China DINNER SETS Extra Good vo Qlufro Qual ity of dor plcoc dor caving of to per for Ho Quality PARLOR LAMPS Very In Stylo and ration at In pi on prosont vnluoo Pine Fancy China In of both and ornamental at to cult your a Slim I Lino will bo on Monday at oclock sharp Good musical progfarm unique Ramps novel and Join in Bread Lino So cial A loo collection will bo taken for Missionary Inotltut Branch of Womens Institute will hold their roRular mooting at homo Mrs on Thursday Jan at pm Reports from tho Convention hold in Toronto will bo given and profitable- limb anticipated fee a of taplo and i I J house AND father but wo you Iocs than fc The regular mooting of Methodist Mission will bo held at tho homo of Miss J on Jan at pm All mem bers requested to bo A special collection will bo taken for the Host Fund rile a AIloo Daughter of Principal Davidson of Newmarket High School who won Prize on the Essay on the War in Girls Competition Wot Confirmed It wuh reportod In town last Tuosday that Mr Harry Harry formorly of Newmarket died the Hospital Toronto after two weeks illness from erysipelas but wo have no confirmation of tho report Graded Union On Wednesday Jan at pm there will bo a meeting of the Graded Union of Teachers in the Presbyteri an Church P Thomas tnko tho chair and ad dress will bo given by a speak er from All the teach ers of the Sunday Schools of town arc invited to attend Monday evening Jan was occasion of a very happy hold at tho homo of Mr and Mrs J Murphy it the Fifteenth Anniversary of- their marriage Tlic house was prol- decorated with narcissus and carnations imtuiQ The undersigned to do DressMaking and other sewing at private Ward Phone or It Ho Newmarket Their little daughter Edna answered the door and Mr and Mrs Murphy rocoiyed in drawing room evening was spent In cards and dancing after which all sal down to a sumptuous Many useful and handsome pros- of cut glass wore received A number of guests were present from Windsor Hamilton Hronto Toronto and Call to Prayer In connection with Kings for a Day of Prayer tho attendance at Union Prayer in New market has boon very gratifying The address of Parry on Monday night on Prayer was excellent message on Tuesday evening by Wood on Unity while on Wednesday evening pointed out the things necessary for nation al and worldwide Peace This address was also heartsearching Last night meeting was called in Presbyterian Church lo bo addressed by Thomas It is hinted that a Union Prayer Service will bo held in of four Protestant Churches dur ing remainder of the winter on account of the scarcity of coal Announcement may be expected later A few Fine Burred Orel suitable for brooding pur poses Price each W HOWARD Ho Lew Praotloo of tho J PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Mr George W Morloy of the firm of Messrs Osier of Toronto has taken over the practice of the J Robertson Mr Morley will he at on Saturday FLORENCE A ROBERTSON of the of 3w47 the late J Robertson For the Ertf OLD YEAR AND The Old Year is done with record Written not in red ink but with blood The blood of our brave- noble heroes Who died for God their country and A very pretty wedding took place on Now Years Day at tho rosidenco of Mr J Logan Ave Toronto of when his fourth daughter Amy Edna Earle united in to Walter Lang son of Mrs Ave Toronto fair young bride who vas unat tended entered the drawingroom on tho arm of her fallior lo strains of the Wedding March played by P Watson 3rd Halt from Prance and was beautifully at- lirod a gown of white silk do over which fell the bridal veil of while lullo with sprays of orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of brid al roses and ferns Tho cere mony was performed by Rev Mr Amos formerly of Aurora who married grooms father and mother After the ceremony about guests sat down to a wedding breakfast the table doc- orations being bridal and srnilax happy couple left on the evening train for Ottawa the bride travelling in a dress of brown silk poplin with brown coal and silver lace hat and wearing the grooms gift a beau set of sable furs Tho pros- were numerous and costly including several handsome cheques Died llioy in vain and their record Cone down tp the earth whence they sprung No No Theirs a glory Most loo grand for song or for tongue Christmas has passed with message Of Peace upon earth and good will A promise our glorious soldiers Are striving so hard to fulfil The New Year is here with ilo Of Hope for things lained Per theres still a groat victory before us following hard on the weve gained to well still keep the home fire burning Though high price of makes us grunt When were trying so bard to savo something To send to tho Boya the Front I be true to the the front friends Join hands cross the and the miles I At us leave the Old Year with its failings