BSE rfji ill I I Ntf HA v i Ian fiflt INNER Good la 85T8 Qual ity of a caving of from to at the Quality PARLOR LAMPS Very Woo nod pcos ration at a caving In on values Pine Fancy China In a Largo of both and at to your of fuel will open again Moii- at oclock aft both Mulr Schools will also bo to Hotpltat Mrs J who won lie beautifully Door Head at Field Comforts loot Saturday night has Yory kindly donated it to tho Mil itary vhioh la appreciated exceedingly Our moot tie ait weak taken Clirhpfton as well Every rnpnibdrle urged to bo recent next Sunday will discuss the la Motel of China and PEPINS or BULBS i on house 13EODIKQ Ixttuoo rather but wo you than was aroused on whan an alarm of flrowas rung Water Works and was circulated that King was on firo fortunately it in to a conflagration and tho services of firemen not roqulrod It startod in tho small passageway offico waiting room and backyard exit and Is supposed to bo caused by a stub It burned a through tho floor but was with a pails of walcrby tear ing up a couple of boards damage would not a couple of dollars of sale of wood on tch roh aucoeaa About 30 sold In to dlfforont people and ran all way from to fring ing in a total of about giving people a- chance to got fuel that la a lcayuo M had a real treat on Monday Rev If Thomas a very interest ing and helpful address which was appreciated by all Monday evening bo a talk on war of thegrcat battles will bo There la a all la Hit Ask for oar Will to fctttt Your Opportunity For and will follow a of Shaws Toronto froo CI Proa Guild May tho Guild before long take advantage of very kind invi tation to back again soon la wish of everyone who at tended meeting held last Mon day at tho homo of Mrs Goo There wore over forty present and needless to a amount of work was done for Hod Cross and Field Comforts At the a hearty of thanks was londored to Mr and Mrs for their kindness to tho Guild Take hoed everybody for Monday promises to bo one of the most Interesting meet ings wo have had Miss head of the Mili tary Hospital has kindly consented to toll us of her many and varied in France mooting will bo hold at tho home of Mr Harry on St and everyone is spoi urged to take advantago of I this opportunity of bearing Miss Com Deputation to Toronto Arrangements being com pleted for a largo deputation from Aurora Holland Landing Bradford Harris lia and other plaooa to wail the Provincial Government next to ask for Hol land Marsh peat to be developed this summer under auspices of Government to relievo tho situation winter Tjio Davis Co got in oars of coal this week- cars of hard coal boon distributed among oit- this week Another car of Corporation wood is today Tho Wornons Institute had a good crowd and splendid pro gram at Mr on night Tho union prayor service night was in the Methodist Church Next week it will he in Christian London Feb hie views the need for of all Canadian p fpreleotriflqatlQh of the coordinated Sir Adam Beck London reverted to the of political control The Canadian railway if ope rated under a kept aloof from any Government would prove a vital facJoriPlHMng the of Urn debt from Canada but if politics and patronage play a part nothing need bo looked Tor No Government could bo expected to pcoplo under aucn An example Tomiekomlng and Northern- Ontario ho said There is a railroad owned by the of this province I entered politics about ton years ago wo owed on that road ton or twolvo million dollars Now wo 20 millions a deficit on the road year of and- the taxpayers of this country hod to go into their pockets for that sum road was built for colonization pur poses but it is hot colonizing to any road instead boa a lot of multimillion aires from discovery of great of valuabio and timber reserves Why it that the railroad boa never paid its operating expenses though it has enabled so many private individ uals lo got rich Whyjios sufficient revenue drawn from the country that this road has opened up with Its groat mineral wealth fflWAH lyxTVrKJBg Might GLOVES end to hind of now biting frost end winds that out Good Moavyi l Plain and Fancy All up in P supply all you wants Gap Ear Good Warm Wo to THE JAMES CO NEWMARKET The Gents- Furnishers SOUTH END Homo There seems to bo a groat lack of information regarding return of who been doing their bit W A Forth who enlisted with the but got any farther than England owing lo illness homo loot week or relatives who any expec tation of tho return of soldiers should inform Mayor so that a proper may be accord ed them They have stood be tween us and the German peril and should bo recognized -tOOO- in On