Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Feb 1918, p. 2

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SEE v1 j J CARD OF i Cyropalhy and assistance and luring their recent bereave- taipnV V i IF i Hope and family to their sinccro thanks to friends for kindness help and sympathy with for thorn In loss of a beloved and kind and loving f pon j Stock of Now Harness Leather Snaps Brushes Combs- Whips Halters Traces full sot of Tools Scales Cord Dry Wood Ton Coal property of J Irwin Apply to 8KINNKU ran gale f iJ i A acre farm of lot 15 con Kant Is a good frame and frame Willi stabling thereunder also a largo hog pen and cement silo oil In good condition Sell Ib clay loam acres of or chard Atout mile from Metropolitan Railway Station For particulars apply to J or to C his Solicitor 3wt MORTGAGE SALE of Hero Farm In and Whitchurch certain powers of sale contained In a mortgage which will bo at lie lino of dale there will be of fered for sale by Iubllo Auction by William Kayanaghi Esq Auctioneer at King Hotel In town of on Day of March A D at the hour ofii oclock forenoon tho followingproperty namcly Lot No In fourth concession of Township of Gwllllmbury In County of York containing more or less and the north half of lot No In the fourth concession of Township of Whitchurch con taining acres more or less making a farm of acres On the first pared above described there Is a large and commodious dwelling bouse In fair repair Also one large main barn ft wllh cattle stables thereunder com plete One horse barn ft will stable horses Also one hog barn ft AH stabling has ce ment floors and water outfit through out all buildings supplied by tank In barn from drilled well There are about acres of lightly wooded land mostly hardwood and tho remainder Is workable and pasture land This properly Is situated 2 miles cost of Newmarket on the Town Line This properly will be sold subject to the existing tenancy which runs for three years from April 1st 1918 Purchaser will pay cash on day of JO pur cent of bis or her purchase money and will assume the first mort gage now thereon and pay all balance In cash in days from date of sale For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to Win Auctioneer or to Vendors Solicitor Good Clean Seed A 12 Apply to KERSHAW Newmarket No KENT REMOVAL f Green House ft with Heating System at very low price No opposition Sidney Leonard 3w3 Reg Can Bred Clyde Stallion Keg Clyde Mares Young Yorkshire Sows due In April Could also part with a few Fresh Cows EDGAR DENNIS Newmarket For dumber of all kinds and Build ing Material Cut to Order Wood Slabs and Sawdust sold on grounds Sawmill situated about a mil Worth of roadg to and from material J A Ketlloby PO The first built in United Stales are on their way to Irnce five months ahead of schedule Royal Northwest Mounted Police officers returned from the Yukon re pot the coldest weather for years In that territory the thermometer re gistering at below Paris Feb Bolo pasha lias been convicted sentenced for treason pros ecutor yesterday asked the court to condemn him on the fact that received from Count von the former Ambassador at Darius on who Was a co-defend- aut was sentenced to three years imprisonment- another codefendant who Is under arrest Italy was senr inp at each to death On motion of Mr Keith Peit in4 Mh of business of Newmarket at Hall on Wed nesday at the coll of tho Hoard of and matters of vital this community President Mr Hunt er ocouplnd chair and prosocd his gratification at attendance in spite of cold night and bad walking In tho of Secre tary Mr A was re quested to act pro torn A dleousslonn tho Daylight Savings Dill was Introduced by Mr J Harvey Ho consider ed it a matter Of groat in conservation of a groat to tho food produotfon Where it vas adopted in Ontario last It was not a it was not gen erally adopted as it caused con fusion with rail ways hut Is to mako it Dominion wide and with Iho adoption of Idea by United States there is no doubt hut that it would bo a measure of economy and utility Messrs Jackson Keith and Pearson spoko on after which following resolu tion moved by Mr Harvey and scoonded by Mr J was carried unanimously saving of day light has resulted in all loading- countries in view of tho present situation with rospoot to shortage of coal and electric current and