Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1918, p. 6

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It I A j Mount Tho regular meeting of Ho of fSburoh Was hold Monday night Miss Vera Hike the The was by Wood- and Mr Kenneth nhft Tho meeting was fairly well attended iWb itkmbV i The ladies of llio Hod thank Iho Mount Albert Telephone Company for their other gentlemen for liberality The has M boon used to buy yarn fltoTlip ladiesopo that will still conllhub to come In that things may ho kept gPlngi j i i Anniversary Services of the Zephyr Methodist Church hold on Sunday and Monday Mar 3rd and 4th florviooa Will ho held at am and jpM conducted by Dewey A speolul thank offer ing requested On Monday a good program of mu- fllo readings will bo given All are invited 7T J PERSONAL Mrs Curry fell On the icy co- pavement on Tuesday morning and was injur ed- She was taken to the Hospital Toronto on the in the afternoon Mr Hrooks of a former resident was in town on a visit with friends last week Mr of Toronto oc cupied Ihcnulpll of on Sunday last it both services Owing Co storms Quarterly Meeting on was withdrawn and will bo hold later- Mr Hoy la on lint mooting on day evening was hold at homo of started on neaday and continue for a Everybody come Borne to our now mall order merchant EaloniaV 1 guess Slopping Beauty J I J ft INSTITUTE Tlio meeting this month took the form of a banquet provided the members for their and friends Sixty people sat down to the supper served in room of Presbyterian niili Toasts were to King and Country professional men Police Trustees farmers etc All these were ably responded to by the present Mrs Leek gave a splendid paper and with some good the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all Cold enough and still lots of snow Hone started at their wood drawing since the thaw slim congregations at our Churches on account of roads and extreme cold weather The School hero re membered the suffering Armeni ans by a collection amounting to Mrs Taylor had Ladies Aid last Considering the roads there was a splendid turn out Proceeds of tea Mrs of Newmarket spent the at homo Mrs P Snooks has been quite ill la grippe Mr Stevenson is slowly re covering from an attack of heart Mrs K King has been quite 111 hut is now recovering Mr Stuart Oldham of Bond Head spent over Sunday visiting at the Highlands Ho was not visiting Highland Mary either lis old frictvds were real pleased see him again has said there is to bo a pool room at Baldwin Nov think that is something we could do very well without any time hut at this time especially ibfen everyone should he trying save all they can instead of spending money in such amuse ments We would ask what pro the fathers and mothers doing theyd better got busy The sudden death of Mr of this neighborhood came as a very great to family and friends Mr has been working at the blacksmith business posters shop at Baldwin He had Just finished shoeing a- span of when he dropped dead Much sympathy is felt for tho family in their great time during the night part of tho barn of Win Collapsed killing at least ton head of valuablecattle The barn was reshaped Thoro were BO head of cattle in the wing that collapsed vhile tho horses were in the oth er wing unharmed None of the family knew of the affair til a son wont out to his morning chores at oclock Queensville With water in the collars and a glare of loo peo ple dont as good as they might ho VVo hear Mr John is baying a time with his foot Mr Ah Horrior was in lovn visiting his brother Mr James Horner Mrs J W Levis had to fall on ice and break her She thinks thoy the slippery side up Our school again on Monday after closed for Homo on account of scarcity of We aro glad to hoar little Eleanor is Improving after her Illness Mr W J Hill has returned from his trip to tho West Miss Bertha has been visiting aunt Mrs The Anniversary Services wore attended base ment was IHled on Monday niht for supper The program was not as good as some former years writeup of Paulino Avo School Toronto in lust Saturdays Star Weekly we copy the following which is of special Interest as Miss Williams began her teaching in Junior in Have you any special methods in training your Choir asked tho reporter No nothing except hard and persistent work We make an early start in fact as soon as school opens we begin The children are most enthusiastic and lltoy would willingly stay un til six oclock to practise Of course a great deal depends on the leader and in Miss Williams they have a splendid instructress I was quite convinced of the accuracy of last statement said the reporter when we went into the room and I was able hear Miss Williams lake a lesson The thorough way iii which she handled the lesson and man ner in which time notes and har mony wero worked out was some thing of a revelation while as for the young singers showed a knowledge of music that might have shamed older choir mem bers Baldwin Breezes Hicks Almanac is hitting weather to a T from a Baldwin point of view and other pleasantries Wait patiently It has been too cloudy for mo to write