I Make money in your- this Winter by and Nov Good Is time to Spring Bales- Wo pay highest commieplona furnish our salosinon with literature with a to it- for our Hot of Wow Offer and full particulars ffOHE WELLINGTON 1837 TORONTO Of iV I rt FRUIT For Planting no further ill an the foot that wo been in the business wild are now prepared to conditions by of fering our high grade trees and felaato direct at Bond for our illustrated of- hardy varlotios you nan order direct and Have the of which you Our prlcos will bo Interest you and nil atonic in absolutely firstclass and to name broth of Ontario Ltd Nurserymen Established Out of Standard tem perance forces are now calling for tho abolition of the manu facture of boor and wo with a Rood deal of Justi fication The stuff does not satisfy tun man who wants a drink and up a lot of grain that could bo put to bettor use In these war times No ones real ly wants he boor far as wo can see except the man ufacturer Toronto Many Canadi ans are beginning to wonder whether tills bestowal of knight hood In a democratic Is not being a bit over done The promiscuous splat tering around of titles threatens to become a habit Already or dinary folk find thom- falling over two or three Sir Homebodies take a stroll And crop Rooms jo bo steadily increasing 30 Qiir Toronto Letter J i it a Waul Mow Agent in North York lo sell Im it and Ornamental and Winter months pay territory fseo equipment OVER GOO CI Choicost VARIETIES by us and a to offer customers Wo are not Write not for to Toronto Out sent on request lo applicants for agoncloo of Nursery PHOTOS Got Thorn at Tho Photographer In Your Town One Door West of Now Post Office by Phone L Your Opportunity Fop and Salary 111 follov a In olio of 8haw8 Business Toronto for our free SHAW Pros 303 It Pays to Attend tho and Toronto All graduates and scores of our of ho past year have secured good business po sitions and still the demand is far beyond our supply Write for Catalogue Enter Any Time ELLIOTT Principal A HYMN It low in every heart Wo hear it one and all A song of those who answer not However we may coll throng the silence of the breast Wo see them as of yore The kind the true tho bravo Who walk with us no more- Tie bard lo take tho up When they have laid it down They brightened all joy of life They softened every frown oh lis good to think of thorn When we are troubled sore Thanks bo to God that such have boon Although they are no more More homelike seems vast unknown Since they have- entered To follow them were not so hard Wherever they may fare They cannot be where flod is opt On any sea or shore betides Thy love abides Our I John V broke out in a gar age at North Toronto last wcok whore were stored caused a loss of Wood a visitor from Stales dropped dead while wailing for a car about mid night On St Aiittizos opened on Monday with seven criminal cases and fifteen civil oases Throe of ore for manslaughter aris ing out of auto accidents men were arrested last week at a strike at tho Merger Clothing factory on St For the first in tho history of Canada hogs sold last wook on the Union Stock Yards at weighed off cars fig ure oh any other market on continent with ho possible exception of Montreal Threo cadets of Royal Fly ing Corps killed Monday morning while making flights in the zero temperature Thoir and Cadet throe bodies lying at the Morgue and McMillan collided with terrific force and evidently machine of McMillan came down in flames as he was barfly burnt Milno and McMil lan belonged lo tho squadron at Armour Heights and flying at a fairly high altitude Cadet who was making his first flight belonged to tho Squadron at Ho was about fool In the air but trav elling at fearful velocity when his machine In earth Red Cross Society Mrs A it Evans of Newmarket was of tho lucky num ber for drawing Mrs Woods cen terpiece was so pleased With the article that sbo donated lo the Hod Cross Fund Newmarket Military Hospital Last Friday afternoon about a doon ami a half from Au rora were chaperoned hero by Mrs and wero met at hospital by Mrs Hill and Mrs Jackson representing Hod Cross and Mrs Aubrey Davis and Mrs Harvey represent ing Field Comforts The ladios wero very pleased with inspection of the Hospital and entertained to afternoon tea by officials and nurses o o SUPPLIED A3 A wholesale provision house which prides itself on filling all orders correctly received a let- tor from a customer recently complaining bitterly of very poor quality of last two lots of eggs supplied reputation of the house for never making a mistake seem ed to bo at slake but bright mind of the junior partner found a way out of it He wrote Uentlomon we aro sorry lo hoar that our consignment did not suit you there was how ever no