Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1918, p. 8

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p IS Tnnw T a vaduiuiaiysaeetes ko 5 rtilof to Torpid rife Chronic and l Pain other Affection only in from fruit composed of found In orangey ttifcatt together with tho tQo a box for At or cent postpaid SV- ft fovunroomod Good water garden centrally kittled MAW 3 Park Ave TO RENT Corner Main and Ontario Bis month at Era There a hold at tho borne Mr Arthur Knights last Wednesday night aid of fall 6ffln0iY hero Wedding hells are ringing around Who Is the one Sorry Mr Alport nose is a ho may soon Mr Visiting at home of Mr ood Mri Ho vipiting Hie days The very owing to the store closed over weekend Save the fuel is order of day The Hod Cross Wednes day at homo of Mr Fred Ham- num MjvAUbv threshing clover yet Hurry up or you will not bo ready for next years crop Mr Toronto is calling on old friends em i I acres of land part of Half of Lot in tho 2nd of 2 WMoa from Newmarket Very for gardening to It Armstrong SHOP TO Main and Ontario for Harness Shop Whop or Shop of Low rental Apply at Office i to liOTArti That desirable properly Customs and Post Wost of Main Street known as Store Apply to Keith Administrator or V Newmarket VJAHTED A good live representative for ll0 Farm Agency at One who owns an automobile and has considerable time on bands I also be glad to a re- pi from any farmer who might bo Interested who lives on his own farm within a mile from Newmarket Hero is a good for the right man Write to J A of Georgetown if you arc interested NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Edwin Gordon of the Oily of Toronto in the do of York in Province of Ontario Lumber Dealer will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada- at the next thereof for a Hill of Div orce from his wife Edna Gordon of the said City of To ronto on the ground of adultery DATED at Toronto this day of November A DUFF HAMILTON Solicitors for Albert Edwin Cor don the applicant r It Pays to Attend 2ND LINK WHITCHURCH On Monday evening Feb olh neighbors of Mr W Thomp son of gathered at hie homo to a last fare well before his the farm in the form of a parly surpriso they undoubtedly great er than the gave Mr Thompson dumb founded his when ho In troduced his bride Instead of tho party that had been planned there was a charivari followed by a social evening Mr Thompson liberally to tho noise and with the money an supper was planned- Tho hand some club bag with which ho was will prove very handy to bridegroom Tho Slipper was hold at the homo of on even ing when Mr Thompson and bride were the of honor After an evening of entertain ment and a splendid supper he thanked his friends who number sixty and for appreciation on occa sion and their kindness In the past It is with deop that Mr Thompsons neighbors see tho departure of such good old standby Good wishes go with them both to homo in To ronto VgoUbo to all from say mo tors mcdlclno to It I a girl and health find wid end- 1 both mod to all i mm No1 herb remedy Vcgotablo Com- vomeu of than forty red It well pay flcnujtUco or iho to remedy trial For la to year Lynn result v iff 3 mm I and Toronto All graduates and scores of our of the past year have secured good business po sitions and still the is far beyond our supply Write for Catalogue Enter Any Time IV J ELLIOTT SteDdl ID You can keep ydur blood in good condition have a clear Siin and bright eyes by taking The collection givcit by St An drews Church Sunday School last Sabbath In aid of desti tute Armenians amounted to nearly Mr John Ireland who has been a resident of our town for some time has been engaged by Mr Miller of King City and will move in a few days Miss Lou Ash from is visiting in this neighborhood ami leaving many happy impres sions Some of the farmers in this vicinity are having great diffi culty in getting their clover threshed Tho heavy engine has to he taken across Holds and through some very deep drifts which necessitates the work a groat amount of snow shovel ling Mr Dun lost a very valuable twoyearold coll on Monday morning through indi gestion The box social hold in Arm strongs Hall King City lost Fri day evening was in aid of the Hod Cross and proved a decided success sale of the boxes amounting to nearly 100 St Andrews Church was fire- leas owing to state of the roads and fuol shortage last Sun day A new transportation company has been formed at Bonds Lake and will transport passen gers anywhere in their luxurious outfits Oldham has returned to her school at Loch Erne after spending a days with her parents at Mount Albert DO- LA8KAY on your recovery may It ho more- than made up In the strong moral character which may bo de veloped from tho experience you have hod and fit you the great port which you as a young man will play In the future in moulding the destinies of this great Canada of ours of which we are so proud Wo have always felt a vory deep interest in Halt to which you belong and have great faith in their achievements in this struggle for liberty In extending our welcome to you we cannot help express our gratitude to you for the volun tary and cheerful way in which you taken up your part in this world war on our