i Mount ihu of In of Mho Methodists mon ition was accidentally omitted of dialogues of Mies Hayes Class and by Mian Holla Palmers of in connection with good dialogue also omitted mot in Mid basement of Motliodlet on Monday evening Jan Miss presid ed and Iho program was very After reading kit the and Iho calling of the roll Miss Myrtle paper on the Mas- tors Affection which was fol lowed by a flolo by Gordon Volunteer for Jesus and a reading by Miss Ruth llnmsden worlds all right- It was Consecration night and a goodly iiumbcr responded to their names Aexl wook the meeting will be in charge of Miss Edith Smith Mia- Aionary VicoPrcs HADE IN CANADA Ml I PERSONAL Mr and Mrs re turned a visit with in Pickering during the holiday reason Mrs Davidson is spend ing a week in Toronto witty her rioter Mrs Miss Winnie Hayes of is at in town for a of weeks Mrs A Dunn is spending few days in Toronto Mr I Terry spent Sunday with his family in town la slowly from attack of Mrs Winch is visiting her fter at Keswick Mr Frank Coon spent last Sat urday at Mrs J Hamilton and fam ily- apenl New Years in town at the homo of her mother Mrs A Jones also Mrs Hamilton spent week with her mother vory soon- My 2nd Can Big Coy Franco I am now attached lo a Corps ao to ho sent to a front lino The place where I am now is an important place that the Canadi ans took early on In the Spring Villages thai once were are now nothing but piles of bricks In fact if somobno didnt point out the you wouldnt know it had once been a village livery- whore one looks are graves At present am living In but We may to get out any day We have a little stove so as long as we some wood we are able to a flro Wo needed it too those last few nights It is getting colder all time Woll I must now Please remember mo to Lome hoping ho has got quite over hie Trusting you are all and wishing Vomorty Institute every success in its work and a Merry and Peaceful New day P of Midland Is month with mother Mrs KAvanagh Peregrine of manvlllo son and a few days following is a letter re ceived by ViolaHill of Glass of Molh- Doc Iiouhd-lo- Win- Class Methodist QuconaviHe Dear Miss Hill your parcel in ex condition today for which for yourself and the class my thanks eatables wero divided among two friends and myself- and wore thoroughly appreciated all around and the tip top must congratulate of the class on the excellent judgment shown in packing the parcel Everything it contalneo is most useful and so different from some parcels received by some of boys Must close now as I have only a few minutes to got out on pa rade Thanking once again I am Sincerely yours Jack Lewis MwaaBreezes afternoon scrimmage under the non- do was played hero between husky lade from the a so Town Lino and Bald win and neighborhood boys Our lads- rather rusty having had no practice this but they boat tho visitors handy and as Uncle Jphnaloji said to when they had a tussle in their younger dayaivjf youro not satisfied back and Ill guarantee satisfaction An and enthusiastic throng look In the game All bur local dads turned out on Uncle Johnston the veteran octogenar ian sport waa there and Big Hen though a Turk to work dropped and in all his took In game Also a largo llng of ladies graced the occasion by their presence Wood wood wood is now It Is a remarkably scarce commodity and commands lous prices such as four and flvo dollars cord mixed wood to long Thoro is such a thing as twolegged The following letter was by Mrs Thompson- VlccPres wliich has to- us- for Hear Friend- i sending a few thank you for the received France Uvyw Bullock of and Bent It and I appreciated It very much and assure the Society that con- elder It very nice to by the people back In Canada I the Comforts Society alt of success and hope and trust that the time will not far when can go back to and thank all you kind people for your goodness to me while in France our arc of home every day and our wishes go out to the good people of Canada Although we- have it hard out here It helps a lot to know the hem- us I for the box which I appreciated Very much and thank that I am beat of health at present I remain yours sincerely r J I I YORK I AT i v From its a I J I DOMESTIC For j Jan to Feb Apply to J OTGOULEV From Year Hugh Price The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church will be held Sunday Jan Services in morning at in evening 7 oclock of will conduct both services and hear him J Newmarket Keswick l t It SUDDEN A wollknovn resident of Albert passed