No mails hero for ten lays seed before First- robin here Fob 1st Awful train wreck at Baldwin on Tomb At Baldwin oh in his Tho summons came a moment in twink ling of an Heart failure Particulars will ho given later if and for Sale the if East Gwllllmbary Whji Lot Con Immediate possession Canada YoegeSt Toronto A public at- tho Council Chamberon Satur- day night and there was a full indicative of Interest that the citizens are taking in question G Thompson After to lengthy discussion It was dcold- to dppwtatiop to To- Interview ho Deputy or fisheries the view of getting Iho stop not removed from the mouth of Holland whiohhos been placed there- by fisher men and give the people at Landing and along riv er right to Ash for they enjoyed deputation to bo consisted Thompson Goodwin and Thompson Tho mooting was of opinion that Local Govern ment had no right to issue censes since the Dominion Gov ernment assumes control of all inland waters Tho Landing Is also to the proposition to develop tho Peat of Holland River Marsh and petitions to Local Legis lature arc being largely signed Our close- proximity to peat deposits would help to reduce tho cost of living and us more next winter MrWood was homo for a few days Mr Duncan Bell Jr was homo for over tho weekend Mr John Stevenson was homo for the Sorry to say Mrs Gibson is very ill The Hod Cross had good suc cess with tho dance Master Porcy Thompson slip ped on tho and cut his eye brow when going Miss spent a few in the city John Stevenson and Mrs are on the sick list Miss Pegg is home for a few days Mr Frank is work ing in the city Sorry to hoar that Mr Geo Milliganis voryiok in Toronto where ho was working OfK Whoro is that car of coal that the Controller promised Keswick Wohopo it will soon come as our coal bins are low boasts of having a fine stretch of sidewalk but they are not used very much lately as they a sheet of On Tuesday Mrs Morion hair the misfortune to slip just outside her door step the result being a broken ankle Thoro is a growing interest in the Union WeekNight Prayer Meeting and Bible Despite the unfavorable weath er and roads Sunday evening there way a good turn out at the Methodist Church Rev gave a strong forceful sermon His was Our debt as Churches to the Past Next Sunday night his subject will be Tho World of To-Mor- What will it he If the and roads are good no doubt there will he a full Church Mr Walter of Toron to was up on Sunday visiting his mother and brothers Mr and Mrs John Wilson arc hack home after a few weeks vis iting friends Pleased to see Miss Gertie Rig lor back in the Post Office after a weeks attack of La Grippe She is the right one in the right place Mrs Ernie Morion is in the General Hospital having had to undergo quite a serious opera tion We are pleased to hear- that she is doing well Mr and Mrs Isaac Morton of visiting relatives on Sunday Mr Morion gave a short address at Methodist Rev Fletcher spent a few days In Toronto this week My next budget will have some Jolm MarriU icy items Railway Wrecks week on visit lo W of Hamilton Miss Helen Warrincr of To ronto accompanied by her friend Miss Myrtle Lloyd spent the weekend with her father and mother Miss Helen King of is visiting her aunt Mrs Peter McClelland The farmers of North aro having a meeting at Smiths Hall Hoihaven with a view of organizing a Farmers Club Mr Rep with another food speaker win bo present and address Iho meet ing It is lo bo held next Mon day at pm There should be a grand rally of the formers Cooperation fa what will tell these limes rs ft m Rome Feb 17 Admiral ty gives further to-day- of a successful raid by three Itali an torpedo boats on night of Feb in the Bay of near where a large Aus trian ship was sunk The tor pedo boats worked way cautiously in fog through Ibe Gulf of Quarnero past and through the canal The first torpedoes fired were warded off by the nets protecting four vessels which wero the objectives of the Italians hut one boat resolutely approached de spite danger of its retreat be ing out off and fired another tor pedo which pierced the net and sank Iho ship andlhey to slop A spent on Mr field Saturday night Kr and Mrs Dike- were visiting at folks on Sunday Ills is for hjs the West shortly Messrs John and- Will Hall were visiting their other Mr Mark Hall Sunday MIbs Mauil FAlrbarn Tuesday with Mrs Hall Mrs- Fred aibnori Is with La Mr visited- at Mr on MI88 Ada Andrews Is having a holiday arid Is visiting In the oily Gertie and Mr Jim visited at Mr Ramsays at Sharon on Sunday Hope Class arc meet ing at Mrs Geo on Wednesday lo quill and pack boxes Mr Jim Is Intending to take a holiday soon J West The by J Draper of Keswick Q Feb id At High ex ercises held hero yesterday Mr J Bell the principal said that never In the history of the school had storms so affected train students Pupils coming from Ml Albert ville ill and Agincourt have missed nearly three weeks school owing train blockades A BCa thing report by the New York Bureau of Municipal Re search stales that commercial ized prostitution and gambling are tolerated by the tax yyy On Thursday Feb tho