurers JilrChanller Is a live young man very ploaaanfinhls and wo aro flUKohowillrnfcko of this District Laot Friday and fev- ftnin Mrs Aubrey oponed her palatial iresidonco Sot an At Homo the for and Cross A literary and musical program a perfect Foremost was elocutionary effort Mias Dorothy who in Ihrco scenes presented new hook At the Foot of the in a man ner two or days to space of a Utile than an hour and yet giving sufficient to catch of climax The program wae opened exceedingly brilliant pianoforte solccUon by Master BtanleyGU ton eon of Rev C Olton Holland Landing music- wonder ut the ago of yraro lr0cpWo3yirbox alright and Cliristmad Day I vo fortunato j from didnt have day free do guard duty I on duty in the aftornoon 2tHand relieved the next I am my will bo Shortly a very Vc TOat goose which was more than I to see over hero had a vory good pud ding Vyhbn wo finished dinner troujiMiianound nuts and apples and some raisins To finich a eppcert I to I too and alcopy I am in a Mild now It la an old AUtiO people living In tho house below Wo have gotihrough living room each we enter or leave you might think that wo in dark place with but the attics hero same as those in Canada There aro two hero Thai is farm houses you go upstairs in attic The roof loose tile and vo can see out anywhere we a If we vanl a wo to do is to raises tile arid wo have it Wo a little winter snov over a Monday which snov had but a storm last night and this moru- had and more Weil think have written all I will bring II to a Thanking you very faindly f remain truly Woodcock France Dear leva hoping you are rfjUite happy as I your pQroehaiid card It very I it very much Tell the Ladles Aid for think ing of mo 1 have been in France months now It in ul The enow i la about finches deep hero not Canada I expect to Woll tell the Ladies- Aid wish thorn a Happy and any some of the other be over- here pret ty soon Give all their share Woll will vrito again Your friend Albert JJralUiwaile rfi I D sjknfcww flc end til fiesi -dtBa-nd- good J any jo Weather this letter to a With to ypiii also io ihehv mft M TTne following tetter was re wo will Id wWtb and ycia in tikjllaFgoTcVl Frjyouriggirlfl just entering in life IfAvorUo only up and tin ft11 a presumption for In- Bend flor trial V Oat XJaV-t- of lUakindiI tofail in I toy back had paiaa In ray I very weak and I took without relief until took Dr Favorite Pro- built up I i period In A good healthy at a to Women will find helpful dar ing trying Mas Ave I am place now They look or me everything heed I I got from the Canadian lied Cross but no eats I get France A Canadian comes me and finds out I need tell you now is the with me I have and fine They took me to a good theatre yesterday Two nurses went with me I sat reserved seat amwalki a lot better i I a blue suit With ahopk we lose the use of arms and legs and voice but my voice Is not both ered at all I cant draw any money whilo in Hospital Dont worry I am and Write for I will bo here long enough to got it ByeBye Love to all If you to tferful Hov Sly reoowJ deHv6ca In Columbia on a year Guiumim from to In i irioi Written Great doubt if are many Call before ordering canoxcell him in 1UtiOiJ West in and Made to W UK tud akst Designs All Kindc of Cemetery ATTENDED TO and see us before All kinds of Stones Cat to Order kept In JOHN nd of nd AND Phone ft Huron St Newmarket Furnace Work Plumbing 3 Our Bee the Outnt at Shop TDK TINSMITH OSBORNE SOUS TO tit A to Abii J and expression Miss Io- to contributed four or five numbers on violin showing that she was perfect of instrument and also vocaliot or selections Her execution and charmingmanner were au- Mrs John of to soprano soloist rendered four bopiitiful and wag most heartily applauded and roe manner lend a to her se lections whether operaUo or fa miliar air In her usual sympathetic and captivating maunor Mrs J accompanied Loth Wio vocalist and violinist The thanks of the Cross ond also Ihorapprocfativo were presented to entertainers and Mrs Davis in a Mr Jackson sec onded W J Wood At the of the program re freshments were served and young people cleared the floor for a dance proceeds of the afternoon and evening amounted to A dlnolnnatl man dlooovcra that loosens they spreads rapidly and druggists hero kept dispensing the reoeat disooycry of a Cincinnati mau which is said to loosen any corn so it lifts out with fingers A quarter of an ounce coats very little at any store handles drugs but this is said to be sufficient to rid ones feet of every hard or soft or callus You apply Just a few drops on the tender