Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1918, p. 5

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w- J AND WIBQVOIV Dr a Main and v dor nor QUAD A at flea In Bank of Toronto A Crown flflflt Given to Plato T J Or J M Graduate la of Toronto Licentiate of College of ftnJ College of Surgeons England Former clinical auulotttit Eye Hospital and oilly College Bar Nob and London Tented supplied Telephone HO Mooting of will bo hold on 8lh Instead of the drat Tuesday as la Now bo In tho homo ofMrs Huron t I pm A full is as business of importance to bo Sunday last night Quarters Lessons by aid of Lantern prepared Sunday Mission Day with Missionary Program and tho of a now QUartorp for to again Lot tho bo well and a largo collection is asked for Although regular organist was absent through Ulricas Mr Williams presided with ac ceptance well hold on sang with good expression p that will not lot mo go congregation at service Next Sunday Day of Prayer rooognlzed by a special hour to IT am an It is hat hero will bo a largo of the olovon oclock service Dr Graham of Toronto rolary Hoard will missed Hut hie discomfort vanished V A with the fir rift in in tho stormy and found his trolled chop AND Pork Adjoining Now Post FAINTER AND PAPER HANGUP Arduu Ave 2nd from HI A of Piano and Vio lin Dealer in all of sioal Instruments and piano Agent for Columbia Compile I Prompt lho death occurred of Kitchen at Ho had boon and died after ho had Ho was at Columbia near I0i una many years a Lung Twelve ago ho wont to city ton street and up till a few ibVi MusouriL Ho waa nmrnod to MOullum of ami throe children Vivo They arc Laura Mildred and CI flora ail at homo Awful Cold epolL registered zero on Saturday morning and many pcoplo had their water pipes frozen Messrs Osborne Sons had no loss than cals to thaw out pipes Again morning It was And 18 on Monday morning Observatory at Toronto makes statement that was lho coldest month for years shining hair puffed Into a halo of gold withpink candle shades le and praiae and won tro and nothing thereon to eat but AmPbW laughed Aunt Betsey showed mo how a third days cold roast and loft- over salad v Albert having kissed his she said and Ideally like do- enthusiastically and haying During end vjiien V changed his office coat for more formal one peered at the platter dubiously I am despcratoly hungry ho said and there isnt much meat loft not a bit hungry stated I was shopping downtown and I had such a lunch I had a sandwich was Al berts brief But her wore a Utile wloU fuj and presently sold Do you miss anything Yes Albert said promptly I do I miss gown and rosy candlei and not kissed me Ho went around and stood at the back of her chair I was a bear last night girl he apologized but a man Is a queer I was fired He folded his hands Jill Lyman Issuer of Marriage Licenses Era Office Office Private issued prlvato re sidence if desired NEWMARKET Call to Prayer text of a mat ion setting apart tiunday in January as a of national prayer throughout is as follows worldwide struggle fori the triumph of right and liberty lho ventilation system is entering upon its last and most working well at the difficult phase The enemy is I call special alien LATEBT DESIGNS and before ordering pon in and Made to Order GEO Latest Call Ml kinds of Monuments MX Kinds of TO and see before buying fclsevhere Building Stones Cut to Order Tablets for kept In fltooit JOHN Dealer and Importer of and DnmesUo AND MARBLB8 Phone J Huron St Furnace Work striving by dodporato assault and subtle intrigue to porpdtuato wrongs already committed stem lido of free civilization Wo have yet to complete great task to which than years ago we dedicated ourselves At such a time I would call upon you to dovolo a special day lo prayer that wo may have and strength necessary lo victory of our cause This victory will bo gained only if we steadfastly remember Urn responsibility which rests up on us and in a spirit of reverent obedience the blessing of Al mighty God upon our endeavors With hearts grateful for lho Di vine guidance which has led us so far towards our goal let us peek to he enlightened in our un derstanding and forliflcd in our courage in facing the sacrifices wo vet to before our work is done T Hie flrst Sunday of the vnnr to be set as a special of and thanks- glvinpr in all churches Dominions and Hi at this rend at services held on that with the above and in addition to prayer in each church on the Sab- hath Day Union Services have been arranged as follows com mencing each evening at o clock Monday- Methodist Church ad dress by He v Parry Tuesday- Christian Church Ad dress by Rev J Wood Wednesday Friends Church ad dress by Rev A Thursday Presbyterian The report of Inspector Mi By who visited School in November was re ceived by Ihofiecrotary last week and on lho whole Is very satis factory In the matter of Grading report is as follows School Grounds School Buildings Halls Wailing Rooms Teachers Private Rooms Desks Water Supply Lighting Heating I Class Rooms Assembly Hall and Ven tilation Closets Cap Rooms Blackboards Gymnasium Inspectors Note I again Bug- that the lime has substitute modern closets for those at present in use Those are entirely out of keeping with the rest of the accommodation was not my Ion lo unsatisfactory condition of a number of blackboards whose surfaces are badly chip ped and in cases glossy These should