Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 6

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Mount Albert- Miss Mar at In town for a few days v Mi- onto was of Ink in iiowniifopVa visit Gentlemens- a announced on hah postponed vill bo a connection With Iho Institute wjjoij a lady spodkof will ftsidiOftH us See f MKyiKHMBi Methodist Church will hold spe cial in the at oclock and In the at officials good attendance offerings account of tho evening service will he no evening sor- l in Ml Albert Methodist J Wo and licronU Ml Albert and Methodist Church to with thp New Hook shall owing it next Sunday Forthe fl of January and Church services will be held in the basement of the Ml Albert Church Christmas i is of Albert Moth- School held on the evening of Christmas Pay was a splendid success from every Tho alteudanco was order was tho financial returns word very grat ifying and the scholars certainly distinguished themselves in solo recitation dialogue play chorus end drill The Superintendent a capable arid almost no II me was wasted between numbers Reci tations wore given by Hilda Marion Cray Bruce Hayes and Florence a solo by a trio by Alvin Dike Ivan Rowland song by Miss Ella Wil sons class drills by Miss Grace class and Miss Mildred class also a shepherd drill by several boys and girls di alogues by Mrs class and also one by Kenneth Mildred Dike and Rachel Mitchell a play entitled The Wooing of Miss Canada by Mrs Crays Junior Bible Class and four choruses by tho entire Sunday School While we gladly honor the scholars for lite admirable way in which Ihoy acquitted themselves we do not forgot that Hie success of the was in largo measure due tho patience and loyalty of officers and teachers who gave a great deal time to the training of the scholars also the untiring zeal of Miss Ruby who lod the choruses and lo the truly magnificent fidelity of our Miss Anna Dike whose servi ces were at the disposal of every or individual who required Wo art proud of our Sun day School and we J te our friends to attend he or- services every Sunday basement has been re-dec- appropriate adorn walls two rolls a roll of- signers and an honor roll the names of the boys ho are serving Somewhere in ranee or Flanders and also the of those who have boon wounded or havemade the great sacrifice bang in a conspicuous place and curtains now divide lie classes All this is an indica tion that our Superintendent in making the Sunday School both useful and attractive 0 break in the transmission line at fiorvJcc on Saturday- and ftd lqitt railway and fctrccl cars idle Now- Write 1018 mo coW Although the wan below last a prominent farmer hoar liar oh was lo take off Soot soeminglijha heal jho language used Was rather unbe coming and would not look In print- to cooled off in heat ho got Up in with fewer neighbors than ho had of Mr J last week was well attended and bidding spiritod The wan about Mr Rqbt of last with Mr and f many frfonds of Mr Fred Weddel will bo pleased lo learn Mini ho i doing as favorably as bo expected Mo is In tho Hospital where ho un derwent an operation a week ago It looks vary as if we in of a municipal con- lost Some municipal aspirants knowing there Is a on regardless of ore push- themselves forward for has been a very useful of Council Tho suggestion lhat reject him because he look purl in a recent political seems utterly ridicu lous when thoro is no real issue Mr Jos received the card Nov My Joflenb a lino von that I have no means von In foot I often think of those who so irood to rnn in the early of election I hope and well I am One and like oil I here snlondldly rno to mv friends With best wishes Sincerely yours Club be hold in the Hall on Monday A full officers a of the will given Put in for and deed lhe prices w- NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will bo held jln the Telephone Hoard Room Jan at oclock p in for reception of reports election fcf Directors and general business J Rowland Pre si deal The congregation in the Meth odist Church was not as as usual last Sunday owing to the severe cold Rev over will speak on Ed ucation next Sunday The School Board met last Thursday and elected Mr T as Trustee Mr Cow- is retiring and deserves congratulation for his faithful ness past years Wo are very sorry lo learn that Miss Gladys Flanagan is under the ear with pneumonia The Adult Ladies Bible Class of the Methodist donated the sum of in aid of Hal ifax sufferers It was sent to Mrs Lieut Cordon Stairs to do with as she thought best Cadet Ross Grant and Sandy- Milne had five days leave from Camp Borden to spend the holi day at home They were pre sented with a Wrist Watch apiece and an address as a remembrance from heir home community Mr and Mrs Thompson and Misses Violet and Beatrice spent New Years with Mr Mrs York Keswick A large number of our young people celebrated New Years at the dance at Sharon All report a flue time too cold for