Rev of Newmarket will speak on Missionary work in Japan at the Missionary Tea cents of James W A James Hall at pm All tho ladies of Button arc invited to this mooting Mr will also fiivo the address in St James Church in the evening at Iho Lenten Service at Ev erybody welcome Mr Jos Gould of Winnipeg was the guest of sisters the Misses Gould during the past week Mr Warden of the Wilkes Co Toronto been in town tho last two weeks tun ing up the pianos Two carloads of coal came In lo Mr Merchant on Monday which gladdened the hearts of many of our townspeople Through Iho kindness of Mr Douglas Howard St James Choir attended the service at St George Church on Sunday morning o GRAMOPHONE IB Kt THE FRONT Harry Lauder Men Under Music When seeing the was across In France boys Bald Harry Lauder I often thanked the Inventor of the talking machine for not having lived In vain A record out yonder where the mud Is much deeper than even In the streets of dear on the worst winter day a record brings back bo sniff be hills the wee ingle neuh ami the days lang syne Its Im ye I What an invention Voices loved ones always wl you the homeland Hie mountain and glen to Inspire you to nil your heart and slrcnghtcn your arm Aye the talk ing machine is a thinking machine and the thoughts thai It inspires are pleasant thoughts thoughts and the dear left behind Such Is Harry Lauders description of music among men at the front in an interview with the London PhonoRecord shortly after his re turn from his recent visit lo the west ern front Ill tell you a wee story he proceeded in his own pawky and inimitable way on Its no a madeup yin Im telling ye I This is a how a gramophone backed up the gallant soldiers a gallant Scot tish Regiment The days duties had been long and arduous and for hours hours the Jocks had been undera fierce bombardment a rest and a halt Then day gave way to night Shells were contin ually bursting Lazy Lizzies Whist ling Willies and a the the devils messengers Now the rain came on Sheets and sheets it rain that looked as If it never would stop and made one wonder where it all came from Even the trenches were flooded That night passed and at dawn the Germans were scattered and new positions were taken Hut still rained Harry at Oils stage quietly chuck led puffed away at his pipe and went on Several hours later the boys were relieved and tramped miles back to their rest camp mud to the knees alt the and with the water streaming down their necks and squelching in their boots It was evening before they arrived at the place where warm lea warm clothing and a good dry bed awaiting them but man even before a helmet was doffed one the Jocks made for the company gramophones He slipped on a rec ord wound up the machine and started It again And the discomforts of the past thirtysix hours were oblivion when the machine calmly churned out When you come to the end of a Perfect Day Ottawa Feb 18 About applications have already been received by the Soldiers Land Settlement Hoard from war vet erans who have returned to Can ada At London Out little Annie died of ourns received when caught fire while she wis seated near a Rev J a pastor lo accept an in crease of in his salary of fered by the congregation In the whole history of the world there has been no tragedy more lerrible than the betray of the German people by the rul ers lo whom they have given their blind devotion en Somewhere in Franco My dear mother and Mra and all at home must Innnk you first of all for- your most delightful parcel that you was alright and the honey was Just splendid- It is such good frlonds as that make the lives of happy There is no pleasariler sertsa- to hear from loved far away You will sec I am writing you on the first day of and It Is also my first jotter this year and with it best wishes to you all for a bright and pros perous year and hoping I am with you all year is fori think of else night and day hut dear old Can ada where I Spent many days of gladness with you all have heard from George and Eliza and am glad they well I Stuart and Edith just to know I am still well What does father think of the war It still seems going on for a while so will all have to wait patiently for the day when peace is declared which I hope is not far off As regards the weather It has been very cold and lots of snow but as wo have got used to it we dont mind It in fact wc it have been very lucky during and New for have not been up in front line as wc out having a real and I must we need it for our done sorno hard work before and each day has passed I have often wondered to myself how lever came through it all with bullets whistling past our ears and shells bursting all around It was a miracle that we ever lived but I know there was one in a fardistant land who prayed for and up till now that good Lord of ours has answered prayer for I am today in best of health with a host of friends that I have learned lo love We arc a nervy lot and if you see us you would know how it is those Germans have not got to Paris for our hoys put their hearts and souls into any kind of- fight thai place and what