aching corn or tough callus and instantly soreness is relieved and soon the corn or callus Is so shriveled thai It lHta out without pain It is substance which dries when ap plied never Inflames or even irrigates the surrounding skin This discovery will prevent thousands of deaths annually from infection here tofore from the suicidal habit of cutting corns 2nd Dear Hope A Just a few lines to lot you know the box and wishing to ail for kindness in sending Pfliopo the when I can thank all in person Well I had a here Wo had in our room Had lots turkey and pudding Ev erything was Ihad four boxes and my chum hail a couple and vo opened them until Believe me we bad a London Jan Dear Miss A parcel addressed to at fihorobam Camp has just arriv ed at the above address having been forwarded to me by the En- unit I have been fleiititothe Auditor General for Canada London on ac count of further unfit for the trenches and it is not to ho woadcrod have- done two gone through mos St The in front of Lens and last but not least fumousVuny from where waa invalided borne so I think earned a rest from real warfare a time at any rate but we neverknow when we are going to bo marked fit again to receive orders still if it comes can go with the same apiril as in iotB Leaving my own experiences wish to thank you and all the kind ladies of Hope Aid for their kindness and interest taken in me having no relatione of my own makes it all the more appreciated by I already taken quite an in terest in corresponding with Mrs A Dike and Mrs MorrU of Aharon I would esteem it a fa vor if you would acquaint those two ladies that I have communi cated with you personally to thank you for the parcel which had not arrived on my last oc casion of writing to them and all good wishes enclosed are sin cerely reciprocated by me Christmas passed very quietly with mo In fact I think it was the same with everyone on ac count of these dreadful circum stances which are still surround ing us and all we can hope for now is a speedy termination to it all but without a doubt it must bo a good one and satisfactory to us to balance the eacrifioe that every nation has made in flesh and Wood I myself can Bee it coming during this present year and will give everyone a chance to he home for the next festive season and lender our thanks for your kindnessperson- Toronto Minister of of real that Wo alii share up in our you having a cold a box and wo sum had a roaljspell in Dominion which mokes it very hard for the sufferers in Halifax it sure was a terrible disaster to overtake that city and at such a but it relieves ones mind to know that everything that could bo done has been done for them yet after all is said and dorvc it is a trifle when you come to consider that the casualties of British Army are per day still we donot expect things like that to happen so far away God he them all in their troub le sincerely you are quite well- and will continue to so to enable you to carry on your splendid work In closing I send you my best wishes and kindest regards Yours sincerely Sapper Fordharn Nothing like the Can adian stuff It a fellow ink home sweet home My chum and I were invited nut lor the afternoon time sit was nice weather hero about like summer The sun was like in summer Wo had a snow a couple of weeks ago but it ban all gone again We got nice lot- of rain hero it comes mostly whon wo want this Country it agrees With fine There are of towns the camp sure visit them often enough pass and Iwili so I was up to London last pass It is euro some I never saw anything much better in Canada yet not as much uptodate Well will close for now thanking you nil again for your A W Doc 1917 Dear Miss Just a few lines to let you know I am well doping this will find you the same Well I got your unreel And was glad of it for I on pass and had just and something to eat more like homo Well Kva I I were back to the fifth again but I guess that will to wail a yet but I am iv- hopes -Well- 1 guess I eloso this tiwe bo goodbye Franco Deo Dear Miss Just a lino today to thank you for your Christmas parcel which I received K a few ago I am sure any of the hoys who were lucky enough to one from your Society Will Join with mo in wishing that the year may bo a banner one for Hope Ladies Aid Thanking you- once more for your kind remembrance f sincerely A France Deo Kind friends Your welcome parcel a feways ago It was good condition although it was a long time its but then the mail been very irregular of late suppose it is on account of mails being so large The box was appreciated by myself and those who