mistake on our part Wo have looked up your original or tier and find that it reads as fol lows nush fifty bozos eggs Wo want thorn bad A OF A in the Daily Chronicle London If peace should come and find us bondmen still Of kings and passions and tho world begins Again to build on craft and evil- will Triumph who may twill bo I If wo Struggled through blooddrenched yeara For linsolled glory or a bag mans gain learned not a now awe of hu man Pity dead for they have died In vain I Nay we drow sword Truth ho Hera our of heart not spawn ed from scheming brain Wherein shall all men find at last please fear and her dark brood of Hate mid For Era THE Experimental Farms Note Giving a calf an first six mopthe of its and so cheaply Is tho of and econom ical stock raising No matter how good the calf it will bo handled at a lossor more or less seriously handicapped for useful ness and profit if hot fed and cheaply in its early days Tho present high prices milk practically this product being used lo any in calf rearing although It is absolutely nccossary for the first three or four weeks if best results to bo obtained To substitutes for Whole milk arid tho best mcthodb and pracMoo8 in calf feeding a large number of experiments hove during past years been conducted on Dominion Farms de tailed of this work will bo published in near future However ft fow deductions from those experiments given here with 1 It is more profitable breed and rear good young to maturity than lo chase the avorago cows for sale which are usually animals least profllablo and desirable In neighbours herd Tho cheapest way of build ing up good herd is to ralso It The feed costs of good roaring in Canada range from I0 to for months calves to for 12 months calves arid to for 2monlhs heifers variation depending on meth ods of feeding feeds available and market values of these feeds 3 Calves of poor typo and brooding arc not worth rearing but good calves properly bred will bo worth at least and up lo more than their feed cost at two yoars of age 4 Calves of good size strong constitution and largo capacity will on the same feed make great er growth and bolter gains than small weak narrow individuals rearing of calves is most profitable as shown in ouch results as Earlier maturity in size Earlier maturity In profitable production Greater production throughout the lifo More valuable and in greater de mand at the highest prico Healthier slock More durable animals Hotter able lo consume most pro fitably all cheap farm grown roughages and convert those into milk The calf reared on its dam costs to more than pailfcd calf and more pro ductive the cow the greater will bo the charges against the calf Pailfed calves reared to lo months largely on whole make gains which cost to Si per owl which is sev eral times cost when a pro perly substitute for milk is used Skimmilk fed sweet and at a temperature of about degrees is the best single substitute for milk and may reach a value of cents cwt or more in feeding young calves- How- over skimmilk may bo improv ed by the addition of a good cream substitute such as flax seed Jolly oatmeal or a wellbal anced calf meal 9 Buttermilk if fed uniform ly as to acidity and temperature may a slightly greater val ue than skirnmilk Great lion must however be taken to start calves at a greater ago and Very gradually 10 In feeding calves to to months of age on rations corn- posed largely of skimmilk or buttermilk and a good cream sub stitute gains may be made at a cost of feed amounting to from 2 to por cwt this amount varying with character and price of meal and the ruggedncss and thrift of the calves If well started on mothers milk calves may bo woll reared on calf meals without or skimmilk However greater care and attention must bo paid to Iheso calves and even so gains cost from to per or nearly double the cost where some is used There are many excellent on in Can ada The Canadian manufactured meals are as good as and decid edly superior to imported meals due not only to payability of the ingredients and chem ical balance but even more to freshness and freedom from Of the Canadian made calf meal used three which in total gain have given excellent satisfaction Royal Purple Gold Dollar and Caldwells Providing ho necessary in gredients aro available it may often bo more economical for the feeder to mix his own calf meals If properly done resulting gains in weight of calves may- bo nearly as great and often at a much reduced cost In order to rear tiro best and cheapest cows all pailfee should be taught to cat at an early age cheap and Keep calf ppris clean and freshly bedded tuberculosis black log and abor tion Destroy parasites such worms r and THE OF as when I was most In need of It freshly bedded