away after a abort illness on Dec about one oclock In the of John A P Mr Melgar was the only son of Gapt John J Metzgar and Car- Metzgar lie was born in- Wisconsin A Aug Of his five sisters four survive him In he married Miss only daughter of Mr Jacob I of Ml Albert Surviving him are his wife two slaughters Misses Anna and Vera and his four sisters Mrs A A of Shawnee Ohio Mrs W of Villa Illinois Mrs M Lyons Ore and Mrs J W of Marie Mich Another sister Mrs Caroline died years ago Butternut Wis The funeral was held Dec at pm at the house Gray of Ml Albert Melh- officiated Com is IJ A France Dec Stokes cceived your parcel today Please convey my very best thanks In the Womens Institute and tell them that I appreciate it wore than words can tell It was broken up a little but that didnt the taste of the stuff one bit Wo all have a sweet tooth and as is harder to get than notes we dont mind in what shape or form it comes I have not seen since coining to France but perhaps I shall run across him before long Well as regards myself since coming to Franco I havent been badly done yet I a few exciting limes what with tramping through mud up to ones eyes and at night lime listening where the next is going to drop it keeps one Old Fritz bothered us very much up to now but ve are change France Dec 7 The Institute Mt Albert Dear I have much pleasure in thanking you for parcel you sent me which I received on Dec We hoys appreciate very much tho kindness your society is doing for us We are back from the lino just now having a good rest which we have earned since we have come over here Since coming hero we have been continually under shell lire but have been lucky so far Wo have Quite a few casualties but nothing to what I thought there would bo We are having very good weather Just now and a number of the boys got leave lo England We all expect to get leave before wn go buck in to Hno again I will close now Thanking you again for Iho parcel I remain Yours sincerely It The Annual Meeting of the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will bo held the Telephone Hoard Room on Mon- dey Jon at oclock p for reception reports election Directors and general business it J I President Seoy ANNUAL Meeting of the 4rtIdis of the Mount Albert Telephone limited will be held In their on Friday Jan scarce Queensville Our welcome snowfall has made good sleighing and we have ideal Winter now Mr and Mrs and Norma have moved to To ronto Hob has a good position on the street cars Oscar Watson returned from the war last week but has a bad hand for which he expects to go to the hospital for treat ment Miss Kibble Lewis is having some holidays at her fathers Mr W Lewis A Union Prayer Meeting was held the Manse on Tuesday aftcrnoon first Field Comforts lea was held the basement of the Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoon and was well attended The annual business meeting and election of officers of the Methodist look place in the basement on Tuesday evening and found the school to be on a prosperous road The results of the nominations wero as follows Mr Mr Eves Mr Fred Weddel Organist Miss Cradle Hull- Mrs Home Mrs Clay ton Foster Miss Harry Knights Pros Temperance Floyd Cunningham All Junior classes have same teachers and seniors Organized Anniversary services bo held Feb and tho iiuai Concert and Supper will bo held the following night II will take charge of the service Our widowers are deciding not to live alone any 16ngor Whats the matter with those old bach elors The maids are getting Of course the preach- Mr Dlack will he preaching the Christian Church Sunday morning Come and a treat Mr and Mrs I Morion from spent Sunday with Mr Ira Morton Mr Carman motored up from Monday and got snowbound Ho returned on the car was- disappointed with the snowstorm on Sunday but cheer up the sun will soon shining Ten brave men started work on ice at Tuesday Mailed too late for last issue Years day by several family reunions Mr John had the pleasure having all Ida family home Ave children mid grandchildren the first time for over three years Mr las Cole had a family gathering also Mr Jesse Cou ncil Nurse Morton was home hut was called away very suddenly day for Township Coun cil passed off very pleasantly electing all the old Council by acclamation Congratulations The Methodist congregation enjoyed a line sermon from their pastor last Sunday night Next Sunday evening Keswick Is lo he favored with the pri vilege of hearing Dr Graham secretary of the Hoard of the