tho morning of Fob 1018 there passed away tho old est in Newmarket In tho porson of Mrs Emily Ever rig- ham vidow Of the late John in her year Mrs was daugh ter of Elder Willson ono of old pioneers of tho Chris tian Church She was born In in the County of York and was united in marriage to Mr in Must of their life spent on a farm north of In their early history Mr not only worked in improving his Of Dominion farm but also at his trade as a iut a Gap of Household Flour OLD STOCK per Bag ItLaeta Food All Kinds Always on Hand MAKE LAV I POCKLER to A Howard Phono CO TEH 8 lACT who already examined tho deposits and report favorably on fuol will bo pre sented together with local infor mation and it is sincerely hoped that their will bo grant ed Wo have no doubt hut that If Government does not tHko hold of this matter at it will bo diverted into private en terprise and the public will to pay dividends on a monop oly that should belong to the State There at tno present time tugs scows and dredges on that could bo avail- for peat operations Special Metropolitan cars will Newmarket at am and any person interested is invited to join the delegation the larg er the more effective in present ing demands on of the people Return tickets only The special cars will leave To ronto for Newmarket at pm The new edition of that publication C000 Facts About Canada for has hi i and again moots a longfelt Want for a concise record of Canadas progress and development in a single year compiler is Frank tho wellknown author and lec turer and acknowledged author on everything Canadian This the tenth year of its publica tion and the new is enlarg ed and improved over previous editions Fifty chapters deal with outstanding features nation arranged BlphabeUapp 0 SToaf Quangos Proposed by At Council meeting on Monday evening tho Properly Comrnittoo brought in a roport recommending various changes and improvements lo Town If all and Market Building After a lengthy discussion the follow ing recommendations passed The services of Mr to bo disposal of the Committee on Saturday of each week That tho bo cement ed proper fuel bins constructed and asbestos and tin placed over tho smoke pipes of tho furnaces two south stalls in Market to bo let by lease subjeot to ap proval of Council Seats in the Town Hall to be repaired That J A Wilson bo in structed lo submit plans for the rewiring of the- Market and Town Hall throughout to tho i I J from Agriculture to War presented in a serios of crisp paragraphs that quickly tell their significant and that will prove a revelation to even the best informed Copies may bo had by remitting 25 cents lo the Canadian Facts Pub lishing Co Huron St To ronto or on enquiry from leading booksellers This tabloid cy clopedia of Canada as it has been aptly called fa a splendid investment A Thomas Feb Floods following the rain of lost night did a large amount of damage in the harbor of Port Stanley Sev eral fishing Arms had their ware houses wrecked and docks and tugs damaged That tho entrances to the Town Hall on north side bo redecorated That the letting of the Town Hall bo by contract that a suitable form bo prepared for approval of before being printed That a new flag be pur chased for tho Town Hall to be flown when weather conditions permit Wg these regulations will meet approval of the citizens Recommendations for the In- of Public Lavatories and Drinking Fountains voted down a recommenda tion to charge a fee for selling produce on Market shoomaker assisted by his com panion she doing finer work with needle After the wool was shorn from shoep Mrs would spin and weave it into cloth and then manufacture it into garments for the family by industry and perseverance they secured a comfortable home They were kindhearted and their door was always often to en tertain friends Mrs often spoke of Rebellion in 1873 Al though young she remembers the officers of the Conservative Government visiting her fathers home searching house and taking Richard Graham and a Mr Stiles prisoners Elder Will- son her father was permitted to remain as ho had taken no act ive part and was of a peaccablo disposition She also remembered Col John son of Poffcrlaw driving to New market in the month of May with a sleigh and team of horses and good sleighing had continued from November to hat lime Mrs was a- mem ber of Christian Church for many years She was quiet and unassuming in her manner and faithful to her God They resid ed at Keswick for several years whon she and her companion re moved to Newmarket in to homo of daughter Mrs Shortly after Mr Everingham departed this life