And greet the New Year with our smiles I to my soldier brothers and Ed Wow Years Eve Vim octroyed a school In Hamilton ibi is officers quarters lied kitchen of Endeavor On Tuesday next at pm will bo hold the Executive busi ness meeting following which at pm all the members of the endeavor are asked to attend monlhly Consecration Meeting The program for the month is as follows Christian Duly and Privilege Decerning a Christian Acta Mrs and Ma bel Mcnor Young Christiana Reaching Up ward and Outward and Gal 1M0 Gertrude Mcnar Christian Goals am to Reach Them Rom Christian Endeavor Day Q ColUna following are the now officers Rev A Dasoy President Lulu Collins ViceProa Morton Pio Vrriy Treasurer Alfred Pianist Bessie Morion Assistant Gladys Belfry Convenors of LookOut and Social Missionary and Temperance Mr Ridley Flower and Calling- Connie Roadhouso prayer and Program Gladys Press Mcdora Information Investigation and Cen soringMac Storks Good Mabel Soldier Comforts Dorothy Junior Sep Gertrude St Tho following letter from His Grace Archbishop Mc Neil was read at Johns GhUrch last Sunday To the Pastors and Institutions of Diocese of Toronto I have received from the De partment of the Secretary of Stale of Canada a Proclamation appointing next Sunday a day of prayer to Almighty God for the enlightenment and strength accessary to the tri umph of our cause This tion is based on a Proclamation of His Majesty King When the latter first appeared its form was criticized in some Catholic papor8 on the grounds thai prayer was therein commanded No such criticism can be urged against Royal Proclamation as it in the Canadian Minute of Council is not a command but an invitation The naming of the day is How wo arc lo observe it is not a command the highest authorities in Stale tell us hat look lo God for help and invite us to plead before Throne of God in the terrible struggle it would be Christian or patriotic to disre gard the appeal Some will pray specially that Belgium may soon be freed from Others will direct their intention In prayer to the needs and suffer ings of Franco or Poland Oth ers again pray thai the cause of civilized Christian life may triumph All will unite in pray ing that Canada and the British Empire may pass safely through the ordeal of a world in armed conflict and attain soon a last ing and favorable peace I direct thai on next Sunday this Bllblecl bo referred to in the of his Diocese and that after each Mass the of the Name of Je sua be recited with intention of beseeching God jo blase our country and our countrys cause WalUr I j of to V After thirteen service among Indians of Columbia in the logging camps tho flshlnp villages of the of Caledonia In cludes hundred miles of coast lino of northern- British Colum bia and the adjacent islands Rev Waller flushbrook has roturned- to Toronto He Is a brother of Mr Of His few weeks ho said he w6uld spend listening to some good speakers that he might re- turn to his duties with fresh Inspirations Rev Rushbrook brings news of interest to churchmen of the Anglican- persuasion Father Duncan first Mission ary to the Indians of British urnbin who established his mis sion at In is still Inhis village in Alaska Tho United Slates Government how ever has taken over tno teaching of the Indians Father Duncans hold upon he Indians fs remarkable He has been the subject of novels and British Gov ernment undertook to placo Indiana of the town under the charge of an agent and reduce thorn to the status of a reserva tion Father Duncan led the In dians almost to a man with their families toa location in Alaska Indiana A Describing the attitude of thb people under his care with re spect to war issues Rev said that ho found Japanese were absolutely loyal hut that the same thing could not be said about the Scandinavians Ho heard before he loft for the East that the Indians vould re sist the operation of the Military Service Act but he thought that the matter would be satisfactor ily adjusted With the Indians it was a case of lighting for what they considered their rights They were not treaty Indians and tho Government had yet lo recognize what they considered their rights Under conditions the Indians are averse to enlisting he said Rupert The Prince Rupert Drydock he says is not being utilized by either the Government or has it been let to a privato corporation He thought that this matter should receive considerable at tention since the dock had prov ed its worth lest year It had accommodated several large Brit ish menofwar Conscription has taken men and next summer it is pos sible thai the work will bo done by Japanese Chinese and for eigners ho said In reference to Oriental labor question Little In touching upon the religious side of his work he said that there was no general observance of the Sabbath away from the