Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Jan 1918, p. 8

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rf a tSS hoo for off at Mid and ifcitUr as Indigestion ij ttofidaclij or Kidney Bladder Trouble And fad has cured foci better In way This Is duo to ionic properties of these icu from fruit juices I ft box 6 for trial postpaid by Ottawa widow laughter and would want to put on Frank and Upas good word loolhcr wj future of hundreds letter received a pro- manufacturing in the of of was held last Friday THd deceased died in had for a years Ho will bo by people aHhavlnir carried on a market lioro Homo years Hi Main and Ontario per month at CiHin for Flour and Cereal Flour iCernal Chopping Iradc Good water arch dam lino ilk grain district sale for all mill at mill door Apply to own or A MJIho MarWumi J von to acres of land being part of Hani Half of hot in iho 2nd of Whitchurch About Newmarket Very for market gardening Apply to It Armstrong imarkct J I an FOR A GALE Owner leaving town Cottage good well email stable land feel bottom of lot Ill of fruit Adjoining- Apply to BOX FOR ftuggles and Shetland Pony Apply Co Newmarket SIB Miss Mary Smart passed away at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Adam on Friday January lb in her All the care and love that physicians and anxious house hold could and apply for comfort and assistance wore brought into play hut fiat of Him who rules outgoings had Issued and after a the suf ferers spirit took its flight to that the Christian believes is the fulfillment of the life ever lasting May limo bring Us res ignation and may the shores of eternity that receives her soul surround it with everlasting sun shine flowers The sym pathy of ibo community goes out to heroavod World The school has not boon owing to the epidemic of scarlet fever has so prevalent in the neighborhood A recent letter from Corp to his mother says he was recently gas sed although slightly and is now on a short leave in Paris The members of Womens Institute are holding their annual box social in the Music on Friday evening Jan 25th from fl to oclock- Special music Ladies bring baskets Mr J McKwcn auctioneer Pro- coeds for soldiers comforts All are invited king Township Sunday Schools held their convention in the Meth odist Church In on Thurs day of last week There was a fair attendance from all parts of the Township and great praise is duo members of the two churches in for the returning wuMtfcRpreasedto Jet the good new Hero are a fevr extract thit will Interest have Gin o J my friends vrho- are troubled In Would advice all from to try recommend Gin Pills to every one Buffering m I did I take great pleasure in Gin Pills to all from Rheumatism If like names and wbo are In pills and a free catbplc to fry for yoiirtelf simply drop a hue to the Co oi Canada Main Buffalo Dealers cell Gin fills on a strict satisfaction or your money a box or boxes for skirls folks nil laughing can and grin at the well- men like to hoar them sncDzihgiv Bui those silly Jills up in frills I do to sec freezing on sliltB and wear kills Ana chills hern to tho marrow I know their Dads cant slop their fads Its few can boss young witches Their Alas are worse they rob Dads purse And fain would breeches I wear his dr a In for our free A on Saturday morning at his residence Cottage at King Township James I away in hit- ninetyfirst year and with his loath Ihc Presbyterian Church in Canada lost of its pioneers and pair- For fiftyseven years late was connected with work of the Presbyterian Church in King Township At the old St Andrews Church on the concession of King known as the stone church he was the minster for over fifty years licoord fop Communion years ago ho retired from active work but not com munion during those last fifty- seven years did the faithful churchman miss at St Andrews I Ho also had two other charges one on the concession and the other on the 3rd concession of he same township finely years ago last Nov- was delegates from a distance I I Jn hoi No I me Ho is hereby given that Albert of City Of Toronto in the Co of York in Province of Ontario Lumber will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next Ses sion thereof for a Mill of Div orce from his wife Edna Gertrude of the said City of To ronto on the ground of adultery at Toronto this day of November A HAMILTON Solicitors for Albert Gor don the applicant James born in Lanark county near Carl ton Place of Highland Scotch parentage He is a graduate of lont accommodation given the Queens University and a graduate of Glasgow Two have predeceased They were Prof