Methodist Church of Canada worth League meets every Tues day evening Sorry to hear that they have descended lo discussing methods of helping the hog raising business Hope they will find some more be coming topic In the church e0 BOM Hurrah for the sound of sleigh bells again Largo crowd on the pond Sat urday night There were quite a few over from Sharon to join the fun but the hunter was ab sent Quite a few in this burg have colds delegates were appointed on Sunday to attend the Con vention at Wednesday Mrs It has returned to the city again A big time is expected at the Pancake Social this week at Mr Tins snow seems to be affect ing some of the telephony lines making it rather inconvenient iSrowTTiiiT reports say that our wellknown horseman did not got the stuff he was after but a lot of valuable Tho purse ho wanted so badly too elusive Iho pot of gold at the end of the rainbow greater your efforts to roach it the greater tho difficulties It was the shine old story that has perplexed so many old sports the other horse went loo fast Youll hear better news by and by The Owl has quite recovered from the excess of during the holidays and only do- irea skies to enable him lo Breeze liberally Two ladies contributed lo the spread his with good cheer Those Germans are groat shots and theyre most magnificent You Hot I should venture to say as a little maid once told mo was the correct thing to say Our Jus A won at the Hill Crest Track To ronto on New Years Day Dark days are bad for scrib bling I fear I must close Tho sun will shine some day Our good friends Mr and Jas of Fast visited at Geo Crittendens on 1st The baker Cook of Cooks Day Says that baker- man Cook Mr Owl do look- I send you a Hex Heres a handsome cake Just fresh from the bake To fill up your I Ottawa Jan A rate of lowances has been fixed by order J in Council for discharged Sale Register Jan 1t Mr Hayes Albert hold a sale of Horses Cattle Imple ments etc at oclock J Kester Auct Jan Bros will sell cords of Hardwood on Lot Con Whitchurch bush FLOODS Hi The recent floods in liuve wrought dainngo to the extent of over Streams have turned into rivers coming from their place of two miles wide and in aoroe place residence to the Military Commissions artificial limb populated area of over factories for repairs lo their I square miles has become an 1m- lificial limbs One central lake reaching a depth of lory where all artificial limbs for foot to JO feel Thcso soldiers in need of them arc manufactured has been established at Toronto The first of a series of branch factories for purposes of fitting and repairs has been opened at Winnipeg and others will be arranged as re quired at each of eight or ten Terms cash centres throughout the country Cook A Government Is re dan not only for issuing tho Sale of Farm Stock and or re will at pm for iho purpose of ittelvlng reports electing general business John A Hopkins Love- President fteoy Albert- Jan la hereby given that the an- meeting of the above society will held op the of p A ftjfl ttundwiee of the la A WAIT sect or gets the tip That Union smile was some what twisted on Monday night and Johnny had lo swallow one more of those bitter pills Mrs Wo Toronto spent a week at Mrs Thursday our boys- were very much disappointed at Kes wick boys for not putting in an appearance after asking for friendly game of hockey lie men not slackers The Sharon and Queejusvitle ftvanner it ah Farmers Club will hold a the Hal The Free Methodist revivals Baldwin seem lo be successful Quito a number have been attend ing from hern Crowder is expected to preach there this week Mr look a- flying trip lo Toronto last week Glad to hear Mrs Jones is recovering slowly Mrs spent a few days with relatives In Toronto Mr took a trip Midland week Guess Robert was going too fast a clip in W Tin Liz zie last week Its hard mo toring with goggles on in winter Sleeping Beauty Jan Mrs of a bride of a few killed yesterday by the accidental discharge of pump- gun the hands of Tier uncle Stanley Mrj Robertson wan in be and her husband and uncle were examining the In the room was ouft the gun in pony -c-ooo- THE The snowfall on Monday patch up the bare spots in the sleigh ing Mr Ed Sutherland spent a few days in Toronto last week Miss Florence Warren left last Wednesday for Toronto but not with the smiles on her face Still seems to be some attraction on the hill The annual School Meeting was held on Dec and Mr Miles was reappointed trustee Mr Marvin passed away last week some lime previous