Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Jan 1918, p. 7

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PINNER extra Good wo giving In Que- a caving of from to for Ho Quality since will Monday on Fairy Indies thick and as crystaJ ft will bo ilo fault of Frost if supply runs abort flummcp Union Prayer A fflSlzh i bachelor book gum given during dlothoa made and to Belgian 220lh ay and ivon a number of poor aont relief a concert was held on March given by the Aurora- Choral Society by Floury Fair Day- si PARLOR Very In vat 1 at a carina prC on I Pine Fancy CSsIiiia- In a Largo both and lit to yoitp Splendid at Iht Union Prayer Tho on Thursday of next week will bobcld in Christian- Church and ftp v Thomas to Date- ladies off St Pauls Church intend holding a Talent Bale and on Friday Feb 1st Talent Sale at A oclock and to pan A cordial Invitation is to f US 11ood Everybody Dr J has tho by offering to sell Abb wood on acros 0f land miles of Factory es timated at cords It will sold by auction on Thursday of week In aero lots ad f ilo rdthcr tut ivo Co lcd HdHvoud I undersigned is and Ward Phono or It I Kfiwinarliot A number of to lay for Goo ICtiok I Co will La at Shop W aiQirroua a Country morning entered houses on riovrnllffi findin the trail of keyholes tor were as bird win- balls and I to think of the crock ggs In valer- xlasa The jar of like the mirror of orakeJi from side side and any lady have been excused for Raying 11i curse Is come cap It Ik difficult combat the cold Think of the when the milk freemen In a milk pit on the diningroom table not ail from a stove when the bread freezes In tin and the brown a agar miff as the crags upon rocky road to Dublin As a matter of course pumps and always go at lid like a riding at election time but hardly expects the alarm clock to tike a pleurisy and lo be Hie pane of milk in the whloh a like me Bhctitred valley where comes not hall nor frGsl nor Aiy were like rlnts and refused to of their cream as the fires to effect the ley of and one gained courage to and consult Not much comfort It With in radium of two miles temperat ure twenty degrees which thews not only the of the v4Uier but the of people can be when It is a question of a quar ter of a cent At meeting and tnaiihoru on Friday ful ly sat down and enjoyed sup per which solved by lb Wo mens Own Class After a sboial time around labia business mooting was bold The reports wore encouraging from all Miss Myrtle Brown was appointed as teadhor in- Primary fopt resignation of Miss Pearl Millard was vitu regret alio may lfl tho fnturo be lo up Work again It was Day on Mardli M Mr Manning Mr wore appointed a committee to make lannudl fi of Mr Cornell In examining and marking tho work books in Junior verymuoh PwbytQilan Guild Monday nights meeting was one of most held by iQuild The spe cial feature On program was an address Off days in by Captain Torry Wo all what a splendid but on Monday evening ho really himself vivid descriptions and portrayal of Eastern attention of largo audience minuto Wo regret exceedingly that it is our last opportunity of hearing basket which rcooivcd gifts for soldiers boxes fllled almost to lias responded most heartily as of this kind aim always needed we would bovary glad lias not in a donation will kindly soon no pos sible Next Monday evening will bo devoted to our Cross and Field work We aro an urgent appeal to ev eryone to A request has come for scrap at once These will have to bo made on Monday eventing next all of short stories and bo sure to flonie Wo need your A meeting was rooms f A greatj number of members Were work of Ibo year Was by report It was fteotbo great amount work been accomplished for for ho Ihb Halifax several poor families hi town Doing gvou relief at arid during year- By the report shown in this issue be what an army of workers wo 4aVe pairs of socks been already overseas and 00 pairs go in next pack ing A vote of thanks was to Miss Mablc for her untiring work in knitting socks on siio having already knitted tOO pairs A volp of t banks was also passed lo Ufa different and towns who have helped in giving money anil working The officers of the past year for the current yonr and two moro ladles added lo Mrs Davis Proa Mrs Howard Cane Vice Mrs Trcas Mrs fiupt of Wool Miss Forsyth Mrs Clark Mrs Hunter- Mrs Walter Mrs Mrs Ken Robertson A hot sup p or Is to held Satur day evening from to 7 and bring your friends Wo must money to help the boys They need socks and the price of wool is going Mono for Saturday Supper Boast or Pork and Salad Pie Cake Fruit Dread and Butter Tea or Coffee Sewing in the rooms on Friday afternoon at as many as and help with the work and start packing for the next shipment s Letters received this week in acknowledgment of parcels the Society and Club from Johnston Claude Vale Harry Kaiser J Pearson It Storks W J p Hears Draper and lunch and supper and log day J a collection taken ip for the tary Hospital Fund providing a motor car and many com forts for the patients A Christmas and loa on Friday 4th a collection for the Belgian Christ mas week providing decorations for the Christmas tree at the and popcorn candy gum apples There were parcels during the overseas pairs of sox on- closed in parcels pairs giv en to boys on their last leave names on list for ma Report Receipts Cash on band 8 Private donations Cash from Club for Joint parcels Fair booth and fish pond Tog Day at Fair Aurora Choral So con- concert Second St Patriotic St Johns Church Christian Church 5000 Victory Loan collectors 2500 Tickets for Tickets for clock Interest 20012 Gloves