IThlproedtobe a bill of Avoid In way such generous denomination all such infections as scours that tho girls with surprise and gratitude and Nina recovered horsolf barely in time to thank the stranger as he left store Your violets must have been charmed Nina Jean said laugh- as Nina still stood amazed at the good fortuno that had come to the Mission Thats tho only j lo lhoIr bearing It was Nina Marshalls day to such wonderful fruit distribute flowers at hospital Charmed indeed but and sho had tucked into the groat the spell was a simple ono of fragrant blossoms ono wrought by the love and sympathy or two bunches of violots modest that had sought with thoir and which she to make sickness and suffering foil sure make somebody vory happy As sho entered ono of wards a nurse said to nor Miss Nina you must bo to some flowers to that gentle man yonder He Is a strangor in tho city and met with an yooterday Ho seems to reel for lorn and a bunch of flowers cheer him up a bit I am going to leave you flowers Nina said pleasantly aa O God tho strength of those who sho approached the bed war whoso occupant looked up at The hope of those who wail What shall It bo i Be with our sons forth to roses violets fight Oh may I have And those who keep the gato interrupted eagerly his face lighting up with Wo draw sword to kcop our pleasure They always remind of boyhood homo in little easier to bear pen ivao The English King and re cently the dedication of a hymn written Boyd Canon of Westminster and formerly Bishop of for use I during the war A Partial View of employs over 7000 people in the greatest in the world land Gladly Nina drew out frag rant hunch she had gathered that morning Thoy arc favor- of mine too she said handing them lo him I hope that may help you l a very speedy recovery Thnk you he said simply troth from dishonors stain Make strong our hands to the weak And their just cause reclaim to uor hosts in battles hour Firm hearts and courage high Thy comfort give to those who fall Thy peace lo those who die If do it will bo Breathe on our land spirit calm Which faith in right bestows And in the hours of dark A faith which stronger grows your friendly sympathy goes with them Please loll- something about work you doing It is a beautiful idea And ho listened with interest NEW a Soul In Thee alone wo place our hope through a K many would otherwise be When had on his eyes fol lowed her and he noted eager pleasure withwhich these mes sengers of summers glory wero received by other pa tients of the ward It is a beautiful work was his thought more than once that day as breathed in frag- ranco of his violets and saw londorncss with which his com panions in misfortune handled blossoms that had loft for them When a few days later it camo Ninas turn lo go lo tho hospital again she gathered another bunch of violets thinking that perhaps the stranger who so lov ed them would still bo in the hos pital And so he was as saw the moment the ward but ho looked brighter and hap pier than when she had seen him last Yes I am almost well ho said gladly to her inquiry And I am more the violots have helped mo Nina smiled at idea but ho went on earnestly brought mo a message of friendly sympathy and a we were minder that love anil kindness blossom everywhere My des pondency at being in a hospital in this great city where I am a total stranger was hindering my recovery but the violots message cheered me and I began lo im prove at once I am glad Nina answered with sincerity Then handing him a dainty clus ter of she added I hope these will finish vork others began and make you quite well Thank you for your good wishes he replied I shall probably be discharged from hospital you como again but I shall not forget your kind ness The fragrance of these violets will bo with me long after blossoms have faded and I shall always be in terested in the work of the Flower Mission which helped when I was sick and a stranger These words of appreciation sounded very sweet to Nina violets had a blos soming she thought as She turned her steps towards borne Hut the mission of tho violets was not yet ended as Nina dis covered some two weeks later One bright afternoon chano- fears Will justify our trust Thy ways wonderful God Whomokelh wars to O let this be final war That ushers in Thy peaces Amen is not talking machine and it is not manufactured in talking machine factory It a laboratory product something more than a mere mechanism Musics a new art distinguished at every point from the mere mechanical and only approximate reproduction of musical sounds which characteristic of ordinary talking machines Mr Edison and laboratory assistants wouH like to have you hear thn wonderful new instrument Come to our store welcome and you will not be