tho effect of on tho Industrial activity of the country including manufacture of war material And whereas outlook for future la equally serious Therefore bo it resolved That practical moans should ho adopted to relievo the situation and thnroforo this board to roaffirm its en dorsement of daylight sav ing as a dominionwide measure and strongly urges Federal Government as a war to pass an act to become operative not later than third Monday in March not as an effective moth oof of conserving those vital commodities and of promoting food production Tho subjcot of Peat was then introduced by tho President who called on Mr P W Pearson to mooting He spoke of manufacture and use of I Peat in Canada and quantity of information that ho hod on tho subject from Gov ernment sources Ho had no doubt but that European method could ho employed on the Holland Marsh Peat with success It had boon tried a short dis tance from Ottawa at ton giving results as fuel Dr who is an authority on subject states that there are eight million tons of fuel in peat bogs of Ontario which is equal in heal units to five million tons of an thracite Government has spent large sums of money in vestigating this matter but up to present this fuel supply is lying dormant while people are suffering with the cold He stales that the peal beds within a stones throw of us contain tho highest por of heal units of any in Canada said it was a shame that wo should be depending upon our neighbors for fuel when we have an abun dant supply at our doors It was significant that since Nevmar- has taken the matter up four of Toronto papers have had lengthy articles commending the enterprise Fuel was scarce last year it is worse this year and it looks as if would be still worse next year Now is the time for the Ontario Government to act It lias been tho custom in this let private enter prise exploit various schemes and after a while Govern ment along and pays a big sum to obtain control Hero something of public uso for the Government to take into its hands manufacture the public utility and dispose of it to the people at a price slightly above cost which would bo a good thing for the Province Dr Clark told the experience of some men regarding the manufacture of peat after which the following resolution moved by Mr Pearson and seconded by Mr was carried unanimously Be it resolved that in view of tho present dire suffering in Province of Ontario through the scarcity of fuel and in view of the fact that the holds little promise of from the United Slates supply that the Boards of Trado in this Province memorialize the Ontario Legisla ture at its present Session to immediate action to develop the peat bogs that abound believing that If It does so the problem of fuel supply for our citizens will bo solved President staled that ar rangements had been made for reception of a delegation by the Ontario Government on the Peat question next and asked how many would en deavor lo Al least 20 immediately responded Messrs Keith Clark and Qufmj were a Transportation Committee lo make all arrange ments for special on the Metropolitan and sale of tick- els cars to leave Newmarket at am aod tickets for the round trip to bo sold at each by Ross to Introduce subject to Itho Government will P W Pearson and together from Iheftewmarkei farmers The President remarked on the singularity that each of thin which he had endeavored to promote in- com- with iy Poultry Pigs loat and Production Ho that last acres were under cultivation In Hew- market that were for that purpose previously whllo the from the distribution of seed potatoes by ho Board of Trade last Spring can hardly bo estimated Prof of Depart ment of Agriculture lroduer and ho for over an hour on the work of Iho Re source Committee of tho Prov ince and the stimulation it hail been to endeavor last year the need for increas ed production is far greater cd the of Trade for previous efforts and made many suggestions for the future No other Province in the Domin ion got together on Industry Ag riculture and Education like On tario The British fled Cross campaign of the past three years raised 5020000 in Ontario whilo all tho rest of Canada nly raise one million dollars and it Was because this Committee was at bad of it branch es present plan is to have groups of conferences to lay plans for Patriotic