he overhauled with out delay has been added to the for Physical Culture since last renorl Present value of total including the Library Scientific Apparatus Mips Models Typewriters and Physical Culture Organization Ratio of pupils lo teachers about to I Divi sion of duties among teachers Tho Time Table is in most respects a good one The chief objection to the organ- 1 comment and after that he ate sparingly of tho lamb and tasteless salad and sought the oval of her face Kiss is afterdinner And when that was per- formed he asked Can wo have That evening found- lho cand him somewhat unresponsive In row vain alio played and his shook her head They cost too much sc said final cigar fiot fresboess a balm that back the of health vorite songs in her liltlo lilting voice In vain she prattled of her downtown bargains In vain alio potted him and praised Albert met all of her advances stolidly and next morning found her at her Aunt Betsys in i tears He has ceased to love she declared What did you givo him for dinner last night Aunt Betsy demanded faltered out her menu Aunt Betsey sniffed No wonder bo was disagroe- and you need hearty food more But on Sundays we will a feast of romance off set the six days of common sense Albert sighed If I were only rich he said Vou are rich his wife told her eves snorkling How he questioned Because you have me said pretty Thousands of soldiers In Europe cause for Its tonic lo able alio said Any would bo frozen out by Lasts It is known that some of cold meat and cold salad and lhc famous and popular of warmedover coffee literary and musical lions have brought their authors little or no compensation The case of Miltons Paradise Lost loaf which the author sold for live mo pounds is frequently cited as an example of this fact but it is not necessary to go so far back for equally striking examples Quite recently a story to this point has been told on good Albcrls love ought lo bo su perior to such things said Ho used always to quote things like A Jug of wine a of bread and thou singing In wilderness and last night all my singing couldnt make him But Aunt Betsey was severely on the defensive A jug of wine a loaf of in Paris Some years bread may bo all right in hot ago young men all highly climates she admitted but yes- gifted but improvident and it was snowing and AU fortunate were walking the came in chilled and you streets of Paris together to have had something lit less and hungry to eat I What wouldnt I give for a Weil thank goodness my love nice breakfast said one of isnt dependent on food said them loftily What wouldnt I give for What did you have for lunch breakfast even if it werent nice yesterday Aunt Betsey probed You mo you went to supplied j said another Any kind of breakfast would do roe provided it was a i lards We bad fruit and crab fast said the third is the unequal division aii wi an Vr dm HOW much WO have With was delicious Mary which to buy a breakfast said invited me with a friend the first rch Address by Rev Scott The importance of the occasion demands the earnest sympathy and cooneralion of entire community Plumbing Our Specialties Bob Bathroom at V THE LKADING SOUS TO lead trait Tint get your loan by No chJBMS ft Victoria foiojito FOR FLETCHERS A A At lho service on Sunday Pastor referred to the prohibition enactment of Do minion as a measure lo bo thankful for Hon J Davis other churches were giving ex pression in the matter and ho took occasion to read the enact ments and made a few congratu latory remarks While only a War Measure ho had no doubt that its adoption would prove such a national blessing that the sale of intoxicating beverages would never again be licensed in the Dominion of Canada Ho therefore moved following That lho congregation of Methodist Church congratulate Premier of Dominion and the members of bis Cabinet- on prohibition legislation recently enacted Mr John Official Board in seconding lho resolution expressed his sense of and grati tude and declared that the action in ibis mailer advance In civilization greater than that had occurred in the fixation a sending vole of the ga llon of Hint hn from cannot help produce a for pood who hoard it showing exam ple of biblical characters the need of prayer and answers to have discussed the matter with I he Principal Efficient work In a class of 17 is not possible Miscellaneous All the staff are legally qualified Three bold Physical Culture Certificates and one Elementary Ccr- The discipline Is good Text books authorized satisfactory Catalogue of Suitable selection of literature for Lower School and suitable ar rangement for Supplementary provision for of Latin The school a and stnff About of are framed for Class Room decora- No Vivo Drill so far this venr Char sol of Teaching llsh History Mathematics Sci ence Latin French Ger man and Commercial Subjects are marked I ATI and Physical Culture I II Heading A cred itable record Writing out of good and fair Spoiling out of good fair 8 poor and bad Satisfactory work in Art in both Forms of a very fair char Collection of Insects good woods and fair care needed in selecting and pressing plants Notes sat isfactory outdoor work pro perly attended to Special Approval will be held in abeyance pending action to re lievo congestion in Form I recommend the acceptance of candidates in Science Writing and Lower School Art General Remarks Since last inspection a change bus