leaving her a widow for last 14 years The family consists of seven children two eons and five daughters Mrs or Toronto Mrs George of Ohio Mrs Thos Traviss of New market Mrs of Newmarket Mrs of Aurora W of Sask and Rev J Everingham of tho State of Maine Tho funeral obsequies were conducted by writer assisted by Rev of the Christian Newmarket on Friday Fob the residence of Mr Traviss Huron St The casket containing the precious remains was- placed in the vault in Newmarket Cemetery later lo bo taken for interment the family plot at by Hon When the Government appoint ed a manager for the In tercolonial Railway there was at an effort made to prevent him from carrying his polioios Into effect for the benefit of the whole people in that Some special parties might draw pat ronage Ho referred also lo National Rail way which hod been built by men who knew no railways than ho himself knew about the operation of a torpedo boat leading lo an enormous increas ed upon taxpayers Tift Northern Railway has boon taken Over by tho Gov eminent but old crowd operating Up What heats mo is why the people do not awaken to rights in these mailers said chairman of the HydroElectric Commission Wo see pri vate cars of railroad presidents and managers and counsel four or five of them at Ottawa the whole year roiind What are they there for They there to gel special favors How often do the people go down lo Ottawa to demand hat their rights ho recognized Sir Adam credit to the deputation of citizens who went all Western Ontario to demand power from Sir James Whitney as reason why today In power of lino of business in the oily heard speaker with great enthusiasm A deputation goes from this city to Ottawa on Wednesday in company with other municipal representa tives from Western Ontario- to urge that the T system bo Included in any scheme of na tionalization of railways When this nationalization is electrification of the railroads of this part of the country will fol low rapidly It is expected Sir Adam declared the great est confidence in the prosperity of country When war was over it would be discovered that Ontario with cheap power and transportation had laid firm hold of the steel industry CANADIAN if J I A A CLEARING LINE jr OP f fcJ tell d a ii LADIES BOOTS AND TAN FOR Of the square miles of peat throughout Canada all have more or less fuel value according to the decomposition and carbonization that has taken place in nature Peat is nothing more or less than incipient coal and as there arc many kinds of coal from the lowly lignite shale lo the anthracite even so is it with peat Tho practical demonstration of Government at Alfred where acres were taken over and peat successfully manufac tured and sold in Ottawa for per tpn and where over tons were consumed with excel lent results has placed this qucs- lion of peat out of the experi mental stage Several hundreds of tons of machine peat were made by tho process and much of it used in Toronto Couth of King i Hotel NEWMARKET mean loom The cry of Long Live was in Chi cago on Sunday and was not Stilled until a crowd of per sons- which attempted to break up a meeting in honor of Prof fjomonoGSoff president ho Russian Mission on Ways Communication had dis persed by the police The peo ple should impress upon their Governments that hey business Europe Loads tho Way Dealing with the future of electricity as applied to rail roads Sir Adam pointed to the Scandinavian countries where despite severe conditions un der which they must import cop per they were proceeding with electrification Italy also was making progress Great Britain where there were very many elec tric power plants effects a sav ing of twothirds of the coal that was now lost through the inef ficiency of the steam engine Here in Ontario wo had the ad vantage of power lines already extended over the country so that the application of electricity to ho railroads would bo possible without great additional outlay Hallway Sir Adam Beck his con clusions why the P should not now bo included in such an undertaking The P had not asked for any increase In rates nor for other favors It was a great national asset Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern were being handed over to country whether country liked it or not It was proposed that the Grand Trunk should not be in- eluded with the P but who was responsible for the P Was not the Grand Trunk and should they be allowed lo unlood upon country this responsi bility of a great western system and to retain possession of tho eastern feeders Tho P and wore not worth a button east Great Lakes except as feeders were