Woollon Kid Lined and cud to For hind wo getting right now sharp biting frost and that out Heavy Capo vUhCooy to 7B Warm Good in Plain AH upln Prices to Wo can nil your Warm Price 7Bo to THIS JAMES CO NEWMARKET- The Gents Franco we I dont like cant all stay here the ST A of our people a to Com- Club delightful time spent guaea ftfttr served a splendid turnout which allow ed the spirit of John Proctor 18 in Toronto attending County Council Owing to the of fuel School has been for Stat two weeks We will be of abort Mian J Metcher and Miss Marian spent Sunday with Lulu Mr Walter of and Gertrude Mis of Monday floodwjo baa the tor the On Sunday next at 7 will he a public into Alio Holy Soci ety at St Church where a number of candidates will pledge themselves lo observe the roles of Society which arc as fellows To labor Individually for the glory of Gods Name and to make it known those who aro ig norant of it Never to pronounce apoctfully Name of Jeans To avoid blasphemy per jury profane and all language To induce their neighbors to from ail insults against God and His Saints and from profane and unbecoming lan guage To remonstrate with those who or profane language in their presence This must be governed by pru dence and common sense Never to work or carry on business unnecessarily on Sun day To do all they can to induce their dependents to sanctify Sun day A tablet has been pro cured by ho Society and will bo formally unveiled to the mem ory of the fallen heroes of the parish viz Corporal Win MX Tavish and Caldwell of these young men volunteered at the outbreak of the war and wore active and popular members of St Johns Church Dr of St Cecelias Church Toronto will preach an appropriate sermon A most cordial invitation to visitors to be pres ent Com 3rd Army London Dear Madam Again I of kindness of Canadian friends by a splendid parcel which came my way On Christmas ay to say that I appreciate this remem brance seems but of time no These gifts of cheer go a long way to a fellow forgot some of necessary hardships of soldiering in the winter assure you appreciate lereutond Society has placed in me and I hope shall merit it as nearly as pos sible Kindly thank all who It anyway contributed make giftof possible I am sor ry that socks did not the name of the knitters Inorder that I may write and thank Ibem also Hoping the may bo prospered in lis splendid work i remain Yours sincerely Pic K J Hininan Netloy Bridge Dec Field Comforts Dear Madam I received yes terday the parcel sent mo by the Field Comforts Society it was kind indeed to remember one who had been away from Newmarket for years but possibly since I have at present no home of m own I may still claim Newmar ket as my home town Your So ciety certainly does things well am sure No parcel has yet ar rived camp Which any where near equals in variety and suitability the one which came from you in fact the boys quite envied me I am at present In charge of hut among a company of Forestry men Wo at work an the in the Scottish High lands It is a rich in legends and in natural beauty and as we off Mm usual lines of travel we seeing Scotland at its best in rural simplicity I feci I have not the same right to your kindness as the boys In the tranches and rest but I wish hank the for jencrou8 a gift Yours sincerely M Wesley Expenditures Belgian 30012 Belgian 4700 for running tea room Wool Postage Aurora Dramatic Society 2887 Teas and Fair Cartage on papers 1 Cash sent in parcels Tags for Tag Day Gloves for lb Contents of parcels for I Cash In fc 30007 Following is the report of the Gift Fund for Mili tary Hospital Receipts Donations to Gift 133488 Piano Motor and razors etc Hymn books Material for night shirts Furniture and furnish ings treat Cash in bank 145 1220 I33488 PttOM Villi On Active France Dear Mrs Boss must write a nolo lo ac knowledge receipt of a lovely parcel from your Society The collec tion of articles which the parcel contained was suitably chosen for here on active service and all tho contents arrived in good condition pass a word of thanks for me to the members of the Society I thank then for the spirit which prompted the senders and you can never realize bow it makes he boys In Franco brace up and do their best when the friends and citizens at home are kind and ever thoughtful of hem I hope you wont mind me waiting till morning to open my paroel With many thanks Yours very gratefully Lieut A Boyd The report shows what work was done In the year Belgian Belief Collection three shipments overseas par cels containing towel fl or France Dec Dear Mrs Barber I now take much pleasure in dropping you a few lines to say that I received the box OK and you can the hoys getting boxes from our home town We certainly make them disappear quickly as wo dont get parcels like them every day out here The New market boys certainly enjoyed themselves this better than last year hope you excuse this short letter this time but will try to drop you a few lines in a day or two I must close hoping that you will convey my thanks to the ladies of the Lodge and wishing you all a successful New Year I remain Yours sincerely Sapper France Dec Dear Mrs- Barber Just few lines lo try to thank you for the parcel and the very useful articles it contained received it in a vory useful time in fact it could hot have come in a bolter time for I had just come out of the trenches so you may guess how muel one thinks of a parcel from our home town When the post man bauds one a nice parcel like be ones we receive from the after a long term of trench life words fail to express bow thankful are I have still got