Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 14 Dec 1917, p. 4

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v y- AY I -t- j It is hard- to believe that a cup of good rich tea only costs fifth of a bent but Red Rose consists chiefly of Assam teas the richest strongest teas in the world Red Rose easily yields to the pound a tea of Sunns its rare economy and flavor Kept Good by the Sealed Package Hiifii www I And Means in Your Home WHAT a glorious Christmas it would if you could Anna Case and Thomas Chalmers and Arthur Mlddletbn your spend holiday right In your own home and sing for you whenever you wish I i iiV o he genius A you can have the enjoyment of their voices not only for Christinas but the 10 a reproduce the human voice with such fidelity and accuracy that no hufnan car can detect a shade of difference between the living and the New Edison their volets Before hundreds of audiences been conducted the lone lest In the tings alone then suddenly stops leaving the New Edison to continue the Thirty different have made the lest before more than a million to people And not one of this vast audience hat been able to tell except by watching the sinters lips when the voke and the New Edison began- At a Christmas gift what could equal this wonderful Instrument It means a richer fuller life a permanent pass to theatre and opera house- an Introduction to alt the music of all the world Come to cur store and let show you how Mr Edison has succeeded In He Creating the human voictaud music 10 J iL Si- appears to be a of opinion amonfc enumerators of this on to who entitled to bo added to the liala and to volo at the forthcoming elections Will you give mo by return if answer to the foliowinfr which may servo as a guide to scrutineers Are Indians entitled to vote If so- on what ditions Are Indian vomon to vote If so on what conditions the enumerators authority to add tho names of any men to the lists of being no municipality of a population approaching in this Riding military electors quartered in tho Newmarket Military Hospital for suffering from mental trouble right to vote If so tho right to vote in this in cases where their place of prior to en listment other this Riding If auch military right lo vote when and how and Kvhero is their franchise to bo exercised is it to bo assumed that enlistment constitutes an American citizen a British as to such Amer ican citizen to a voto military elector If so what the conditions governing his franchise Is something more than the oath of allegiance taken at tho of moiit necessary to a man a British subject pro vided that up to tho time of bis joining thoCanadian forces he was an American citizen Have who woro not affected by the Ordor- inCouncil of the right to voto If have who disqualified religious grounds the right to volo if they have sons or brothers or daughters with Can adian forces overseas 7 Have Quakers other than men who asked for exemption from military on conscientious grounds right to volo All of these points arisen with rospect to names either added or omitted from the lists of as revised by the enumerators vory truly Mackenzie King J with trouble chil drens loud talking I just tear thing to pieces over end feel that 1 not to to mo times E Compound cad Liver Pills mo to health end I wont to thank for good thoy mo I hod bit of trouble end worry but ltdoca not my youth ful looks My friends say Vhy do look so young and well I it nil to Mrs Stofiel Moore Avenue Pork Wo wish woman who Buffers from troubles nervousness or tlxo blues could see let ters written by women made well by Vegetable Compound If you have symptom about which would to to Medicine Co Lynn Mass given To Every of nQMBWADBBAK Our Favorite mill Five Rose Flour GOOD Right Give Us a Call I OLIVER DIKE OAOn Phono Vj I J to Price COAL r mi MI I MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH DRE80ED J Newmarket Out OTTAWA Was Duo to German Plot Concord C Dee in his own defence today at his trial for murder of Mrs Maude A King Means told the story of his activities as a German agent and declared and reported to the the German plot to hum the Capitol at Ottawa restore to a dictatorship of Mexico bring on war between Mexico and the li S arid at the same Hum fiLirt a peace propaganda This information Means testified liegathered while working for a priv ate detective agencys German clients hut under the express stipulation thai he would report any information of value to the Government Means- said lie told Secretary Dan iels that the munition plant destruc tion plot involved men who were wil ling because of their loyalty to to walk Into and blow up the plants giving their lives in act and numbers of explosions had thus occurred Ho told Secretary he aid of the plot burn the Capitol at Ottawa four weeks before it occur red and told Just how it was to he done caVried out as lie had forecasted Means declared I- J That Snare till The tiling to do fust is to STOP THE PAIN If you have neuralgia quinsy or some other painful you have not been living right you have not been eating the right food or you have been doing something you should not do Nature will cure you if you vill give it a chance but in the meantime STOP THE PAIN Pain Ex terminator will do it and do it quickly If its a toothache STOP THE PAIN with Hirsts Then the tooth fixed If burns fcinains or oilier from accident STOP THE PAIN with I do the rest and do it quicker if STOP THE PAIN Hirst Pain Exterminator a a bottle SOLI BY ALL WRST REMEDY CO OFFICIO OF THE SECRETARY OF STATIC 511 December Mackenzie King I a Dear Sir I have your letter of In answer to your various taking in order as put by you I Bpeotfully nay as follows apart from qualifications as military electors are by the law of Ontario entitled voto if they are living off the reservation and not in receipt of treaty rnonicB If living on a reservation whether or not in receipt of treaty moneys they not entitled to If living off and in of treaty moneys they arc not entitled to vote Under the military voters act an Indian who comes within the definition of a military elector as sup plied by that Act may vote at a military poll or if he is a discharged military elector ho may volo under Section Subsection of the Military Voters Act upon compliance with tho terms of that Subsection at a civil poll Whether Indian women aro entitled to vole is de pendent upon the determination as to whether Indian men are entitled to vote demand as to men adopts the provincial qualifications of voters For this reason only Indians qualified under the law of Ontario may vote at the Dominion Elections As to women qualifications must be same as to age race and residence as those of men This provision of Dominion Elections Act is of a general char acter It does not aim particularly at Indian women How ever Indian women arc subject to it like white women Take the case of a woman capable of voting by the Do minion Elections Act but nevertheless required to bo qualified as to age race and residence as if she were a male person This is what