Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1917, p. 3

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Ail Several rooms lit the- Public Schools will have Christmas pro grams this Mr Smith hud the nils fortune to lose of his flru at tho Specially Works brio day week whitm will throw work for time 10A1 Gold Filled and Watches Delivery The milkmen of pay prepared ftp take a double supply on Monday TV f Examinations In Mrs J bad satisfaction once again of seeing nil her examination candidates a high standing in tho ro- University hold in Toronto The results as follows Piano Margaret Patterson let Class Honors Miss Muriel Honors Vondah Winn Honors Miss Honors Junior Piano Miss Joyce Only six of the Toronto piano candidates obtained honors and f those four stu dents j week for the holiday The High School closed last forth teachers reading papers at school lQda Wortl Any Man op Bay i Will appreciate They good lime Fully guaranteed for one year Prices to 400 albinos Hardware Christmas Market There was only a small at- tendance the special mas Market Wednesday and very tiling was picked up as fast oh it came In There were four city buyers present and they nonaged to carry off nearly Ions of poultry Mr bought three and a half tons Mr one ton Mr too lbs Mr bought lbs of butter and eggs- The prevailing prices wore as follows New Laid Eggs per to Butler per lb to Dressed Chickens per lb Dressed Ducks per lb Geese per lb to Dressed Turkeys per lb to Apples per Potatoes per bug i Goto to SO Watsons Jewclory tore White- Qllta for King This is he special Christmas to be given by the Christian Sunday School in the Church Auditorium Thursday evening Dec oclock sharp It promises lo good is some thing now and pleasing plan lo be there Everybody cordially invited- especially the of the scholars is a giving service Jo ami catch the great spirit Interesting pro gram Including music by a Girls Choir All he members of the school are asked to meet at 730 in the basement to march up in a body Next Sunday at the Sabbath School will be held a Christmas service- also election of teachers and officers A large attend ance is looked for as our num bers arc steadily increasing Com Club will meet on Saturday evening at when from the Toronto Con vention will report All numbers will please moke an effort bo Ho has had considerable experience and will promise prompt service to his Everybody Oat Make good use of All stylos in best makes at A On Market last Wednesday a workman bought a duck for which he paid SI and laid it to one side while he en quired about the price of other I tings When bo returned sonic- body had walked off with his Christmas dinner r An Makes an uptotheminute useful gift irons Heaters Roasters drills Warming Pads Water Heaters Hot Point Goods at Hardware The Treasurer in Newmarket MA J received ihe following letter a few days ago from Albert Abbott Secretary at Parliament Buildings Toronto dated Dec Door Sir Wo in receipt of your fa vor of Dec with contribution of for British Bed Cross which lias al ready been acknowledged by the Provincial Treasurer would ask you to Kindly con vey to the teachers and pupils of your schools and the citizens of Newmarket the thanks of His Honor the Governor the Organization of Resources Com mittee which is In charge of the campaign for Ontario and the British Red Cross for the spon laneous and generous response which has been made to ap peal Newmarket bos helped to make Ontarios contribution this year more splendid than ever before and you may have Hie conscious ness that the gratitude of our brave men overseas is going out continually to all those who are helping to make the work of the British Hod Cross possible Yours faithfully A at Kilted Mrs of King Out has had a loiter from a friend of her telling of his in France The family fbrmorly lived at and from tha address ho enlisted with the Guards In April he went overseas and Mrs Gates and her child came then King Tor somo lime A Gates was in but recently had boon acting sergeant to at Watsons Jewel lery Store Rank The children the of tho Penny Hank in stead of spending their coppers for candy and ice cream The average of Newmarket pupils for he months of September and Oc tober was each while the deposit per pupil in York County was The pupils in Aurora only averaged lie and This shows thai our boys and girls are beginning lliis club doclhred chairman- of- membership committed to other members of the club emphasizing ear nestness bringing bis right upon the table itight you are agreed Ray