Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 8

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I Mm f Skin Vilh mmm Mary flcono of annual pn Christmas Day fiftobn or sixteen relatives l Ave Nov lOlh 1015 complexion chief glory and of her km fortunate rivals Yet a clew with health Is only the resntt of I troubled for a a very unpleasant disfiguring Hash covered my faco and for I used applications remedies without relief Ator Jruitn forono rash pom- I nm deeply thankful for relief I will not ho v WATSON box for trial At on receipt of Limited Ottawa ftlNGWOOD The funeral of lato J of Toronto a daughter of took on arrival of tho train from Toronto at Dixons Hill vice was hold was a largo attendance of sorrowing and Annual School Mooting which was hold on passed off vory Mr Ab- Maker being reelected trustee Ml Hood who has been teacher midsummer lias resigned on account of illhealth and it 1b that she will ho Mr Smith of j j I to tind ton Huron St Apply to 40 FOR I 10 abiOH of land being part of ttQ Half of Lot in Con of Whitchurch About from Newmarket for market gardening Apply leOV Armstrong Now market 3U von with Dwelling House In Town of Newmarket the Mtate of the late Miss A good business location For particulars apply to MRS Newmarket a quick cm Owner leaving town good well small greenhouse stable acre of land feet creek at bottom of lot AH kinds of fruit Adjoining Farm Apply to Box Newmarket FOR SALE Horses Buggies and Harness also one Shetland Pony Apply to ROBERTSON Newmarket Oil WEDNESDAY JAW 2ND reylbler tit ono of To ronto and riloy beat training for position explains fully Write IV form from dan 2nd Toronto Points with to its list f A standard Is always main- Valued hero for Aeon demand for our Students I IV J ELLIOTT Principal ftarlor Cook Stove Stove for Coal or Wood Sideboard good as new and other Furniture CURTIS Newmarket On tihojt I for DAVIS liitt of Bank of Toronto Newmarket Sis Anna Tomorrow by time bo well on my way to shall miss you than I null say but i suppose that It Is opening you cannot afford to I would not rofuno it for any thing It may be the means of my getting into office a 1 Inn I for over and over again without success If manage that I shall bo homo in a year or two You will cer tainly write wistfully bo I will And go to see of ton Of it was storming bard the next morning but in spite of that Alico told her mother that bad to go to town f Vou dont mind do you To toll the truth I fool all turned about Im go ing to miss him ho I would go to see his mother today but I know well that alio began to talk about him I should cry and believe that would comfort her much I lovo Snow and Ill go and see pictures and lunch with Laura if you are willing Perfectly willing only if you And that is going to be any trouble on road you will come homo on an early train wont you Yes indeed Goodbye Alico had had her outing and was just seated train was on tho point of starting that afternoon when somebody asked May sit beside you and at sound of the familiar voice she looked up her eye wide with astonishment Whywhy Will You should ho halfway to Chicago You told me hat they would only hold the position for you until to morrow Yes quietly but I have given up the position Alice Given up the position I That moans giving up all hope in home office Do you mind ox- plaining or would you rather would not ask No I dont mind explaining to you Its simply this I found that my mother was break ing her heart over it my leav ing home I mean She tried best to lihje it but I found it out last night after left you I Toronto Potior the X norvoub cot end tired- took Abo just a built l up me of my ft good I to Niagara ray that ma wo lot of good I ftt somans nerves cto completely ana I became weak I and pains extending Into my Umbo doctored but did not get of and we down and out began Favorite Pre- It cured and restored mo to health And that tie to do all And others I do to And Ail ing women they cannot get ft bitter MRS LOCKUAA AVe A Favorite Is log tonlc a coothlng and And ft positive remedy for liar to women This old prescription of Dr from roots and herbs by means of glycerine And Is ft temperance remedy of years good Head for trial of tablets to Dr Pierce Invalids Hotel Buffalo or Ont hi all countries Ask tor our SOUis bo sent free MAHOV University NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Edwin of tho City Toronto in the Co of York in Province of Ontario Lumber will apply to the of tbe next fiiou thereof for a Bill of Div orce from Edna of the said City of To on the ground of adultery at Toronto this of November A DUFF du Albert a6HcixL But what a terrible pointmont Yes it is a disappointment and he more so for loss of hope for the future hero but Alice there are two things which have promised myself never to do One lifting his head I will not commit a dishonorable act in or out of business for any consideration the other that I will never God helping me grieve or disappoint my mother There are perhaps other positions in the world there is but one moth er An old seated di rectly behind thorn who had glanced up at Alices words now rose and changed his seat dont believe all that was meant for my ears ho growled and I suppose I ought to be ashamed of myself for listening But Im not I dont know that I ever did a better thing in my life But how will I ever man age it I wonder where bo lives I I believe Ill speak to him I But before ho had decided what to do tho train stopped and to his dismay the two young persons in whom be had felt such a interest got out and he sank hack in his seat with an expres sion of disappointment on his face But in leaving tho rain at his own station a few miles farther up road he glanced invol untarily at tho vacated seat and Paw that a book had been left there