makes you fight most is when you sec a chum or two knocked out or badly wound ed It makes you set your teeth together and get at those re sponsible for it all and also knowing it this terrible work of ours that is our dear ones at home and abroad free from these Germans Well dont want lo write much about this war as I guess you as much as I do I wonder if Mrs receiv ed my letter and I guess she would so am waiting for a reply telling the news in Newmar ket I must not forget to thank Charlie and wife for contents of parcel although I have never them and hold them as dear as you and am waiting for that glorious day when I can have a good chat with Charlie I think I have much more to say but hope all are well at borne when you get this I have made arrangements that if I not to see you all again you shall bo informed but I never think of thai My thoughts are that I will bo spared lo see you Life is sweet amongst such good friends as you are to Host love to all and tell father to leave a few crows for mo to shoot at when I come borne Your hoy Fred A SIMPLE EXPLANATION bars Shirts and Sweaters as a The Point is Sell Cheap o fit To lie I how long last I buy and I you to mo an CAVE OEM STORE OF DRY GOODS ETC Phono J- Ifxlrn la Ho The Waiter Fellow winter A Sydney Porter the popular story- writer who is the best known to the public by his pseudonym of O Henry got married not long ago and shortly after the wedding a literary friend gave a reception In honor of the author and his wife Late la the evening a woman approached Mrs and said May I ask a question that I have heen dying lo ask your husband for a long June Why certainly replied Mra Porter Well continued the woman why does your husband always have the ladles in his stories wear crepe I give It up was the reply Lets ask Mr Porter Whereupon he was called over On being asked he volunteered the following explana tion To tell the truth he said 1 only know two kinds of goods calico and When the girls can wear calico make crepe chine Thais all there Is to it -gog- At Winnipeg poker players paid fines amount ing lo yesterday James Stevenson of white cutting the top limbs of a tree fell and was killed Andrew Law Chancellor of the Exchequer speaking in the House of Commons the ex penditure during four wucbs cod ing Feb is Feb In this mornings Police Court Ernest was found guilty of assaulting a ityearold girl He was sentenced to fifteen lashes and to serve three months in Jail A winter somewhere on the Pa cific the doctor had and mother had caught her breath for there was more to be thought of than the sep aration which was bad enough dont see It can be manag ed Bald Phil when he was alone with her It must be she sold recalling last winter with the weeks of grippe and pneumonia There much money to go on Bui there la enough for on Invest ment In your health What Is the trouble asked Uncle Mark noticing the grave which came near lo listen Dr Brand has been talking non sense to mother said Phil Telling her I must go to California As If couldnt brace up and do very wall here Uncle Mark looked the hoys frame Unequal he knew lo the demands Upon it of the spirit within remembered that there had consumption In the family only a little way back Ill send him he said Undo Mark it would he loo much Oh I dont mean that It should be so very much Ill put him and keep him at a good place till you are able to swing yourEelf And you can pay up when you are able In four months certainly Phil eagerly I ought to he strong enough to come home The winter will be nearly over then iPour months be It then A little later Phil Graham rejoicing In every breath of the air found himself pleasantly located in what was a half sanitarium half hoarding house A few Invalids there some old people accompanied by younger ones among whom Phil found agreeable companionship AH that he bad ever heard of the land of the palm and orange ho lo more than realize as wisely setting aside everything except what might tend to the recovery of his health he gave himself up to the delights which with least expense came within his reach He continually sought the beneficent fresh air with Its blessed burden of glowing sunshine read a Utile Joined heartily In all sports of the young people making himself liked by young and old through his genial good fellowship and readiness to kind and helpful to those about him All too soon the months flew by and Phil was obliged to acknowledge lo himself that although his health was much Improved he could by no means yet call himself strong You ought not to think of going back yet said the doctor with whom he had made friends II would be perilous for you to encounter all the early springtime changes of the weath er in the east Phil thought that this was correct but what was he to do Apply to his mother Never Apply to his uncle Never again He tried to obtain light work in the nearby town but found that filled by those who were like himself striving for a foothold for the sake of the climate Well he said to himself as he one day went in to dinner we hear much about Gods free air but Just here it seems