a largo crowd at he rink Wo are look ing for warmer weather Mr and Mrs J W Lewis and Master Kenneth spent New Years in the city at Mr C Cases Messrs Albert Ray Wail Ross MacKenie and Miss Flossie Lewis were at home over the holiday Mr Hill returned from West on Tuesday after a two months trip Miss Iatti of Kes wick will be on band Saturday for her music pupils Mr A J Milne spent New Years in Aurora wilh Ills Mrs Watson Christmas ob served in a mos royal in our neighborhood Numerous family reunions wore at lion Chapmans Donald Win Airdu Cry- dormans The Owls and four genera tions had la big at Cbcsloy and goose and turkeys hut of business and down red and enjoyod to uttermost madam exquisite cook ing which is and I know what Im talking- about Ive proved Iho pudding Chapman is known us a remarkably cleverminded man and as ho proudly his Six bright and pretty grand child ren ho ho doubt fell an honest pride and would say All mine and Grandma Victoria would chip in All mine loo I Nobody can beat those babies no not one A Crydermau city training bis trotter in lion of winning a big and the fellows are scarce at Thoro way much quiet enjoy ment at Owl on One of our many lady friends and one of the premier coons of North York sent a No feast year is sufficient Uncle Owls needs Wallor Croon writes from Al berta and says ho and his are still alive and fairly well A baby boy came lo thorn in Dec but soon left thorn Mrs Green is doing well Weve had a great by Jack Frost Get a hustle on and get around after the electorate Lot them see you want their vote and in fluence or youll never got Thats a dead sure thing Anyway the Borden Govern ment is doing well enough would the Grits have done belter is doing a nice blacksmith trade People appreciate him here As the dayslengthen and the sun gets higher the light will be more favorablo and I will try lo do- belter got very much to say In the meantime Stand at The Owl is greatly indebted lo two of our ladies for delectations and New Years Thanks and many of them Mrs Glover and children of Shaft and Mrs Frank Smith of Aurora spent the holiday with their parents Mr and Mrs Lou Prof Bertram Chapman and family of Toronto were under the parental roof Awfully poor light New Year I Blizzard of Winni peg Man spent with his parents here MiasMrtryMadlli at unblos Mr Geo Nobles having cold weather for New Years but ev erybody to ft though sleighing la poor Quito a number off Ridge look In the watch mooting at Baldwin arid reported it good- Lizzie and Florence Warren of Toronto spent ficw Years wilh paronls bore Mr ft Profit of Toronto a few days with frionds hero Mr Marshal Crittenden Now at Mr Herbert Warren of Zephyr visiting friends on the eighth Wood cutting and hunting is the order of day Mr John lakes a few flying trips lo Jack sons Point and fishing good Wonder why our sports look so blue Come cheer up holidays will soon bo over Busier HOPE at Button Tuesday night the Wanderers of Keswick and the Beavers of final score was to 2 for Wander a r A i The following letter was received Inst week by Mrs Ross Pollock of Kebwidk her brother Pie Crittenden vyhd now In England He has been wounded tvlco In France once hi the face and once In the shoulder with shrapnel and now In the From Jan to Feb DOMESTIC COURSE From Jan 28th CCIIC3 to Feb Pretty cold weather those days The family Nov Years at Mr M Halls interesting quilting at Four quilts in ono week Wonder what it all moans Guess I fir and Mrs ADyke spent Now Years at Mrs Dykes parents at Wesley Miss Nellie spent the holidays at her home Skating on the pond Now Years Day Quito a largo crowd in cluding a few beginners Mr arid Mrs W have arrived homo after a holidays in Quite a number attended the League Sunday evening and re- port cold weather Mr and Mrs Andrews vis the formers parents Sunday of officers at Sunday School last Sunday Miss Una Is now vis iting in the neighborhood I wonder how all those new cut lers are running on such nice I wonder where was on New Years Eve out East 01 course Mr David English and lady friend also Miss spent Sunday evening at Mr Wedding bells are ringing in neighborhood Night Hawk Sutton West f The MeeUnn of Share of the Mount Albert Telephone Counany limited be held in their Hoard Room on Friday Jan pm fur purpose of receiving reports pdfng ftnd gunoral A Hopkins Jan SOCIETY Nutlet is that the above society wilt of Jaauury HO p A btUmdunri i re- A WAIT League January 6 Tho Masters Affections Speaker Doris Stephens Header Kathleen Moore Conditions in Country and City Speaker Miss Cameron Violet Thompson The Open Door Speaker Mrs Header Kducalion Religion and War Speaker- Hob Knights Header Marion A from here attended Dance at Sharon Monday ev ening floss and Sandy Milne of holidays at their homes here Miss Mario Thompson of Normal School and Miss of Toronto vflrsilvV returned en ponding he holidays at their homos here Miss Wright has accept ed a at Goorgetovn