Picking it up eagerly bo turned to the flyleaf white waiting for the train to slop Not bis but it will servo ho exclaimed with satisfaction as his rested upon tbo name Alico neatly writ ten there Ill save the com pany trouble of taking charge of it Next evening when Will Stan ley stopped at- the postoffice on bis way home from the station ho the mail usual An interesting looking Alice ho said and a letter reeled in the hand Why I wonder whose writing it is I saw it before And tearing open in what Will called womanish manner she glanced at the sig nature No help hero I she exclaim ed Who ever is James James Why hes the head of homo office Why Alico what is it For the girl had sprung to her feet and fairly dancing about the room as she cried Will Will listen to this And turning again to the loiter she read My Dear Miss Rowland I re turn your book which you left In the train last ovoning thank ing you heartily for so doing as finding of it has helped rnc oul of a difficulty I have to confess to having a few words of a conversation be tween you and your friend as I sat directly behind you I only listened a few sonlonces and then changed my scat But the result is that I wish you would Oblige me by requesting pardon mo I know him by no to come to my office tomorrow morning If will know where to find me wish to make him the offer of a po sition the value of which he will understand more fully than you A nan who has two such aims In life as he declared himself to have is man want I ro omie no other reference Grate fully your friend James A NEW A Republic been established in While Russia and a or legislative body lias assembled at the town of Minsk to issue a proclamation and lay the found ations for the government of the new State White Russia is rather a racial than a political expression and denotes that part of European Russia lying east of Poland and comprising at least live provinces namely Minsk Mob lev Grodno Vitebsk The total population is about five millions The Turks have suffered an other severe defeat at the hands of the British in Palestine Af ter repulsing an enemy attack north and northwest of Jerusalem General Allcnbys forces advanc ed on a front of nine miles to a depth of about two and oneban miles along tho foes right flank inflicting losses Washington Dec At o clock last night an earthquake which destroyed part of Guate mala City was continuing De struction of properly was un abated and thousands were with out shelter Americans and other foreigners were A great bas gone from liquor people against because alcohol national prepare duces But is it necessary to soli tor purposes arid cohtlrtuo work of tlrunkardmaking in order that alcohol faotured Wo thinknotv No would say that wo should curtail our supply of ether order to increase our supply As a local thelio for a multitude of pur poses ether so largely mode of finds wido use in time of war It may ho used with kerosene substituto for gasoline In motor cars and as a cleaning solution for guns Alcohol is a fundamental ne cessity in the manufacture of ex plosives Consider Its compara tive importance In war for beverages or explosives As a fuol groat use ud fuol will bo in great do- mafid as the war goes on Emer gencies will arise that it wjll bo necessary to see that thoro is no curtailment of this source For a great number of medicin al purposes alcohol is essential preparation of dyestuffs and manufacture of many shellacs and varnishes depends on it Dont close the distilleries but transform Instead of making alcohol for drinks make It for the manufacture of explo sives for other and for medicinal purposes fuel for and shellacs make it for every use to which the chemists can put it in this supreme moment when everything must go into the melt ing pot to be turned to a nations greatest good CVS Soon Got Strength mettles Wt mo tun down no appetite could not tea and I took cold viilch settled my lungs I to keep About my bouse- work My doctor Advised me to Vlnol tin bottles my health so do all my In cluding is the hist I used Record fio nth St fiusrantee this wonderful cod and iron tonic Vinol for til J at best In towns of in A tons of mangels turnips and carrots are lost an nually by neglect after being placed in storage Everything may bo done to insure a full crop and to harvest it at the proper lirno in good condition yet if not properly looked after during the winter months a high percentage of this crop may become a total loss Such loss can he prevent ed only by prompt attention to the details of storage require ments If a cellar is to bo used for Storage it should bo thoroughly cleaned the ventilators put into good working order and thor ough drainage and protection from frost assured some time It is filled Usually in fil ling collars it is customary to dump the roots down through a trap door in the floor above or roll hem in over a shoot from windows at the ground level No mailer how much care is exercis ed in the performance of cither of these operations there is hound to be accumulations of broken and bruised roots and earth at the ends of the shoots or beneath the trap doors Unless frozen the broken and badly bruised roots in such a mixture will invariably rot and by so do ing generate heat that will help to spread Iho infection to surrounding sound It is therefore obvious that accumu lations of Ills nature should be thoroughly cleaned out as soon as possible after the harvest has been completed and the damaged roots fed before they have had a chance to decay Frequently during the winter months rotting will start among apparently sound usually as result of an unsound root becoming buried among he oth ers Infection spreads rapidly among roots in storage and all such Infected areas should be thoroughly cleaned whenever detected All Classes