Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1918, p. 5

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or AUffHONEER AND I A Or Corner Main Newmarket A Dentist- Office in of Toronto NEW MARKER frown and Great Given to Plato I ff l Newmarket liuflflcitlvo l wo hold ia the motto that Mayor has chosen tot elaborate Calen dars whioh ho distributed to his last Ih i no thing that ho not hold very long and that coal To GERHARD FBI nan A The full story of the heroism of a British captain who was an moved with haired of the In of Licentiate of Boy Monday Alt Municipal Councils moot at oclock am pursuant to when Aud itor of Board of Health and Public Library Boards to ho appointed Coin miltcos usually selected at this mooting fovr end with Licentiate we Quarterly llovlcw in the of Methodist on Tliura of tfw College day of lust week Former clinical til and vrcllr London Evca Telephone no AND JKWBIBa Park Avenue Nov Post Of very sotting of I ho lessons was given by J ackaon and pictures prepared and shown by Mr Atkinson wore described by Or Wilkinson und Mr Waller in a graphic l Mr trouble and droo loud talking would mo to I could just tear everything to pieces and I would over and feel co that would not want anyone to talk to mo Compound end Pills re- atorcdmotoaealU and to thank you for good mo I had bit of trouble and but It docs not affect my youth ful look look young end well It all to remedies Avenue Wooblngton Park Illinois Wo every woman who from for commissions Cadets as will Flight mans- for crippling his child with usual of pay a a bomb that ho attacked and kill- f cd eight of them with a club ana j a Atkinson deserves groat not only for aplondid BOloo- 1 or ie Of but for tho ox- UrswrltUn by women They word tho Chat She bus produced PADCFBR AND Ave 2nd Queen HI Phono 80 Box A of Piano Voice and Dealer in all kinds of and ifunlno for Columbia and Block I Prompt 7 Lyman J iBuer of Marriage Licenses At Era Office Office Private at if Wood is town to sup plement the small supplios of coal in All have to make returns of births marriages and deaths to Ihe next day The Banks had a busy day Sat urday fixing up victory Bonds Biff crowd in Town last Satur day good day for Over families in town oufof coal last Saturday Town churches should unite heir and save coal for Vegetable Compound If you have any symptom like to know writs to Medicine Co Tilaas for helpful advice given of Charge withstood a sudden German on slaught by Ms inspiring loader- has Just been received talchas made captains a byword of gallantry and bravery in the British camp Hero faots the Germans delivered their against and during their general offensive on No vember 30th those two towns and territory about them woro be ing held by a division of English troops On the staff of the com manding general there was a dashing captain who may bo do- GnEATGov op NEWMARKET 0 JUV flRHIVEOr- A mm LATEST Monuments and Head Stoned ordering Block and Made to Order Sunday Afternoon- There was only a small attend ance at the Hall on Sunday afternoon whon Mr Archi bald a athlete who ia homo on furlough gave an ad dress on the work of the Ho waa inorvico for two years in England and franco and gave much information which was very interesting and showed good work organ ization jb doing for boys at IhiJ Mr Archibald took pari in the sports in Newmarket a number of years ago and won many prizes Ho was director of sports among hoys in and has a wonder- Junior Hookey Newmarket pick up a team yet Ibis winter although the cov- Skating is not likely to be in use season owing to a lack of patronage last year The subcommittee last week had up for consideration the cases of several lads who suffered when the Newmarket Junior club was suspended last winter elder Pugs ley boy who was over age limit under the certificate of his younger brother applica tions for reinstatement were supported by the personal ap pearance of the boys before and their evidence that they bad no knowledge of ineligibility nor any reason to suspect it The leys were students at Newmarket poll ego while the others were town boys The suspensions were raised In the cases of Jack Karl Traviss A Mollen- and K A Brown who are now in good standing Cain is now a Bo la Salle boy POUR LEG fill work Mr P noted- as chairman Pearson YORK ANDQRANIYE Splendid congregation last Sunday morning and an Dr Graham of If on the of an 1UU what it to Ifothojlisi ministry to support Victoria College The music too was specially good including anthem ilio Angels are ilelling with solos by Miss laurel MoCarty and Mr Manning also a fine duet being a new setting of Rock of by Mrs and Miss Garly At evening service MrE It Archibald who is home on fur lough after two years service in A work in England arid Franco gave a very interesting address The Special prayer service last at oclock wns attended and specially good luteal in id He ad tones All Kinds of Work PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and before buying elsewhere All Nude of Building Stones Cut to Order for kept In JOHN and Importer and AND MABDLKS Phone G It Huron fit Plumbing Our Specialties Kingston Jan Frank is the hero patient of Hotel Kingston With a broken leg he crawled four miles through snow and when ho arrived at his destination he found that his two knees and sev en Angers wore frozen Long whoso home in near here was prospecting in the woods close Porcupine Strad dling- a fallen tree he slipped and fell breaking bis leg above the ankle The temperature was degrees below zero and the snow lwofeeldeep To slay meant death so Long decided to to Schumacher four miles away two days and nights ho struggled on without food and suffering intensely Finally he reached Schumacher and from here was rushed by sleigh to PorcupincAvhcrc he was put on a train for Kingston Although when he reached hospital he was in a condition lite doctors will recover as Captain Black for purposes of this narrative Black waa a man of long ser vice and much beloved by all the troops He had been a Jovial companion until recently when during a German air raid over England his baby girl was crip pled for life by a bomb Black had become hitter Ger mans and had sworn that lie would exact full penally for the airmans deed Opportunity The captain little know when he turned in on the night of the of November how soon he would be able lo get bis revenge Next morning the Germans at tacked Maehieres in force and the brigade to the right of the troops holding the town was forc ed to fall back Tho brigade in town however stood firm and fought the enemy off Mean while waves of Germans had lo the south of the town and were swarming westward Captain Black out of his headquarters of to And five Germans already in possession of a great dump near by So quickly had the enemy advanced that this was the flrt intimation that they were noarhy Black had in his hand a heavy walking stick which was his only weapon Without a moments hesitation ho charged the dump alone and beat about him so fierce that he brained all live opponents before they recovered from the surprise He had made good his vow but bis work was not finished Other Germans appeared west of Los Hues Vcrles a southern suburb of Masniercs Black col all the signallers cooks orderlies and other servants available anj with two companies of regulars delivered on attack toward Hues Vcrles Ger mans fell back and fierce hand- tohand fighting followed Black Jed his little army from house and as oflcn as the Germans made a stand he drove them out until finally the whole suburb had been cleared with the exception of one machine gun whoso crew of eight men kept pumping bullets into the British ranks Black charged this machine gun with one orderly Four other brave orderlies been shot down besides him previous ly and this one also was caught the machinegun was reach In of lino Groat of Hon Photograph Enemy Of all many weapons used in this war that strike the public mind as novelties the tanks handbombing air planes flamethrowing poison- gasses thereis really not one so unique so powerful and yet so little commented upon as the use made of tho by fl LfTii LUMBER NT ME from Phono op by Don Terry Den Allan v I I flyings men Three years ago Bee the Bathroom Oulht at the TUB LEADING mm ati00ttiV tin 70th yciir during the latter half of which she devoted a very large portion of her lime lo temperance church and mis sionary interests Mrs John died early on Thursday morning of last week the res idence of daughter Mrs St Toronto with whom she had made borne for years She was born in tho County of Ireland and at tho age of she Mr John Lytic of Bond Head Mrs Lytic was one of the inosl and widely known members of of Ontario Lytic Union in connection with Eaton Memorial Church of which Mrs was a member at the lime of her death in recog nition of her personal efforts After removal of the family to Toronto deceased was an active member of the Metropolitan Church in connection with which she was a moat enthusiastic worker for missions particularly In Japan Two brothers Joseph of Toronto and Alexander of Wood bridge and one sister Mrs J Portage la Prairie he- sides I wo children J Lyllo and Mrs Draper survive The latter wife of Mr Draper formerly of A popular person is one can manufacture applause on short notice and distribute it with a generous hand a smiling face There arc more ways of spending money than are of making it as then attacked the mans With a revolver in each hand and shot down the last man of eight This cleared Hues of the and outposts were established about the place- Black had been wounded during the fighting but he held on to his command until relief came next day WILL ACCENT CLASS MEN and than Needed Front Some Letters About lad Farms iitat l or me get your lean ly return No advance dirges S I Victoria Tor More than Red Cross nurses are in active service abroad and they arc volunteering fitthb rats of 1000 ft month lira to Absent Friends HAIR Dr Hair as directed is in rftlnr hair Its ftr no a dye arid nonInjurious Price Supply Toronto Op pflir- in at J WtEUUAViSM I have tor the Jut two a from cow I bed Villi In tlC rilU the ionc i ROUBLE Your I CO nee ogive rclltf from Atr Trout lay I for villi llduc iid I Gin 1 CO Li or lo Co loU-S- J- 15jvCc Si J I Men called up in Class One under the A will be allowed to apply for in the Flying Corps The usual of this branch of Hie service will be maintained It been found that only men of certain qualifications can wisely he accepted in the flying service among these is youth aviator must have the act ing instantaneously