to his death he made his home with his daughter Mrs W He was suddenly taken sick just before and was taken to the Hospital in Toron to However lie did not suffer long but passed away on Jan The burial look place on to Holt Cemetery The family has our deepest sympathy Buster A torpedoboat destroyer has been torpedoed and sunk In Mediterranean sea Ail the officers saved hut len of the crew were lost Ononis on the east half of Lot Con 3 East the properly of Angus W No reserve Sale at one Terms nine months W Kavanagh Auct Wednesday Jan Mr Kennedy Lot Con Scott will hold a sale of Farm Stock and Implements at one oclock W J Kester Wednesday Jan Mr Geo Goodwin Lot Con will hold an ex tensive farm sale at one oclock W J Kestor Wednesday Jan Mr Lemon will have an Auction Sale of Farm Slock Imple ments file on Lot Con King The farm consisting of acres will also be affered at some time Sole at oclock sharp Aucls THE CITY To Fix Prlco of IIotroplltan Lino Within Oily Limits TO THE ELECTORS OF Ladiqs and Gentlemen I thank you very heartily for the supports you gave mo on Monday last when elected to Ihe office of Reeve for 1918 assure you I shall do my utmost to warrant your confidence for the future by doing all that I possibly can for the benefit of the Village Yours sincerely A Sutton Jan AG SOCIETY PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that Ihe Annual Meeting of the Society will he held at mo JilXMt On Friday At One P M For purpose of receiving An nual Report Election of for fieuetd I The Corporation of the City of Toronto served upon the Railway and Municipal Board on Saturday an application for a hearing to determine what amount if any should be paid to the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company for the Metro politan Division within the city limits The application also asks for a determination of the amount if any due the County of York which claims it will be injured by the city taking over the railway since the county claims it had the right lo renew the franchise Tho application which filed by Mr I Fairly of the Legal Department also asks for a determination of the terms on which the Toronto and YorkRy shall be granted running rights over the double tracks lo be laid down by the city if the property is transferred It is expected that the negotia tions before the Railway Board will extend oyer about two months and all concerned will to call exports to decide amount of iho franchise damage The city is not taking over terminals of the railways which the company may continue to use and there is no proposition to charge the company on a wheel- age basis for the cars may run over that portion of the line re quired by the city The company will probably bo allowed to run as many cars over the line as it desires and this will be taken into consideration in the pending J A FATAL While helping at a threshing on the farm belonging to Mr Nichols just south of David son of Jos of the Con of was so badly injured that he died the following day How the accident happened is unknown but It is supposed that Iho fork with which ho wag cleaning up the floor got caught in a belt whirled and struck him No one saw the cident Ho was found with a fractured skull and a bad wound In the forehead He never re gained consciousness artificial limbs but for their maintenance through the entire lifetime of the soldier It fre quently becomes necessary for the discharged men lo Commissions branch factory As discharged men they are not un der the jurisdiction of the Mili tary Hospitals Commissions con and the Commission until Jan had no authority to re compense them for loss of time or travelling expenses Tfie Gov ernment has now authorized the Commission lo pay the following scale of allowances in respect of any men called in for at a hospital or for repairs to or supply of artificial limbs and their appliances Return transportation first- class with sleeping berths if ne cessary per day allow ance for time absent from home plus Si for each night spent a hotel and cents for each absent from home This makes a total allowance of a day plus transportation The scale is fame as that granted by the Board of Pension Commissioners when a pensioner is called into a centre for reex amination dalions it is feared will Tientsin icebound and uninhab itable during the winter and it is doubtful whether the authorities will succeed in drain ing off until end of London Jan counting of soldiers votes began Tin Canadian Associated Press Standfl that Colonel