Norman of Queens University and Dr Fer gus He Is survived by his wife who is a daughter of the late Dr Taws and by an elder sister Miss who is still living at at the mature ago of ninetyseven years KING CITY TOE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL DETROIT and CHICAGO 1 UNEXCELLED Sleeping Oars on Trains and Pallor on Principal Day trains Write for copy of Playgrounds of Fish and Game giv ing Game Laws Hunting Regulations Etc to Horning Union Station Toronto J Agent 10 J Phone Agent Mr and Mrs Henry Fergu son loft King on Jan for the trip to China concert given in the School House on Friday night in aid of the St Andrews Soldiers Comfort Club was well attended The proceeds were over It all fine except the journey homo through the blizzard The Womens Institute King Hast Branch is scheduled to hold their next meeting on Tuesday afternoon Jan at the home of Ms Winter occa sion is the joint meeting of tho Hoard of Agriculture and Wo mens Institute The speaker for I lie afternoon will bo Miss Gray- don of a graduate nurse- A varied program will be given by members of Insti tute and lunch will bo served It was decided at the last meet ing of Institute to ask for a special offering to be taken up at this meeting for the Prisoners of War Society Thorc are at pres ent more than a million and a half allied prisoners of war in German hands The prison fare of the vast majority of is barely sufficient in amount or quality to sustain life- Disease following upon semistarvation has already carried off thous ands without a steady sup ply of food sent in to thorn through neutral countries thous ands die Bread is made in Switzerland and sent in to the prisoners In Germany ana from many sources comes tin assurance the bread sent reaches the prisoners to whom it in tho war lasts will bo need of bread sent 10 prisoners of the allies in Germany and wo ask for a gen erous response to this appeal Weve Janes good pen to check the men She hands them many ft lemon Hut I often think she should use her ink To teach poor misguided wo men cm fJODLE Nothing is plainer today thai I he evidences of a new era open ing upon A back ward over oilier similar periods history show us that move of Ibis kind were always associated with a call to noblei living- Thai is the corollary of belief that God works through history lie is in these great transitions and reforma- lions Tho old Israel that marched to promised land was called to sanctify itself men of Middle Ages con scious that they wore called to establish a new and better civil ization prepared- for it by con to higher and nobler of life Great changes arc porlcndco by lie present world shaking God is on Ho calls us to follow But that means nobler Progress would have no meaning apart from that The word noble is worthy of a special examination It means magnanimous honorable excel lent splendid The call of our day is for such living ThrougJ noble living true living is best taught Be noble says lylo and the nobleness that lies in other men sleeping will rise in to meet thine own What will promote this better than the spirit of Christianity I FIFTY AGO When Caps and Aprons Worn with Gowns I Ottawa Jan According to present indications the Govern ments financial year will close at the end of- March with a sur plus of from sixty to seventy milt- ion dollars of revenue overall do mestic expenditures apart from war This sixty millions will represent the amount is paying cost out of revenue leaving approximately of years war ex penditure to be added the pub lie debt Fifty years or more ago the apron and the breakfast cap were the pride and joy of every ma tron for they were her sign and symbol The cap of thai time was an elaborate and dainty af fair It was worn with the house dress and often much trimmed throughout the after noon and evening Aprons an important feature of every womans Wardrobe in those days were decidedly fancy and usefulness was not a strong point in their construction According to an old copy of Ladys Book aprons were made of such materials as black silk- and satin and were trimmed with lace and velvet with grad uated ruffles of the silk Often these ruffles were scal loped They wpro alsQ cut in strange shapes and a final touch was added by sewing on lace pockets and a few bows t- A mutiny among submarine crews at German naval base of Kiel on January is reported from Geneva Thirtyeight of ficers arc said to have been kill ed The money for candy In the jilted Slates Canada in the past year Is double the of money needed to keep supplied with food for a year THE HOOI1 By Louise Bowman The sunshine was