Stamps And somo of us may as welt toll him that- he will have to out Whats matter in quired a now Sots to at sons Automobllo Are cheaper than regular prices Minns Hardware The Council of Newmarket is to be congratulate on us show ing of receipts and expenditures for the past year Financial Statement was issued by the Treasure on- Tuesday last and is posted in the Clerks Office for inspection This is the first time for many years that the statement has been issued prior lo Nomination meeting It gives ratepayers a chance lo Investigate the accounts and allows time to ask questions at Nomination meeting According to our calculation the Town commenced the year with an overdraft at the Banks of In round figures and ended with an a gain of after pay ing a grant of to the Hali fax Belief Fund This has been done without increasing the tax of the previous year as many Municipalities have had lo do The expenditures include large sum of for patri otic purposes 91384 for Provin cial War Tax and nearly 200 for the Industrial Home besides in local charities The Water Works show a net revenue of all ex penditures The Electric Light shows a net balance to good of were spent on Capital which leaves a not loss of against which we must place the Street Lighting and the lighting of all public buildings So thai lhe present low rales which in respects are lower than other in Canada only pay running expenses but reduce the Capital invested Our public utilities ore certainly proving satisfactory you think our deductions are right figure it out I Hall was well filled on Friday evening for the first open meeting of the Literary Society The program was very good A group of Fourth Form boys as darkies highly amused everyone with their local jokes and songs little pianist Of the Society lon was given thundering ap plause and called back time again One of the soldiers from the Hospital Martin gave Iwo selections upon the violin paper read by the Chief Llewellyn Fletcher was listened with interest The most important event tin evening was an address by Mr P W Pearson It was giv en in his usual fluent style and the school appreciates Mr Pear sons kindness in giving up his time lo them The subject was Government and Our Part in it Mr Pearson showed how Government is really a personal matter and that ii is the individ ual who makes the Government As the future citiens of Canada it is the duly of the boys and girls of today to seize their opportun ities and to prepare themselves ably shape Government It is the individual who makes Public Opinion and it is Public Opinion that rules BRACELET WATCHES CHRSTMAS OUR STOCK It now l S VER A to the And to KP the in Atkinson Co Marriage I understand the value of lii I- USE 6HUMTOH9 j- DEATH OF MHO Ottawa Dec ML The death occurred last night at the resi dence of her son Hon King The if Isabella Grace Mackenzie King widow of Die late John King K C The late Mrs King was In Iter year and her death will ho deeply logrolled by a of warm personal friends through out Ontario The funeral which will he private will be from Si Andrews Church King and Sis Toronto tomorrow at J oclock with interment at Mount Pleasant CorIelery She was one or the few remain ing persons who had come over from the lime when the ashes of the Rebellion of 183738 verc still hoi Horn in while her father William Lyon Mackenzie was in exile in the United Slates on account of the part he had played in that episode if the history of Upper and Lower Canada she came to Canada with him after the amnesty of Mr Mackenzie who bad been a member of tho Upper Canadian Assembly was in elected by the County of lo the Legislative Assembly of the Prov ince of Canada defeating bis op ponent Ihe Ceo Brown founder of the Globe It is a matter of interest lo notethat in Mrs John Kings former resi dence Grange Road there could be seen a copy of the proclama tion of the offer of a money re ward for apprehension of her father who if he had been cap- lured would no doubt have shar ed the fate of Lount and Matthews under the quasi military regime of Sir George Arthurs then Gov ernor of Upper Canada Mrs besides her son above mentioned left a second son Dr King resident in the United States and a daugh ter Mrs Ley wife of a local bank manager in Walkorton Out During the five weeks of the campaign in North York Hon W L Mackenzie King spent four Sundays in Ottawa with his moth er to whom he was deeply and af fectionately attached but the Sunday previous to the election lie did not get there The day after the election he got a mes