A Convention is to ho held on Jan School The postponed of the Sharon and QuCRnsvill Farmers Brown Hill Cutting wood is the order the day around this berg Mrs Teskey of Toronto has been spending a few days in town Quite a number look in the Watch Night Meeting at Baldwin on Monday evening News is scarce Hope some body breaks soon on Sleeping Beauty ST NORTH Poplar Bank held their Entertainment on Monday even ing The Rev Otton oc cupied the chair and gave very suitably for the coming year A good program was giv en after which a silver collection was taken up and at the close Of evening the Superintendent Mr p was presented with a Shaving Sot by the Sunday School to show their apprecia tion forJiis untiring work during the year Miss of Durham Co is spending Ihe vacation at her home hero Misses Lulu and a days In Toronto week Miss Sara Lewis spent part of the holiday in tho city Mr It Goodwin and family of Holland Landing visited at Mr Ed Goodwills on Sunday Miss visiting In Toronto this week Mr Will French and family spent with relatives in Ml Albert Mr Richard and family and Mr and Mrs Joel fit Bradford and Mr and Mrs Too Late for Week A very pleasant day was spent on Chris mas at the homo of Mr John when his whole family were there except two daughtersinlaw numbering in all present After the dinner was over which was laid with everything a person could wish for and was all prepared by Mrs herself the day was spent in music and games Miss of Sharon of Mrs Murrell was also present Mrs Anderson an other sister was not able lo be present but sent a beautiful Man tle Clock to Mr and Mrs Murrell a Christmas Gift The whole family all being for the union seemed lo please Mr Murrell They join in wishing Mr and Mrs Murrell a Merry and Happy New Year trust they may be able to spend many more in same way Mr- and Mrs Cody were guests of Mrs Morrison and Miss Cam eron over Messrs Basil Cross Harry Bailey and spent Xmas holidays In town Mrs Dr and little Alice arc spending a few weeks in Whilby Mr and Mrs J Aylrnor Lake and Miss were gnosis of Mrs Sturlridgo during Mr and Mrs Grant and children of Calgary are spending a few weeks wilh Mr Tre- ay no Miss Dale Graduate Nurse from the General Hospital Medi cine Hal Alia of the Gen eral Hospital Staff Address care of Iho Rectory Sut ton West Phono 32 Girls Patriotic League gavo a Dance in the Town Hall on New Years Eve Miss Flossie McLaughlin spent holidays at homo Mrs Frank McDonald and Miss Hazel friends in Chatham StilesMcDonald On Tuesday Dec 1017 at Manse Sutton by Rev D A Hamilton Herman Stiles to Ethel Mc Donald Owing lo the Anniversary Ser vices in the Methodist lhAe will be no service in Iho Church on Jan fit service will bo hold at at instead of pm next Sunday wiii bo of Bask visitors a Mr on Sunday held in Cooks Church spent next Ian fi at it lit Toronto and Pm nv Auxiliary lath Dear Sister thought I would drop you a few lines to let you Know I am Ihe Hos pital have been hen nearly a now and have not had any moil for a long time I they are holding at the accord Lon don I wrote I hem to forward It to me I got wounded at Paaschendacl Ridge I you would see It in the papers about the Canadians taking In- Belgium In October I got In the shoulder but am getting on line now They have dishes every fourth day It Is some job We have meals a day What do you think of that J will soon he quite a wrote you folks soon as J to the Hospital and wrote a letter the oilier day you will have by lime There Is great lalkvof peace here In They arc beginning to realize lhat neither side can win now They could fight for ten years yet If they wished to do so I times will lake a change for belter this winter 1 dont like the Idea of going buck to the trenches In Spring- Things were pretty In teresting- the last time I left the trenches well up In Ypres There were no trenches nothing but a sea of shell mud and water We were all wet through It was raining all the time we were In line Every Bri gade In the Canadian forces had to make an attack up the front The casualties were pretty heavy I got hit on the nlghlof the of November The lime Is crawl ing on for Christmas I guess will be spending mine hi Hie Hospital this time There Is a here every week The one last night was pretty good This is not a very big town and It Is pretty quiet We go out for a stroll every afternoon but we have lo be In by oclock There are unite a number of Canadians here I to be transferred after a while a Canadian Hospital near London Then we will be going on sick fur lough We gel days now and I think 1 will go Scotland if I have good health I in Ireland and France and Flanders All the Canadians in Hospitals England gel a Red Cross bag with writing- paper and envelopes a shaving outfit also Including a safely razor There Is a Red Cross lady who visits the Canadians once a week and gives us tobacco and cigarettes They are pretty good to us We are having lovely weather