Purpose at several convenient points Civ ilization is hanging in tho bal ance and it is not likely that the War will be years yet Tho winning of the War depends largely- on food question Keeping up tho people has much to do with the victory of arms Lack of food was the cause of the both Russia and Italy At the lime the people of France are living from ban I to mouth One food ship out of every fourteen going across the Atlantic is sunk by the enemy The people of Britain on ra tions It is difficult to obtain necessities of life meat tea is up to the in Canada and the to provide food There are three lines for us to observe Conserve Food substitution Produce and especially wheat and bacon which aro most easily shipped Drastic impo sitions may bo long He suggested that a good slogan would bo Newmarket lo Feed Itself Every man should produco his food supply Potatoes and beans the foods most profitable There is no thing lo the place of wheat so well An acre will feed people Newmarket requires acres or bushels next year Every family should a hag of beans The lighting spirit must be kept up by grow ing lots of food at borne other wise the bands of the Govern ment will be weakened for pro- moling Iho War Many illustra tions were given of what owns and cities had done last year and suggestions made for Newmarket to try Pupils of both High and Public Schools must be encouraged There is ho heller educational work for a town boy than to spend a few months in the summer on the farm People must do their production stunt before their amusements Manpower must be organized to help the farm and townspeople must give all the help possible in seeding and harvest it is a very serious matter production must come from the- towns and cities as they contain every two people lo one on the farm Even girls must not disregard the call Ho hoped to hear a good account of Newmarket for the Coming summer At the conclusion of the ad mirable address a vote of thanks moved by Jackson and sec onded by Mr Pearson was car ried amid applause The following was appointed for the prosecution of Greater Production Messrs Cornell Quinn and Jackson Meeting adjourned about 1030 UIQ 18 all J visited In Toronto last week Morris is in of It Is spending ton days- leave in town and vlojnily -Mrs- the guest Of Mrs Ellas Rogers in To ronto last week Walter of Dun- das was calling on old friends in town last Friday Mr To ronto spent Sunday with Mr Osborne Miss entertained a number of young pooplo from last Thursday Little Miss Beryl spent weekend In Aurora aunt Mrs Broth er Mr and Miss Francos of Toronto Saturday Xondon Feb despatch the Times under date of Feb quotes Trotsky Min ister as declaring in report upon the ending 6 the that the German included re tention of Poland Lithuania Riga arid Moon Island and an of pre In iu f1 1 War Correspondent Shepherd gave a graphic address at the Canadian Club on Monday in Toronto All wo ask Canada is just that she hold tight a little long er I can tell you sincerely gentlemen he said the United Stales is taking a short cut He had been Ihe neulrallest kind of a neutral when war started but after being in Bel gium in Germany in Switzerland be across Germans morally naked and and in nicji where a German Professor Hans finally convinced him that ho was a proally There was not a word of humanity in this professors plea simply one big land grab Persia Syria Bagdad AfricaChina for Ger many Mr Shepherd an amusing account of Bolshevik move ment but declared they were do- more barm to Germans in three weeks than allies had done in three years Ho has con fidence that the Russians will find their back to the right Siberian army corps is solid and never thought of flinching and lie bespoke general sympathy for Russia Cornell Forty or more pcoplo cor to go to Toronto oh Tuesday evening lo hear the Mendelssohn Choir In Hall Campbell who boa been Christmas Is ar ranging to a car of stock grain etc back with the early part ofncxtwook Mr Norman Wesley is or- throe weeks in town and vicinity It is years since ho went out to Brit ish Columbia Ho is now in mercantile business Martin who came homo six weeks ago on ac count of his mothers illness loft for his bome in Saskatchewan on Tuesday Wo regret to say that there is very little improvement in his mothers condition Miss Alice Wheeler of Grass Sank informs