sage that his mother was sinking and left on Ihe evening train but did not arrive until she had pass ed away The Newmarket Lib- oral friends of Mr King phoned to Toronto and ordered a large Pedestal Wreath of deep green magnolia leaves and mauve flow ers placed in the church in To ronto on arrival of the funeral cortege yesterday and the New market Ladies Liberal Club also ordered a large wreath of English Ivy and pink roses to express their sympathy in his bereavement ONLY TWENTY AGO 10 cows Ladies wore bustles Surgical operations were rare Nobody had seen a silo Nobody had appendicitis Nobody wore while shoes Nobody sprayed Cream was live cents a pint Most young men had livery bills You never heard of a Tin Liz Doctors wanted to see your tongue Nobody cared for the price of gasoline Farmers came lo town for their moil The hired drew onefifty a week Tne butcher threw in a chunk of liver Folks said pneumatic tires were a Nobody listened in a tele phone There wore no electric motors People bought English spar rows were birds Jules Verne was the only con vert lo the submarine You stuck tubes in your oars to hear a phonograph and it dime member of the club who happen ed in waller enough responded Chairman Perks You Mpultpn we have rented pret tiest on this street and although our membership is lim ited lo eight vo purpose lo the club in town Ours you know is a club whose mem bers room and lake their meals hero Well each man is sup posed to furnish his own room and it is that every slick of furniture brought here shall bo in keeping with the elegance of Ihe place Now what do you think Walter Martin a lodklhgjchop who has a Job in the hank and goes with the best girls in town applied for membership was elected and has engaged a room When his furniture carno Ihi you would have thought it a of Junk an old scratched puttied dresser and a rickety rocking- chair and among other things an old cowhidecovered trunk with some of the spotted hair on the outside of the trunk Now do you think can put up with such stuff i dont want any wad or dealer next lo my room blurted Hay Stamps before lon could reply to Perks It seldom pays to say all thinks dryly marked Simon Hard well glancing rebukingly to- ward Stamps At that moment Waller Martin came in was introduced lo the or two boys lie bad not pre viously met and then proceeded to his room to prepare for din ner Some looks lo that chap re marked Hardy Clem the moment Martin was out of hearing dis tance J And some looks to his furni ture added Stamps sneeringly In a few minutes as Martin came smiling down the stairs ho called out Fellows you must excuse me for detaining you this evening Tomorrow is the first and we had lo work fact Is I have to go back to the bank tonight give you my promise however that I shall nol be tail lo the Chesterfield horns either y whispered Stamps to the fellow at his left Martin observ ed the whisper and the accom panying smirk but ignored Ihe matter During the dinner which was elegantly served by Tames he butler Waller Martin was scru tinized by the other seven mem hers of the club They all ob served that his manners were el egant that he was well informed and that he spoke well or not all all people who were discussed at the meal After dinner when Martin had refurned to the bank a lively dis cussion arose concerning the new member affirmed He is all right furniture or no fur niture Stamps responded And the furniture is all wrong Martin no Martin After all opinions bad been ex- pressed and most of them favored Martin Porks remarked It wouldnt be so bad fellows if be had moved in after dark Why I saw the and the Whalcys and Livingstones looking quizzic ally across street when that junk was being carried in at our front door I would have bad the van go lo back door and un load the stuff pretending it was for fames but the men had most of it in the house and upstairs he- fore I came in Well observed ho philo sophical heller a fif tydollar man before a fivedollar dresser than a fivedollar man before a fiftydollar dresser Phew I steamed Stamps my dresser cost dollars Five down and a dollar a month chuckled Dick Price as he dodged behind Ihe victrola lo avoid a sofa pillow that Stamps flung at him Come out Price called Tom Ellis from the cozy corner where he was lounging Ill lick Slamps for you if be starts any rough house Finally it was decided lo leave the entire matter of Walter Mar tin and his furniture in the bands of Stacy Love President of club Love bad suggested that ho thought ho could solve problem to the