of roots lose a cer tain amount of moisture soon af ter harvest by evaporation or as it is commonly called sweating If an adequate circulation of air among the has not provided for this moisture will condense and wet places will be formed which will favor the growth of moulds and other plant life which may directly or indirectly cause rolling It is therefore imperative that during he first few weeks of storage and in fact whenever the outside weather permits thorough ven tilation be maintained The temperature in cellar should be such that roots will neither grow to any appreciable extent nor yet freeze From freezing to 10 degrees may be considered as the extreme It is an excellent plan to hang a thermometer in a convenient place in the cellar and consult it daily If the temperature is above say 38 degrees lilators should be and when it drops sufficiently closed When the warmer weather of Spring and early Summer has sol It Is advisable to keep the ven tilators closed during day and open during tho night so as to admit only cool air thus keeping cellar cool as long as If roots arc to bo pitied out side it is essential that thorough assured either by choosing a location on sloping or I feftSHB 1 Tf mm A r Fa o 1 a real up- They like it because it is newspaper And they like it even more because it helps them to make money by giving them the market quotations pricesare still hot You get the live stock grain and produce market reports from Toronto Montreal Buffalo Chicago and Winni peg from twelve hours to one full day ahead of your re ceiving the same quotations in the next mornings papers And you know you have said to yourself If I had known earlier just how the market was going I could have made money In addition to its splendid market service the Toronto Daily Star gives you the most comprehensive war and general news service obtainable through any daily paper in Canada Then too there are pages to interest the women and the children and a good comic cartoon series In fact the Toronto Daily Star is just such a newspaper as a farmer who is interested in the world news likes to read and he eventually comes to regard it as the insep arable companion of his leisure hours Subscribe- for it Yho price is a year In advance You may send this to tho publisher of your local paper to yourpostmastor or direct to the daily star sandy land or by providing arti- drainage- After the have been pileo and ventilators inserted the pile should bo covered only with straw to a depth of about inches Later in the season when cooler weather baa set in about 1 inches of earth should be placed over the Still lat er when this earth has become frozen a depth of about two inches another covering of straw and earth should be made When cold weather has finally set in the ventilators should bo plugged with straw If the pit has been properly constructed and covered cor rectly there is danger of roots rotting As a in France tonight How strange it was she couldnt sleep tonight and yet she must be tired for had she not worked hard all day in her little garden The farm had been worked on shares since Andy had gone to war over a year ago It vas late in the night but sleep would not come for a strange feeling possessed her So she rocked and rocked and rocked A knock came lo the door a small boy handed her a yellow envelope She adjusted her glasses and with trembling fingers signed her name She had half expected it Andy would not home Andy killed in action She took down from the mantelpiece picture of a broadshouldered in For and In For Years mt Wig lion however it is advisable to young man of twenty or so In hang a thermometer In every khaki and holding it lo her breast second ventilator and to consult With the telegram she sobbed it occasionally If the tempera- rooked The night wore on lure In pit gets higher than She heeded not of the degrees it is evident lhat hours healing is taking place and the She thought of the family pit should bo opened up and the across the way with wellkept infected area thoroughly cleaned farm and two big strong young Out j men who had recently invested in In the spring the layers of a car for Sunday pleasure covering should bo gradually re- thought of the many other ventilators opened lies In the neighborhood whose and generally speaking the pro- sons bad not yet heard the call And she was old and a widow and alone She thought of the in terest on the mortgage not bo paid How unfair it all seemed She had done her share I she had given her boy to The following in the- King great war was still Military Gazette is a touching an- 1 raging Would it ever end swot to question Why it would end more modified lo the rising temperature 000 IT ISNT FAIR It roads as follows Not fur from the city in a humble little cottage by country roadside lived a little old wrinkled woman all alone It lato at night in chair eat rooking rocking rocking and thinking of only lad boy who va young men were com- fro and do their share Why did her son have lo no to fight for Whole Kn thought and murmured over- and over again It Is not fair It a fair law Mrs gone crazy said one of the hoys across the road at breakfast morning As Jim and I vere- borne in the ear from dance early this morning we a light in her house Thinking it strange we went to sec was wrong and looking llirougn window saw her crying rocking with a paper held breast guess it was the no tice Uncle George had seal about her mortgage being over due She must his claim for she was saying and over to herself It fair ainl a fair law let THE DOUBLE between A TO It fJ and I A Q Oars on and on Principal trains- Write for copy of me P Game Regulations Etc lo Horning Union Toronto I Depot Phono 10- Phone For iARCSIVI 1 I KP r Ttjv iAVS if T

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