behalf and as an expression this grati tude we ask you to this watch as a small token of our of your services and may the Great Commander of all forces be your Guide in deter mining future destiny and may Ho you and make you a citizen of our beloved Canada is the sincere wish of the members of your own home com munity Bolton Enterprise Mr Geo was in Toronto last week on business Miss M Pickering and Miss spent a week with friends in Toronto Mr Willie has secured a position with the John Ingles Co Toronto The school is oloscd down as a result of the furnace burning out Mrs Horner has been eon- fined lo her bed for the past three weeks with pneumonia disease has been checked but her recovery is slow as a re sult of rcat age Mr Meyers father is under the doctors care heart trouble being the ailment This is the first time he has had to go lo bed through sickness although in his year The Janic Canuck Club held a social evening at Mr W J Kes ters The young men of this neigh- gold cup suitably inscribed An was to arid a military escort was provided the t5yomenmot and tho reporters in the background notebooks readv to lake down tho speeches In surpris ing thing sol dier who was to the said Heros cup and- General sajd Thank Then old com rades sat down comfortably and proceeded to talk of other things Now this outcome should surprised rib one- familiar with human nature These wore men of action Their was doing things not talking- about them And so instead of eulogizing tell- ing him of the place ho occu pied in the hearts of follow Countrymen and the Joy It gave a of his admirers to present him with this trifling token their esteem the one man said only Heros the cup and the other Thank A college graduate noted for her command of languages was asked to give a talk to a number of girls to Interest them in the work of tho Hod the appointed day she appeared made a really eloquent appeal calculated to slip her hearers enthusiasm Later when the girls were being organized the work a friend of the speaker said to her casually By the way Violot what especial branch of Red Cross work have you been taking up The college graduate looked ft little discomfited Why to tell truth site acknowledged I havent started in any lino yet Since I got back from college my time has full in a social vay that I havent seemed to have for much else I am making up for all those years when I had to devote self lo study you But what was plain lo her listener that the eloquent young pleader for a great cause had the gift of vord8 rather than of ac tion Someone said of he had the of accomplish ment Facility in speaking not a gift to bo undervalued but surely it counts far less lhan the greater gift of -a- km Slogs MmfeftfrU JSlrifllofiton Woddihs 11 v r Yquce one of so Hani We car if- bought i ORE than 100000 Fords are owned by people in Canada in- preference to tlie old horsedrawn buggy and other of cars Your neighbor in every section of the Dominion are abandoning their old buggies selling their driving horses and buying Fords Ford cars are utility cars They are built to endure the strain of constant daily use over rough roads These are the teste every farmer his car The Ford meets them in a satisfactory manner It is the farmers car so why not replace your horse and buggy with a Ford wheii Gravity j with a Ford Touring Runabout Coupe THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sedan FORD ONT PLAO K NEWMARKET I fc r l organized a Johnnie fianuok Club weekly meet ings will bo held in the Foresters Hall We congratulate Mr J Look on his success as a wool chant He received the largest cheque in the province for wool sent to by over a man from Middlesex came second Mr Horner has the name of the right thing at right lime Hearing that a wi dow and an old couple were run ning short of wood he organized a bee in loss lime than it lakes mo to write it and had ten loads cut and drawn in one day This is not all the widows wood six loads cut split and piled be fore oclock Mr berry donated wood and Mr If sawed it with his ma chine gratis- Journal J I Travellers agree that per cent of the German people have lost their enthusiasm for war The sole topic of conversation is food and peace On the eve of an historic dinner lo ar rival of the first Canadian divi sion in France three years ago the Canadians raided the enemy lines near and in front of Lens capturing a total of ten prisoners and two machine guns At approximately the lime far south at other Canadians again crossed yards No Mans Land look prisoners and two machine gun destroyed four mortars boomed both the enemys front and support Cry ASTORIA The home of Wm Hoys was the scene of a delightful gather ing on evening of Jan 24 oc casioned by the return of their son Harold who has been inval ided home from Mr Norman acted as mas ter of ceremonies and music and speaking was order of the evening Misses Teasdale Campbell and Rutherford render ed the music and Mr Dun- lap McMurchy A McCaUum and addresses Mr J M OBrien elocutionist ren dered several selections after which following address waft read by Miss and the presentation made by Miss Ger trude To Private Harold Boys We the members of your own homo community have met this evening to welcome