us that Mr Reuben Wheeler has been laid up since last October with a hip Ho ally fell down cellar and the doc tor says he will bo a for life which wo very lo hear He was years old on Christmas Day Mrs Andrew Fin ley of writes In renew ing my subscription I would say North York went Union in ear nest but as we say but West it is the same old coat with a patch on it Wo are having a very cold winter but blessed with plonly of coal a good warm house of sugar for 100 lbs eggs 50c pigs live weight hero 18o lb no mat ter what you have lo buy but times very good Mrs Geo of Dak writes We are having a fioautiful winter here Have enjoyed a whole week of mild springlike weather for which however may pay up later on Tbo sleighing is almost entirely gone quite a contrast lo tho snow I left behind so recent ly In the Fast I think the East and Wesl must have changed places Ibis winter Many of out Dak hoys are at the front now and more leaving for training from this vicinity Mr J English of Schen ectady writes I was more than pleased on receiving last weeks Era to road the sketcn of our old schoolmaster Robert Alexander which revived mem ories of the old school days ana of the schoolmates many or whom have passed away and Ihose remaining scattered to on parts of the world I have In rny possession a photo of Mr Alexander taken fortyfive years ago which Is a splendid one and I assure you very highly prized by mo I am glad to know that ho is so halo and hearty and trust ho may enjoy rest he so justly deserves and will say that there is one over hero In who has a warm spot in heart for Our old School master In two weeks the Canadian sol diers at front subscribed a million and a half to the VictoryLoan Nathan Gilbert was instant ly killed by a falling tree on the farm of W Parsons near Avon A fiorco firo In the building occupied by Martin Sonour Paint Co Halifax did 970000 damage v- J Booth Monlroal after running for a street oar slipped on the road fell under front vhools and was killed Dipiomatio Canada was pres at tho funeral of Sir Cecil in Ottawa Saturday afternoon Wartirno characterized the obsequies Feb Keen interest was taken by farmers all ovor this district in a test case hoard today when John Wheeler proprietor of Milling Co was charged by A president- of Co Farmers Society with selling bran and shorts at a higher price that allowed by the Food Con trollers order When the case was Mr Wheeler pleaded guilty Wilson of Iho Crown Prosecutor pointed out the of the matter and stated that Iho maximum fine was and three months im prisonment Mr Gilroy asked that accused bo lined and sontenco suspended Magis trate imposed a fine of and costs and warned miller THE LEADING Furniture and taking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY ii to at rcaldonco In1 and O Field and Soldiers Comforts Sewing as usual this week on Friday afternoon at A quantity of handkerchiefs wanted immediately Come as many as can and help lo mako them The Valentine Tea last Satur day was very patronized Much credit is due Iho ladies of the Committee who so tastefully decorated the lea and the menu was well chosen and enjoy ed by all Proceeds Wo hope to have another tea about the 2nd of March The lucky winners for three articles drawn for were Mrs J Hill the centrepiece Mrs Bait Ihe cush iontop and Mrs Harvey the Deer Head Amount raised A carload of newspapers and magazines was shipped to Toron to his week The ladies wish to thank Mr Henry Bennett and his army of workers and sol diers fron Military Hospital who so kindly helped lo load the A collection of newspapers will bo taken up as soon as a building can bo found lo store hem in Letters from hoys overseas this week in of parcels from Fred Lister J Robinson Bain and Alex Will Lam- son Thorpe At Bradford on Feb to Mr and Mrs Em erson Thorpe a daughter On Feb 7 1018 at St to Mr and Mrs Miss Barbara Blackburn of King Tp a son At on Feb lo Mr and Mrs Fred Hoover a son Altar In Newmarket on Feb 1018 by Elder D at his residence Mr Garnet to Ella A both of Whitchurch At Presbyterian Manse Newmar ket by Rev Thomas on Feb 1018 Mr Dun can Cornwall to Miss Victoria R Nicholson of Toronto At the Presby terian Manse Newmarket on Feb by Rev Thomas Mr Lemon Piper to Miss Helen Eva daughter of Mr W of At the Metho dist Parsonage on Fob by Rev Payne Mr Floyd Fairies