here now with the exception of a lUHe fog I wish you all a Merry Christmas arid a Happy New Year Write soon I am sending the Kaisers A C THE A for Airraids Willi rapture we thrill I for our Bombs what babies kill I for whom we shot Serve her right the Destruction in which we de light for the English the swine hounds we hate Is for we settled his fate Is for We Invented plague harassed by I la for Ireland where Bolos firm set Js for Jeers lhat our prisoners get our Kaise the favored of Cod Is which to fragments we tvd our Murders village and town for Ihe of fruit irees cut down O for the Outraged the virgins and nuns our Crown Prince Prince of loot ers and Hens was our Quarrel eWorld Power its design Russias ruin our blessing divine Versenkfsliips sunk without trace for the tortures conceived by our race for the Cboals that the ships down for the Victims we laugh as they drown the White Flag behind which we shoot for the hauls of rich Is for a dust heap we made for our m butchering trade Mrs Johanna Walsh aged of Hamilton who went to London lo her on and was found next day in her room is dead is supposed jt For Apply to J BARGAINS at i I a largo quantity of Mens Womens and Boots and Shoos also Soldier Boots Rub- bora Panto and as a largo quantity of The Point is I Sell Cheap I Tho Wellknown at where Ho I certainly cant how long all theca will as I buy and soil quickly I you to mo on CALL GAVE TO OEM STORE BOOTS Phone a a ALLIED THIS YEAH Lloyd Georges Good Ottawa Jan The Prime Minister hat received through the GovernorGeneral fol lowing flew Year a message from the Right Hon David George the British Prime At the beginning of a sew year I lo send on of the War Cabinet lo the Gov ernment and people of Canada a Hi of goodwill and con fidence are now far on in year of war despite many hacks and many disappointments WO are also far on in the path to victory By standing the Ihe Sunday rostoro liberty to Europe but give lasting peace l j In the General View 0 no Presidents Of the Annual Convention of the North ton and Associa tion to bo held in Methodist Church Button on Tuesday Jan Morning Worship The Family Altar Training Our Rev J W Arnott Sutton The Adult Class and Home Rev Wing Rural Sunt and Closing Afternoon Worship in School Report Pace of the Child Mrs W P Fletcher Keswick View rMjnutc Reports from See list on bark of curd I5 Building Rural Sunday Bigger and Schools Belter Row Wing Standards Offering and Closing Evening Worship in the Church freedom because has sprung from tho eternal soil of freedom dopes that before this now year is past the pnse to which wo set our ESS for and -ppo-t- Rev Report of Nominating SEND Com The Call of the Conse crated Rev I Wing I OF JAM Music and Offering The Missionary Oppor tunity in Sunday Schools Rev Roy Albert OFFICERS President Emerson VicePres P Fletcher exemp- Supls lon service was W P tie tchcr the Canadian Teen Age Boys Irwin Winch came to Toon Ago Girls Miss Ada tiles Adult J he Quakers who are Home Mrs Mabel w0 construction Missionary Mrs Win communil Teacher Stuart McDonald wounded Temperance F W Sale Register Jan Mr Moses Sam- mis West Half Lot Con Scott will dispose of a number of Fine Milch Cows and other Cattle also Pigs Sheep Oats and Turnips at one oclock credit W J Hester Auctioneer Mr Hayes Ml Albert will hold a of Horses Cattle Imple ments etc oclock J Kesler Aucl Quebec Official an nouncement was received here from Ottawa today that he Rifle Fac tory reopen on Wednesday next when employment will be given to about men rhe Mark HI riOe w1i bo manutotured ind it Is expected that the factory working lull J rifles be out dally A to fcbt Tommy Jam Jam is most universally popular delicacy on the soldier menu whether he is sick or well and no gift according to Violet the General Or ganizing Dietitian for the con valescent hospitals could more welcome In gift are pounds of strawberry of raspberry and of various other kinds peach and plum fruit all came from the and jam was made in a factory noted for Ihe purity of products pod Glorious it I to crown of deserved and pure Huxley Norfolk Vv Jan in lbs heart of ineludlnK Hotel were destroyed three wr lU6d and a mom mure Injured Mrfea of which both the police law believe were frutliuatd at taa JSJ pICK have played a greater part than those who are members of the British Commonwealth Against their steadfast courage the legions of autocracy have cast themselves in vain and Ihe Em pire which the militarists of Prussia persuaded themselves would crumble at a blow baa the most united and of the bulwarks of A gift of pounds of ja has just been received by the Mil itary Hospitals Commission from the Ooukhobors the Christian Community of Universal Brother hood at Brilliant for Ibe convalescent soldier patients western hospitals ami War is the tenet doing spr it is I 1 a a I fl a I a a A e hi si I ft of A I TORONTO

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