you back to your home- Wo join heartily with you and the members of your family in rejoicing upon your safe return and that at one load has been lifted from an anxious mothers heart of which are many caused by this cruel war Although you and invalided home wo hope that you will soon re turn to your Wonted health and strength and any physical strength which may bo Plain newspaper has 17 por ton ad vanced again remedies for are only to in name afield to a by vhat The only to be bout it ihs to them know they for Here Ic Vino When the doctor a conUlne it patent medicine Liie end Any doctor still tell la of as named the cud create strength blood it body is fcticna and can this at our your bo If docs not liiprov J Also at the Beat Druggists la all On tario mother theyve Eugene home from the hospital cried of my little neighbors May we go see him Im glad lo hear thai Hut you must not go yet dears an swered the wise young mother Ho is too weak to see anybody He will have lo slay in hod and ho vory quiet for a good many days Cant wo lake him something then I have a lot of peanut candy She smiled as she shook he bond saying Let me think a minute Suppose you select a big colored picture from your scrap box and I will write around the edge of it just what you want to say to him welcoming him home then you can your name lo it Perhaps it would ho heller if I put the picture to the typewriter and write what ever you want said in big capital letters so it will he easier for him to make out Then you can take tho picture and cut it up into a puzzle like your animal puzzles you know We will put each picture into a separate en velope seal it up and write on the outside A letter to Eugene if you can make out who sends it and what it says Oh how jolly I cried he children I have a page from a seed catalogue added Bert and Marie has a great big colored house out of a magazine Well gel them right now In a little while their choice vas made The mother typed a message on the edges and a few interesting bits of neighborhood news after which he children with great glee cut up the pic tures themselves and sealed the envelopes Then they ran over to Eugenes I house tiptoed p on- the front porch and stuck their letters in to the screen door where they could bo seen Could they have watched the little sick boy propped up his pillows spreading out those precious bits of paper and piec ing thorn together they would have been still happier if it were possible Sunbeam Stella Vinson had been down town all for the first lime in her life tp make pur chases for her mother She had walked down and was home Mrs Vinton told her that sho might have conts for herself if any change butane bad been obliged to every cent sat in theear with hot faro in her hand waiting for the conductor to for it He came along presently and she held It toward him but he did not and went on lo the front of the car He has of gotten me He is not corning for my faro shall give it to I get have had your rido and ought to pay for it whispered conscience Of courso but it is not my place lo make the conductor lake it It is everybodys business lo be honest MUrnma promised me Ave cents loo Hut she would hot like you get it in this way She need never know I would not tell her But you would know and Je sus would know and you to be Christian So I do and I will be I wont cheat Just then the conductor call ed out Baker SI and Stella arose lo leave the car As she did so she put the live cents in tho conductors hand Thank you he said smiling Stella wont home and told hoi mother of her temptation Mrs Vinton opened her purse took 1 a 25cent piece instead of she had promised put it in las hand This is for my honest little girlV she said kissing her Stella had double- reason to bo glad she had gained the victory Apples of Gold OQ04 Motto fop Time of War With malice toward none with charily for all with firmness to ward the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on lo finish the work we are in To bind up the nations wounds To care for him who has borne widow and children Era Can is the of her accept and up If you think the Era is Local Newspaper and would like to see its usefulness extended wo will your subscription for three months for every now subscribe you send us paid in advance Put in a Rood word for us use of the following coupon and we will greatly appreciate your assistance Coupon Era Enclosed please find to pay for years lion lo The Newmarket Era for Mr a it He good enough lo credit me with three months subscrip tion for this subscriber as per your offer Name of Old Mr a p Date tho battle for us and for his To all who may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations The Germans have termin ated the armistice on the front and they will resume the war to drive the out of Order Co Can You Beat Take as much as you want As long as you want And stop when you want Absolutely harmless Try it she thought No I wont it is his lo come for the tempter sug gested That would bo cheating You Will Si J fV Pi The Convcn of Ac fi fit pars urn by OIL COMPANY NEW JEKSKY nAYONNK NEW JBUSEY PATTERSONS Drug Store in is iiLu your for bocik to CHARLES rO- FRED iWl

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