shared it with me and I wish to convey my thanks to all of your Aid Wishing you ail success and happiness in the I I have seen the beauty of English village and countryside en- Joyed unbounded hospitality of the people revelled in the historical asso ciations Inseparable from almost every locality reverently- bowed in West minster Abbey before the monuments to the Intelligence and heroism of those who made Britain great but have also seen in the cafes and public of London carnivals of vice debauchery that are a scandal and dis grace dissolute prostitutes and uni formed soldiers drinking carousing in licentious dissipation have seen those might be big arid string saviours of at thlB time of stress and strain weakened going as animals to lairs rather than as hu mans to borne while In Piccadilly the Strand and elsewhere men and women and even girls and boys ogled and so licited under the very eyes of officers of the lav and unhindered and paired off to practice vices that arc striking at the very vital of the nation Would to mat Britain great Britain noble Britain would throw off this deadly Incubus of drink What could she not then do What heights could she not reach What national asplraUons could she not realize What could she not achieve for herself and the world This appeal for action Is not a sel- one far as it rightly represents Canadian thought Canada will help the cause of the Allies to the limit of her power despite anything the Moth er Country may do or leave undone Canada should not and will not re fuse one pound of grain though or lis equivalent be destroyed In British breweries She will not hold men or means for the winning of the war because of mismanagement or waste there Indeed the more the waste the greater the dlSBlpaUon the worse the bungling the more impera tive will become the need for saving and giving by Canada and overseas parts of the Empire This is Canadas war- The principles for whloh she as a nation stands are by conscienceless aggrandizing tyranny She is In the fight to the last man and the last dollar is because Canada believes that prohibition will help to win the war that she has enacted It is because Canala believes that pro hibition in Britain would bring war to an earlier conclusion and save un told misery and suffering that she yearns for action by the Motherland In the name of high patriotism for the honor of a nation that the titanic struggle that Is wearing and tearing the world may be brought to an early and successful Issue will not the Prime Minister of- Britain lead her into the path which Canada has chosen the United States of America la taking so that together the AngloSaxon race may go triumph antly forward and realize those great alms for which we are comrades-in- arms today the democratizing of government the humanizing of civil ization and the laying of a permanent foundation for the peace and of the world MlE WE On my Compound of Bono Meal and Moat and coo difference makes In egg production I Feed also my Shell and FEE I Fine Oil Heal Got ton I71cal ALL YOU FEED I 1 Order by Phono or from MB a I To Every of MADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE COAL Prices Right OLIVER Give Us DIKE a Call IM10110 a rf to no Country on If I call up corning year yours T franco Jan bear Friends I write this letter to you in re turn for the parcel which I re ceived and lUankiiux you the your very much also for cards from Mrs- Morris and Miss- Ber tha Hall and I hope this will find you all good health as it leaves me the same at present I must also that I am not along with Mr A Morris now I havo been drafted Into another Battalion but I hope he is getting- alright I must also ask you to kindly remember me to Mrs Bertha Hall UNION Let us you Comfortable In a OR AUTO Prompt Charges A BOYD Prop- iilUht on Phono Promptly Attended to Ottawa Feb The official vote taken In France In and In United Stales an nounce Mr OCon nor General Returning Officer In creased the majority of the Union Gov ernment In to 60 It was when the civilian homo counted the vole taken in all been allocated to the various and a staff officers commenced to count it yesterday Mr OConnor expects it will be In by Wednesday when the Governments majority may be fur ther No one can achieve won who docs not a pride in ik Lord Clinton 1 QUA Or ftat- used as Is guaranteed to restore gray hair to Its color or moric- pffliUvely not dye and Price Tffxaaia Supply Co Toronto in IP flfJ you e iin If a I lHODUOT If You Wish OllOKi Adelaide Wert Local data Ut 1 1 1 I 0

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