Andrew and Preston arc Government Opposition scrutineers and registered an objection to the just received from Ottawa forbidding the presence of deputy scrutineers the counting Colonel president overruled the objections and the deputy scrutineers admission which re fused it is the counting will a month BLEED HUN8 FRANCE WHITE PURPOSE Amsterdam Jan must recognize only one principle that might is right and must know neither sentiment nor consideration of hu manity or compassion said von in a before the Con- Confess which lie de clared Germany must have Belgium and northern France The according to the despatches received here today was delivered before the Congress meeting at Hallo Prussia We will incorporate bring in sixty million Russians and the Slav nightmare will then ride no longer General von assert ed We must have Belgium and northern France he continued The curse of God Is upon the French Portuguese possessions must dis appear France must pay until bled white You may call jingo vinfsta or anything you like but we must have a strong peace The Canadian War Board lias the doting of ivkel offices and stopping or freight be of trains for aU- PAID LARGE AMOUNT TO MEMBER OF HOUSE St John a Jan George Jones a member of the legislature re ceived from a director of the Nova Scotia Con struction Company to Mr who was a witness at a short session today of the into of the St John Val ley Railway by Commissioner John Stevens Mr said he paid the money to Mr Jones to give to Thomas Bell of St John Conservative treasurer about the lime of a provincial election He could not say whether Mr Hell had the money Before the hearing was resumed Commissioner Stevens read a recom mendation from Hon Foster premier In which the commissioner received enlarged powers to Investi gate fully amounts of and other items of in terest which developed in sessions The Inquiry originally begun to In vestigate the cost of construction of certain of the valley railway brought to light that Urge sums of money were paid out for purposes than construction Wsbiuglon Jan 7- Butter is sell ing In Berlin per pound fieyer pound ham and baton pour can k for if Aflcr escaping from Germany and making his way to Holland Lieut Patrick OBrien of was taken before King lo whom ho related his experience for nearly an hour OBrien reached Canada with a number of returned soldiers He is a native of San Francisco outbreak of the war paid his way to London that he might gel lo the front without delay lie was put into the air service was sent up over the German to pictures He was allocked by two German machines through Hip throat and forced to surrender He says he treated well After recovering from his wound ho was transfer red lo a prison camp but jusl as the train was about to leave a station he made his ami was seventytwo lays gelling info Holland official Twelve thou sand rounds were Sunday from machine guns at hostile troops and other targets and three tons of bombs were dropped hostile machines were downed and two other- driven down nut of control Amsterdam Jan Twenty two persons among four from Antwerp eight from Ghent and a Dutch skipper were execut ed at Ghent December for al leged espionage according to The Telegraphs correspondent Flushing Three other were condemned to three four and ten years imprisonment re spectively A large number id Belgians also received long terms of imprisonment and many oth ers still are incarcerated Ghent awaiting trial Hamilton Jan Richard Wise twentyfour years Kensington Avenue a wellknown local singer was found dead In his garage this Archi ls la a critical condition a having fumes Mr Wises garage They went Ihere to gether some chains on the auto of Mr Wise closing door started the While upon their work they did not thai the place was rilling with fulfil and became unconscious long absence caused enquiries to made with the result stated Montreal Jan Two TWO cases where a dope has been used by white slavers public places upon young women reported toUIay In instance Iho victim was trav elling homo on a Montreal WW car She fell a jab in her shoul der and raised an alarm man who had been silting behind her hurriedly jumped up and out of the car case a girl unconscious from a seat in a local theatre A offered to look alter audience MM OS suspicious insisted on charge of girl and had dojiou- was found dead in his morning oclock and bald IT Somerset Avenue tty of I Jo cation pre In fcotl priori PER Lav The Died M Of A Ai Of to Jo At fidi rcd I op on TORONTO Sto