found for them These feeders were to be bad in Grand Trunk system here in On tario and eastward The plan of nationalization he would connect the P and the at a point north of Lake Superior and use the T P westward to Winnipeg In the west a good deal of duplica tion could eliminated Under competent railway board these consol idated railroads could bo operat ed successfully in competition With P The present who comprised nearly with quite results Dickson process a harder product than that of Dob- son but peat was not ever made by it in a commercial way A peat firo may bo made to last over night by banking it pro perly and closing all the draughts it will burn until every atom of fuel is consumed and requires very little oxygen for its com bustion Its fuel value is esti mated to be about twothirds that of anthracite About it was sold by one maker during a period two years at per ton which at twothirds heating value of anthracite would make equivalent lo anthracite at per ton Anthracite at that time was a ton It is doubt ful if the difference in the cost of peat due to increased cost of labor is anything like in crease in the cost of anthracite so that today the comparison should roughly bo as favorable as it was fifteen years ago We must remember however that anthracite will probably never become any cheaper and will probably become even more difficult to obtain A number of men interested in coal question asked What about peat and hey all held up their- hards and said Water I If cant be freed of water economically Of course this is ridioulous Any problem can bo solved with the aid of brains and experience and this particular problem has been solved in Ton years ago they said machines heavier than air fly Impos sible The great danger in the de velopment of our peat beds is the unscrupulous exploitation of the pubiio by getriehquick people Such developmental work should bo done under expert govern mental supervision until satis factory results have been evolv ed lhis would permit of practical application of approved methods only or modifications of them and not experiments of hairbrained cranks In Ibis way and only in Ihis way will we escape the wiles of the wild oat artist A bill introduced at Wash- places a penalty of on the importation of any Ger man goods during he war A telegram from Cologne says thai German Crown Prince has telegraphed his con gratulations to different air dromes in Germany of the air raid on London London Feb The thril ling rescue of Herbert a Delaware farmer and after Ihey had remained marooned oh the roof of their home from oclock this morning until oclock In the after noon marked a day of wild for the rural populace of the bordering the Thames River between and Kornoka A heavy rainstorm last night flood ed the river rapidly and at an early hour a huge Ice Jam formed 30 feet high near Koinoka Bridge Within a short lime many farmers were driven from their and of acres with farm buildings were inun dated Many are reported lo lost cattle tock- the Grand Valley too there was considerable loss bough be break ing of be below Newport he threatened submergence of lowlying lands In places col lars of bouses and contained wo feet or more of valor and manufacturing plants in places were from One of worst floods in he history of with the advent of weather and although all collars In the business district arc flocded and the maintenance of furnace fires Is consequently Impossible the main Street which on Tuesday night had to two feel below the level of Iba water la again high and dry Guest at the Victoria Hotel had to be billeted onlght because the In the basement of the hotel partly under water Heavy damage has been occasioned lo local business bouses many of bad considerable valn- ablc slock stored tin their cellars by the flood QOQ Drockvllle plant art of condensed direct to Franca for the allied army THE which really sings TTic Phonograph with a Soul actually sings It has beside Giovanni Guido Ciccolini Arthur Thomas Chalmers and a score of other great artists and has sung duets with them and then sung in comparison with them The musical critics of more than five hundred newspapers concede in the columns of their own papers that it is only by watching the lips of the standing before them that they can tell whether it i3 the singing or The New Edison singing almost hope you will disbelieve what we say and come to our store and make us prove our statements You will not be asked to buy We merely wish to prove that the New Edison of music ia a act i i J Newmarket We mm op TORONTO t s ffifSES Fin i mm VtXfrSKik i I I hi I