larger centres in his diocese This was perhaps due lo the fact that in the remote settlements along the coast the workmen fishers and others preferred to spend the day at work instead of In idleness However ho was well received during his monthly calls along the coast He makes nineteen calls a month over five hun dred miles speaking on Tuesday Thursday Friday and on Sunday With the main supports of many families away with the Canadian forces his work he said would become since he would have lo spend a greater time as sisting these families At Church of the Epiphany Rev Walter of the Caledonia Mission delivered an interesting lecture Tuesday ev ening at the Church of the Toronto on work among the fishermen on the west coast Mr told many stories illustrative of the life on the far west coast where he carries on missionary work plying from place to place on the missionship Northern Cross Pop rjleh op Extra Heavy i y Pes cod Heavy Warih and of Good sXveDth In and All In lono Wodtlon Kid Lined end and mocha Prices to to For kind of weather right now biting and that out Good with Ear Wo can all your Good Strong ditto to THE JAMES CO NEWMARKETS The Uptodate Gents Furnishers I 0O00OOOO060O0000OO00OOO000O0C0O0OOO0Oo I sholiflro in the were heavy and throe of the officers made the supreme sacrifice About four weeks ago his brother Clarke was awarded the Military Cross DOMINION ELECTIONS OFtlCIAL OK WITH TEAM New York Jan71T The New York National League announced to night that It had traded Second Base man Charles captain of last years championship club to the Bos- Ion Nationals for Second Baseman Doyle and Pitcher Jesse Barnes The transaction a big thrce- deal Involving the Chicago New York and Boston clubs Chicago re cently sent Doyle and Catcher Wilson to Boston in exchange for Pitcher Ty ler Doyle returns to the club with which he won his greatest fame as he played with the New York Nationals from until he was near the end of seasonwith two young players Hunter and Jacob- sou to for Henry Zimmer man captained the Giants champions of and Pitcher Barnes is considered by Manager the biggest figure In the deal as he Is a young man with lots of promise Both Doyle and are veterwis the former 31 years of age and the latter years Send lira to absent friends Belgium Dee Canadian Order of Foresters Newmarket Dear Fellow Members I received your box mailed on Nov in excellent condition and wish lo extend to you all my heartiest thanks for same The boys appreciate more than you know tho kindness shown to us by our borne friends and I can assure you there Is nothing that cheers us up so much as lo know our friends at home think of us Wishing the Lodge every suc cess I remain Yours fraternally J P Pearson No Co 1st Bait Field P France Good sleighing has again greet ed us Jacobs of Nebraska preached a very interesting ser mon Moasra and Murray were guests of the Misses Rogers on Sunday Sorry to report Mr Gordon Webster is not improving very rapidly Mr Elmer Cutting and Miss Ethel Cutting spent a week with friends in Mr Aubrey Doane has been on the list Mr and Mrs Rosa Black were guests of Mrs Hoy one day last week Miss Dora of Newmar ket spent Xrnag holidays under the parental roof Mr Oh as Norton has been somewhat indisposed Mr Crowley spent the holidays at his home here Whos Douglas friend now Me or I He has some speeder It used lo make tho dust fly and now he makes the snow fly I believe he had lots of friends Friday There was a big crowd skating on the pond Friday evening af ter which they all went to Mrs Fred Websters and alio served lunch in her usual manner Mr Fred Websters water pow er froze up one of the severe days tost week Mr and Mrs Myron Doane were meats of Mrs Joe Webster one day last week Listen for the wedding bells in our burg before long Happy Dick tooo Our Toronto Letter The Ontario Government It Is un derstood has decided upon Tuesday Feb as the dale for calling Legislature together The Dominion Prohibition Committee will meet in Toronto on Friday and will ask for a referendum on perman ent prohibition after the declaration of peace The Ontario Government has de cided to give practical assistance to the training of aviators in Canada Hon T McGarry announced that the Government had set aside approx imately for the purchase of training aeroplanes for use In the Do minion The gift Includes two ma chines about for train ing flyers and one battleplane costing about for training men In air fighting All three machines will be named Ontario and distinguished by numerals Whitchurch Newmarket St Goos A to 7 Newmarket St M to Hi Amis A to M to 10 SI Pals A St Pats M to 13 Holland Landing Aurora W Aurora la 15 Aurora Centre W Aurora 4 Sutton A Sutton M to A 3 3 4 5 1 31 33 King 27 King 2 King 3 King King King King King King King 35 30 39 43 103 CO 102 74 78 