satisfaction of all parties and without wounding feelings The following- Sunday after noon when Love and went lo Martins room for a chat he cordially invited them in On entering the room they observed la of Our carry and at Present Time can from to DELAY io uuww for There of of at Any and for monarTd Children lutojy UptODate icr Guarantee I of Pair Moulton and Love look the proffered chairs while they look ed inquiringly at each other for judging from the position in which they had found the Iwo chairs Martin had somo visitor Who the visitor could be had no idea Tho smallest mem ber of the club weighed ono hun dred and fifty pounds and no wo man or child had been seen lo enter or leave the house Seeing the puzzled expression op the faces of the visitors Mar tin haltingly remarked Pardon mo follows for mentioning such a sacred thing That Is my moth ers chair She has been dead years but I cant part with her chair On Sunday afternoons and other limes when I am lonely I like to sit beside her chair close my eyes and fancy she is still hero You may think it strange fellows but sometimes feci she really sits in that chair and gives good ail vice just as she used to Seeing the tears start In eyes of Martin neither of vis itors attempted to speak Both sal motionless gazing first rickety rocker and then at scratched dresser between the open window and the door and then at cowhide covered trunk on which Martin sat at the foot of the bed I While I am about it contin ued Martin clearing his voice I may as well tell why I prefer the old dresser to fine new one such as I see in the rooms of the other members and why I keep that old unsightly trunk That was my mothers dresser it was her best piece of furniture When I was a little fellow I made that long scratch you see on this end of the dresser With putty and varnish mother Iried to fix it Oc I like to look at lhatj scratch and recall bow mother used to rnend my bumped head or broken heart with a kiss And this old trunk on which I am sil ling concluded Martin with a smile that vas half a sigh was my mothers and her mothers and her mothers it contains family pictures and letters that are as dear lo me as my two eyes IT i ESTABLISHED Till iccfoUa4 Is iL today If Iota to our local a NEWMARKET BRANCH M SMYTH Manager are The conversation drifted to other topics and the three young men greatly enjoyed the after noon together That evening before Martin came down from his room Lovoj and Moulton told the other mem bers about his furniture Im going to write lo my step mother and ask her lo send mei my mothers dresser declared J Hay Stamps brushing the tears from his gray eyes And if the membership of our club should grow added Edward Perks Im going to ask Walter Martin lo lei me room with him That evening James had to ring the dinner bell a second time to got the members of Ihe Chester- field Club from the sitting room where Dick Price played the pii and his seven companions joined him wholeheartedly in singing God boss you and keep you Mother Machrec 4 to go to Country IPtaurs on call up i PHONE 68 Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Service A BOYD Prop Wight Calls on Phono Promptly Attended io I I i If i Live Stock Markets Top prices paid In Toronto this week Choice Exp or I Steers Choice Cattle Medium Butcher Cattle Choice Blockers Medium Good Milkers Springers Choice Veal Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep Hogs off ears 1150 1300 1400 a mm two chairs silling side by sidelOccse Toronto Markets lb New Laid Eggs lb Chickens lb- Ducks lb tOODO CLOTHING AND near an window chair was an old rickety rocker other a new straight one On the window therewas a tall slim vase containing one longstem med fullyblown white rose were two of Hie new chairs in Ihe room When Martin invited his visit ors to be sealed and Moulton was about to occupy the rocker the host hurriedly offered him one of the straight chairs explaining Dont trust yourself in that chair is veryold and frail doubt if it would support a hun dred pounds Fall Wheat bush Goose Wheal bush Oats bush Barley hush Timothy Hay Ion Mixed Hay ton AT- Slit Newmarket Markets Butler lb New Laid Wheat per bush Oats bush Barley hush Bran ton ton 72 212 OS Starts Saturday And will contlnuo till Nov Years Come down of our I I It will u pay you Wo are- selling out for Lots than you can buy them Wholesale a Gum Stocky If purchase worth of wo Refund your Railway ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO wEe9bB

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