of ville lo Miss Martin of Whitchurch At Toronto on Saturday Feb 2nd 1018 by Rev J W Duncan Mr Thompson of the Township of Whitchurch to Mrs Hope of Toronto to London Out Feb 15 Sud denly swollen by a downpour that accompanied a thunderstorm last night tho River Thames bos ris en ion feet overflowing its banks and driving people from their flooded homes in the front street lowleva district of South Lon don At on Feb 1018 Mrs James Stork daugh ter of the late Taylor in her year telly- At Sir Farm on Feb Sus an Jane wife of Mr John aged years At on Feb Alexander dearly be husband of Louisa Sou- in his yearone of he business men of 50 years ago The Town whilst of lots payment of settle advertised ooota I- Ooohlnn flpa lea 0 and Su3 Ornngca to Plplda CONFECTIONERY Whon Good foPlcoyou both Iho iiwip Factory H a flood many varieties In Canned by pound according to quali ty and kind pilaris it will get a 8U ij Word- has ye Bat in Sept Hospital was born in Evening and morni of pour of rain sheet of ice wind seemed and wonder changes It Is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR- THE PATHEPHONE Hoot In tho World CHOCOLATES MAIN STREET fop and Photo NEWMARKET House Phono No Store Phono No THIS A GOOD DEAL ONLY CASH No Tea 3 of for pkfle IVaoIilny tin pkgs Jolly Powder for lbs Choice Prunes for and 20 off WE QlUti TO PHONE And Everything in Store at Night WE GIVE HAMILTONS STORE NORTH END Phono North End j VEO JUST ONE WEEK On my Compound of Bono and Bone and It In tho egg I Food my and Grits I havo Pine Oil Cot- ton Bran ALL YOU NEED FEED I Mo Order by Phono or from Carlo re The British Government has A Toronto leather firm has sent tons of coal to Boston I taken up quarters in J Undertaking Main All Receive to relievo shortage H of Quebec years of age shovelling enow off his roof fell and being caught by Ihe leg of his trousers hung suspended until he died For fraudulently selling tu bercular cattle James of Gilberts was fined and sentenced to eight years in jail by Judge at Chicago Johannesburg Transvaal Feb The railway department has been notified that at Masude near 300 persona were a result of tho flood Twenty persons taking- refuge on the roof of a hotel washed away Others who had climbed to the lop of a mill also perished British airplanes have drop many tons of bombs on and other Belgian ports held by the Germans and have continued their raids in rear of German land forces Many German pianos being brought down and for the present the British airmen are having all tie of tba flfhtin and will employ men The Treasurer of Manitoba claims that the Govern- menl has saved lo Province as compared with its predecessor Indicative of war of crime sweeping is an nouncement that felonies were- committed between Jan 21 and loot totalling 817168383 secured Fob IB Robberies and of all sorts on The Patriarchs treasures at Moscow consisting of goldbound vessels mitres and church plate valued at 30000000 roubles normally been stolon- loss was discover ed on Wednesday The gold weighs pounds Robbers are getting more daring Many largo sums are stolen sometimes totalling several million roubles daily Even the post Is subject to armed in daylight A few nights ago Dutch Min ister was robbed at the Quay If wo get Oldfashioned wo may consi Tho ing relief of man walerp With the litllo elbow prove wj the town pav Many peopl door at the when again The driver routes had through on T thaw tempt hod 1 the road op diverlec idolds water forced a banks Cheaper Owing to and Railway Co out for the to was Newmarket best at a other Town I Canada and meeting of drop in the encourage a trie energy 1st of Marc current will hour I per and after tin hour With there should lion of Spring For users the rale is 4c first next hour hour to is a groat hid lighting and lead and York Slock York County County Stock Wint met at the I Toronto Feb the team froi who were wii held at the on Jan Union a means of gel her J wore two llo two of two Swino Tho won in Beef and wj of their The team wa of Ha Winch of Bel Stock picked from Course in bold every of Agriculture also bo undo picking team to of It is who mako good deal of mo is an the highest hi can win it one of who wo considerable ay well as and on tin Tho team in of stock v York pair swine The Judge Ontario

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