34 10 58 80 35 53 35 78 75 74 101 70 87 a a KB 2 1 Stanley Hasting Richard Win Simpson Norman Norman J Woodcock Henry Win Draper Tench A Murray Taylor Walla Robert Hacking Brown Culvcrwoll Ego Shearer J Stevenson Robert Jardine Murray Richard Percy Boag A Stoane J A Weils Mills James Crossley Thomas James Cherry A Lloyd Ed Goodwin Fred Todd it a L J 27 I for Arrnslrong DONALD EGO Returning MORE OF THAN OF HER For the Era London Jan Preaching at the City Temple yesterday Newton said When I see American boys staggering in the drunk hale London Every opportunity Is offer ed every trap set to debauch our boys on their way to and from the front How long will America send Tuesdays are meatless My Wednesdays are wheatloss Im gelling more each day My home it is My bed it is They are sent to the I The barrooms are Ircalless My coffee is stuffs to England only lo have them Are we thinks more doe of her allies or JJ h ejjles- Kaiser O IH P P In of York Fred Clarke 2nd Canadian Railway has been awarded the uished Service Order Before going overseas ho was the chief surveyor of Canadian North ern Railway He wont overseas with the Bait York Hang- now the 2nd Hallway from June until shortly be fore Christmas his battalion worked under almost WILFRID WILL STILL LEAD At the Liberal conference In Mon- trel on Monday and Tuesday last It Is understood that although Sir Wil frid made It clear that he was ready to retire whenever the way was clear the unanimous opinion was expressed that his resignation could not he con sidered under present circumstances Sir Wilfrid will accordingly remain in active pubic life meeting the call of national service and the wishes of his followers Under the circumstances as to his successor Is decidedly prem ature The report that Hon W Mackenzie King is the man designated to receive the mantle when Sir Wilfrid drops it Is perhaps a natural surmise in view of Sir Wilfrids long standing admiration for Mr Kings energy and abilities but for pre sent at least It Is only report There has been no real discussion among the Liberals leaders as to the next men up In Parliament itself there Is an paucity of choice among the followers of Sir from whom to pick a first dieuteuant London Jan The hospital ship was and the Bristol Channel on January while on her way from Gibraltar it Is announc ed officially the wounded were saved among is full of dirt disorder and crime There has been no clear- since the beginning of the war Burglary robbery and murder In au dacious forms prevail to a extent hith erto unknown There is no and no authority to appeal to Men and women are stripped of their over coats and shoes in the streets at night by marauders In uniforms who enter their houses under the pro- text of official sarfhesf Thieves steal motor cars and hold up persona driving sledges where to put money and valuables for safety since even yo private safes la banks are subjected to revision by Government agents For selling five bags of But Ho Has Failed to Bo Con sistent With Traffic I believe this war will never finish until the accursed liquor evil is driven out of Britain Rev Dr of Cookes Presbyterian Church Toronto on Sunday night in the courso of a sermon relative to need of prayer for victory attending the allied forces- That great man Lloyd George who is perhaps the greatest statesman in the world loday has shown one weakness and failed to keep true to his own belief The preacher said that notlong ago Mr Lloyd George stated that alcohol was a greater menace to the British Empire than all the latoes on London market thai submarines Germany could build were from nine to eleven pounds and now he says lhat legislation short weight several farmere for its control has gone as for were fined each in court as present publio opinion war- Jon Early this ranis Why ninetenths Of morning fire destroyed the fao- the British publio want lo see it of the Canoe Co abolished said Mr some months past the corn- the balance represent dukes has been manufacturing and lords and others who have shell boxes and plant waa big financial interests in the bus- stocked with machinery and ma j jterialS used in this lino of man- in addition to the While threshing clover at his equipment for manufuctur- near Bond Head Mr canoes and power boats ton Jeffs had his right band bad- entire plant with the exception of ly mangled In the cylinder of the warehouse was badly gutted machine Curnmlnga The exact cause of the fire is not Bond Head and Stevenson of known Between fifty and sixty Bradford were summoned and men were employed The losa finding the hand so badly to the building will be in that it impossible to save neighborhood and There were three casualties Dr it machinery and stock will run the crow total loss considerably higher I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO