Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1918, p. 4

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I jj mm J r i to t money in- Sparc Winter J S Stock and Wow flood PoUrOo- is tho right time Spring Bales pay highest furnish our salesmen with literature with a punch to it Bond for our list of Now full particulars STCHE Established 18370 our J J FRUIT AND Fop Planting need no than fact that wo have in lho Nursery CI and am now prepared to by our high grade trees and nil direct to ciisfomors at Send for our Illustrated cir- hardy variolic which you can order direct and save the of which yon got tho benefit Our prices will ho sure to interest you and all look is absolutely flrBtoteas and true to CHASE of Ontario Ltd Nurserymen Established April to far possible repaired adoption of plan that it will savo in electric light and gas plants alone more than a million lone of coal I A- JUST Reparation moans recogni tion Unless international right la recognized by Insistence on payment for Injury done in defl- of its cannons it can never be a reality Inn Of which the British Empire ditlona demand in maklng peace The ooinplJto wiLh drawal of allied Teutonic J We Want Nov war bos and ffioardoffCrAiJo follow up Every load the suggestion of exAldorman gels too Meet- John Globe Daylight aavrVlnslslenco there can regarding development of scorns likely to receive mbro be any peace this and peal within lho sdmnler vor J great broach of tlio public law of to augment tho strong reason for must be repudiated and supply which is arrowing shorter year and causing and suffering by federal Uovornmonte Thoy ask Coun- and of dorjuj rfUfggestlon In upon legis lators mmothing should be matter and that at in ivory apparent as it not for min ing transportalion the linos will be any bettor as long War A new leader for Opposi tion In Legislature last week at a moot ing of hold in Toronto in the Proud- foot mombor for Huron The to been unanimous Mr Proud foot consented to act loader until close tlio Parliament when a Provincial be called to deal with tho Question of appointing a permanent leader and deciding the general policy of the party on advanced lines in keeping with tho spirit of limes The was also by I lie delegates that when another conference was held the Closing chapter the War would have been witnessed or would bo a and victorious conclusion George addressing on Saturday Manpower Confer the reparation or of Labor in the Sg Hall said in coclu peace MlKjJJioni wo asked what wo are ting for wo reply as we have often replied wo aro flght- mean to si and by French democracy to death in demand they make for a for a Just and lasting peace consideration of great wrong and believe that nor- of without any regard manenl peace can be hopeoVJor to the wishes of the population three conditions must bo fulfilled lwo provinces First- tho of must reestablished secondly corporal in German Empire a must sore has poisoned peace secured based on the right of of Europe for half a century and eel determination or the consent until it cured healthy condl- ftB lon8 1UVC boon restored must seek by the creation of There- can be no better wcre torn from the side of Franco and in- el J Reliable Agent in North York County to sell Poorloso fruit and Ornamental Trees dur ing Fall and Winter months nay exclusive territory equipment OVER COO Of lho Choicest Nursery VAIUKTIK6 Con trolled by us Handsome up-to- date soiling equipment a to offer we not Jobbers Write now lor agency Carina to NUHSKI1Y Toronto Out fi sont on applicants for agencies or purchasers of Nursery of fc I I Ht King Inst a young Cow with few spots formation as to suitably rewarded JOHN MORNING Route Aurora remedy for sick biliousness and iieslion Is a or two of Renfrew Mercury the that the Government of the United States was to the control of all railways In that land amounting to upward of miles word came from Ottawa that Canadian Government was to allow the railway com panies of the Dominion to advance their and freight rates Why could not the Administration at Ottawa control of the during war and by the wiping out of sorno princely sal aries and the elimination of cost ly Competition provide the Do minion with service as good ana as cheap as United States will Recorder In view of fact that an has been passed prohibiting importation of liquors into Canada and also preventing the bringing of same into On tario the present expensive Commission Ontario should ho abolished Hon some International organization limit burden of armaments and diminish tile probability of On these conditions its peoples prepared to make oven greater sacrifices than those they have yet endured We not fighting a war of aggression against German people Their leaders have them that they are light- jug a war of selfdefense against a league of rival nations bent on the destruction of Germany That is not so The destruction or disruption of Germany or the German people has never been a war aim with us from the first day of this war to this day Most reluctantly and indeed quite unprepared for the dread ful ordeal we were forced to join in this war In selfdefense violated public law of and in vindication most solemn treaty obligations on which the public system of rested and on which Germany had ruth lessly trampled in her invasion of Belgium Wot Against German We had to join in the struggle or stand aside and see go under and brute force triumph over public right ami internation al justice it was only the re alization of that dreadful alter native hat forced the British into war and from that orig inal attitude have never swerved They have never aim ed at a breakup of the German people or the disintegration of their State or country Germany lion of the folly wickedness of using a transient military suc cess to violate national right I will not attempt to deal with the question of Hussion now in German occupa tion The Russian policy ainco lho revolution has passed so rap idly through so phases that it is difficult to speak without some suspension of judgment as what the situation will be when the final terms of peace come to be discussed Similarly though we agree nil President Wilson that a IMS MPS of AnyMtdlclna Sold la i PHOTOS THAT ALWAYS PLEASE I Got at The Photographer In Your Town riludio One Door West lho New Post Office why should people of Onto he called upon to pay big to members of a commission for practically doing nothing was never very much fop the On License Com and now The commission should go and with its passing a whole lot of inspectors might be cut off Brooklyn Eagle The British will fix it so that a man can go from Jerusalem to Jericho without fulling among thieves Even honest Turks will not re gret the change Perth Courier Talk of util izing the peat resources of this country has been revived by the present stringent fuel conditions peat would ever pay it ought to pay now and once lho manu facture got going well it might bo able to compete In normal times with and wood are EVENING SITTING At Phono hopes end schemes of military domination Nor did we enter this- war merely to alter or destroy the consUluti Of Germany is less I thai military autocratic constitution a dangerous anachronism in the Century Our point ofview the adoption of a really democratic constitution by Ger many would be the most convinc ing evidence that her old spirit of military domination has in deed died in this war and make it much easier for us to conclude a broad peace with her Hut after all that is a question for German people to decide Wo are not fighting to AustriaHungary or to deprive Turkey of its capital or the rich lands of Asia Minor and Thrace Retrieved Department of the Jan an eight a day ore bringing to Los Mans the wastage of consisting of thousands of tons of damaged and ruined soldiers equipment There have boon as many soventecn trains a day heavily loaded with this material picked up on bat tlefields and around camps Mans would bo tho paradise of ragmen and leaders in second hand goods were it not for that the French army is find ing its own use for such of this material ao it is able to recupo- or repair Establishments located here by the Quartermasters Department recuperate monthly outer garments 125000 under gar ments pairs of shoes pairs of trench boots steel helmets 270000 sheepskin capes and pieces of equipment Those articles are made ready for use again by dis infection renovation and rc- paira There arc in addition made each month from pieces of clothing that are not repairable pairs of slippers 120000 cases for soldiers canteens forage caps 75000 shoo laces cloth cases for bread loaves and wash rags The recuperation repair of worn and damaged articles be gan in the Spring of in vast warehouses and repair shops in Which persons including refugees women aro employed Hero and at Lee north west of Orleans among the quays from which the mobilized men of the military region went off to war in August German prisoners of war now line up in front of incoming freight trains and unload quantities of great that look like the product of a gigantic ragmans shop The indescribable mass invokes ho confusion as well as the tragedy of the battlefield There arc pierced and denied helmets worn and stained pieces of uniform forage caps great coats leg gings army shoes and trench boots some of thorn pierced by bullets sorno torn by shrapnel and others shredded by violent contact with barbed wire All of them covered with layers of mud of varying thick nesses and not infrequently a garment presents a stain of an indefinable color always easily recognized but gotten rid of with difficulty garments re ceive special treatment They are first thrown into a receptacle where they go through a long and thorough cleansing before being as other garments The first operation on the ar- rival of a train is the sorting of the load into three piles leath er metal and cloth Tho cloth and canvas go at into im mense disinfecting tanks that are in operation night and day and from there to the laundry Then they go to another warehouse where they separated into re pairable and unrepairable Here there is a great deal of ripping to separate trimmings from gar ments and to divide the garments themselves into pieces of as nearly uniform size as possible to facilitate their transforma tion into comfortable slippers The sheepskins are purified by a sulphur application in an aban doned vault of an old cemetery near by where of them are i U treated each day after which they control of administration ac- are niade ready wear again by a boating machine fc urn aft to in Send qIgqIqq nerves and digestion Flavour Lasts Wl breakup of AustriaHungary no part of our war aims we feel that unless genuine selfgovern ment on true democratic Ib granted to those Hungarian nationalities who have long desired it impossible to hope for a removal of those cs of unrest in that part of Cur es of unrest in that part ofEu- which have so long Ihreiten- fifl ho general Outside of Europe we believe that the same should be applied While wo do not Challenge the maintenance of lho Turkish Empire In the of the Turkish race with its cap ital at the pass age the Mediterranean And he Mack Ken being -interna- and neutralized Ara bia Armenia Mesopotamia Syria and Palestine are In our Judgment entitled to a recogni tion of their separate national conditions What the exact form of that recognition in each particular case should bo need not here be discussed beyond stating that It would be impossible to restore to their former sovereignity the tor rifores to which I have already referred With regard to he German colonics I have repeatedly de clared that they are held at the disposal of a conference whoso decision must have primary lo he wishes and interests Of the native inhabitants of such colonies None of these terri tories arc inhabited by Kuropeans The governing consideration therefore roust be thai the Cm i 1 J f I 1 p your sopited The I sun extensive peat bogs in this sec- predominantly lion Equity An Your Opportunity For and Salary will eurely follow a courso In one or Shaws Busings fiohools Toronto Write for cur fro Pros Yonoo It Pays to Attend and Toronto All graduates and scores of our of the past year have secured good business po sitions and still the demand is far beyond our supply Write for Enter Any Time J Pluck is really belter than luck for It often picks the latter up and carries it right along Mrs J a honor graduate and a prominent social welfare and Hod Cross worker in died of received her dress in connection with the con- ducting of the election last week was employment in some In- stances whore available of lady I deputy returning officers instead of the men on the suggestion of the Clerk of the Crown ville was one of the places in this county at which lady officials act ed and they performed their du- most satisfactorily Mercury Just across the international boundary line An the city of Ogdensbiirg oleo margarine is selling at ton cents a pound less than what it costs In Canada There is not an port duty neither any embargo upon importation and there should be some way of getting the IhejCanadtan con sumer at a lower price than is presently by dealers Smith News The of hydroelectric power in and especially in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec during the last ten years has been almost incredible At begin ning of work of the Ontario Commission the premier Sir James Whitney stated Commission not require so much as There Is now In round figures on immediate demand for 300000 and the- demand cannot be satisfied Place Canadian Ago limbs of trees knotted oaks cen turyold rail fences these things hithertoheld beneath contempt as fuel are now regarded with from Teutons It is now more than a year since the President of the United States then lo the belligerents a suggestion that each side should slate the aims for Which they were fighting Wo and our allies responded by the note of Jan 1917 To the Presidents appeal he Central Empires made ho reply and in spite of many adjurations both from their opponents and from neutrals they have maintained complete silence as to lho objects for which beware fighting Even on so crucial a matter as their intention with regard to Belgium they have uniformly declined to give any trustworthy indication The settlement of the hew Europe must be on such grounds of reason and justice as will givo some promise of stabili ty Therefore it is that we feel that government with the consent of the governed must bo the basis of any territorial settlement In this war For hat reason also unless treaties be upheld unless every nation is prepared at what ever sacrifices lo honor the signature it Is obvious that no treaty of peace can be worth the paper on which it is written- IFirit Requirement- The first requirement there fore forward by the British Government and their al lies has been complete re storation political territorial and economic of independence of Belgium and such reparation a on ac ceptable to themselves ono of whose main purposes bo to prevent their exploitation for benefit of European capitalists Governments Finally hero must he repara tion for- the Injuries done in vio lation of International lav peace conference must not forgot our seamen and the services they have rendered and outraged have suffered for com mon cause of freedom After all war is a relic of barbarism and lust as law has succeeded violence as a means of settling disputes between individ uals so we believe that it is des tined ultimately to take the place of war in the settlement of con troversies between nations HI I PAIN 1 PRICE MM i hi I Hints is not a cureall but it STOP PAIN In a good many troubles like quinsy tonsillitis mumps things must run their course but Hirsts WILL STOP THE PAIN Sprains burns and other accidental injuries vill cure themselves but Hirsts WILL STOP THE PAIN and the cure will be quicker if you STOP THE PAIN with For rheumatism lumbago and pleurisy STOP THE PAIN with Hirsts and then follow the treatment recommended in the printed circular that goes with Hirsts Glide I Make this cheap beauty Lotion to and whiten your skin Squeeze the of two lem ons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard vhito shako some of them are able to take an other turn at the front but most of them along with pieces of uni form are distributed among tho assembling stations at the rear lor the equipment of auxiliaries and the hospitals for of convalescents Hags are sold here at tho rate of a hundred bales a day weigh ing in the aggregate about twelve tons This represents the wear and wastage of clothing received at Mans alone an equal quan tity is received at Kettles braziers lanterns drums musical instruments and all kinds of tools also pass here on their way lo to bo dealt with by special establishments where the percentage of recuper ation is said to be very slight Hie first thing to do is to STOP THE PAIN It will hasten the cure Pain Exterminator a faofcfcie BY ALL DRUGGISTS SOLO HIRST REMEDY CO CuiAi 11 Montreal Jan Six soldiers are known to bo and a sev enth is missing ana to have as a result of a local train on the Canadian from Montreal to Point Fortune running into the rear of a train bound for quarter pint Vancouver with a large most love and care and com- can he made for the devastation prices that of its towns and provinces of lho best freckle and tan lotion and complexion very small cost Your grocer has lho lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of or chard white for a few cents Mas sage this sweetly fragrant lotion into face- neck arms and hands each day add see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear soft and vhito the skin becomes Yes I It Is harmless a build- of wharves oilier of soldiers aboard about this evening near station In the impact cars of the military train telescoped and it was owing to this that fatalities and injuries occurred Tho last car was shoved up on top of some cars ahead but for tunately this had been vacated shortly the oc curred men were pin ned beneath the wreck and it was sorno time they could he liberated VOW is nearly here and we the Most Useful that can hi riven in Time Medicine Cabinet Piano Stands Pedestals Umbrella St anda ftftSK Centre Tables Library Tables w Morris Chairs Kindergarten Sets rows and Many Other Presents COME AND THEM AND OOUPAnE 0- WITH CATALOGUE I Dealer In and I- RED j Undertaker Friends Wo take this Opportunity of Wlshlnfl You ft NOW YEAR Our Aim will bo In past to deduce I archives of or TORONTO I PAS Aj Cor I I ad am I

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