spattering over he floor In a frolic rain And the little green leaves were whispering And lapping outside the pane There were their college banners and And hung plain grey wall Sir Galahad shining and tall Availing there for his vision In the drearnfillcd days of yore But now IheylhavG a vision And shall they back more Through the door I heard the step of the brave lit tle browneyed mother no if The next time you Indigestion bilious or loss of appetite j If icr-t- The Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are this week publishing a warning notice that their offer of a groat war map is shortly to lie withdrawn and also advising subscribers to re new promptly otherwise they may missa copy or two as tho in expense of publishing compels them to can cel promptly all sub scriptions The Family Herald and Weekly Star at a year including their great war map Is wonderful value and those who fail lb take advantage of offer now sure to bo sorry There has been an enormous de mand for that paper and map this season OTi Willi it i I mm ire i yum Nov is end Hearty Was over worked run nervous could not eat or sleep I felt crying all the time different remedies with out benefit The doctor it a wonder I alive end given me I to improve I taken eight bottles end em now and perfectly In every and have In weight can not Vinol A PhiUoelplda vytrantcc Vinol to make or steps been to curtail Che use of cane sugar in of candies tarn have of the Til ye for yviiiK tiuch finary Patterson OrugvKewjWUa to adjust lqih I pie it And though smiled on the threshold In her eyes the big tears gleamed Ive been such a happy woman I Weve always dreamed That little grandchildren might come sonic day And gel out the old toys and romp and play lust as But now you know Thorc is something greater than that and oh Sometimes one almost grows afraid to drearn I Fred writes- taught us lo follow the gleam With fay old Galahad there on our wall Cheer up mother this lifes not all Think of our joker writ ing that Well We must to lunch dear Theres the bell And so we silently closed the door -fc- And left the room as it was before With the sunshine spattering oer the flooj In a frolic of golden rain And the litljo green leaves And lappingoutsido Hut now whin wo talk of the war I see Above the horrible gloom That rises jiefore rue boys roomV A vision beauty shall never pale A temple still guards Holy Canadian A few ago a statement Mint a single porker would realise more than SlOO would have been ridiculed today it a faM Win Ball sold to a hog woilijug- pounds for which ho Qua on day sob six ji weigh I 830 pound for which he That Mr paid for HAS estimated that five of land maintain ono for a year and that tho fivo would nearly enough food for two people If Canadian farmers each J replaced bo added to tho Nations of food supply and enough extra food to feed people vhat a great aervlco this means to tho country at tho time and the benefit to the farmers from the of food produced on thia acreage A Ford car also eaves tho farmer a week or more of valuable time each year which can be used for productive work The Ford travels three times as fast as a and rig costs less to run and keep and is far to take care of With labor bo and high priced money do not delay in your Ford Runabout Touring 475 FORD ROBERTSON DEALER NEWMARKET The Mirror of the Worlds Happenings Because it mirrors the news of the world which I live and am interested Whether it be an epochmarking event like the sinking of the or but the story of a local happening I know shall find it described pictured or commented upon fully and sanely in My Paper Whether it be the current sport or the latest theological discussion I know shall find its importance recognized in My Paper Whether it be a political discussion of a Government measure or a searching analy sis of sociological problem I know shall find the matter treated in My Paper Whether it be just the Bedtime Stories for the Kiddies or the Fashion News from New York Paris and London for my wife The Star to each of them is My Paper Whether it be a witty paragraph or the problems in Bringing Up Father the whole family enjoy the humour of Mv Paper Hi A Few of the and Special Features Exclus ive to The Toronto Daily Star from Stir own intn fitly A- rtfdnl -rf-poD- In ill Doallber the In the In Thcifti o on He li JO In p4Cll ether Irnpcrtiol centre wire In new ti war cables tWM Um W m of it An If lh i frtfcer dim ouch 10 IMlIy War TJ la WO a advance- You may sand to you to your or direct to THE DAILY Sj mm TORONTO L 9f2UW

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