not free to me There was some little friction as contrasted with the usual smooth run ning of things at the table Mistakes were made and guests waited long to be served At length the head of the house came apologized for the explaining that two of his waiters had left suddenly and he had yet been able to fill their places As Phil waited with the a sudden thought came to him I could do that He applied for a place and obtained it Now I wonder what my friends here Ihink or say he thought lo as with his white linen apron 00 the morning he took his place In the diningroom Well dont care much its so good lo be where 1 can write to mother and Uncle Mark that Im my living and a more that Im willing to stand a little There snubbing not much but Phil was forced to own to himself thai what there was could not be called pleasant older people and some of the younger ones met his service a with a matter of course friendliness a few others showed plainly that being now a waiter ho no longer regard ed as of Iheuj Mr Frank a young fellow there with his uncle stared haughtily at the new waller as If Indignant at his having ever presumed to consider himself his equal nd offered hire a Up blood rushed to face bo was turning angrily away when swift thought ho cheek ed Its a pari of it he said to him- as he bowed and look the gfattdly Some of the friendly ones clapped their hands casting Indignant glances Prank Well well hows this Mr an elderly gentleman who or- waya read at table and delayed bo long as to tire out the waiters looked up kindly Inquiry as Phil brought hie- coffee after diners were This mean he added touching white apron A wager or something of that kind suppose boys are always up to capers Nothing of that kind at all Bald Phil I want to slay out la this country I cant let my relatives support me and thio is all I can get to do Thats it hey Well I hope make a good waller Bo sure you always brio g my plates hot As there were other things with the duties of a waiter Phil found It easy to keep much out of the way of those with whom ho hod lately consorted was his prefer ence although there were many of them who felt only admiration for a young fellow who would do came In his way rather than bo a burden on one Garde appeared to take to IhC new waiter to Judge by a good deal of friendly obitflog and domineering on his part at the end of a month of bo sought an interview with him I think are pretty capable as a waiter now and might graduate te began dont hub chance for Phil I am wanting some one to do fl little overseeing on a ranch you like to try It Mr Garde You could only expect one to that Phil the beam In his eyes emphasizing his delight in the propor tion A few months of outdoor life might fit you for say a place in my And as Phil wailed lo hear more he went on I like kind that will do what thoy can when hey cant do what they would Imnk I Bank Whats this they are talking about a position In bank Prank asked it as homo of the house chat came to bis ears Gardes going to take Phil Graham into his bank he was told That waiter follow I Why my father has been trying to get mo In there looks as If some one else win getting And that waiter fellow Is going lo have a good Christian Intelligencer THE OF Someone has named the essentials of happiness as three something lo do to love and something to hope for Ami the first require ment to do that Is worth while Sometimes little children are Into cheerfulness by being given tasks that have no meaning but as soon as they discover they are working kill lime they lose interest in their occupation Work perhaps the greatest single factor In happiness but It must be congenial work and worthy work We cannot do thing Just for the sake of keeping busy and retain our selfrespect Something to love Is as to the life of the soul as food and drink arejto the body Prisonerd shut away from the society of their fellow beings have made pets of mice and spiders When you a person who loves nobody you have discovered a wretched human being A great deal of sympathy Is wasted people who love but to pour a weallhKaffectlon on an unworthy object is not nearly as sad a fate as to love no one We must have to love In order to be happy but Is possible when the object of affection la any thing but The third of the trio la to hope for Satisfied desire would be It frequently astonishes us thai the who have are so often dissatisfied i unhappy but this Is In perfect har mony with the law of The nearer we come to hating desires the less there is to hope for Aud bo the very may defeat itself Something to do something lo tore something lo lype for ltd a not too much for any of us 10 And yet Is three Is the promise of happiness A Belleville fire did to the- Lester block We wn always find seme for delaying good resotutlona Add sou Hahenrien on Lake Erie Q Manitoba Lakes are for eruption on lb5 same basis as being producers on pcale Very ration pro Pirn In both prloeb f- IV J- ill tea I cm I lit J ulo bee Ion Tin the tar Is wit crl be tin If- to be fill be in tic NO ho aV- V J Sy

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