there is no time for second thought in air lighting shows that it is chiefly in young men that this quality is obtained It has been found that as a rule a man of twenty makes a better aviator than the man of and ho again belter man of 25 Physique is not a prime con sideration lithe wiry frames arc more important ban stocky build Nerve rather than strength is re quired in carrying out an aviat ors duties In addition he must have aviators sixth sense a perception of balance In the early stages- men Were accepted by the Royal Flying Corps without any tests as a mans sense of balance with the consequence that some lives were lost nut today elaborate tests have been devised lo establish a mans fit ness for flying service applicant under A must submit to these lesls Of course it is assumed that an aviator has plenty of courage is animated with a spirit lo do good work and make progress Ordinary intelligence and education is much depending course on a mans aptitude Those men who are fortunate enough to be able to measure up lo the standards vi the British had made no provision for Casual experiments with the camera be fore the war were- abandoned as valueless Today never a bat tle and scarcely ever a raid lb undertaken without an elaborate photographing of the enemys de fenses the Battle of aeroplanes soared above and behind the enemies lines for days taking thousands of map- of the territory lo be un der attack It is no exaggeration to say thai rapidly as aeroplane has de veloped under the exigencies of war the camera the photo graphic laboratory have kept pace with It The number of trained experts now engaged in this branch of the British Service runs into four figures progrcs- and efficient has this organ ization become that an observer moving over the enemy lines in an aeroplane has been known to re turn to headquarters have a print taken showing troops lining a trench and bring shell Ore to bear on the enemy concentration within minutes from the tak ing of the photograph Thus the camera allied with the aeroplane has become one of the most powerful weapons now used in the war It is a de pendable Infallible informer of all enemy movements the microscope the photograph reveals secrets that even the trained eye of an observer might penetrate And it makes a permanent record which may be studied any lime at leisure and in a of safety detail escapes notice It picks out items often great significance which no human eye can detect re ports every change in the land scape made by enemy engineers or camouflage devices It is in attempting to pry into enemy secrets that the- airman often meets his greatest thrills Pieces of enemy military con struction that arouse sus picions of the intelligence officer must he photographed If the construction is Of any importance the Hun will have a of anti aircraft gens planted and battle planes held in readiness to drive away any British machines Na turally it takes nerve for an air man to set out on such a mission But it has become a point of hon or with squadrons of the Royal- Plying Corps to get every photo graph they arc ordered lo get Upon a single photograph may depend the success of a whole op- oration involving of plan ning and hundreds of lives To be successful in this work an aviator must of course have courage But he must have more He must be in map reading He must be fa miliar many tricks and tac tics of flying He must have confidence in bis ability to handle his machine gun no less than his in using the camera So when a cadet is being trained in he Royal Flying Corps his train ing covers many duties and is full of fascinating interests from day to day No aviator goes to France without knowing all the tricks of the game that three years of closepacked experience taught Then you know mi If Its Anything a I ABOUT THIS CANADIAN if You Wish TORONTO OFFICE Local See HURON To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING TRY Our Favorite and Five Rose Flour FRESH FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Give Us a l Prices Right OLIVER QYRIOYLY DIKE Phono The Greatest m i ATTACKED BY BEAU While out rabbit shooting in the vicinity of Carl Atkins wellknown dry goods man of Toronto almost ran into the paws of a huge black bear Mr Atkins left carnp one morning thinking he would get a few rab bits On entering a large swamp lie met bruin who at once showed fight and attacked Mr Atkins furiously Armed only with a shotgun the latter realized his danger but being an hunter he know exactly how to handle his adversary As is his custom the bear came forward on his hind legs but be could clutch Mr Atkins the latter sprang forward and discharged both barrels pointblank into the bears throat He then made good his retreat and receiving a from a nearby farmer re turned to the scene of and found the bear had bled lo death The bear weighed 375 pounds You can give paper is your the local news Job Printing If you do not feel able to surety can afford to the news paper your Cards Dodgers Bill Heads Letter Heads a Enveloped to print ft The Newspaper Man It is plain to anybody who is in pursuit of riches thai they have more than the ordinary means of locomotion FOR FLETCHERS ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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