urged to buy s J It ML AIM AY Years ego when a in an old frame schoolliousc I went with number of hoys one afternoon In win ter to have lorne sport A light snow had fallen It was loo dry for snow balling not deep enough for Roasting It did very well to make tracks in it was proposed that we go to a tree near the center of the meadow and that each one should start from the tree and see who could make track that Is to go from tree In the nearest approach to a straight line We ranged ourselves around It with our backs toward the trunk We were equally distant from each other If each had gone for ward In the right line the paths wc made would have been like pokes of a wheel the tree representing the nave We were to go till wc reached the boundaries of the meadow when to retrace our steps to the tree I wish I could give a map of our tracks Whose is the slraJghtest asked James Alison Armstrongs Is the only one that Is straight at all Thats a fact said James They look more like snake tracks straight lines How could we all make them so crooked when the ground is smooth and nothing to turn us out of the way Jacob Small How did you come to go straight Henry asked Thomas I fixed my eye on that pine tree on the hill yonder end never away from It till I reached the fence I went as straight as could with out looking at anything at all but the ground said James So did I said another So did I said several others No one but Henry had alined at a partic ular object We attempted lo go straight with out any aim We failed So it will be with men forever who have no mark In view Selected c GOOD mm And After Trial on wo will lot you a the product wop Id at a DIRECT OFFER If after trial you to only Pay tho balance on easy monthly payment THINK OF IT A payment and a dollars a month to get a dorful How Outfit Play any record delivered In York County No down no not a to pay you to Inatrumont HI latest GO to will not last wo only a numbs beautiful Columbia OR DROP A YEAR GUARANTEE machines from to In dock farmgrown rouqhsgos grains The best roughages grass- alfalfa or clover hay turnip and Of grains oats and barley unexcelled To Have J ivo avoid rasp Young sometimes forget that thoy can get too much of a good thing For instance alli ed to meet Jean Mason another but more than one girls of the Flower Mission in young athlete has gone through a downtown music store and as handicapped by an over- hey looked over ho now do or muscle caus ed by too much athletics are many delicious foods nour ishing and wholesome In moder ation but causing actual illness when loo much is eaten Fire is good in proper bounds and pro portions uncontrolled it is a de stroying monster Light is good and nilnecessary yet certain workmen must shield their eyes from the glare of their work or bo blinded Pleasure innocent fun Is good if It is not allowed to crowd out duly and claim too much tlmo and attention Work has called tho blessing of earth yet all work makes a dull life So good things really good In right proportions Moderate use of good things God gives make any life belter and bap- pier Too much of many good things means the loss of all good it holds if not tho actual turning of that good to ill together they began talk of an entertainment that was soon lo be given to help a poor old lady a protege of Mission Absorbed in the discussion in which of Mission was mentioned more than onco neither of the girls noticed a tall gentleman who stood near look ing over some music and who for some minutes had been listening lo their conversation with evident interest and pleasure Ninas astonishment was consequently great when feeling a light touch on her shoulder turned and re cognised the gentleman to whom sho had given the violets hospital You must forgive mo for hav ing listened to the conversation between you and your friend ho said addressing her When you spoko of Flower Mission it attracted attention and I felt bound to listen And I am vory glad I did for it gives me a chance to repay In a meas ure the- debt of kindness I to the Flower Mission add this to the pi- da of your en Professor J of the and a while A Maxwell Car Will Help Wuate is often committed when the in- to economize A Maxwell car for economy will cost you only a few dollars a month to operate and maintain Which is the real economy To the and save time ftlfength mental vigor 2 To do without the car time to your busi ness lose the health gained from motor yourself iliac j of a you self confidence Your neighbors and associates will get mental inspiration from you Aa wave circles widen when pebble hits will your pood example bene fit your entire community yes but do unci let Maxwell help Sedan Coupe f O Nottingham Phono a W A lY Pi Or TORONTO j Q4l7 mVceS tV Si VSJ L KiC