the Dominion Elections Act required- The Indian woman as lo ago and residence wo will presume is qualified But as lo race she is an Indian An man who is in receipt of treaty money or is resident on a reservation is not entitled to vote The same Conditions will effect an Indian woman It is not intended that women should be given greater privileges than those accorded to men Understand clearly that what the Dominion Elections Act as amended by the War Time Election Act does is to confer upon certain women relatives of soldiers capacity lo vote they must find their qualifications in the Act as well These qualifications it has been stipulated shall be the same as those of men so far as ago race and residence are con- corned It is very plainly indeed stated at of the official instructions that the enumerators in rural districts of the Province of Ontario have no authority to add the name- any men to the lists for the purposes of provincial elections had been list prepared under the legislation of the Province of Ontario which ruled immediately preceding amendments lo that which the Ontario Legislation made in the Spring of this present year Section paragraph is very specific to the same effect I do not understand how anybody who does pot wish to read Section para graph in a manner otherwise than Parliament intended possibly give to tho wording of that section any other con than that its operation is confined exclusively to the enumeration of voles of female persons Military electors who are within a hospital which is devoted to Iho care of mental troubles are not t because of their presence in such place debarred of their right to vote if at the time they vote they are able to appreciate what are about Anything may be done by the most insane person during a lucid interval Military in such institu tions if they vole at all must like all other military electors apply for votes to the electoral district lo which pursuant to the provisions of Section of the Military Voters Act their voles can in law be applied Those who so to speak be longed lo your Riding will apply their your Riding those who belonged to other Ridings will apply them to the Ridings to which they so belonged prior to Uieir entering into military service Other votes will bo disposed of according to the procedure laid down in the Military Voters Act It would bo rewriting the Act for mo to say anything more here Doubtless you have the Act and can look up procedure yourself Enlistment in the Canadian forces does not make of an American citizen or any other foreign citizen a subject Only British subjects may vote as military electors The definition of a military elector Act makes this plain as day The Dominion Elections Act as amended disqualified all save and except those saved from disqualifica tion by paragraph of Section upon compliance- the of paragraph- Quakers other than those who have asked for ex emption from military service on conscientious Rounds are not Act No person is disqualified by the on ground whole appiicaUusj refused Comments of Exchanges Equity or thirtyeight female rculdents of vill have the right to vole In the corning election by reason of the boys who have done and ore do ing their hit overseas In the great of democracy and when the radius of the town limits in extend ed a few miles the number of women entitled to the franchise Is materially Increased This is one section of Quebec province at least that can not be fairly charged with having shirked enlistment when the volun tary was In vogue Slrncoe In the general election of the total votes cast for the two old political were Conservative Lib eral majority 34391 There at the present up wards of hundred thousand Canadian soldiers overseas These soldiers it is estimated have at the very least half a million wives moth ers and sisters armed with the bal lot We leave it to any practical politician to flgure on the respective chances of the Union Government and Us opponents on polling day Statesman Fanners around Port Hope must be very near the profiteer fraternity If the Guides be correct Citizens of that hillside burg vMh their keen vigor ous to be deprived of their spuds must be truly a great hard ship Port Hope Is practically with out potatoes and we learn on good jlhoiUy that fanners in this fiection have tons of potatoes stored away and refuse lo sell Ihern at any price Day after day farmers appear before the Exemption buna on of their sons and point out the great necessity of pro ducing and argue that if their boys are taken production will beat a standstill What advantage is there In producing if they refuse to sell the products Every farm has practical ly become a cold storage plant Toronto Saturday night The mismanagement of our man power in connection with the war has been such that nothing that can bo will ever repair damage Muzzling would probably be the most ef fective method of still accom plishing something but of course his will not bo done but asking the Liberal leader to share the responsibilities of Conservative mismanagement was rather a idea The only trouble Is that the old man saw the point of hook and concluded not to bile THE HOLY CITY HOW in hands of Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pine Ash and Oak and Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doob In Pino Fir or Oak that will Interest you Kindly trial at mm i ft M NEWMARKET OP ALL KINDS OP LUMBER CEMENT I M FEEDS from Phono or by Carters Terry Man- or Allan Yours truly F OConnor London Dec Andrew Law chancellor of the exchequer an nounced in the House of Commons today that Jerusalem after being surrounded on all sides by British troops had surrendered The chancellor British French and Mohammedan representatives were the way to Jerusalem to holy places General Altenby reported that on Saturday be attacked the enemys south and west of Jerusalem the chancellor said Welsh and Home County troops advancing from the di rection of Bethlehem drove back the enemy and passing Jerusalem on the east established themselves on the road At same London Infantry and dis mounted yeomanry attacked strong enemy positions west and northwest of Jerusalem and placed themselves astride the JerusaletnSchechem The Holy City being thus isolated surrendered to General capture of Jerusalem had been delayed lo soma degree added the chancellor In consequence of care that had been taken to avoid damage to the sacred places in end around the city The capture of by the forces marks the end with two brief Interludes of more tit possession of the seat of the Christian by the dan For the Holy City he in undisputed ownership of lhlaa Christian iuh of Jerusalem laaUoji to r of this famous are sent to the sailors and aviators at the front If you have a friend there see that every parcel or letter contains a few bars or a package of WRIGlVS the great chew ing confection that is used mound the world It It helps tettb appetite digestion Sealed tight v The LbsW i tlVES OP i j TORONTO jilyfQg M 5lS

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