been made in and Miss Haines has been appointed Of hers from out of town And poor Albert had a sand wich Aunt nor Oh I Oh I Suddenly the real situation seemed to dawn on the little wife He was really hun gry AuntBctsey poor dear fel low And he had worked from JO in the morning Aunt Betsey went on and when he came home at night tired and worn and nervous lie was not in a con dition to appreciate lace trimmed ruffles Beltina half as much as an appetizing dinner sighed Well it does away with the romance Dear heart Aunt Betsey told her there is a joy in service that is above the joy of mere admira tion Try making Albert corn- fortable and you will gel inoro solid happiness out of it than by I keeping him on rack with your coquetry But shrugged shoulders The way to hold a man said j Aunt Betsey with a nod of grey head is to love him and that means to make yourself his equal in endeavor Then you have We ouifht to have ten sold another Ten francs or two dollars would have provided three with an excellent break fast have an idea I Heres a music publishers Come along I said one Pir said be to lho publish er we wish lo sell a of which one has written the words and another the air and sine it as I the on of three who a music published mae a grimace Well go on Well see if vour song is good for any thing One of the young men sang Hum I said lho publisher It isnt much of a s6ng a simple little thing But Ill give you francs for It young men lookeo significantly at each other They had not expected so much They handed the publisher the manu script took the three dollars and went and ale them all up at a neighboring restaurant The author of the words was Alfred Mussel the composer To Every Lover of HOMEMADE BAKING Our Prices Favorite and Five Rose FEED GOOD ANTHRACITE Flour Right OLIVER Give Us D I KB CASH COAL a Call Phone a his respect You must be I and the sing- homemaker just as Albert is the yr The song innnv which was entitled The Greatest as a Teacher of Lower School Work in place of Miss Robinson Tho establishment of a temporary classroorn at one end of As sembly has effectively re lieved congestion In Form which was marked at the time of my last visit Conditions will be still bettor when this room is separated from rest of the Assembly Room by a partition The congestion at the present time is in Form Ha where there is an enrollment of pupils money maker But you have said little How can you know Aunt Betsey The people who look on from the outside are Ihe wise ones said Aunt Betsey and I have seen so many matrimonial ship wrecks That night Alberts footstep lagged a little on the stairway as ho climbed lo his Hide flat Bo knew just what he would find at top charming in a rosy gown pink candle shades the pink roses and cro quettes made of lho last of the beef always ran lo big roasts and there yet remained to be eaten a fifth days soup made of he bone Tho sound of his key In the summoned no rosy vision however He passed through lho diningroom The pink candles were not lighted In front of his place was a copper chafing dish one of Beltinas hitherto unused vous dans had an immense popularity and brought Ihe publisher thousand francs The breakfast which the three young men ate was there fore perhaps the most thai was ever eaten You can give the local paper yon r Job Printing in HI The other division of Form wedding presents and- the blue has only pupils enrolled- I burning underneath sel the Principal to se cure a more even division of the in these Forms by lho basis upon which the division has beep I well pleased with the general lone of the school London Dec George MareHos of a prisoner in Middlesex County Jail await ing sentence on several charges of burglary made his escape at oclock this knocked down opened his cell morning a turnkey door bubbling and air was laden with Bellina he called and at the sound she came to ihe kitchen door She- wore a long apron of china blue her hair was ruf fled about her face her checks were flaming I havent time lo kiss you she cried I must watch Albert went into his room somewhat disconcerted It was the first time that had He who failed to time kiss him It was lho thai his rooms had not Ottawa Deo 30 block at the corner of Hi deau and Mosgrove was com gutted by fire yesterday morning causing a loss of over Paris Dec Franco will not accept a peace based on condi- before Ihe war Foreign Minister declared in re plying In the Chamber of Deputies lo the peace arms of Central Powers outlined to Russia He asserted that Ger many was endeavoring to involve France in lis negotiations with ho Bolshevik hut that the war go on whether or not Rus sia made a separate peace New York Dec Thirty Jewish men and women were by the Turkish army that surrendered Jerusalem lo Gen eral Allonby Dec according to on announcement mode here today by lho provisional execu tive committee for general Zion ist affairs Included In num ber massacred were some of the Prominent residents of the and its suburbs it was stated Children Dry FOR I J If you do not ftblo to advertisement surely you lo give the news- paper your Curd Dodgers Bill Heath lNw Envelope to print and The Newspaper an it and it help him to pay tho printers for putting in thousand and one notices ho gives and town Tub ill give nice work and prices compare favorably with Any place I ARCHIVES OF ONI TORONTO

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