the card that was enclosed in the parcel received last it has been through a lot of hard fighting but I hope to bring it back to you after the war is over We are having some real winter weather here now but it Is far better than the usual France weather Must now to a close hanking you again for your kindness and wishing you every success in your good work the way the war is going on now it looks as if it will last another year or two but I hope not Just let megel back to dear old market again and it will be some time before I leave it again This is a place that will be the mak ing of men Before I came here I didnt know what a mothers love was I always bad a good borne and nothing to kick about but it was in France where I learned it Is to have a mother to care for you and believe there are thousands the same way Well now I must close wishing you every success Yours truly Driver Prevented meeting on Monday Jan by Ihe Impassable condition of the roads Whitchurch Council held Its Inaugural meeting at Hall on Members elect all present sub scribed to declarations of qualifica tion and office and took their scats at the Council with Reeve Spauldlng In the choir The minutes of last mceUng were read and confirmed The following were laid before Council Mrs Preij P b request ing a grant for Patriotic work I Reeve re questing a grant of 20000 to meet a like amount to be granted by lo gravel a portion of the roada be tween the two Townships G A Put nam Supt Institute Agriculture re appointment of a Rep resentative on Hoard of Agri culture Madill Tri bune with tender for Print ing Frank Application for J A Clarke for Assessorftbip Malcon presented for ap proval a plan for of part of Lot Con The Treasurer presented statement of finances for year Hills were presented and ordered paid as follows viz Karl Poster for work on grad er etc in Municipal World for pollbooks Assessment Rolls Etc StOUffvflle Tribune of Printing contract Etc Resolutions were- passed Instruct ing lite Treasurer to pay the sum of f000 to P for Patriotic work and to order Six Copies of Municipal World for use of Council and Clerk Allan Pike was appointed Road Overseer in lieu of Wesley for Con and S P Poole Representee to the Hoard of Agri culture for North York for the current year Commissioners were ap pointed as follows viz Councillor tegge for South West of Fourth Con bine Councillor for Townllne South East of Fourth Con Line Moorhead for North Councillor Raker was appointed Commissioner to dispose of certain trees on road between Lots 15 and 16 Con and on Lots 1G to Con Lino if deemed advisable I TO rAKE HOOP GOODS a few of tho which wore neve offered before It lo well mown that advanced In tho war and wo will out our at cosy em and I Pro Patent Cloth or Laced Boots to Re to Girls and Hoots to Flea fo Gun Cloth from to fo Pro Girls to Ron on Pro Heavy to Ren Pra Common to v Ron for 171 Booth from to Cloth and Velvet Cops Patent Leather Ren for for Youths Heavy 1 to Ren for Pro Boots from to 13 Rerj for 52UO Boys and Girls Boots Ron f Boots from 4 to for Heavy Russian Calf Boots with or without too caps tan or black Sizes to 11 Ron to for large of rubbers BE BELOW COSY Drosses Heavy Planneletto Ren for 1 I i J I re main Yours truly J Camp Hoc Dear I thank you vorfriHioh for the parcel that I received the other day and it talnly was a pleasure to receive it and I thank you and the rest of ladles for what you done for me This is the place where a fellow knows what It la to have friends I will soon in yiio they call Couth of Hotel WEEK The tins authorized to pro cure the necessary Stationary for use of and Clerk Road were made as follows for gravelling on North Com for gravelling Hi v Con Reeve for Lois 21 Con 5 Com were approv ing of plan submitted Con nor of a part Of Lot Con and the and Clerk to the same Accepting the tender of p to the usual Town ship and for the sum of passed the following worn appointed Township Officers for the Year vU Auditors J A VoJiNostrand and J Grove Assessor A Clarke at salary of Collector Prank at salary of It- Dr free Member of Hoard of Health P V Brass Bed 1000 Springs ALL POil I In and Funeral Director 161 FRED SKINNER San A and Council raeel at Van Hall on Saturday Feb next at oclock A SI The Hague Jan Heavy e reported due to tremendous snowfalls which are cow melting factories munition works and bridges have been destroyed They have been washed away places and furniture and household goods are seen Factory work has been slopped many parts of Germany and railroad traffic post telegraphic service has been seriously Interfered with for several days first by snows now by the floods hi the Rhine district It Is stated that factories have been jv damaged The hu particularly severe lit a Karlsrhiie the Two thousand arrived lerMay In Berlin to help clear away the snow In order to enable a of Irafflo St Catharines Jan 21 The Daily Journal newspaper was gutted by Ire tonight vith a loss estimated at The flro started among the largo rolls- of paper stored in basement of the building and soon ate Its way to the lop of building Woodstock Jan 22 Leslie Dickson arrived home from England last night on furlough Ha overseas eighteen months ago and has been with the Royal Flying Corps In Franco for some months He had many thrilling narrow escapes On five different occasions was shot down en each occasion the observer him was killed Tho Jut fall resulted Lieut injuries from which is suffering went oversea a draft of officers from Borden ai4 was attached to ly- Corp in id 0 archives op TORONTO

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